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Third Date...

Posted on Sun Oct 23rd, 2022 @ 4:08am by Lieutenant JG Taina M'Tras

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Timeline: Mission Day 2 at 0830
2902 words - 5.8 OF Standard Post Measure

After he finished his last maintenance report on the shuttles, Samuel sent a quick message to Taina.


Was wondering if you had any plans to go down to the planet. If not, I hope you would consider going down with me. We can explore the resort and all it has to offer.

Let me know.



He knew it was a short message, but, he hoped it would be received favorably. He sent it off to her email in box and waited.

Taina grinned when she got his message. She didn't waste much time responding.


No one I'd rather go with. Meet you at the transporter room at 0900?



When he received her positive reply, Samuel smiled broadly. He quickly sent off an acknowledgement, then hurried to his quarters and packed a bag and changed into comfortable clothing. When he was ready, he hurried down to Transport Room Two and waited out in the corridor for Taina to arrive.

It did not take her much longer. She was there a minute later, carrying her own bag. She smiled at Samuel. "I hope you haven't been waiting long?"

The smile he had on his face grew brighter when he saw Taina enter the transporter room. "Not at all. You ready to go enjoy ourselves?"

"Imminently," she agreed.

He gave her another award-winning smile as he reached out for her right hand. He then led her up into the transporter chamber. Once they were positioned, he looked over at the transporter operator and said, "Energize."

She looked about to say something but she didn't. They quickly dematerialized to rematerialize on the planet.

The sun was high on the horizon when they materialized on the surface. The plaza was busy with all kinds of activity as persons, alien and Terran alike moved from place to place, enjoying themselves.

"Wow!" Samuel whispered. It looks even better in real life!"

"There's a lot of people here," Taina said as she looked around the crowded streets.

Nodding, Samuel reached out and took Taina's right hand iin his left. "C'mon...let's go check in to the hotel and then we can start to enjoy our shoreleave."

"Let's," she agreed. She looked around and started in the appropriate direction. She held his hands and walked with a graceful, purposeful stride. Slitted eyes took in the passersby. Wondering at their lives.

A few moments later, they were standing in front of the hotel's front desk. A middle-aged Vidiian woman stepped up to help them. "Welcome! You must be from that new ship in orbit. Are you really from the far side of the galaxy?"

"We are," Taina said. "From the Terran Empire. The glory and terror of the Alpha Quadrant." She had not completely forgotten their past dealings with Vidiians.

"I see," the woman replied, a look of being impressed on her face, though it might have just been an act. "Well, regardless of where you're from, you are here now. Welcome to the Crystal Gardens Hotel! Now, will you be needing one room or two?"

Samuel grinned slightly. He knew what he wanted, but did not want to make any assumptions. Looking over to Taina, he grinned at her. "Lady's choice."

"Two," Taina said. She was very interested in Samuel but she didn't want to rush things.

Samuel nodded. He agreed that it was appropriate for where they were in their relationship.

The clerk nodded as well, then consulted her terminal. "I have two single rooms, which have an adjoining door between them, with views of the lagoon. Will that suffice?"

"That would be lovely, thank you," Taina said. She smiled at the clerk.

The clerk nodded and worked her terminal some more. Finally, two key cards slid out of the slot on Taina's and Samuel's side of the counter. "Those are your room keys. Your room numbers are printed on each of them. Please know, any damage to the rooms will be charged to your ship immediately." She then smiled again. "Enjoy your stay!"

Samuel reached out and grabbed the cards. Looking at them, he saw that their rooms were up on the fifteenth floor. "Shall we?" He held his bag on his right hand and offered Raina his left elbow.

Taina slid her arm easily into his. "We shall," she said. Very courtly. Very old Terra. She headed with him towards the lifts. "We just can't damage them," she laughed.

Smiling at Taina as they entered the lift and the doors closed, Samuel chuckled. "I guess we will just have to be careful then." He gave her a playful wink as he finished speaking.

"I don't want to explain to the captain why he was sent a bill for the hotel room," Taina said, though she had a lot of trouble imagining Captain Petrov paying a bill sent him by the Viidians. She pressed the button for their floor.

Samuel nodded and grinned. "Especially as any damage would be in a room that his Chief Engineer was present in."

"I suppose I could just fix it," she suggested.

"There ya go!" He smiled, as he leaned in and gently kissed her right cheek, nuzzling her slightly as he did so. "And I've got two strong hands...I would help you." He winked at her.

"I'm sure you could," she purred, leaning into the kiss.

Hearing the soft purr, Samuel felt a jolt of energy rush through his body. His breathing grew a bit heavier as he whispered, "Shall we see your room first, or mine?"

"Mine first," Taina said, pulling back just slightly. She brought one finger up to run under his chin. "Then yours," she said, likely unnecessarily.

Samuel smiled, hunger clearly flashing in his eyes. "Well then, lead the way, Ma'am." His voice turned a bit sultry at the end, and he eyes were locked on Taina, as if she were his prey.

Taina smiled teasingly and stepped out as the lift opened on their floor. She went first to her room before remembering that Samuel had taken both key cards. She held a hand out to him, palm up. "I need the card, darling."

Moving up to her, Samuel withdrew her card from his pants pocket, and started to hand it over only to pull it away, out of her reach, forcing her to move closer to him. "There is the matter of your bill, my dear."

"Let's not pursue that analogy too far," Taina said with a laugh, but she did lean her body into his, placing a gentle kiss to his lips as she reached for the card. She slowly pulled it from his hand, letting her finger trace over his palm for just a moment, before pulling away just enough to handle the practical business of opening the door.

As soon as her door was opened, Samuel moved up behind her, wrapping his free arm around her waist, pulling her against his chest. As he walked them both inside, he nuzzled the right side of her neck, where it met her shoulder.

Taina smiled as he wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close. She let him lead, for now, walking in as he guided her, nuzzling against the side of her neck and pressing his chin to her shoulder. "Eager, are we?"

A low, hungry growl vibrated deep in his chest as he spoke softly. "Can you blame me? I am very excited to be here, with you." While there was heat in his words, his tone showed that he was being honest with her.

"I wasn't blaming," she said as she closed the door behind them, not pulling away from his tight embrace. "Just teasing you." She smiled and reached to rest a hand on his where he held her. "I'm excited too, you know?"

He smiled softly, nuzzling his face against her neck again. He then slowly turned her to face him and pulled her close. "I don't want you to feel forced to do anything. Anytime you feel uncomfortable, say stop, and we will. I give you my word."

She leaned in and kissed him gently. "I already know that, Samuel. I trust you."

As Taina kissed him, Samuel inhaled her sweet perfume through his nostrils. As they continued to kiss, he whispered to her, "Show me to drive you wild!"

She started to open his shirt. Her fingers moved deftly. Quickly. She kissed his jawline. Down his neck. Over the musculature of his chest. His abs. Down...down...down...Her fingers moved to his belt.

Samuel gasped softly as he felt Taina's kisses move over his skin, then he watched with growing excitement, as she moved lower and lower. By the time she had his pants open, he was fully aroused. While he certainly wasn't the biggest around, he knew that he was well-enough endowed. His eyes grew a bit larger as he looked down at Taina, her face so close to his member, which was still contained (barely) by his black boxer briefs.

She grinned and curled her fingers under the waistband of the boxers, sliding them down. She was very good with her mouth. When she had finished, she rose again and went to sit on the edge of the bed, leaning back and spreading her thighs wide. She rested her head on her hands and hummed a little to herself.

It took Samuel a few beats to regain his composure. While that hadn't been the first time he had been treated that way, it certainly was the best!

When he had regained his wits, he noticed how Taina was laying and he grinned hungrily. Moving over to her, he reached down and slowly started to undo her pants. When they were opened, he pulled them off of her long legs, one at a time, planting soft kisses on her exposed flesh aa he did so.

Next, he knelt down between her spread legs and carefully grabbed the front waistband of her panties with his teeth, and carefully pulled them off of her. Then he smiled, as he looked over her welcoming center. Moving his eyes back up to hers, he lowered his face down into position. As great as she was with her mouth, he was her equal. He used every trick and move he knew to drive her higher and higher.

When he was done, she was practically melting. Without getting up from the bed, she reached up for him, purring softly.

Feeling her reach for him, Samuel slowly climbed up her body, kissing here and there. He then helped her out of her shirt and bra. Once she was completely uncovered, he moved his mouth and hands over her breasts, giving them plenty of stimulation.

She purred once more. Stretching out her body. Enjoying his touch. Enjoying every second of it. "I'd planned to make you wait longer, you know?"

Looking up at her face, Samuel moved again, until he was right over her, his hands planted in the bed on either side of her shoulders, his manhood, which was slowly regaining its strength, was gently rubbing against her warm center. "And how did that work out for you, sweetheart?" He asked, a knowing smirk on his face.

"Not remotely," she admitted the obvious as she looked up at him. "I got all horny." She can be direct sometimes.

He smiled a broad, happy grin at her. "I couldn't tell," he said jokingly. He then slowly moved his pelvis against hers, rubbing his rapidly growing man hood against her center.

She reached up and ran her fingers lightly through his hair, tracing down along his cheek to his jawline, and then pulling him down to kiss him fiercely again. "Maybe I should make it more obvious."

Inhaling sharply through his node as they kissed, Samuel grunted softly and returned the intense kiss with equal passion.

She kissed him for a long moment and then sighed contentedly. "You have nice eyes..." she said softly as she stared up into them for a long moment before closing hers and shifting slightly, feeling quite content in the moment.

Samuel moaned softly as Taina shifted against him. He could feel his manhood right up against her center. "Thank you. So do you." He replied honestly. "I could stare into your eyes forever." Then, he had to shift slightly, though when he did, the tip of his manhood slipped inside of her.

It was some time later that Taina lay on the bed beside him, stretched out atop the sheets. She was reaching out and idly running her fingers over his body and didn't seem especially eager to move or even talk much. She just liked basking there for the time being.

Samuel lay there, on his back, a soft, content grin filling his face, as he held Taina close up against his left side. He could feel his heart beat strongly under her head as they cuddled, enjoying the afterglow of their union. "You are amazing!" He said quietly as he slowly moved his left hand over her bare skin.

"You're not so bad yourself," she said in a playful tone. "I think I might just keep you."

A chuckled rumbled deep in his chest. "Funny," he said with a smile as he continued to lightly trace small patterns on her back. "I was just about to say the same about you."

"Well, I should have just let you say it," she teased. "Then I could have been all coy. Pretended to be on the fence. Cruel woman that I am!" She laughed and just sort of nestled into him.

Samuel chuckled softly as he adjusted his a around her after she moved in closer. "Oh yeah, you're cruel all right," he joked softly. "Remind me to act scared next time you stalk after me."

"Oh, I can be scary," she insisted. "Just not to you."

Samuel grinned at that. "Come here," he said softly as he gently nudged Taina to climb up and lay on top of him.

She climbed up and lay on top of him. Only slightly shorter than he, her body mostly stretched all over his. She nestled her chin against his shoulder. "Hi..."

He smiled happily as he gazed into her beautiful eyes. "Hi back." He lifted his shoulder slightly, indicating gently that he wanted her to lift her head to look at him. "I know we have only known each other a short time, Ti. However, in that time, I have felt more affection and closeness than with any other woman before. You are making me very happy, and I hope I am doing the same to you."

"Are you sure?" she asked, looking into his eyes. "I know that there was someone, is someone, important to you back on Terra. It's okay to have a past."

He sighed softly, then he responded. "To tell you the truth, there was never this feeling between us. Our relationship had been arranged by our parents. I was only going to propose to her because if I didn't, it would ruin my parents, financially." He paused a beat, then continued.

"They poured all of their savings into the retreat. However, things were not looking good, the last five years. They had to sell off pieces of the property here and there just to make ends meet."

"Finally, a year ago, they recieved a notice from the president of their bank. He was going to foreclose on the property and kick them out. My father went to go speak with him and..when he came back, he said that he had found a way to save our home. However, to do so, I had to marry the banker's unwed spinster daughter. The only reason the wedding g didn't happen right away, was because I was selected to go on this mission. The banker told my parents that he would allow them to continue operating the retreat until I returned and the wedding could take place."

He sighed again, his eyes turning sad. "And now we're out here and I don't know what is going on with my parents."

Taina sighed and just kissed him lightly. She wasn't sure what to say. She couldn't say she was sure everything was all right, though she wanted to. She had no way of knowing.

Samuel returned her kiss with equal passion, as he wrapped his arms around her lithe frame. He wished the whole universe, outside of this room, would just cease to be. Everything he wanted, everything that made him truly happy, was right here.

She held him tight. She kissed him fiercely. She straddled him once more and made him forget everything outside of the room. Then, exhausted, she nestled back into him and closed her eyes.

Fully spent, Samuel held onto Taina, as they both tried to come down from their euphoric highs. Fir several moments, no words were said. And then, with every ounce of truth in his body, he whispered to her, "I love you Taina M'Tras."

"I love you too," she said softly and then she drifted off to sleep in his arms.

Feeling Taina comfortable slip off onto sleep, Samuel smiled softly. He carefully pulled the sheet up over them, gently kissed the top of Taina's head, then closed his eyes and quickly fell to sleep as well.


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