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Less is More I

Posted on Sat Oct 15th, 2022 @ 5:54pm by Ensign Ilan Ocara & Petty Officer 1st Class Jackie King

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: After 11
Timeline: Mission Day 22 at 2300
2634 words - 5.3 OF Standard Post Measure


Ilan had found herself quite excited by the prospect of an evening rendezvous with Jackie King. She had of course seen the woman around, but had never really had an opportunity to take her chance at inviting the pretty petty officer out for drinks and... other. Thankfully, Lyra and Andrei had provided the perfect set up for her when Lyra had come to the bridge looking like an absolute vision. She had agreed to meet Jackie in the lounge and - as requested - she was wearing less. She had opted for a short navy dress with a very revealing scoop neck, the sleeves a simple ruffle flutter which had a matching detail at the hem. It showed off her "assets" quite well, and she had complimented it with a pair of strappy silver heels and some simple silver jewelry. Her make up wasn't heavy handed, but she did wear some to show off her green eyes and full lips. She was sitting at the bar, but hadn't ordered a drink quite yet to give Jackie time to get there.

A few minutes after their arranged meeting time, Jackie walked into the lounge dressed in an unusually feminine manner. She wore a satin dress which looked like an expensive button-up shirt with swirling texture and golden buttons at the sleeves near her wrist. It was short, coming high enough that even the slightest bend would reveal her underwear and it was open down the center until it met with the belt, giving a generous view of her fit and mildly shapely body. On her feet were open-tie white high heels. She looked around the room. When she spotted Illan sitting at the bar, she strode over with deliberate steps. She typically wore some makeup, but was wearing a bit more than usual.

As per her usual, Ilan had simply been people watching while she waited, though out of the corner of her eye she caught the glint of satin and gold, and glints always drew her eye. When she turned her head and saw it was Jackie approaching, she grinned and looked the woman up and down in an unreserved manner. When Jackie was close enough, Ilan spoke up. "Wow, you look fantastic. What a treat."

“It’s not every night I get out of that uniform so publicly.” Jackie responded with a pretty smile, stepping up to Illan. Around her neck, she wore a gold necklace. “Normally I’m just playing cards with the boys, so it’s shorts and a t-shirt for me.”

"I bet you look cute in that too." Ilan replied with a wink. "Do you want to sit here at the bar or go to a table?"

“Let’s grab a table; that way we can talk in private.” Jackie answered, her eyes drifting down the front of the woman’s outfit and admiring what she saw. She appreciated that her ‘wear less’ request was followed. She leaned into the bar, grabbing the tender's attention. “Vidiian Spice Rum and pineapple juice. And put whatever she gets on my tab.”

"I'll try that." Ilan ordered without hesitation and smiled at Jackie as she slid carefully from the stool. Flipping her hair over her shoulder, she began to walk toward one of the tables near the back corner so they could have some relative privacy. Her dress hugged her shapely hips which swayed with each step she took in front of Jackie; there was intent there, Ilan wanted Jackie to enjoy the view. She slid into the seat nearer to the viewport and crossed her legs, bringing her dress up high on her thigh. "Spice rum and pineapple juice, hm? Sounds like an interesting combination."

Jackie had followed those hips all the way to the corner with rapt attention. Womanizing had been the only thing she and the XO shared for a while. Now that he seemed to be a one woman man, she hadn’t been quite sure what to do with the man. She still did like the view, however, and she stole a glance at the other woman’s thigh as she sat down across from her.

“Alcohol and medical science are two things the Vidiians do well, it seems.” She said with a grin. “I like to pass the bottles around enough to see what’s good everywhere I go.”

"Nothing wrong with passing around delightful things, now and then." Ilan smiled, lapsing a moment as their drinks were brought over. She pulled her glass close but didn't sip it yet. "Did you get to spend much time down on the planet?"

“I got to do down after shift most days. Since Eritrea was added to the command staff, my job got a lot easier. I’m no longer running around like a mad woman pushing paperwork.” Jackie said smiling and taking a slow sip of her drink. She savored the sweet flavor on her tongue and lips. Then she spoke over her glass. “Its a bit strange being the colleague of a former slave I used to supervise, though.”

"I imagine so." Ilan agreed almost sympathetically and finally took a sip of her drink. The acid of the pineapple hit her first followed by the spice and burn of the rum, but she found the combination pleasing in its own strange way. "This is good. When you say strange like... in a bad way? Good way? Just strange?"

“I mean she’s taken to her newfound freedom pretty fast.” Jackie said, grinning. “And I want to knock that look off of her face. But I’ll manage.”

She took another sip, closing her eyes with the burn.

“Did you get to enjoy some fun in the sun, Illan? Or were you stuck up here in robot-lady’s science labs?”

Ilan's eyes lit up with amusement at Jackie's explanation and she grinned. "Oh I got to spend some time down on the planet exploring all kinds of things. The chief is far too busy with her own experiments to pay any attention to her staff, really. I've actually barely seen her these past couple months. It's better that way though. She's pretty creepy." She took another sip of her drink. "Not Eritrea's biggest fan, are you?"

“At least she can speak now Andrei’s dick is out of her mouth. I think.” Jackie said, her tone cocky and unapologetic. “But I preferred the sounds from before.”

Jackie leaned back in her chair, her foot finding the one Illan had left on the ground softly.

“So, you like experimentation, right?”

This time, Ilan actually laughed at that comment and shook her head. Those two hadn't exactly been subtle in any sense of the word. Though the fact that Andrei Petrov had let and Elasian slave in his bed with what they had a tendency to do to men... well, that fact had made its way around probably more than Andrei would care to know. "I do like experimenting, yes. I am a scientist after all." She gave a little devious grin and wink. "Have something you need scienced, Jackie?"

“I certainly do. And I’ve always been fascinated by girls who like to experiment and try new things.''Jackie said and, having freed her foot from the high heeled shoe, began to slowly move it up Ilan’s leg. Her facial expression was unreservedly bad. “Though, from the impression I get from you, there are some things you may have already experimented with before?”

The corners of Ilan’s mouth tipped upward on feeling Jackie’s foot sliding up. She didn’t react other than looking into the other woman’s eyes with a steady, mischievous gaze. “It would be hard to say without knowing. I do like to experiment quite a lot, though some things need multiple rounds of experimentation. Adequate research and all of that.”

“Right. As an administrator, I understand thoroughly.” She responded, her foot, reaching Ilan’s knee, pausing there intensely, and then moving back down. “I’m not familiar with your process though. How do you usually pick your lab partners?”

Ilan’s gaze didn’t waver, but by the slightly growing smile it was clear she was enjoying the attention. “Well, I generally look for those who seem like they offer the most unique perspectives. I do love to learn.” She took a small sip of her drink and leaned closer, her eyes again unashamedly moving down the line of exposed flesh she was offered of Jackie’s chest though the table quite rudely cut it off.

“Learning is good, sure.” Jackie said, leaning back in her chair slightly, her foot starting to travel up the other woman’s leg again. Her eyes danced with Ilan’s playful and confident. “But I suppose it depends most on the area of study; on where your curiosities lie.”

“The body.” Ilan replied with ease. She leaned forward then, bringing one arm up to rest on the table where she rested her chin on her fist. “I like to learn about what makes people exactly what they are deep down… what makes them tick.” As she spoke, Ilan’s other hand had moved under the table; her fingers found the back of Jackie’s calf and she slid her fingers along it; it was an often ignored region that was usually quite pleasured by touch.

Jackie angled her head up at the touch, holding her leg in place to enjoy the touch. It had been months since she had been touched, and it felt good. She felt an instant movement of arousal in her body. Her eyelashes flickered as she continued to meet Ilan’s gaze.

“That sounds very philosophical. And, if I might say so, enjoyable.” She said, a smile moving over her face. “I like to learn about what makes people have shaking orgasms.”

Her words were daring and her tone was both sensual and amused. She had kept her voice low so no one else would have heard, but a soft chuckle escaped her glossy lips.

“Anything for science, right?”

Ilan giggled at that, girlish but devilish at the same time and there was a glint in her eye that matched the sound. Jackie certainly wasn’t shy. She liked that. She also liked shy. Really in the end she supposed she wasn’t too picky. What fun was that, after all? “Perhaps you’re in the wrong profession then.” She teased.

“That is the kind of mind we need in the science department, after all. Though I could think of some other uses for it.” Her hand continued to move slowly up and down Jackie’s leg, always flirting with going up into the top sensitive part on the back of the knee, but never getting there.

“No, you’re wrong. Command is exactly where I belong.” Jackie said, her fingers dancing around her glass. She looked at Ilan with probing and tempting eyes. Her foot danced on Ilan’s knee and then slowly and gently drew a dynamic line up her skirt and toward her womanhood. All the time, the Yeoman didn’t demure. When she felt the warm meeting of Ilan’s thighs, she smiled. It was a wanting smile. “I can be a bit bossy.”

A slight sound escaped Ilan’s lips as Jackie’s foot nestled between her thighs. She didn’t shy away, instead her lips parted just slightly and she took a beat to enjoy the feeling. Suddenly, she grinned a warm, inviting grin and slid her hand up the top of Jackie’s leg slowly as it rested between her own. “I stand corrected, then.” She all but purred and looked into Jackie’s eyes, her own projecting a playful, willing expression. “Nothing wrong with a woman who knows exactly what she wants. I like that.”

“Life’s too short for too many games and too much thought.” Jackie said, using her feet to carefully massage the woman’s thighs and circling her toes, every now and then around the woman’s center. Her eyes were steely and focused, enjoying her own feelings of arousal like someone else enjoys a piece of high-quality chocolate. “Compared to others, my wants are very simple. I don’t want a crown or gold, or status. I want this. That look on your face. And wine. Lots of wine.”

“Well, I could happily provide both to you in copious amounts if you’d like.” Ilan invited, her voice low and enticing. “I have a couple excellent vintages of wine, though I will say through thorough experimentation and research I’ve found they are even more enjoyable when one is wearing less clothes.” Smirking, she finished off her drink and sighed out softly at Jackie’s continued attentions.

Jackie removed her foot slowly, and, as it hit the floor, she lifted her own drink and drained the glass. When done, she put it down on the table and looked up at Ilan. Her eyes danced over the science crewman’s before moving quickly down her generous cleavage to the table that blocked the rest of the view.

“I assume you have a roommate, yeah?” Jackie asked, her eyes tracing their way back up to Ilan’s face. “I was alone until Eritrea was moved back to Vengeance.”

Ilan grinned wickedly. "Nope, no roommate to be had. My quarters aren't large, obviously, but they are mine alone and perfectly adequate to entertain a guest or two at my leisure." The wicked grin gentled and she looked at Jackie, her eyes heated with desire. "I could show you, if you like, and my magic wine."

"How can I say no to magic?" Jackie asked, slipping her foot back into her shoe and being the first one to stand. She looked around at the gradually increasing throng of people in After 11. "The bar will miss us, but we have better things on our schedule."

Ilan moved to stand and stepped behind Jackie, leaning in and whispering into her ear. "We won't miss the bar, though." She promised and slid her arm into the other woman's, walking out of the bar with her and then the short distance to the turbolift They stepped in and the doors sealed behind them, leaving them alone. "What is it like being yeoman to the captain? I've never interacted with the man once, personally."

“Captain Petrov is a hard worker with a good sense of humor.” Jackie said, starting to smile warmly. “He’s actually very kind and has been like family to me these past few months. With how much time we spend together, I’m almost like a second wife.”

Chuckling, Ilan smiled. "You sound like you admire him very much. That's a good thing, I think. So many of us will never really interact with most of the senior officers, much less the captain, so it's good to hear from other people who work closely with them." The lift came to a stop and Ilan stepped off with Jackie, starting to lead the way down the corridor. "Do you enjoy your work?"

“He’s more interested than dad ever was.” Jackie said with a shrug which seemed non-committal though her words signified some real attachment. She walked next to Ilan with a confident stride, though let the other woman take the lead as she wasn’t exactly sure which room was hers. “I like getting things organized, but one of the things you learn damn fast about the command department is that the work is never really done and the pile of paperwork only gets smaller; it doesn’t go away. It’s like that feeling where you have to sneeze but it never actually happens for you.”



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