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"We're off to see the Wizard!: Part 2"

Posted on Fri Aug 19th, 2022 @ 10:06pm by

Mission: The Talaxian Run
Location: Alexandria II, enroute to Talaxian space
Timeline: Mission Day 1 at 1200
6694 words - 13.4 OF Standard Post Measure

The hatch cycled open and Kae stepped out into a small entrance way. The smell of rusty metal and dust filtered through the air. Someone needed a cleaning drone. She thought as she stepped to the side for Micheal to walk past her. She pulled the collar up on the trench coat she was wearing and buttoned it up carefully. She carried a phaser in her coat pocket and a knife up her sleeve.

Micheal stepped forward, into the station proper, and scowled his best Klingon frown. Looking around, he could see that the facility, at least part of it, was barely maintained. If this was how the rest of this society treated its technology, then the Vengeance would be able to steam through with little difficulty.

As there was no form of welcoming committee to greet them, Micheal growled to Kaleigh. “Let’s go, slave.” He then turned left and started to follow what looked like directional arrows, which had originally been painted on the opposite bulkhead, but now looked faded and nearly covered in grime. The arrows, he surmised, would lead them into the common area of the station. Perhaps there they would encounter someone who was, at the very least, an agent of whomever operated this small starbase.

At his back she rolled her eyes and followed him, glad they were alone for now. But she kept her eyes downcast and followed closely.

A few moments later, they stepped through a blast door, and entered the promenade. Micheal looked around, seeing a few different vendors, he saw what looked like an official kiosk. "Let's see what we can find out over there."

Kaleigh nodded “Yes sir” she said softly. As they moved over to the Kiosk she noted several beings eying them off. She knew however that the sharp blades Micheal wore would warn them off.

Behind the Kiosk a bulbous alien stood, with a long snout. He snorted through the snout and their translators translated it, just ”What brings strangers here?

Micheal blinked his right eye and then, in perfect Imperial Klingonese, started to speak, the alien's translator changing it again. "I am Captain Krag jub'CHU'koon, of the Imperial Klingon war freighter Death Merchant. I am here to seek new opportunities in both trade and information. Who are you?"

"I am T'reit. I am the head information broker here. I run the information and bounty exchange. Trade is not done here. But bounties, information on certain markets.." here his bulbous eyes focused on the bent head behind the newcomer... "Are in my purview. For a price."

Micheal saw how the alien looked at Kaleigh and without warning, his left hand shot out and grabbed hold of the creature's throat, squeezing just enough to get his attention.

Pulling the alien closer to him, he snarled, baring his sharpened teeth. "If you wish to keep your eyes in your head, they will not stray to my property again! Are we understanding one another?"

T'reit gurgled but nodded. Yes" he gasped out. "No offense meant, just you have a discerning eye. Such merchandise is found at exclusive markets."

Micheal leaned a little closer and growled. "Should you or anyone decide to look on my property as a deal they can barter for, rest assured, I will skin you alive and decorate my ship with your hide." He held the alien for a beat or two longer, then released him back into his kiosk.

"Now," Micheal said, changing the subject. "Where can a warrior get a drink on this station?"

The alien took a breath, it rattled through his snout. "There is a bar down that way. But it is for Bounty Hunters. The other bar is one floor up." He said nervously. "But,.. they don't allow... females in." he said in a rush at the end.

Micheal considered the options. Then, he made his decision. "They will today. They will, or they will die. And not by my hand." He leaned in and waved the alien closer, seeming to want to speak quietly to him.

T’reit cautiously moved closer.

"Tell me, have you heard of the new military force in the quadrant? Goes by the name, Shadow Fleet? They are led by a tyrannical overlord, Captain Ivan Petrov, the Butcher of Rakal V."

The alien shook his head and snorted “No. No one has reported them. The powers around here are the Haakonians, the Vidiians and some distant Kazon sects.” Here the alien snorted again, “not that the Kazon are much of a threat.”

"Well, if you have not heard of them yet, you soon will. They chased my group from the Alpha Quadrant to this area of the galaxy, my armada was numbered in the thousands, but they still came at us, their firepower was spectacular! By the end of the first day, only a dozen ships, on both sides remained. And that's when we were brought here." Micheal paused for a breath then continued.

"Within days of arriving, they not only eliminated the rest of my ships, but they also defeated and killed the Caretaker, completely wiped out the Ocampan race and has started ďismantle the Kazon Nistrum! I highly advise you, if they come this way, you should surrender on the spot and pledge loyalty to them."

The alien listened to the alien talking to him. "The Haakonians fear very little." He replied. " Why should they care?"

"Why? Because the Haakonians haven't faced the Terran Empire before. This Shadow Fleet? They're just the beginning." Micheal paused, suddenly remembering something that the Haakonians would fear.

"The Terran Empire is so strong," he looked around and then leaned in closer. "They have fought and enslaved the Borg! The Shadow Fleet has Borg crew members that are completely loyal to Captain Petrov."

”What are Terrans? Do they have weaknesses? T’reit queried. He wanted more information so he could sell it to the highest bidder.

"Terrans, are a species of humanoids that went from a devastated people, to conquering nearly all of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants of this galaxy in less than two hundred years. They are a power that will defeat any foe who stands before them. Like I said, they completely wiped out the Ocampa species, with a single weapon launch." He looked at the alien with incredulity "Don't believe me? Send a probe to the Ocampan Homeworld. Then you'll see just how dangerous the Terran Empire is."

T’reit shrugged. ”Not my department. I simply sell the information. He tilted his head at the alien. “The Borg is a good thing, but they have been quiet of late. I will pass on your information to the other brokers, you will get a fee for it.”

Micheal grunted. "How much?"

T’reit reached for a pile of paper and handed one to him. ”If it checks out, we double” the paper showed an amount in crystal chips.

Micheal looked at the chit, then back up. "Triple it. My information is more than good."

”We shall see.” T’reit replied. ”No one will give you better.”

"Well, find out quickly. I started to get a glimpse of the Shadow Fleet on my long range sensors a few days ago. They are coming. You best prepare yourself, fair warning. They do not take kindly to disrespect." He grabbed the chit. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm hungry and need resupply."

T’reit nodded ”Good Luck” he said and snorted again as he studied the pair. He did not however linger his gaze on the smaller figure.

"Luck is the only constant in the universe," Micheal chuckled. "Now, whether it's good or bad? That just depends on which end of the painstick you are." He nodded and turned away, heading for the bar on the deck above. It sounded like a more reputable establishment. Besides, no one would dare refuse him and his pet.

His pet fell in behind him without a word, she had been taking surreptitious scans of the area as she had waited. Now she stayed close and quietly whispered “Being watched Master”

Micheal nodded without replying. His own internal sensors had picked that much up. "Prepare yourself," he whispered back. "But, please be careful, my love. Remember our baby."

“I am fine,” she whispered back. They climbed the rickety stairs. “They need a maintenance worker” She grumbled.

"They need more than that." He replied. "This place is being held together by spit and bailing wire."

They finally reached the entrance to the restaurant. Micheal started to enter, like he owned the place.

A burly guard in mismatched armor slung out an arm cutting off Kaleigh as she moved to follow him. “NO FEMALES!" He growled. His voice was rough and his face was covered in scars and pockmarks. She picked him as Kazon, but he looked like someone had carved flesh out of his face.

Micheal turned and grabbed the wrist of the offending arm with his left hand, and started to squeeze until bones began to crack. "Attempt to touch my property again, p'tagh, and I will rip this arm off and feed it to you." He continued to stare down the guard, his red left eye glowing brighter.

Kae had not moved; she merely watched as Micheal twisted the guard's arm.

The guard all but squealed like a pig in pain. He fell to his knees and gasped out “ARG.. The boss... he wont like it... females not allowed!”

Still holding the destroyed wrist, Micheal lifted the pathetic excuse for a guard up off his knees. "Then tell him that there is a new manager here. And I say, my property goes where I go, and I go where I want." He then tossed the guard back against the bulkhead and turned back toward the restaurant. He led Kaeligh inside and took up a table in the far corner, one that would provide excellent views of the interior and also give Kaleigh some physical protection, should someone be stupid enough to try something.

She took the seat he indicated and casually lowered the collar of her jacket. “Nice place” she muttered.

Around them people stared and a few low growls were heard.

"I don't know, a few throw pillows, a plasma grenade, place just might be cozy." Micheal joked quietly, as he had Rebecca quickly scan the room for any hidden weapons or traps. Aside from a rifle hidden behind the bar, there wasn't anything too dangerous around them. "Waiter!" He bellowed as he slammed his left hand down on the table, slightly denting it deliberately for the viewing displeasure of those around them.

The waiter was a talaxian who all but stumbled over to the table. He looked at Micheal and then at the female beside him before pointedly turning his back to her and saying “What do you want?” to him.

Micheal considered the Talaxian for a moment. "Two of your best dinners for me and my pet. Also a bottle of water."

“We don't feed females. One dinner and water will be brought.” the Talaxian said and headed for the bar.

Micheal pulled his d'ktang and hurled it at the waiter, pinning his jacket sleeve to a column as he was passing it. Micheal then rose and stalked over to the little man, towering over him as he grabbed his blade and jerked it from the wood. "I said, two of your best dinners, Talaxian," he growled menacingly. "Do not force me to repeat myself." He bared his fangs at him and growled again. "Otherwise, I will be forced to find something else to eat. Something not on the menu. Are we clear?"

The Talaxian stared at him and gulped and nodded.

Kaleigh, still seated, kept her eyes downcast and listened as the other patrons whispered between themselves.

After putting his blade away, Micheal gave a long, daring stare to the rest of the patrons. None would look him in the eye. Grunting to himself, he returned to his table and sat down, Kaleigh on his right side. While he put his left hand on the table, he secretly held onto her left hand with his right, under the table.

She squeezed his hand tightly as she edged closer to him. This was going to go south she knew, and she wanted to get this over with.

A few moments later, a thin, average-height Talaxian approached their table. He was flanked by two large, mean-looking Kazon. "I understand you feel my rules don't apply to you?" He spoke with the tone of someone used to getting his way.

Micheal looked at the man, clearly not concerned by his extra muscle. "Rules that force a warrior from being parted from such a lovely pet are not rules that I see fit to follow."

Kaleigh’s eyes were still downcast and she slid the phaser from her pocket slowly.

The two Kazon moved to flank the table now, one definitely aiming for Kaleigh.

"Now." Micheal spoke aloud, calmly. Suddenly, both Kazon were transported away, only to be brought back, though, not as two separate beings. As they materialized, they were merged together, screaming in agony for a few pitiful seconds, before dropping to the deck plating in a ruined pile of flesh and organs.

Kaleigh smirked though her head was down, her eyes had seen the results. Micheal and Rebecca certainly had the measure of these people.

Around the room, patrons were heading to the door. Not wanting the same treatment.

The owner looked like he had seen a ghost, his skin and spots had gone so pale.

"Now," Micheal began, sitting back in the booth like he owned the place. "Where were we?" He acted as if he had forgotten, then snapped his fingers. "Oh yes!" He then leveled his dangerous gaze at the owner. "I believe that you were about to apologize for the mistreatment of your new owner and also, bring me and my pet two of your best dinners, plus an unopened bottle of chilled, refreshing water. Right?"

One of the servers came over carrying two platters and a bottle as described. He hurriedly placed it down ignoring the still stunned owner.

Micheal smiled as he signaled that Kaleigh could begin to eat as he continued speaking. "Now, what is your name, Talaxian?"

"Cre-Crevalis…" The word barely came out.

"Crevalis….what?" Micheal growled slightly, indicating that he was waiting for something.

The Telaxian looked up at the dangerous alien and swallowed hard, clearly, his mouth had gone dry. "Crevalis, Sir?"

Micheal pursed his lips slightly, considering what he heard. Then, he nodded. "Sir will do for now." He then started to eat his dinner as he continued. "Tell me, Crevalis, have you heard of what happened to the Ocampa Homeworld?"

The Talaxian nodded “Ru-rumors sir.” His hands were trembling.

Micheal nodded slowly. "Well, I want you to tell your former masters that the rumors are true. I know, I saw it with my own…well….eye," he grinned at his own joke.

"Tell your former masters that the force that is responsible for the extinction of the Ocampan species, and the Caretaker alien that was supplying them with energy, is known as the Terran Empire. They have already conquered the Alpha and Beta Quadrants of this galaxy, and now they have set their eyes on the Delta Quadrant."

Micheal took another bit of his food and made an approving sound. He then looked over at Kaleigh. "Are you enjoying your meal, my pet?"

“Yes Master” She said in a soft submissive voice but her eyes were watchful.

"Good," Micheal replied, happily. He then looked back at the Talaxian. "The spearhead of the first wave of the Terran Empire is a man by the name of Captain Ivan Petrov. He commands the Empire's most advanced battleship, the ISS Vengeance. And he is coming this way. I strongly urge you to gather your brethren and prepare yourselves for his arrival. If you think I am dangerous, you have no idea the carnage that man is capable of."

He paused, then corrected himself. "Actually, you are aware. Tell your former masters one more thing. The devastation that was wrought on the Ocampans, was due to the fact that they kidnapped his daughter and were performing surgical experiments on her. After his strike team rescued her, he destroyed the Ocampans with a single weapon from his devastating arsenal. He can do much, much worse."

He took a drink of his water and gave the Talaxian a hard stare as he asked, "Well? Why are you still standing there?"

The now former owner scurried away speaking to another staff member to clean up the .... mess left by the new owner. The mess was slowly cleaned up.

Kaleigh finished eating and took a sip of the water she had poured for both of them. “Can you trust them to keep their distance?” she asked under her breath.

As Micheal took a sip, he replied quietly. "No, but, Rebecca has a transporter lock on both of us, should someone try to be stupid. She also just beamed an armed torpedo into the reactor housing of the station. If need be, after she pulls us out, she will detonate it, destroying everything and everyone here."

“Hmm wise lady she is” Kae whispered back. “So.. how will you ‘own this place’ while we go further into Talaxian space?”

He grinned slightly, as he gave her a sideways glance. "Still working that out, young lady," he whispered. "You're the brains of this outfit, what do you suggest?" His right eye glistened with humor as he spoke.

Her eyes flicked around the room. “Slave chips? Like the collars... only insert it into the base of their skulls. Rebecca can beam them in easily enough and if we leave a copy of her program here she can watch them.”

Micheal thought about it and nodded, he then asked Rebecca, who had been listening to the entire exchange since they left the ship, via her connection to Micheal's CPU, how soon she could be ready.

He was silent for a couple bets as he and Rebecca conversed.

Then, his right eye refocused on Kaleigh and he nodded. "She said that she can be ready to proceed by the time we finish eating our dinners."

“She is wonderful” Kae whispered as she sipped her water but she did not stop watching around the room.

A few moments later Crevalis returned, seemingly even more ashen. "S-sir…I beg your pardon. My…my former masters wish to s-speak to you." He held up a holo emitter.

Micheal nodded and indicated that the emitter could be placed on the table.

Once Crevalis set the small device down, he activated it, then stepped back a few paces.

The alien that appeared was gray haired and his face had numerous ridges and his nose seemed squashed back up. “I am Kee’Allth. Who are you to take over my establishment!?”

Micheal looked at the image of the alien. "Who I am is the Harbinger of your end. For too long now, you have ruled over the Talaxian people. I am here to free them from your oppression." He paused before continuing. "However, as I can be merciful, I will give you this one chance. Run. Run far, far away and hide. For if you are ever heard from again, then what occurred on the Ocampa Homeworld will be but a taste of what you and your world will endure."

He reached forward and picked up the emitter with his left hand. "The Terran Empire is coming. Any who stand in her way will wish they were given a quick death." He then crushed the emitter easily, tossing the ruined device away.

Crevalis looked at the device then back at the fierce looking alien who had taken over his life.

Micheal then stood and moved over to the shorter Talaxian. "Do you wish to live?"

“Y-yes..” He stammered out.

"Good," Micheal said with a feral grin. "Turn around."

Trembling Crevalis turned around.

When the terrified little man did as instructed, Micheal pressed the tip of his left index finger to the base of the man's skull. "Here."

An instant later, Rebecca had beamed in the device.

He cried out at the instant pain of the device’s insertion.

Micheal’s slave had to hide her small laugh at the pain they were feeling.

"That, my good Sir, is what will keep you alive while I am gone to gain more profits. So long as you run my businesses here loyally, then you shall know peace. However," he blinked and the tiny agonizer activated

The Talaxian screamed and collapsed to his knees.

After ten seconds, Micheal blinked again, ceasing the demonstration. "Painful, isn't it? That was only level one. Anger me enough and that device will kill you. Attempt to remove it, and it will kill you. Do we have an understanding?"

The Talaxian gasped out “Y-Yes Y-yes Sir”

Kaleigh sat there watching with a small smirk on her lips. Micheal was doing very well. And there was a part of her that was very turned on by her husband’s mastery of the alien scum.

Micheal nodded again. "Good. Now, as I said earlier, the Vengeance is coming.. when she and her fleet arrives, you will treat them as honored guests. Any profits this installation receives, from this day forward, will be split as follows: One, the top ten percent of all income will be held in a safe and secure account. I and my agents will be the only ones with clearance to draw from it. Next, make all necessary repairs and bring this facility back up to how it was when it was new. Three, of the remaining funds, you will pay the staff a wage that they can live on. Failure to follow these rules…" He blinked again.

The Talaxian was again on the ground writhing in pain and screaming.

A soft purr came from Kaleigh as she watched.

After a few more seconds, Micheal blinked again, deactivating the device. "I believe we understand each other?"

Crevalis staggered to his feet and said “Y-Yes Sir.”

"Good. Then assemble your entire staff for a meeting, down in the promenade. I will address them in one hour. Go."

He bowed and all but ran from the table.

Micheal watched him scurry away, then returned to the booth, putting his right arm up behind Kaleigh, allowing her to curl into him. "I'd say that went rather well, don't you, my dear?"

She glanced around the room, glad that they were all but alone and she slid her hand up his leg as she kissed his cheek. “My Master is very powerful and masterful” she said in a small submissive tone of voice.

A hungry growl rumbled deep in his chest when he felt her hand move up his thigh. "You always know how to please your master, my pet. That is why you are my favorite."

“I aim to please Master” Kae purred

Micheal nodded and smiled a feral smile. The few patrons that were brave enough to still be there, quickly remembered that they had other places to be, and left.

===One Hour Later===

As expected, the various workers of the installation, shopkeepers, service providers, technicians, all assembled in the promenade as Micheal had instructed. At the appointed time, he approached the railing on the walkway overlooking them all. The din of conversation slowly faded as each pair of eyes from below were aimed up at him.

Looking over them with a slight snarl, he let the silence hang for a few tense beats. "Hear me! And listen well! This station, and everything and everyone on it, now belong to me! I have deposed your former owners and I now offer you a simple choice. Live your lives in peace, in service to me and my agents ..or die right here, right now, horribly and painfully." He paused to let his words sink in. "Who chooses death?"

T’reit was silent at his booth, having heard what had happened to the guards in the Restaurant. He wanted nothing to do with fighting that man up there. He was about to say so when a black cloaked figure slipped before him and into the crowd as a loudmouthed Talaxian began to speak.

“I don't know you and I am not scared of some bumpy faced freak!” The Talaxian yelled at Micheal. Whatever else he could have said was cut off as a laser scalpel seared across the Talaxian’s throat. Blood spurted out and the talaxian collapsed the deck plates gurgling in death.

People around him drew back and stared. The slender black cloaked person shifted back into the crowd.

"Anyone else feel the same way as he did?" Micheal asked aloud, completely unphased by what just occurred.

A few others protested and each found their lives ended by the black wraith.

After 10 lay dead on the floor, the others gave up and one by one, they knelt to Micheal up on the balcony.

And the slender black wraith darted up the stairs and stood behind Micheal in silence, the laser scalpel dangling in long fine fingers.

"Good." He blinked and over the next five seconds, agonizer chips were beamed into each of their skulls. Once it was done, Micheal then said, "A small demonstration is in order." He blinked again.

The gathered crowd all collapsed in cries of pain as the agonizers activated.

"That is but a taste of what will happen, should you choose to defy me or my agents," he said after he had deactivated the agonizers. "Work well, and you will be treated well. Work badly, and you will die. Welcome to the Kae-Daph Conglomerate. While I am gone, Mister Crevalis shall run the day-to-day operations of this station. But mark my words, no one is indispensable here. Now, get back to work. My station is in poor condition. Your first assignment will be to clean it up and get it looking new again. Go."

They scattered like ants panicking in case the pain returned.

As they dispersed, Micheal quietly spoke to the wraith beside him. "Very nicely done."

Kaleigh smirked beneath the hood. "You are welcome, Master. Shall we leave? Or do you wish to spend the night cycle here?"

Micheal thought about it and replied. "Probably best to stay till morning, ensure that our workers are truly accepting their new duties." He turned to her and raised his right hand to lovingly caressing the left side of her face. "You have done well my wife. Return to our ship and work with Rebecca in locking down our facility. Change its transponder and put secure lock out security on its computer core and all vital systems. I shall join you in a few hours."

Smiling, Kae turned her face and pressed her lips to his palm. "Be safe Love" she whispered and then headed for Alexandria.

Micheal smiled softly as he watched Kaleigh move away, back to their home. He then began a quick tour of their new property, his internal sensors taking in everything that he couldn't see with his real eye.

Via his link to Rebecca, he spoke to her in his head. "Rebecca, can you hear me?"

“Yes Master. Do you require my assistance?” the AI said.

"Yes, I do," he replied as he continued on his inspection. "How long would it take you to upload a copy of your programming into the station's central computer? I want you to be able to ensure the loyalty of our new subjects, even when Kae and I are not here."

”Their Computers are.... pitiful” The AI replied disdainfully. ”But not long, an hour or so.” The AI paused ”Mistress has returned to the Alexandria.”

Micheal was glad for that news. "Good. Lock down the ship so no-one can get aboard. Work with Kaleigh to see if there's anything more we can do to secure this station for our uses. I'll be back to the ship when I finish my inspection.

”Yes Master,I will make sure it is secure and they are loyal.”

"Thank you," he replied. "As always, you are wonderful beyond words."

”Of course I am” the AI replied and cut the connection.

About ninety minutes later, after finishing his inspection, Micheal made his way back to the Alexandria II. After cycling through the hatches, he called out, "Honey! I'm home!"

Kaleigh came out of the living area. “So I see oh wonderful warrior of the Imperial Empire.”

Micheal grinned happily when he saw Kaleigh. "The natives seem to be falling in line. There weren't any more protestations against the new leadership." As he spoke, he moved to the weapons locker in the cockpit and started to place his various weapons inside.

Once he was done, he started to remove his klingon shirt, leaving him in just his pants and boots. "I could use a real drink. Pretending to be a lesser being is fucking exhausting!"

“I will get you a drink. Are you removing the lesser being look?” Kae asked as she headed to their small bar area.

Micheal reached up and touched his forehead ridges, the first time he had done so since they were put on. "I dunno, you seemed interested in being ravaged by an animal earlier," he said with a grin, baring his sharpened teeth.

She smiled over her shoulder as she mixed his drink. “Hmm true. I was curious about it. That's all Love” She was still bajoranized.

Micheal sighed and shook his head. "I can't, these teeth alone are cutting up my gums. Besides," he said as he stepped up behind her. "I'm still me where it counts." He leaned down and gently kissed the side of her neck, then paused there. "You know, I hear the Klingons used to mark their mates with a bite, back when they were prehistoric savages." He slowly breathed his hot breath on her exposed neck. "Is that what you want?" He asked with heavy breaths. "For me to mark you with these animal fangs?"

Kae turned in his arms and handed him his drink. “As interesting as that would be love of my life, I bet it hurts.” She teased.

He playfully clicked his fangs together and chuckled softly. He then took a heavy pull of his drink and said, "Then back to my old rugged handsome self it is, my love." He leaned down and gently kissed her, careful not to cut her full lips with his fangs

After straightening back up, he said aloud, “Rebecca, are you ready to return me to normal?"

“Yes Master, and the Mistress too?” the AI asked,

Micheal looked over at Kaleigh. "Dearest? Are you wanting to keep those ridges any longer?"

“Yeah would love to loose them.” She smiled.

Grinning, Micheal nodded. "Then this time, I insist. Ladies first." He playfully bowed and extended his long right arm towards the med bay.

“Hmm okay, but after this, I want to spend time with you” Kaleigh smirked and headed for the medical bay. “Come on Rebecca, let's remove the Bajoran from me.”

Chuckling as he stood back up, Micheal replied. "I will be all yours, Mrs Robertson."

"Of course, Mistress," Rebecca replied happily. "I must say, you do look far more attractive as you do normally." She then paused and stuttered a little. "I-I mean…I did-did not mean any dis-disrepect M-M-Mistress!" Her image started to jump a bit as she spoke.

“Rebecca” Kaleigh said softly. “You are fine and no disrespect was taken. Now lets get this done okay?”

Rebecca's image flickered a few more times, then vanished.

"Rebecca?" Micheal called out, his right frow furrowed. "Rebecca, respond!" There was a slight hint of worry in his voice as he called out.

Kae frowned. “Micheal?”

"I…I can't hear her, Kae!" He was really looking worried now. "Since I woke up from my surgery and she was brought online, I have always heard her!" He moved to the cockpit and over to the control panel that was specifically designated as Rebecca's control interface.

Kaleigh followed him with a puzzled look on her face

As Micheal frantically worked the controls, suddenly, behind them both, Rebecca's image reappeared.

"Master, Mistress! Please forgive me! Apparently when I was downloading information from the Vengeance, a single line of code slipped past my sensors. Apparently, someone on the Vengeance wanted to keep tabs on my system."She shook her head. "While I found the code itself, it started to decompile itself, as some sort of self-defense mechanism, I suppose. The only recourse I had was to shut down and scrub my entire operating software. I am now back to one hundred percent efficiency and have set up new defensive programs to prevent this incursion from ever happening again."

She looked at both of them with a forlorn look on her face. "I regret if my failure has caused you to doubt abilities to protect you and Little Miss. If you wish to shut me down until you are able to verify for yourselves that I am, in fact, fully operational, I will, of course obey your commands."

Micheal sagged back against the console. "Rebecca….I thought…I thought I lost you.." his right eye started to silver with a tear.

"Master," She replied, the look on her face seeming to signify her heart was breaking…if she had had a heart. "I will never allow any harm to come to you. Nor will I ever truly be gone from you. You have a copy of my basic subroutines in your CPU. It is what binds us together."

Kae touched his shoulder and looked at the AI “Rebecca, thank you for clearing that code. We are very happy that you are okay. You are a part of this family.”

Rebecca's face brightened considerably. "Thank you, Mistress! It us my honor to serve and care for you all." She looked over at Micheal, her eyes turning a little sad. "Master, I will get the medical bay ready for you and Mistress. Please come in when you are ready."

With that, het image vanished and new sounds could be heard in the medical bay.

"Kae…" He said softly. "I can't…I can't loose any of you!"

Kae hugged him tightly. “You won’t.” She whispered. “Now let me get out of this disguise and then you can take your frustrations out.”

He closed his eyes and nodded slowly.

She brushed her lips across his and headed to medical to get the alterations removed. She entered the medical bay and lay down and smiled at Rebecca. “Lets get me back to Terran, Rebecca”

“Yes Mistress” and the AI got to work.

As Rebecca worked to remove the Bajoran nose ridges, she looked at Kaleigh and asked, "Mistress, may I ask you a question?"

“Yes Rebecca you may” Kae said as she lay there still as possible.

"As I stated, Master possesses my basic programming code in his CPU. However, I recognize and accept that you know and understand him better than I ever can or will." She paused, as if trying to think of the right words.

"Is there anything that I can do or say, that will help alleviate Master's sadness? As I am artificial, I do not possess emotions. However, when I saw Master just now, I…I seem to have temporarily lost all informational processing ability." She looked Kaleigh in the eyes as she asked, "Is that what sadness does to you? Make you unable to think properly?"

Kae sat up as the AI finished and said “Yes. Rebecca, you are his best friend. You kept him sane for months. If we could give you a body so you could be with us... It would make him very happy. The loss of you would devastate him.”

Rebecca processed this information for a few seconds. "If I had a real body…"she said softly, recalling the times when she and Master were alone on the ship and she wished she could feel him.

"Would that cause…difficulties with our current unit cohesiveness?"

“I don’t know.” Came the honest reply. “But I mean what I said Rebecca, you are family.” Kae smiled.

Rebecca smiled warmly in reply. "Thank you, Mistress. You all are very important to my programming." She put down the tool that she was working with. "You are back to your lovely self, Mistress."

“Thank you Rebecca” Kae said warmly. “And I am looking into helping you become a proper person.”

She considered this. "But, Mistress, I am artificial. I will never be a proper person."

Kae merely smiled at that “We shall see Darling” She stood. “Now I shall call Micheal in.”

Rebecca nodded. "Yes, Mistress." She then started to tidy up the tools and get things ready for Micheal's proceedure.

Kae exited and found Micheal. “Love?” she called as she moved towards him.

Micheal looked up and smiled warmly. "There's my angel! You truly are the most beautiful woman in the galaxy!"

“You flatter me Love” She moved to his side. “Rebecca is waiting for you.”

He nodded and kissed her gently on her forehead. "Maybe she can remove these wrinkles while she's at it," he joked lightly.

Kae smiled “I will be in our room when you are finished.” She called “And I don't see any wrinkles!”

Micheal chuckled softly as he entered the medical bay. After laying down, he said, "Okay, Rebecca, I'm ready to be me again."

“Yes Master, Mistress expects you back to normal and I will do my best for you both.” Rebecca said as she began to remove the changes.

"Rebecca," Micheal began as she started to remove the alterations. "I hope you know how important you are to me." He paused to take a breath. "For so long now, you have been a constant voice in my head. I…it felt like I had been blinded when I couldn't hear you!"

“I am sorry Master for putting you through that. But I am now at 100%.” the AI replied as she focused on her work.

"It's not your fault, Rebecca," Micheal replied with a comforting grin. His grin turned a bit sour as he then growled. "If I find out who did this to you, they will learn new levels of pain!"

The AI smiled at that. “I will help you do that Master” She said as she continued.

Micheal's sneer turned up into a feral grin. "I know you will, Rebecca. No one fucks with this family!"

The AI merely smiled and finished removing his disguise from his face.

Once his face was back to normal, he smiled broadly. "And now, these, if you please?" Meaning his sharpened fangs.

“If you are sure” Rebecca said with a grin. And she set about undoing the teeth.

As Rebecca began, Micheal opened his mouth and made a guttural sound that seemed to agree.

It didn’t take her long and soon he was finished. “You are all good to go Master.”

Micheal sat up and looked at his reflection in the mirrored surface in front of him. "Thank you, Rebecca!" He stood up. "You truly are a marvel!"

She handed him a mirror “I am sure Mistress will approve, Master”

He took the mirror and look at his teeth, glad to have everything back to normal.

After putting the mirror down, Micheal exited the medical bay and made his way aft to the master suite. "Your king has returned, my love," he said as he entered, then stopped and gazed in wonder at what Kaleigh had done.

Kae laughed “Lights to 25%. Come to bed my King”



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