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Dinner and Dessert

Posted on Tue Mar 21st, 2023 @ 2:27am by Lieutenant JG Taina M'Tras
Edited on on Tue Mar 21st, 2023 @ 7:14pm

Mission: In-Between (S1:E4-S1:E5)
Location: ISS Vengeance
Timeline: Mission Day 1 at 1830
2139 words - 4.3 OF Standard Post Measure

A few minutes before the time of their date, Samuel arrived outside of Tiana's quarters. He had done some homework and had replicated a bushel of her favorite flowers and sweets.

After making sure his suit was smooth, he reached out and pressed her door chime.

Taina opened the door in a red strapless gown slit up well past her left knee with opera gloves. She grinned at her lover and at the flowers and literally purred. "My favorites," she said, as she took the elegant and rather complicated bouquet.

When her door slid open, Samuel did his best to contain his astonishment at just how perfect Taina looked. His eyes grew wide and he took in every inch of her, from her feet, all the way up to the tips of her ears. "Wow!" He breathed, feeling stunned by the beauty before him. "You look perfect!"

"Flatterer!" she chided playfully. "Let me put these in some water." She stepped back from the door to let him come in for a moment before they went out.

Samuel stepped inside. While he certainly would be happy to stay in for the night with Taina, he didn't want her too start thinking that he was only interested in the physical side of things. He truly wanted to be a part of her life, for as long as she would allow him.

So, he had done more homework, both in their discussions and what he could find about her. And from that, he had designed this evening. Starting with the flowers and sweets, taking them to dinner and an opera, Les Miserables, on the holodeck (which he had had to call in several favors for the extra time slots. He would be owing a few of his shipmates for the next month at least.) All of that, leading to, if the night went well (he hoped), to the possibility of spending the night with her.

"I'm glad you like them. I modified their pattern, so the will last twice as long." He suddenly worried that it sounded like he was bragging.

"Hmmm..." Taina said and went back to the flowers, sniffing them more carefully as if to see if she could detect a difference. Apparently finding none, she smiled and walked back to her lover. "You did a very good job. I'd have thought they were naturally grown."

Samuel smiled warmly, happy with Tiana's approval. "Well, given time and a place to do so, I could grow you some. My mother taught me horticulture as I was growing up. You should have seen what she cultivated at the retreat."

"You don't have to do all that," Taina said, laughing. "I do like the romantic gestures but all I really want from you is you."

This made Samuel smile broadly. He spread his arms wide as he replied. "All that I am, all that I yours, my love."

"And I'm yours," she said in return, wrapping her arms around him and kissing him.

Samuel enveloped Taina's body in his strong arms and returned her kiss with equal passion. They stayed there for a few moments, until they finally came back up for air.

Smiling and a little flushed, Samuel spoke softly. "If we keep this up, we will never leave your quarters and will lose our holodeck reservation."

"Then let's go before we no longer want to," Taina said, reaching for his hand and heading into the hall. "We can finish this after."

Samuel grinned, allowing Taina to pull him along for a few paced. Then, he pulled her back into his arms and started to walk her down the corridor. "I'm looking forward to it, my love."

"I look forward to it too," she agreed.

The couple quickly made their way to the waiting holodeck and Samuel entered his authentication code to both activate the program and unlock the holodeck for them to enter.

"Madam?" Samuel offered his left elbow to Taina. "Eould you cate for a short walk through the park before dinner?"

"Certainly, sir," she agreed. She linked arms with him, all proper and lady-like.

Bowing his head slightly when she took his arm, Samuel escorted Taina inside the holodeck.

When they stepped through the doors, they were suddenly in the Champ de Mars gardens, in Paris, France. Off to their left, the Eifel Tower stood tall and lit up with the numerous lights that dotted its surface. The night sky was clear and full of stars, and the moon was full and seemed a bit closer than usual.

All around them, various other holographic couples strode past, hand in hand or arm in arm, like they currently were. Samuel smiled as he looked at Taina, who was taking in the view around them. "I hope you like the program, my love."

"I feel like a lady," she said surprisingly quietly as vertically slitted eyes took in the Champ de Mars garden. She saw the other couples, also dressed elegantly. She saw the beauty of the night sky. "Have you been here before? For real, I mean?"

Samuel smiled warmly, glad that he was making Taina feel very special. "Once, when I was a little boy. My parents brought my here for a family vacation. Seeing the tower then, as it seemed to touch the very heavens, made an impression on me." He paused before adding, "I hope we can see it for real one day after we get home."

"I would like that," she said, walking closer to him. Brushing lightly against him. "It does draw the eye, doesn't it? Do you want to go up?"

Grinning over at her, Samuel replied with a nod. "We kinda have to, my love. As the restaurant is up near the top." He pointed up to the boxy section just below the spire. "From up there, you can see all of Paris."

Her eyes moved up the tower once more. She let out a small laugh at some thought she had. "Lead the way, love."

Samuel nodded and grinned. He then led Taina inside the ground-level elevator bank. Even with modern technology, the original, gear-driven elevators that Eifel had designed were still in full working order. While it was a slower accent, it was all part of the experience. There was even an elevator operator I'm each car.

After the first eg of the accent was finished, Samuel continued to lad Taina around. Next, they took a second elevator, this one taking the higher to the restaurant itself.

When the elevator doors slid open, the maitra d' greeted them with a polite and broad smile. "Monseur, mademoiselle, welcome! Your table is waiting, as requested. Please, follow me."

Samuel nodded, then indicated that Taina should go first.

Taina stepped forward. The slit in her dress parted slightly to show off her long legs. She smiled softly as she let herself be seated with her lover.

Once they were both seated at a table nearest the north widows, the maitra d' excused himself to return to the welcome podium. A few beats later, their waiter stepped up to their table. "Good evening, Mademoiselle, monseur. My name is Léan. I will be serving you tonight. Have you ever dined with us before?"

"No, I haven't," Taina answered.

The waiter's eyes grew slightly as he smiled. "Then you are in for a real treat, Mademoiselle!" He then turned his eyes to Samuel. "And you, Monseur?"

Samuel nodded as he replied. "Only once, when I was a young boy."

"In that case, welcome back, Monseur!" Léan replied with a smile. He then went over the specials and wine list, then moved away to allow the happy couple to think about their options.

Once they were alone, Samuel reached over the table and took gentle hold of Tiana's right hand. "If the computer can get the replications even half as close, the food will be delicious."

"If the Holodeck has a program that can do it so well, we should download it into the replicators," Taina suggested facetiously.

Samuel nodded thoughtfully at that suggestion. "That's a great idea, sweetheart." He smiled warmly at Taina as he spoke.

A few moments later, the waiter brought over a bottle of wine. After Samuel checked its flavor, he nodded and two glasses were poured. Once the waiter left to get their dinners, Samuel lifted his glass in a toast. "To many wonderful adventures together, my love."

Taina raised her glass as well. "To many wonderful adventures, darling." Then she crossed arms with him and drank.

After they drank, the waiter returned with a covered cart. Lifting the cover, he revealed a veritable smorgasbord of delicacies for them to choose from. "Bon apetité," he said with a smile.

Looking over at the food, Samuel picked up Taina's plate and asked, "What would you like to try first?" He smiled at her as he spoke.

"The filet mignon," Taina said. "Rare." She grinned hungrily. "Thank you for bringing me here."

Samuel nodded, then filled Taina's plate before handing it back. "Of course! I wanted to take you someplace special, especially as we have no idea what tomorrow will bring." He then filled his plate and they started to eat and talk.

"So," he started. "What is the first thing you're going to do when we get home?"

She started to eat and then she paused. She looked like she was considering the question. "We would do it together, and it would be up to you," she answered, her eyes never leaving him. She seemed to be carefully considering what he might say next.

Samuel took a few beats to consider his reply. An easy smile filled his face as he started to speak. "Well, after introducing you to my parents, I'd want to cash in my accumulated leave time and go find a beautiful, tropical beach on some paradise island, and just enjoy life."

"That's a good answer," she agreed and took another bite.

Smiling, Samuel started to enjoy his dinner. After a few moments, he asked, "When you think about the family and home you will have, what do you see?"

"I don't know," she said, suddenly uncomfortable. She looked away. "Let's not....I mean...Let's just eat?"

Samuel realized the error of his words. "My love!" He reached across the table and took her left hand into his right one. "I'm so sorry! It wasn't my intention to make you uncomfortable! I was only meaning in general, what you pictured for yourself. It doesn't even have to include me at all. I am so sorry that I wasn't clear there."

He was silent for a few beats, then asked, " you wish to end our evening?"

"Of course it's you!" she reassured him. "I love you." She paused for a moment, staring at the holographic sky. "I just don't think I can give you....I mean..." She was having trouble just getting it out. "I'm not sure we'd be able to have a family together. Biologically, I mean."

Samuel got up and moved over to kneel beside Taina, taking her hands into his and looking deep into her eyes. "I love you more than I can say. In the short time we have been together, I have found that you were what was missing in my life." He moved his right hand up to gently caress her left cheek. "And as far as biology goes, as we are both mammalian, with similar blood chemistries, I don't see why there would be an issue."

He grinned and chuckled softly. "Hells, look at Emperor Spock. His mother and father had completely opposing blood chemistries, yet he was still conceived." He smiled lovingly up at her. "Nature finds a way." He then paused and added, "And should we not get that lucky....then we'll adopt!"

Taina helped him up, smiling softly. "You are excessively sweet. You know that, don't you?" But her voice was quite affectionate.

He shrugged and gave her a confident grin. "It's why you love me. You have a sweet tooth." He then leaned down and kissed her soft lips, inhaling her perfect scent as he did so.

"I suppose I do," she said and she kissed him back.

After the delicious kiss, a deep growl vibrated in Samuel's chest. "Shall we finish dinner and go to the show, or do we just go back to your quarters for dessert?"

"My quarters are tempting," Taina admitted, "but let's let the anticipation build as we watch the show. It's not like we're short on time tonight."

Samuel grinned hungrily at the beautiful woman in front of him. "Thy will be done, my love." He kissed her again, then returned to his seat. They resumed their dinner, talking about how they saw their future together.



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