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An enticing invite

Posted on Thu Jan 27th, 2022 @ 11:10am by Callie Marshall & Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Callie’s quarters
Timeline: MD 6, 2015 hours
656 words - 1.3 OF Standard Post Measure

After events in the lounge with Andrei, Callie had decided it best to depart the lounge. Walking home with Troy they paused outside her quarters. “I’m sorry about Andrei, it’s not like there’s anything going on between us.” She sighed. “Can I offer you a nightcap? It’s the least I can do after such a wonderful evening.”

Troy raised an eyebrow. It could have just been Andrei claiming to have bed Callie. He wasn't sure though. He nodded after a moments pause. "I would like that. Considering we never got to finish our first drink."

Smiling Callie tapped in her door code before stepping inside. “Make yourself at home, what can I get you?”

Troy entered and took a seat on the couch. He watched her step over to her liquor cabinet. He finally smiled. "Surprise me. You pick what you think I would like and we'll see if you're right."

“Mmm let me see” Callie pulled out some bottles, returning with two glasses of Romulan ale. “I keep this for special occasions, not that I share it with just anyone.” She placed the drinks down on the table and sat down beside Troy. “I owe you an explanation about Andrei...there’s nothing between us, we just spent a couple of fun times together.”

Troy picked up the glass and took a sip as he slipped an arm around Callie and pulled her into a side by side snuggle. He took a sip of the potent beverage. "Oh my, that is good. Quite intoxicating though...not as intoxicating as the company."

Callie smiled. “That’s just what I was thinking.” She turned to face him leaning in for a gentle yet romantic kiss.

Troy shifted slightly to deliver a long, but soft, kiss. He wanted to let her set the pace to begin with. It was obvious her concerns from the lounge encounter were disappearing though and he was enjoying it immensely.

Callie smiled as she leant back a little. “Just tell me if I’m going too fast here, I’ve let my hair down a lot since I got here. I don’t want to spoil anything.”

Troy did in fact want her, quite much if truth be told. He had been raised to respect women, despite the prevalent attitude among men in the Imperial Starfleet often considered women just a hair above slaves. If he wanted to pursue Callie, she would have to want him just as much. "What you do off duty is your business and as long as it isn't plotting an assassination detrimental to our ongoing mission, do as you wish." His eyes conveyed honestly what he had not said.

Callie smiled at the response, her empathic senses were picking up on the fact that Troy was politely holding back. She didn’t say anything but instead she leant into a much more passionate kiss. She let it linger before pulling back a little. “If you’d like more of that...” she looked towards the bedroom then back at Troy.

Troy had kissed her back just as passionately, rising to the occasion so to speak. His eyes turned to the bedroom door as hers did. He slowly rose to his feet, pulling her along with. He took her in his arms and kissed her long and deep, his body pressed against hers, his desire for her evident in their embrace.

Troy finally broke the kiss and stepped back. He lifted her hand to his lips and gave just the lightest of kisses. He gazed longingly into her eyes. "Perhaps at a later date my dear." He gave her a nod and without further adeui departed her quarters. He walked to the door next to hers and entered his own quarters.

Callie watched Troy go almost daring to call him back, she wasn’t sure if doing so would push them past a comfortable boundary.

{ TBC }


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