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Your Not a Student Any More

Posted on Tue Jan 25th, 2022 @ 7:50am by Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin & Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Kassandra's Quarters
Timeline: MD 3, 2200 hours
1093 words - 2.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Troy wore casual attire as he walked through the deserted corridor for junior officers lodging. He paused in front of a door and lightly rapped his knuckles to announce to the occupant that a visitor had arrived. He stood patiently for the occupant to allow him entry.

There was silence and then the sound of locks retracting into the bulkhead as the door unlocked and then slid open. The room entry way was well lit, and the room beyond was a single officers quarters, no decorations, barely looked like someone lived there. And there standing, in uniform, hand on her phaser at her hip, Ensign Selin studied the man in the doorway. "Lieutenant." She said carefully. "Glory to the Empire. Please come in."

Troy raised an eyebrow as he looked at the hand resting on the handle of a phaser. He raised his gaze to meet hers. "Glory to the Empire. May I come in...please."

Kassandra Selin stepped back and nodded. "Yes" She replied calmly. "Is there something I can do for you Lieutenant?"

Troy entered and took a look about the Spartan looking room. He turned to Kass. "Can't a former professor visit with one of his more memorable students?" He withdrew a flask from his jacket pocket. "I suppose you could replicate two glasses."

Kass had been a cautious student, she hid her talents well and academically she had shone but only to the professors, to her fellow students she had been the mouse of the year. That caution had served her well and she was unsure why she was being sought out now. But she inclined her head and went to the replicator and replicated two glasses. She placed them on the small coffee table. "It is unusual for a professor to do so."

Troy poured a generous amount of the amber liquid from his flask in both glasses before returning the sealed flask to his jacket pocket. He handed one of the glasses to Kass. "Not as unusual as as a fourth year cadet who takes the Kobayashi Maru test more than once, twice or even three times. Someone who takes the test seven times over the course of their last year at the Academy either does not understand the meaning of a no-win scenario...or has an overwhelming sense that failure is not an option." He held his glass aloft and gave a toast. "Glory to the Emperor and Long Live the Empire."

Kass replied with the same words and took a tentative sip. "So, you are the new chief of security here" She said. She had read the crew files. "What brings you here other than nostalgia?"

Troy sipped his glass and nodded. "Someone does their homework. You must be making a list of potential allies and enemies." He gave a benign smile as he set his glass down. "Which do you consider me to be?"

"As of right now? Uncertain." Kassandra said calmly. "That could change of course."

"I assure you. I have no desire to become your enemy." Troy steepled his fingers as he sat in the chair studying her. "Your lone wolf attitude is only going to isolate from potential making allies. Perhaps even friends."

"Who says I have not already made friends?" Kass asked curiously. "I have made several connections here already."

Troy took another sip of his drink. "Connections can be useful, but friends can be trusted. I truly hope you can find people whom you can trust aboard ship."

"I am sure I will. That said Lieutenant, it is early days." She paused "So you are Chief of Security now. Have you met your team yet?"

"I am working on meeting all the security and tactical personnel." He swirled the contents of his glass and gave a humorless chuckle. "I have the distinct impression my Deputy Chief is considering assassinating me already."

"Before or after he kills his father the captain?" Kass asked. "And I think I may be higher on his list than you."

Troy raised an eyebrow at her last comment. She had piqued his curiosity with the statement. "Only a few days aboard and you've managed to make an enemy of the Deputy Chief Security Officer. Now that is interesting." He pulled his flask out and gave it a waggle. "Perhaps a little more to loosen that tongue of yours."

"Ah yeah no, I like things kept close to my chest. Never know when i will need to use it and it is best to keep the jury pool uncontaminated." Kass had barely touched the alcohol. "Lets just say, Andrei and I have a past history and he is remembering it very well right now. No we never ever had sex nor have I ever had the inclination."

Troy chuckled somewhat. "Your secrets are your own. I won't try to pry them out of you. As for your intimate personal life, I shall consider it none of my business." He gave her a half flirtatious wink. "Unless you intend to seduce me that is...which could be even more interesting than your secrets."

"At this stage I am not interested in seducing anyone, unless its on assignment. As charming as you are and as interesting as such an event would be Lieutenant, " She stood and smiled. "I will leave that one alone."

"Touche." He pocketed his flask as he rose to his feet, drinking down the last of his liquor from the glass. "I had a personal rule at the Academy anyway. Never sleep with any of my students." He gave her a nod of his head and started for the door. He paused at the door and looked back at her. "Although, you're not a student anymore." His expression was thoughtful for a moment. "I would consider it an honor and a privilege if you would consent to going to dinner with me. Think about it?"

Kassandra nodded, "Very well I shall think on it and let you know." She said with a smile.

"Pleasant dreams then." Troy opened the door and let himself out. He took a few steps and paused. He turned back to look at Kassandra's door. "Computer, revoke Lieutenant junior grade Andrei Petrov's security override for entry into Ensign Kassandra Selin's quarters." If she had indeed made an enemy of Andrei already, then perhaps this would afford her at least a small measure of protection.

Kass heard him say that as the door shut. And her lips curved. Not that Andrei wasn't already neutered by her for now, but one never knew.


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