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Posted on Sat Sep 3rd, 2022 @ 4:11am by Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall & Callie Marshall
Edited on on Sun Sep 25th, 2022 @ 7:39am

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Marshall Family Quarters, ISS Rynall
Timeline: Mission Day 11 at 1730
834 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Troy opened the door to the newly christened ISS Rynall's biggest and most luxurious VIP suite. Captain Petrov had given him command of the newly conquered vessel and permission to move his family to the Rynall. This was Callie's first time onboard and he hoped she would be impressed with their new home. He gave a grand gesture to the well appointed quarters. "What do you think my love?"

Entering the suite Callie was surprised by just how luxurious they actually were. “Wow! I’ll admit I wasn’t expecting this luxury. There’s a few decorative changes I’d make for our own taste, but all in all it’s lovely!” She smiled. “I guess we’ll need to start again on the nursery, but it’ll give us something to do once I’m feeling up to it.” She smiled proudly as she turned to look at Troy. “I’m so proud of you, your own command so soon after becoming First Officer.”

Troy took a deep breath and shrugged. It was a big responsibility, one He hoped he was ready for. He gestured to the couch. "I will put John down if you want to relax for a moment."

Callie nodded, “Thank you.” She leant down to give John a kiss before walking over to the comfortable looking sofa and taking a seat, relieved to rest. Having surgery as well as childbirth had taken a lot out of her.

Troy carried Baby John into the master bedroom and gently lay his sleeping son in the crib he had installed earlier that day. He bent down and kissed the baby's forehead and returned to the living room area to find Callie relaxing on the couch. "Can I get you something to drink my love?"

“Something cold please” Callie smiled at Troy as she lay back on a cushion in the corner of the sofa. “This is going to be strange, living here and working aboard the Vengeance. I don’t trust these Vidians Troy, I’ll take John back to the Vengeance with me. At least I know he’ll be in safe hands there.” She paused. “What about you? How do you know you can trust having Vidian slaves here?”

Troy shrugged. "I don't know, but Captain Petrov suggested I rotate slaves to the Lovarr to see what happens when slaves revolt, plus I have a few ideas of my own. I can't command this ship effectively and constantly worry about disloyalty amongst the Vidiians."

Callie nodded. “If you need Discipline Inspection you’ll know where to find me, once I’m fit for it that is!” She offered a smile. “Just promise me you’ll watch your back, I’d be lost without you now.”

Troy chuckled. "I'm pretty sure your duties will take you all over the fleet. I just hope Captain Petrov approves the recommended personnel transfers I requested. I am going to need help running this ship."

Callie studied Troy curiously. “Who have you chosen so far?”

Troy sighed. "Ensigns Pulmer, Nazar and Rosen, Warrant Officer Ocara, the command slave Tuli and Lieutenant Ivers to serve as XO. Captain Petrov was adamant in your remaining Chief Discipline Inspector."

Callie nodded. “I understand, it is a position I asked for after all.” She shrugged her shoulders. “I’ll admit I don’t like the idea of being away from you, at least we’re travelling in a fleet formation.”

Troy would have preferred more stability for his family. It was complicated enough being in the Delta Quadrant, add to that, serving aboard an unfamiliar alien vessel they had captured, it was quite overwhelming. "There are significant adjustments we will all need to make if we are to survive out in this wilderness.

Callie nodded as she cuddled up. “I wish I was serving here with you, but right now there’s no guarantee of safety for John here. If anything happened to him...” she didn’t say what her thoughts on the matter were. “At least I can come home to you every evening.”

Troy nodded as he hugged Callie. "We’ll make it work Callie. I promise you that."

Callie nodded. “I know we will Imzadi, a few homely touches here and there and this luxurious home will be our oasis of calm.”

Troy chuckled. "At least until feeding time or diaper changing time...and...adolescence."

“Isn’t that the truth!” Callie laughed. “At least none of that is going to end up being sped up. I was so afraid when I went into labour early! I’m just glad you were there with me.”

Troy smiled at Callie before giving her a gentle, loving kiss. "I will always be by your side for all of John's milestones."

“I know, as we will both be at your side.” Callie returned her husband’s kiss. “John is special to the whole fleet, he’s the first born Terran out here. The start of a new generation, our future.”


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