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A Second Date

Posted on Thu Sep 8th, 2022 @ 3:14am by Lieutenant JG Taina M'Tras
Edited on on Thu Sep 8th, 2022 @ 5:10am

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Holodeck
Timeline: Mission Day 1 at 2000
1370 words - 2.7 OF Standard Post Measure

When the holodeck slid open, Samuel found himself in a wooded area that seemed to be near the peak of a mountain. The surface fell away some dozen meters or so ahead of him in a stiff, rocky descent. It had quite the view. Rough, densely wooded foothills seemed to stretch off into the distance, only for another peak to rise. Taina waved from where she was actually perched in one of the oak trees. "Hi!" she greeted him cheerfully.

Looking up, Samuel grinned brightly. "Hey!" They had agreed before this, that when they were in a private setting, alone, there would be no ranks, just two people trying to enjoy life.

Moving over to the tree that Taina was perched up in, Samuel started to climb it, as if he had been climbing trees his whole life. When he reached the large branch that she was on, he carefully moved closer and sat down next to her. He then gazed at the landscape in front of them. "Oh, wow! It looks even better up here! Where is this?"

"It's the Appalachians on Terra, with all the signs of habitation and development removed," she told him as he took his spot. "Before I was sold to Starfleet, the family that owned me used to vacation here. They weren't so heartless as to keep a little girl from playing so I was all over the trees and rocks." She reached over and took his hand in hers. "You're a pretty good climber. Where'd you learn?"

He stared at the beauty that was projected out around them in awe. His heart skipped a beat when he felt Taina gently take his hand. Turning his eyes on her, he grinned happily. "Well," he began after he swallowed the lumb in his throat. "We have two massive oak trees located on the property of my parent's support group home. I used to spend hours up in their wide branches, moving around like a little monkey." He chuckled at the fond memory.

"Then, as I got older, I started to free climb various peaks all around Terra. I even made it up El Capitan in Yosemite once."

"That's impressive," she agreed. "So what brought you to Starfleet?" She was thinking on what he'd told her of his family. They sounded very different from most Terrans she'd known.

"My dad. He was a veteran and a former shuttle pilot. It felt trike the right thing to do, follow in his steps." He snorted softly as he shook his head. "And see where I ended up? On the far side of the galaxy, up in a holographic tree, with a beautiful woman." He blushed slightly as he finished speaking, his eyes on hers.

"There are holographic trees and beautiful women on Terra and fewer disease ridden vermin trying to kill you," she noted. The Viidians had really just grossed her out. Even as enemies. "What about your mom?"

Samuel grinned as he replied. "You might be right. However, this is the only tree that I want to be in. As for the vermin...I'd still pick this tree." His eyes gleamed slightly in the holographic sunlight.

"Oh, but that's only because all the events that led you to wanting to be in this tree have already happened. If you didn't know me and you met someone else back there and hit it off, maybe that'd be the only tree you want to be in." She was teasing him a little. Philosophically.

Then, when he replied to her question, his smile grew warm. "She taught me to cook and play cards." He chuckled softly. "She was such a great cook, she could make a sheet of duranium just about melt in your mouth!"

His smile faltered some. He was worried that he knew the answer, however, he felt it would be rude if he didn't show the same curiosity in Taina that she was showing in him.

"What about you family? Are..are they still around?" He hoped his question didn't cause her any pain.

"They're fine. I haven't really talked to them in awhile. They still live back on Terra," she answered him. Not very enlightening really, but it could have been worse. "So you like to play cards?"

Hearing that her family was alive made Samuel happy, though he noticed that she didn't go into details, so he decided to respect her privacy and not press.

"Oh yeah!" He replied with a grin. "Spades, poker, I know a few, some more fun to play when you're a little drunk."

"Oh?" Now she was curious. "What should I get you to play drunk?"

He gave her a handsome, roguish grin as he replied. "My dear woman, are you trying to take advantage of me?"

"I wouldn't say advantage, exactly..." she teased.

"Why not?" He asked with a look of mock sadness. "You don't want to take advantage of me?"

"I just don't need an advantage," she teased. "I could take you fair and square."

"Oh!" His face lit up in a playful challenge. "Could you now? Care to put your money where your mouth is?"

"I'd rather put your mouth where my mouth is," she said, sounding amused.

Samuel didn't hesitate. He leaned in and met her lips with a kiss that was soft and tender at first, growing a bit more passionate as they continued, though, not too much more. Not yet anyway.

She kisses him back, her hand moving to the back of his head to pull him in. She kisses fully and fiercely before pulling back. "So you were talking about cards?" she teases him.

He held the look for a few beats, then a chesire cat grin filled his face as he chuckled. "I mean, if you really wanted to..." he chuckled again, a bit softer this time, as he continued. "It all depends on the game, I guess. However, for spades, I only drink cold beer from the bottle, preferably one of the German or Belgian brands. As for poker, that's a straight rum game. What about you? What do you like to do during your downtime?"

"Mostly work out," she said. "I like to play a few old Caitian games too. One my mother taught me. And I do know poker. A straight rum game." She grinned.

His curiosity was honestly piqued. "Would you teach me these games?"

"Sure," she answered. "We could do that."

He smiled as he replied. "What would you like to do first?" He didn't say that he was hoping she would want to keep kissing. He really wanted to. Her lips wor so soft and there was a slight sweetness to their taste.

She made him wait a little longer than that. Cruel woman that she is! "Maybe we could put together a poker game soon. With straight rum."

He nodded, slightly let down that she was keeping her distance some. But, the best things in life were worth waiting for. "Okay, how about....Friday night, after Beta Shift? We just need a place big enough for a poker table."

"My quarters are big enough," she mentioned, one of the perks of being a senior officer. "Or we could set a holodeck up like some old timey saloon."

Samuel considered it for a moment. "We could do both." He decided to try at being sly as he grinned a little. "Of course, I'd need to see your know, to ensure they are, as you say, big enough." His eyes glistened with playful mischief.

"I'm an engineer. I'm a good judge of the necessary dimensions," she answered him, pretending not to understand the implication.

"Well," he said with a roguish grin. "It is always better to get a second opinion especially when deciding on such an important issue, such as crew moral."

"It is, but some things are worth waiting for, aren't they?" she said, putting him on the spot a little.

Realizing what she was doing, Samuel reached out and gently rubbed the back of his right hand along the right side of her face. "Oh, definitely. The best things in life always are."

"Good," she purred. Literally. "No rushing."


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