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Pain and Family **physical assault portrayed **

Posted on Sat Sep 17th, 2022 @ 11:58am by Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin

Location: Terra
Timeline: 2366, December
707 words - 1.4 OF Standard Post Measure

Artaxes Selinofoto studied the 17 year old girl standing before his desk in his imposing study. His youngest daughter, the daughter he could not stand the sight of as she reminded him too much of her deceased mother. Mariette and he, had nor been a love match, more of a lust match and she had never gotten along with Clarissa and Leila. And they disliked Kassandra, but he mused, not Iason. Kassandra was trouble he knew, he had had to punish her a lot over the years. She had been well acquainted with the family whip since the age of 4 due to her troublemaking tendencies. But studying her now and looking at the report cards from her school, he wondered how much of what his wives said about the child before him was true, but he could not risk it.

"No." He stated. "That is out of the question."

"Father?" Kassandra looked up from her study of the tiled floor. "I.. have been offered a full scholarship, it would not cost the family anything..."

"I said, no Kassandra. You will not be going to Paris to study frivolous fashion. I have already sent your application to the Imperial Starfleet Academy. "

Kassandra stared at him in shock. She was not military minded. "But Father..!" His hand raised cutting her off.

"The decision has been made. You will commence with the next intake in 3 weeks."

"You never made Athanasia go to the Academy!"

"Your sister has another path. She will marry to advance the family." He said standing, he could see Mariette's temper in Kassandra's eyes and stance. Despite it all she was still defiant. "Your path is via the Imperial Starfleet."

"No it's Not!" Kassandra replied. "I have my scholarship to the Parisian Fashion Institute. I have my designs being sold to Milan fashion houses, Princess Elana herself wears my designs! And if that does not extend our family name then what..." she was cut off as her father slapped her hard across the face. The heavy signet ring on his right hand cut her left cheek as he struck her.

Kass refused to cry out and her eyes heated as she lifted her head and glared at him. Blood from the cut dripped down her face. She was the only child he had ever personally struck. Oh the boys had suffered punishments, but nothing like Kassandra had earned over the years. He had, always gotten others to deliver the punishments but this time...

"While you live here and are still a minor you will do as you are told!" Artaxes snapped at her. "I will not allow you to whore yourself around Paris!"

"But you allow Athanasia to whore herself around New York!" Kass spat back and earned herself another hit and another cut to the same cheek.

"How dare you!" Artaxes yelled.

"I DARE BECAUSE IT'S TRUE!!" Kass yelled back. "Rumors abound and you can't see the truth!! I am not the person you thinkI am but you treat me like I am dirt. She is in the tabloids for whoring around and she gets praise and allowed to do what she wants and I do nothing wrong, get good grades and I am punished and sent to the military. IT'S NOT FAIR FATHER!!"

Artaxes lost his temper. This daughter was questioning his authority and his beliefs and before he knew it, he had Kassandra by the hair and was flinging her to the flagstone floor where he proceeded to kick and whip her with the family whip and his own feet. He had no idea how much time had passed but he was finally dragged off of Kassandra by his eldest son, Alexandros who had been on leave.

Kassandra was taken to the house's medical bay and sedated while she healed. Artaxes did not speak to her again. Once she was healed Kass was confined to her bedroom, which was the same room she had had since her mother's passing.

3 weeks later, Kassandra was escorted to the Imperial Starfleet Academy by Alexandros and her time began. Two weeks in,after being assigned to the Intelligence courses, Kassandra legally changed her name from Selinofoto to Selin. Drawing a line in the sand between herself and her family.


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