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Helping a Friend...

Posted on Sat Jan 22nd, 2022 @ 1:04pm by Callie Marshall & Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: ISS VENGEANCE, Anderson's quarters
Timeline: MD 03 / 2006 hours
2215 words - 4.4 OF Standard Post Measure

** WARNING ** This post contains adult content. ***


A few moments after stumbling out of the bar, Cassie finally managed to steer Johnathan back to his cabin.

As they entered, the computer activated the light and audio settings that Johnathan had programmed in. The lights were raised to only sixty percent illumination and classical music, Mozart at the moment, started to play at a quiet level.

"Be it ever...ever so hum...humble..." Johnathan uttered quietly.

“Actually it’s quite welcoming” Callie offered a smile. “Let’s sit you down...over here.” She helped him to the sofa falling down onto it with Jonathon, she offered an embarrassed smile as she landed right on top of him, giving him an eye full down the front of her dress. “Err...sorry.”

Even in his stuper, Johnathan could still appreciate a beautiful woman. "That was your plan, huh?" He gave her a drunk grin. "Help me back to my cabin, and seduce me into losing my virginity?"

As if saying the words seemed to sober him up slightly, his grin dropped away and he blushed. "I...I...I mean..."

Callie grinned. “I’m all up for some fun, but I’ve never taken advantage of a guy who's drunk.” She stood up. “Let’s get you sobered up some and then I can help you.”

Still blushing heavily, Johnathan sat up and said, "Please ask the replicator for hangover remedy number seven."

Callie nodded and walked over to the replicator, returning a couple of minutes later with remedy number seven. “Here you go” She handed it over before taking a seat beside Johnathon. “Were you serious? You’ve never been with a woman before?”

Johnathan took the package and took it open, revealing a hypo with a vile filled with blue fluid. Without hesitating, he pressed the hypo to his neck and injected himself. The results were near instantaneous. "Whoa!" He exclaimed as he seemed to sober up immediately. "That is some potent shit!" He chuckled softly and stood, returning the package and the now empty hypo to the replicator. Both items vanished in a flash. Turning back to face Callie, he leaned against the edge of the table next to the replicator and nodded bashfully, unable to look her in the eyes.

"Yeah," he replied in a whisper. "I'm still a virgin. I guess you think I'm either pathetic or weak for it being the case."

Callie shook her head. “No, I don’t. I haven’t been with that many guys myself. I’ve kind of been letting myself loose since I came onboard...but only with one guy! Just incase you thought I meant...” she stopped herself. “You don’t need to be embarrassed around me, I was the one who came here to help you. It was to help with those bad memories, but if there’s anything else you’d be interested in...” She moved across to the sofa and sat down waiting to see if Johnathon would join her.

For a few beats, Johnathan seemed unsure of himself. Then, slowly, he moved to the sofa and sat down next to her. "I...I'd be lying if I said that I didn't think you were stunningly beautiful." He kept rubbing his knees with his palms, feeling totally shy and bashful in that moment.

Callie smiled, she could see and sense his nervousness. “Thank you, you know you don’t have to be shy. what comes naturally, you’ll be surprised how easy it is.” She leant closer, giving Johnathon a romantic kiss.

Johnathan was surprised by both the suddenness of the kiss and it's power. He didn't do anything at first. Then, he relaxed into the kiss and started to give back as good as he got. Reaching out, he slowly slid his arms around Callie, pulling her into his lap.

Callie hadn’t been planning a romantic interlude, but while the offer was there she wasn’t going to refuse. That, and the fact that she didn’t want to disappoint Johnathon. As their lips parted she smiled as she looked into his eyes. “Wow! That was some first kiss, it’s up to you how far you want this to go.”

"I..." he was at a loss for words. While he knew the mechanics, he had zero practical knowledge. "I don't know what to do. Will you...teach me?"

Callie nodded. “If that’s what you want, like I said just do what comes naturally. Don’t be afraid to explore.” She encouraged him to run his hands over her body guiding him to help her out of her dress. As he lowered the zip for her she let the dress slide off her shoulders revealing her lacy bra and lack of any underwear!

When he saw that, Johnathan's eyes locked on her center. A rather noticeable bulge started to form in his pants as well.

Callie noticed the change immediately. She smiled as she helped him out off with his shirt, leaning in for another more passionate kiss as she guided his movements. She sighed as she felt his fingers tracing along her skin. “Don’t be afraid...explore me.”

Slowly, his fingers moved to her bra-covered breasts. Gently, he started to squeeze each one, then, moving his hands behind her to undo the hooks, freeing her from the garment.

Callie was excited and it showed, she was enjoying every moment of Johnathon’s exploration. “That’s it, let yourself go.” She ran her fingers lower moving over his lower abdomen and slowly lower.

Leaning closer to her, Johnathan took hold of Callie's right beast in his left hand and lowered his mouth to it.

Callie let out a quiet moan, Jonathon was pleasuring her just the way she liked. She gently ran her fingers through his hair encouraging him to enjoy himself.

Spurred on by her touch, Johnathan slowly knelt down in front of Callie, kissing his way down her smooth skin. He then gently had her spread her legs slightly, and started to kiss and suck on her most sensitive area.

Callie gripped the sofa as she let out a louder moan, Johnathan wasn’t inexperienced anymore. “Ohhh yes Johnathan!” She encouraged him onward her fingers running through his hair.

Slowly, Johnathan's ministrations increased in both speed and veracity. He soon started to devour Callie much like a starving man who was suddenly presented with a full buffet.

Callie’s vocalisations increased as well, letting Johnathan know just what an expert job he was doing. Her breathing increased and she suddenly threw back her head crying out his name as he drove her right up to and over the edge into a powerful climax.

After a few beats, the young pilot pulled back and looked up at Callie, a wicked smirk slowly filling his face. "I take it you enjoyed that?"

Callie lifted her head and nodded. “Are you kidding! That was...Wow!!” She grinned like the proverbial Cheshire Cat. “So how’s about...” She stood up and held out her hand. “We go to the bedroom? There’s lots more where that came from.”

Taking her offered hand, Johnathan stood and allowed her to pull him to his bed. A hungry grin started to cross his face.

As they both landed on the bed together, Callie worked her way down Johnathan’s chest. She paused long enough to help him off with his trousers and underwear, letting him free. Her fingers ran over his length as she lay next to him and gave him a passionate kiss.

Feeling her touch him, Johnathan moaned into Callie's mouth. He had never realized that feeling someone else touch him would feel so much more intense than when he touched himself. He quickly became totally aroused under her gentle grasp.

“Mmm enjoying it I see” Callie smiled. She considered teaching him with her lips but being his first time he probably wouldn’t last to enjoy it. “I think you’re ready” Callie smiled as she lay back on the bed encouraging Johnathon on top of her. “Don’t be afraid, just let yourself go. You’ll know what to do.” Her hands slid down his back encouraging him to move.

Slowly, Johnathan moved into position between Callie's spread legs. After positioning himself properly, he slowly slid his entire length deep inside of her, gasping and moaning at the new sensation.

Callie moaned, Johnathon wasn’t a virgin anymore and he was definitely enjoying their lovemaking. She kissed him passionately with fire as she encouraged him to move his hips. Raising her legs higher around his hips to allow him deeper access.

Grunting heavily, Johnathan started to move against Callie like a man possessed. The speed and power of his thrusts increasing to surprising levels. Of course, due to his inexperience, he didn't know that that change would also shorten his longevity. In moments, he tightened up and after letting out a primal guttural sound, he released everything he had built up, inside of Callie.

Callie couldn’t help but smile as she held onto Johnathon, he was surprisingly powerful which had made the experience all the more enjoyable. “’re not a virgin anymore!” She grinned before kissing him, relaxing her legs to allow him to move if he wanted to.

Still trying to catch his breath, Johnathan sagged down against Callie, planting soft kisses on her neck and lips. "That was.....I mean....WOW!!" He had an excited grin on his face as he spoke. " it always like that?"

“Ohh there are times when it’s better!” Callie grinned. “You’ve barely scratched the surface of the enjoyment you can have.” She rolled on her side and cuddled up with him. “I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

Wrapping his arms around Callie, Johnathan asked, worry in his voice. "I...I didn't hurt you, did I? When we...were together, it felt...ummm...really tight."

Callie shook her head. “No, you didn’t hurt me John. It’s just that I...haven’t been with that many men before.” She allayed his fears.

"Oh.." he thought about that for a moment, then said, "Thank you for being my first." He was smiling warmly as he spoke.

“Thank you for choosing me to be the one.” Callie smiled the biggest smile yet. “Anytime you want to learn more, I’m always happy to oblige.” She had to admit she liked Johnathan, he was caring and considerate.

Feeling a renewed burst of energy, Johnathan smiled and asked, "How about now?" There was an unmistakable hunger in his eyes as he spoke.

“Already?” Callie giggled. “You certainly have some energy!” She nodded as she leant closer whispering a few naughty ideas to him before kissing him with renewed passion.

A heavy growl vibrated deep in Johnathan's chest as he returned Callie's kiss. After a few minutes, he looked at her like a predator looking at it's next meal. "Get on your hands and!"

“Yes Sir!” Callie did as she was told, moving onto her hands and knees she waited. “Are you enjoying being in control of me? I prefer not to be in control of everything in my life.”

Moving up behind her, Johnathan reached forward and took a firm hold of her long blonde hair. He then jerked her head back. "Did I give you permission to speak?" There was a new power to his voice. It wasn't malicious, just growing into the perfect blend of master and lover.

Callie was taken by surprise but she enjoyed it nonetheless. “No Sir!" She responded like an obedient slave would to
her master.

Her rapid reply seemed to pacify the pilot some. He relaxed his grip on her hair and, after getting the angle right, slowly re-entered her. While she still felt tight against him, he quickly found a speed and power that seemed to work best for them.

For the next three hours, they would alternate between making love and resting. They tried several different positions and styles. Each one feeling as perfect as the one before.

Finally, they laid together, limbs intertwined, as they both tried to catch their breaths, while being tangled in the bedcovets and laying on the deck of his bedroom.

"Holy shit!" He gasped, sweat covering his body as he held onto her.

“My thoughts...exactly!” Callie nodded as she lay entwined with Johnathan, she’d never met anyone with stamina like it before. “ you get all your energy?” She grinned. “I swear I’m not going to be able to walk in the morning!”

He grinned as he replied. "I'm glad that I made you feel that way. I have always been that way, full of energy. And the more exited I get, the more energized I become."

“Well you’ve certainly worn me out!” Callie stifled a yawn. “This is one night I’m not going to forget anytime soon.”

"Nor I," he replied happily. Stretching to his left, he grabbed the pillows that had been knocked to the deck during thir activities. Giving one to Callie, he took the other, putting it under his head. He then held her close to him, enjoying the afterglow.



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