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A Piece of my Mind

Posted on Sat Jan 29th, 2022 @ 11:10pm by Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Callie Marshall

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Andrei’s Quarters
Timeline: MD7 1630 hrs
889 words - 1.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Arriving outside the door to Andrei’s Quarters Callie stood for a moment wondering if she was doing the right thing. She was aiming to give Andrei a piece of her mind after the way he spoke about her in the lounge to Troy. Taking a deep breath she pressed the chime and waited.

Andrei was bridge duty one half hour into Beta Shift, but he had called on his console relief so that he could pop down to his quarters and grab an important PADD he'd left there. The XO had given him an earful for needing to leave his post, but he didn't do anything, so it was fine in Andrei's eyes. When the chime rang, he was surprised. Walking over to the door, he opened it and, seeing Callie, he turned his head to the side, meeting her eyes.

" what do I owe the pleasure?"

“I’d have thought you’d have known that by now Andrei” Callie offered an annoyed glare as she walked towards him. “I don’t like what you said about me in the lounge!!” She paused hands on hips. “Just because I was enjoying another man’s Company there’s no need to act like an annoyed teenager!”

He looked left and right in the corridor, and then back at her.

"Callie, you're embarrassing yourself making a scene like this." he said, pausing and then stepping aside into his quarters. "Come in and we can discuss this as adults."

“Afraid of other people overhearing you getting raked over the coals?” Callie crossed her arms before stepping inside Andrei’s Quarters.

"No, I'm afraid everyone will know how...well, how you like it." he said, gesturing with a serious expression. "So, before you shout at me and make a fool of yourself, dear, tell me that I said something untrue."

Callie shook her head. “My issue is the fact that you threw it in my face in-front of others Andrei. Kassandra Warner me about you, but I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. You’ve proved her right in every way.”

"Oh she WARNED you about me, did she?" he said, crossing his strong arms over his chest. "She's making a big deal over nothing, just like you."

Callie sighed. “Maybe I am, but now I know what kind of man you are don’t expect me to be...entertaining you anymore!!”

"Are you sure?" he asked, a grin on his face as he lifted his hand to her hair. He played in it gently, his eyes wandering toward the bedroom. "I won't tell anyone anything if you won't."

Callie stood her ground trying not to show weakness in-front of Andrei. She’d fallen for his charms twice already, his bad boy image spoke to her more naughty side. “Ohh I’m sure you wouldn’t...until it suited you.”

He nodded, smiling and still playing with her hair without hesitation. He was a man who felt assured in all situations, even now.

"'re probably right. But, then again, I don't think it will come to that. I doubt you'll ever be in my way." he said, looking her in the eyes. " long as you continue to...entertain me, I could be convinced to keep my mouth closed."

He leaned in and kissed her on the lips slowly, not seeming to care if she pulled back or not. He did so with such confidence that it would seem to any observer, if there were any, that nothing was wrong at all between them. Such actions tended to be convincing.

"You should bet on me, Callie." he said into her ear. "I'm going to win the whole game."

Callie gave Andrei a cold look. “What game would that be Andrei?”

"Let's call it shoots and ladders." he said, grinning, his eyes focused. "Climbing the rungs of Imperial Starfleet...of the Empire."

“Why do I not like the sound of that Andrei?” She gazed at him wondering just what nefarious deeds he would be willing to do. “Don’t even think of trying to hurt Troy! I promise you you’ll regret it if you do!!”

"God, what is everyone's fucking obsession with me killing Troy Marshall?" he asked, frowning. "Every time someone opens their mouth, they're warning me about touching him like his some gentle lamb. I tell you, I don't give a damn about him. He is insignificant; he is nothing."

Callie nodded. “My god Andrei, you actually told me the truth!” She offered a smile. “Fair enough, from now on you and I steer clear of each other. I won’t bother you if you don’t shoot your mouth off about me.”

"I don't steer clear of anyone, love. I go where I want, and no one is going to stop me. And I've been telling the truth constantly, but people are choosing give in to their paranoid delusions." the Security Officer said, a frown on his face as he shrugged. "Um, okay, Callie. Peace, joy...whatever. Now fuck off, I've got stuff to do."

And, with that, he turned and walked over to his desk. He started to work on something intently as if she wasn't there.

Callie turned to walk out, the smile on her face said it all.


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