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Punishment for Selin

Posted on Sat Jan 29th, 2022 @ 11:55pm by Lieutenant Lionel Morrison & Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Combat Intelligence & Information Centre
Timeline: MD15 20h00
488 words - 1 OF Standard Post Measure

This had been going on for days. Morrison was cutting Kassandra's off duty hours down and making her pull double and sometimes triple shifts. And today was no different. But she was not allowed in her office when it was not her official shift times so Morrison had her stand guard outside the Combat Intelligence & Information Centre and everytime she let someone in he abused her for her incompetence even if they were expected by him.

Kassandra was silent through all of his tirades not giving the man the pleasure of being able to send her to the brig for Insubordination. But she was swiftly getting tired of the man and his foibles. He told her she had embarrassed him in front of the Captain and Executive Officer over the course planning and she would live to regret it.

Her personal time was severely cut. And that annoyed her. She had been up since 05h00 and it was now 20h00 and she had been told that he needed her to do the Gamma shift as Jonas had been helping him during Alpha after his last Gamma shift so she would again be up until 08h00 the following day. When she counted how many days she had done a full 24 hour shift since his arrival, she had pulled 3, 24 hour shifts in the past 8 days. This would be her 4th. Exhaustion was not just a word these days, it was Kassandra's perpetual state of being. Not even some nights of wild sex with Johnathan and Callie could relax her fully, she was constantly on edge waiting to be summoned into work.

Kassandra was so done with the man's shit. She had input a computer program into the system that monitored all her interactions with Morrison and all her working hours. She logged them all into the computer and set them to be delivered if she was ever sentenced to the agonizer booths. That would be the final straw and she had, a few other contingency plans in place. She had even stashed copies of his tirades in Johnathan's cabin and hidden a few around the ship. She didn't trust Morrison as far as she could throw him. And from the noise she heard around the ship the feeling among several senior officers was the same. But that would not be enough. Ambitious men were everywhere in the fleet and she had a feeling, she didn't have enough good will out there to make things work for her to get rid of him.

If she had to list his actions it would take a while. He threw backhands around like nothing, he used the agoniser on his team, her more than others though he limited it more than before. His favorite punishment for her was one short agoniser shock and then ordered to do triple shifts. Or stand outside the Intelligence office for hours. The man needed to die. And soon.


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