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Pillow Talk

Posted on Thu Jan 27th, 2022 @ 11:14am by Callie Marshall & Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Troy’s Quarters
Timeline: MD 7, 0400 hours
885 words - 1.8 OF Standard Post Measure

~~ ADULT CONTENT ~~ This post contains adult scenes. ~~


Troy lay in bed and let out a loud moan as he climaxed with Callie. He watched her back arch as she screamed with climactic pleasure for what had to be the twentieth time or more that night. He had lost count over an hour ago. He wrapped his arms around her as she collapsed onto his chest, her body quivering against his. He gently reached up and stroked her cheek and then hair. "So how many was that? I lost count an hour ago."

Callie shook her head, her body was covered in a thin layer of perspiration from all their lovemaking efforts, her hair was sticking to her face as she swept it aside smiling at Troy. “I have... absolutely... no idea!!” She giggled as she rolled off onto the bed beside him still breathing heavily. “I swear... I won’t be able to move tomorrow!”

Troy chuckled as he slipped an arm underneath her and pulled her back back on to his chest. He planted a lingering kiss as he gently stroked her face. "I think you mean today. It is already oh four hundred hours my lady."

“Already!?” Callie looked surprised, the night had certainly flown by. “We both have to be on duty at 0800 hrs, I guess that means we’ll have to get some sleep.” She stifled a yawn. “I could certainly use it!”

Troy gave a moments thought to her plight of little sleep and came up with a solution. "Computer add Lieutenant Vali to the scheduled meeting with Vice Admiral Ross for 1030 hours tomorrow."

“A meeting with the Vice Admiral?” Callie looked at Troy in surprise. “Why would I need to be there?”

Troy stroked a finger lightly down the side of her torso and upper thigh. "Primarily to report on ship's general operational status, but there's a good luncheon being provided and it would be pleasant to have a meal with you away from the ship. It could be a while before our next meal from something other than a replicator."

Callie nodded as her fingers gently stroked Troy’s chest. “I’d like that, very much. What time are we scheduled to leave for the meeting? I don’t want to end up being late for any of my shifts.”

"Ten hundred hours is our muster in the Transporter Room. You will be exempt from duty prior to that for preparation time, which you can briefly review your department duty officer's watch log for the current shift." Troy rolled Callie onto her back and kissed from cleavage to mouth. "I think one more slow session should put you to sleep nicely. Don't you agree?"

Callie smiled a wry smile. “You are incorrigible you know that?” She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. “If there’s any doubt, that’s most definitely a yes!”

Troy started making love to her slowly. He put his cheek on hers and whispered in ear. "Less talking." He then started to kiss her non stop as he maintained the slow, rhythmic consummation.

Callie held onto Troy, the passion of lovemaking with Troy was so different to the lovemaking with Johnathan, his was the joyful enthusiasm of a man who wanted to indulge and learn. Troy’s was that of a more experienced lover.

Troy held the same slow, almost agonizing slow, pace as he kissed her without a break. It was almost twenty minutes until her tells started to show.

Callie’s grip tightened as she dug her fingers into Troy’s skin, though not enough to harm him. Her eyes closed and her breathing became heavier.

Troy knew she was only moments away from climaxing. He finally picked up the pace. His thrusts became more powerful as his kisses grew deeper. He was a machine, a human jackhammer battering her love canal.

Callie was moaning loudly, crying out in her enjoyment as Troy picked up his pace. Holding onto him as though her life depended on it.

Troy felt a warmth on his back as her finger nails dug into his body. Blood ran from the furrows in his back as their moans grew loud despite being stifled by kissing. He knew he couldn't contain himself much longer. He wanted to, needed to, climax with her one last time.

Callie cried out loudly as her climax finally hit, she cried out loudly wanting Troy to climax with her for the last time for this evening. She held onto Troy as his climax followed hers, she loved how vocal he was when they made love. As he thrust into her for the last time, she cuddled up to him as he collapsed down beside her on the bed. This was one night she wouldn’t soon forget.

Troy lay on his side next to Callie just staring at her with true affection. He had never had a night like this with any other woman before. She had a fire and passion that was unlike anyone he had ever known before. He put an arm around her and watched as she drifted off. He finally laid his head down and couldn't help but wonder. Is this the one, as he too drifted off to the land of dreams.



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