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Posted on Tue Sep 20th, 2022 @ 10:11am by Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Holodeck 2
Timeline: Mission Day 2 at 2300
476 words - 1 OF Standard Post Measure


There was no other word for it.

Kass slid from Johnathan’s bed after he fell asleep, for once she waited until he crashed before leaving. Showing and dressing, she left his cabin in silence. But she didn’t return to her own cabin. Instead, she headed for deck 6 and the holodeck she had reserved under Intelligence codes. Entering it she locked the door behind her and started the saved program. Around her, the room morphed into an orb around her. The orb was made up of large screens, each screen displaying information on it. She had been doing this every night for the past week.

Every night she stayed longer in the holodeck, and she barely slept unless Johnathan wore her out enough to sleep before she had to wake and leave his bed and when he left her bed, she was only minutes behind him heading to the Holodeck.

In the centre of the orb was a chair, like the chair in her office. And as she sat, a table appeared before the chair. “Computer add todays additional date from the normal sources of the Vengeance’s conn and intelligence files.”

“Acknowledged” the voice of the computer spoke. Around her the screens flickered and updated. “Centre screen is the ship’s current course Lieutenant.”

“Thank you, Computer,” Kass ran a hand through her hair and studied the course and sighed. Still too long. Too many years.

“Computer generate course based on minimal interaction with native populations and minimal requirements for fuel and resupply at sustainable warp, 6.”

A new course overlaid the old. “It shortens by 15 years, of course that does not take into account unknown variables which may occur on the course.” The computer reported “And to take into consideration our three other vessels. they would not be able to maintain the same speed for the same period. Their Engines are different of course.”

“And if we could upgrade them?” It was a horrible thought, to give Imperial tech to a lower species’ ship but they made up their fleet…

“Undetermined.” The Computer replied. “Materials are limited.”

Kass sighed. And she knew that was the main issue. Materials were limited. She needed to get permission to send out more scouts, While Micheal Robertson was a valuable and viable asset, she needed more information. Needed more assets. They were blind as bats here. And who knew what they could blunder into.

Being an intelligence officer in a quadrant where there was little to no network was difficult enough but this, this was just painful. Even intelligence gathered from the Vidiians and the Kazon was limited. And there was only so much torture could assist with. Sighing she pressed another button and brought up their supply listing.

Hours passed and soon she was staggering back to her cabin to get some sleep before her shift.


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