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The morning after the night before

Posted on Mon Jan 24th, 2022 @ 1:28pm by Callie Marshall & Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III
Edited on on Mon Jan 24th, 2022 @ 8:41pm

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Johnathan’s quarters
Timeline: MD4 early
1326 words - 2.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Callie awoke, and it took a moment to realise that she was still in Johnathan’s quarters. The feel of Johnathan spooned up behind her made her smile. She moved just enough to check the time, glad to see there was still plenty of time before work. Her leg muscles were certainly aching from the night before but it had been worth it. She settled back down, smiling to herself. She had to admit that she found Johnathan very appealing.

Her movements, though slight, were enough to cause Johnathan to stir. He took in a deep, sleepy breath and exhaled through his nose. It took him a few beats for his brain to realize where he was and who he was with. As soon as the connection was made, he started to smile. Cracking his eyes open, he murmured, "Good morning, sweetheart."

“Good morning handsome” Callie smiled as she turned onto her back so she could look at Johnathan. “There I was thinking last night was a dream, though my leg muscles have since reminded me it wasn’t! Though it was certainly worth it.”

Johnathan smiled warmly at Callie. Then, he leaned in and kissed her lovingly.

Callie returned the kiss, she had to admit she’d enjoyed being the one Johnathan had chosen to take his virginity. She felt honoured. “Thank you for choosing me to be your first.”

He smiled again, then reached up and gently moved some stray hairs out of her face before replying. "Thank you, for not thinking less of me because you were my first." He looked deep into her beautiful eyes as he spoke. He was feeling new emotions deep inside, but didn't know what they were or what they meant. What he did know, was that he felt happy. Happier than he had ever before.

Callie could feel Johnathan’s emotions, his happiness was contagious as she smiled at him. “I don’t know about you but after last night I could use a shower.” She ran her fingers over his chest. “Would to join me?”

His smile grew even larger. "Yes, Ma'am!" He gave her a flirty wink as he spoke. "You wash me and I'll wash you." There was a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Callie grinned. “Certainly sounds good to me.” She leant in for a passionate kiss.

Johnathan moaned softly as they kissed. He wrapped his arms around Callie and held her close. Below, other parts of him were stirring awake.

Callie sighed a contented sigh. “Mmm we are seriously going to have to move...” she playfully climbed over the top
of him pausing to rest on his lap. “My legs are aching but it was definitely...” She kissed him again. “Worth it.”

When she straddled him, Johnathan started to move his hands over her perfect body. After she kissed him, he smiled. "I aim to please." He then kissed her back while his hands continued to move over her body.

“Ohhh that feels good” Callie smiled, she was aiming to get to the shower but she was slowly being convinced to stay right where she was. “We should...” she let out a small moan. “We err...shower...”

Johnathan smiled a wicked smile, seeing the effect that he was having on Callie. Slowly, he sat her upright on him. Then, while his right hand moved to her breasts, his left went south, where he started to stimulate her most sensitive part with his thumb.

Callie was lost in enjoyment, Johnathan was driving her crazy. She moaned as the stimulation drove her exactly where he wanted her to be.

Johnathan was enjoying himself. Seeing how he was making Callie feel was a powerful feeling. After last night, he had learned to read her tells when she was close to a climax. Because of that, he knew that she was moments away from one now. So, he continued doing what he was doing.

Callie was hanging by a thread as Johnathan continued to pleasure her, her hands gripped the sheets of the bed as she tipped her head back and cried out his name as her body trembled.

Slowly, Johnathan stopped his stimulations. Looking up at Calie with a satisfied grin on his face, he asked, "So, you said that you wanted to get in the shower?"

Callie grinned. “I most definitely did!” She gave him a romantic kiss before hopping up and strolling naked towards the shower. She paused in the doorway motioning to Johnathan. “I’ll be waiting for you.”

Seeing the look in her eyes, Johnathan quickly scrambled to his feet. Once up, he moved with purpose to the bathroom. As he approached, he could hear the water already running.

Standing in the shower, Callie was hoping Johnathan would soon join her, it felt good to be refreshed and the one place she’d never made love was in the shower. It would be a learning curve for both of them!

Seeing how the water cascaded down over her naked body, Johnathan felt a thrill of arousal wash over him. Stepping into the stall, he moved right up behind Callie, wrapping his arms around her, as he started to nibble on the side of her neck.

“Mmmm I could get used to that” Callie smiled as she ran her hands along Johnathan’s sides as best as she could.

Johnathan purred softly as he felt Callie touch him. He continued to move his hands over the front of her body, as if memorizing what he clearly already was well versed in.

Callie smiled enjoying the feel of Johnathan’s hands running over her body. Turning around to face him she kissed him passionately before slowly working her way down his body. She hadn’t treated him to anything oral yet, that was about to change.

Johnathan backed up to the bulkhead and gasped when Callie began. It was a totally new experience, and One he was certainly enjoying.

Callie spent a little while treating Jonathan to the joys, and listening to his moans before working her way back up his body. “Did you enjoy that?”

He gave a huge grin and smile. "Very much so!" He then moved her to where he stood and moved to return the favor.

Callie eagerly encouraged Johnathan, he was proving to be a very pleasurable lover.

A while later, both Callie and Johnathen were drying off and getting ready to start their days.

"So, do you want to meet up for lunch later?" Johnathan asked as he pulled on his boots, checking that his concealed knives were secure.

“I’d love to!” Callie nodded and smiled. “I’m enjoying this time we have together, though I guess we’ll have to act all serious in front of the rest of the crew! Something I completely detest.”

After he stood, Johnathan moved over to embrace Callie. "Well, with your abilities, you'll still be able to hear my thoughts, even if my outside self is speaking or behaving differently." He leaned in and gave her a tender, loving, kiss.

Callie returned the kiss offering a warm smile. “I’m not used to this, but I could very much grow to like it.”

"So could I, sweetheart," he replied honestly. "So could I." He then, reluctantly, released his hold on her and moved to grab his sleeveless undershirt. After pulling it on over his head, he tucked it into his pants, hiding his well-built physique. He then reached for his uniform jacket.

“Until later then” Callie smiled as she ran her fingers over Johnathan’s chest. “Be careful.”

Johnathan smiled and purred softly. "You as well, my love." He then closed up his jacket and pulled on his gloves. As he led Callie out of his quarters, he gave her butt a gentle squeeze.

Callie grinned. “Roll on lunchtime!” She smiled playfully before assuming the professional air they were both required to show whilst on duty.



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