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Drinks, Dancing and Danger

Posted on Thu Jan 27th, 2022 @ 11:09am by Callie Marshall & Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Ship's Lounge
Timeline: MD 6, 1915 hours
1780 words - 3.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Troy arrived at the lounge at precisely 1915 hours. He confirmed the time on his watch with a nod before looking around for the best table available. He crossed the lounge and procured a table near the view port, but with unimpeded access to the small dance floor. He gestured for a member of the wait staff. "One glass of water now and please deliver two Risan Mai Tais in precisely fourteen minutes."

The waiter nodded and left for the bar. He was back in a minute with the water. "Your drink order is in and will be delivered on time."

Troy nodded and sipped his water. He was dressed in a stylish blue tunic with matching trousers and doublet jacket. He was the epitome of dashing as he sat patiently awaiting Callie's arrival. He glanced at the bar seconds before 1930 hours precisely before turning to door and rising to his feet as the door to the lounge opened.

Callie entered the lounge exactly on time dressed in a figure flattering, red dress. Her long hair was down which was how she liked it off duty. She smiled as she walked across to Troy. “Good evening.”

Troy’s eyes were on her from the moment she walked in and all the way as she walked to the booth. He took her hand and gave her knuckles a light kiss. "If I may be so forward, you look ravishing my dear." He released her hand and picked up both glasses and set them on the table. He assisted her gently into the booth before returning to his seat across from her. "I took the liberty of ordering before you arrived. Risan Mai Tais, I hope it is to your liking."

“Very much so” Callie nodded offering a warmer smile. “Thank you. I have to say you’re looking very handsome this evening.”

Troy nodded appreciatively to her compliment. He raised his glass aloft. "To getting to know one better." Most Starfleet officers toasted the Empire to start the evening, as if those words alone would confirm their patriotism. He didn't want to spend the night reciting rhetoric. He was curious about who one of the most beautiful women on the ship really was.

Callie chinked her glass against his before sipping her drink, her eyes never left Troy’s as she drank. “Mmm that’ quite a kick!” She grinned. “I hadn’t better have too many or you’ll be carrying me out of here!”

Troy met Callie's gaze, an endearing smile on his face. "I promise to not take advantage of you should you imbibe to much. You have my word as an officer." His words had a ring of sincerity because he actually spoke the truth.

“I know” Callie nodded. “I wouldn’t be so cruel as to get drunk on you, especially not tonight.” She sipped a little more of her drink before putting it down. “So, are you always this fast taking women out to dinner?”

"Normally no." Troy reached across the table and gently brushed fingers down the length of her arm. He took her fingers in his and lifted her hand to his lips and landed a gentle kiss. "When one is as lovely as you though...well, fortunate favors the bold."

Callie blushed, she wasn’t usually bashful but Troy was quite literally sweeping her off her feet. “You keep that up and I might just invite you back for a nightcap.” She grinned a wry grin.

Troy smiled at the possibility of her invite. Her quarters were next to his, so if she didn't he would at least not have far to walk. He was still staring into her eyes when music began to play. He spared a quick glance to the dance floor before turning back to her. "Do you dance?"

“I’ll admit I’ve never danced with a partner but I’m always willing to try.” Callie smiled warmly. “You’ll just have to guide me.”

Troy rose from his seat and gently tugged on her hand. He led her to the dance floor and had her take a straight stance as he circled her a moment to check posture. He finally extended his right hand as his left hand gently rested on her hip. "One hand in mine, the other on my shoulder."

Callie nodded and did as instructed. Dancing wasn’t one thing she’d been taught so she was pretty nervous.

"Close your eyes and listen to the music. Let yourself feel the rhythm. When you're ready, open your eyes and follow my lead." He held her in the starting pose.

Closing her eyes Callie listened to the music, she didn’t have any problems with dancing to music just the fact she wasn’t used to dancing with a man.

Troy breathed in deeply as he watched her face. Her scent was intoxicating, even more so than their drinks on the table. He studied her perfect face as she listened to the music and synced her body and mind to the music. When she finally opened her eyes he began to lead.

Staying in rhythm and step with Troy, Callie grinned as she started enjoying their dance together. “This is so much fun!”

"I am pleased you are enjoying the dance." She was quite the good dancer, despite her claim of never having a partner before. He gave her a charming smile and playful wink. "Care to try something a little more...adventurous?"

Callie nodded. “Sure, adventure seems to be my thing at the moment!” She couldn’t help but wonder what he had in mind.

Lieutenant Petrov entered with a PADD in his hands, his eyes scanning the room for the Chief of Security in hopes of securing his signiature on a document. Generally he would send a more junior crewman to do his dirty work, but considering the man’s location, a certain curiosity arose within him about his boss’s play habits. Little did he expect to find the man dancing and canodling with the chief operations officer in the middle of the room. He felt a pay in the irritation that the man was not only in the way of his career advancement but was also pursuing his physical interest in the same area as well. He matched his irritation, looking at the other security officers who sat at a table out of uniform. He gave them a smile.

“It’s seems the Lieutenant came aboard full mast, gentlemen.” He said and hushed tones, a broad smile on his face. The group of noncommissioned officers laughed together righteously and several words were shared which wouldn’t be audible unless one was standing rather close.

Troy twirled Callie so her back was to him. The hand that had been at her hip laced fingers with her hand and he spun her out to a double arm length before spinning her back close. He followed the spin with a dip, holding her mere inches from the dance floor. He finally pulled her upright into his arms. He held her in a warm embrace as he gazed into her beautiful eyes.

Callie found herself staring up at Troy, she was completely captivated by him. She smiled as she looked deep into Troy’s eyes.

Troy was oblivious to everyone but her. He leaned down and gave her a lingering kiss as his heart pounded in his chest.

Callie was lost in the moment as she accepted Troy’s kiss, and returned it. She was forgetting they weren’t alone until she suddenly snapped back into reality.

Andrei watched the two in there rather public display with a tight grin. One day, they would both pay for this insult. All the same, he joined the crowd in their praise of the events as they took place.

Whoops and whistles erupted from the enlisted patrons in the lounge. Troy blinked himself back into reality as the cacophony of noise erupted. He looked about and caught the expression from the newest arrival to the lounge. He saw Andrei's expression of apparent amusement. He then noticed the PADD in the man's hand. "Is there a problem Lieutenant Petrov?"

Callie’s eyes fell on Andrei wondering what was going through his mind. They weren’t dating, just two people who had been having adult fun together.

Andrei stepped up with a cheerful expression, not clearly real or fake.

“Not at all, Lieutenant. Lieutenant Vali, it’s good to see you’re meeting everyone on the entire ship.” he said, turning to Troy and punching him lightly on the arm. “Good choice, sir. Exquisite energy in this one. Don’t forget to pull her hair and call her a dirty girl, she loves that one. Anyway, I’m not here to socialize, sir. I’ve got some documents that need the old thumb print for you.”

His folksy and confident smile paired with his extending the PADD he had in his hand would have made any observer who couldn’t hear their conversation think that all was well between them.

It was obvious Callie was upset with what Andrei had said, she was glad others in the room didn’t hear it. She wanted to mouth off, but instead she kept her mouth shut and let her anger simmer.

Troy quirked an eyebrow as the PADD was presented to him. He took the device and read the file on screen. He put his thumb on the biometric reader after reading the file content. He glanced at Callie and noted her not so happy expression. He returned his attention back to Andrei along with the PADD. He nodded at the PADD. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention Mister Petrov."

Callie walked over to the table they’d been sitting at, waiting for Troy to finish with Andrei. She had been enjoying herself but Andrei has ruined that, right now she just wanted to go home.

Troy turned and walked calmly over to Callie standing by the table. Their half finished drinks still on the table. "My apologies for the interruption. Hopefully there will be no more intrusions this evening."

Callie offered a smile. “It’s not your fault. Would you mind if we left here?”

Troy inhaled deeply and nodded. "We can go wherever you like or I could walk you back to your quarters if you wish."

Callie nodded. “I’d like to go home, if you don’t mind?”

Troy put an arm around Callie and led her to the waiter. It only took a moment to settle the bill and have them on their way.



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