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The bonding trio bonds ***content warning ⚠️ ***

Posted on Sun Jan 30th, 2022 @ 10:01am by Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin & Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III & Callie Marshall

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Johnathan’s Quarters
Timeline: MD11 0100 hrs
2295 words - 4.6 OF Standard Post Measure


Callie was laying cuddled up in Johnathan’s arms, when she’d arrived earlier in the evening she’d given consideration to telling him about the fact that she could be pregnant but decided against it. She didn’t want to worry him for possibly no reason, so instead she enjoyed his company just like she had before. He had become quite the accomplished lover since losing his virginity to her. She smiled to herself as she shifted slightly to get more comfortable, she was a lucky woman to have found both Johnathan and Troy.

Johnathan was feeling content in his life. He had become an elite pilot, one of the few fully qualified to fly the highly maneuverable Intrepid class warships, he was a department head, he had started to grow a new group of friends and allies. Most importantly, he had found not one, but two wonderful women to love. To say he was happy, would be an understatement.

Feeling Callie shift against him, he sighed a quiet contented sigh. He then adjusted his hold on her as they lay together in his bed. "I love you, Callie."

Callie lifted her head in surprise. “You... love me?” Her look was one of surprise. She hadn’t been expecting to hear those words, at least not so soon. She wasn’t even sure of her own feelings.

He suddenly worried that he had said something wrong. "I...I mean..." he looked away, feeling a fool. Of course she didn't feel the same about him. Why would she? She was so very far above his level. He should just keep his mouth shut and simply enjoy what affection she did feel he deserved.

“No...don’t take it back.” Callie offered a warmer smile. “I just wasn’t expecting it that’s all.” She suddenly felt a pang of guilt at not knowing exactly how she felt.

Slowly, he looked back her, though it was clear that he still felt unsure now. "I'm...I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I just felt right to say." His face was a mixture of sadness and embarrassment.

Callie gently touched Johnathan’s face with her fingers. “You don’t have to be sorry. I’m the one who should be saying sorry. To be honest I don’t know how I feel, you’re special to me and I enjoy being here with you but...” she paused. “I honestly don’t know where my heart lies right now.”

Hearing her say that he was special to her, Johnathan raised his eyes to hers and gave her a soft smile. "You don't need to say it back, if you don't want to." He shrugged slightly. "It's...just how I feel about you."

Callie felt more relieved as she saw Johnathan smile. “I wish I could say it back, but right now I can’t and it would be cruel to you to say it without meaning it.” She leant in for a romantic kiss.

Johnathan made a soft, approving sound, when Callie kissed him thusly. Sliding his arms around her, he returned the kiss several times over, wanting her to feel as good as she made him feel.

Callie accepted and reciprocated with passion. When their lips parted she grinned. “I wonder when Kass will be joining us, it’d be nice to have her here enjoying some time together.”

Hearing Callie say Kassandra's name made Johnathan smile happily. Before he could say anything, however, he heard a noise.

The door chime rang softly, almost tentatively. Kass had gotten off her shift at midnight, run back to her cabin, showered and changed into a pair of jeans and a tank top before checking on the location of Johnathan and Callie in the computer. Smiling she figured it was time to try again if they let her. So she stood outside Johnathan's cabin at 01h00 and waited.

A few moments later, the door unlocked and slid open, revealing Johnathan standing there, wearing a robe. His eyes sparkled when he saw Kassandra. Without a word, he reached out, slid the fingers of his left hand under the waistband of her jeans, and pulled her inside, into his embrace, as the door slid shut and locked behind her. "Hello, sexy lady," he said happily, as he lifted her up off her feet and kissed her deeply.

Kass kissed him back and then breaking it said "Hi.. sorry for the interruption..."

“It’s no interruption” Callie smiled as she appeared in the bedroom doorway wearing one of Johnathan’s shirts. “We were hoping you’d come and join us.”

Kass smiled as She was lowered to the floor so she could stand. She linked her hand in Johnathan's as they moved towards Callie. Reaching Callie, Kass reached out and touched Callie's cheek. "are you sure?"

Callie nodded. “I’m sure Kass, I know Johnathan would love you to join us.”

Kass nodded back. "As long as you both agree."

As an answer, Johnathan wrapped an arm around both woman's waists, Callie on his right, Kassandra on his left. He then kissed one then the other. When he finally came back up for air, there was a very obvious buldge under his robe. "Now, the other day, where we we? Oh right! You both had removed my clothing and were just about to do the same for yourselves." He smiled hungrily. "Please, resume."

Callie grinned as she looked at Kass. “Now I believe you’re wearing a robe, so before we can undress you need to be naked.” She playfully slid his robe off letting it drop to the floor.

"That works" Kass gave a soft laugh and ran a hand down his bare chest. "Now you wanted us naked?" She queried as she reached for her tank top hem.

Callie smiled as she reached to help Kass out of her top, she had no doubt Johnathan would enjoy watching them undress each other.

Kass shifted closer as Callie pulled her top off revealing no bra just naked skin. And then her fingers began undoing Callie's shirt. Which she used to tug Callie closer and brushed her lips across Callie's, gently.

Callie responded to Kass’ kiss, gently returning the affection shown.

Kass slid Callie's shirt off her and let it fall before sliding her arms around the blond and continuing their kiss.

Johnathan's eyes and grin both grew wider, as his manhood pulsed with every beat of his heart. He stepped closer, putting his arms around both women, kissing Callie's neck, then Kassandra's. He slid his hands down to their asses and squeezed.

Callie smiled as she ran her hand along Johnathan’s skin. Letting her fingers trail along him playfully. Her other hand moved along Kass’ skin enjoying the feel.

Kass's jeans slid down her legs as she leant against Johnathan and watched Callie tease him. She smiled and kicked them away.

Callie slowly moved herself away from Johnathan, moving onto the bed where she lay waiting for both of them to join her.

Johnathan moved up behind Kassandra and whispered into her ear what he wanted her to do to Callie, while he came at her from behind.

Kass's lips curved and she climbed onto the bed, and calmly leaned over Callie and began to kiss her lips and neck. She would see how Callie reacted as her hands began to roam.

Callie hadn’t been with a woman in a while, and she’d only done so once before. She didn’t stop Kass instead she let herself enjoy what Kassandra was doing.

Johnathan watched, his hunger growing. When Kassandra lowered herself down between Callie's legs, he would enter her, his swollen member aching to be fed.

Callie was warming nicely to the enjoyment Kass was giving her, her excitement was plain to see as she encouraged what Kass was doing.

Kass slowly, deliberately kissed her way down Callie's body, feeling Johnathan behind her. She kissed her way down to Callie's hot centre and set about sending her into spirals of pleasure.

As soon as Kassandra was in position, Johnathan moved up behind her, took hold of her hips, and slowly entered her, burying himself completely inside of her center. He then started to slowly and rhythmically draw out, then slide back in. He kept his speed and strength constant, as he wasn't trying to finish too quickly.

Callie was writhing with the pleasure Kass was giving her, she could also feel the pleasure Johnathan was giving Kass, which all added to her moans and cries as she gripped the bedsheets.

Johnathan moaned softly as he continued to drive into Kassandra. "You're next," he said to Callie as he grunted again, feelinging Kassandra tighten around him.

Kass whimpered but she didn't stop pleasuring Callie, she wanted to make her climax and climax hard.

Callie was fast reaching a point she wasn’t gong to come back from, her back arched and her hands grasped the bedsheet hard as she climaxed with a loud cry of pleasure. It took what seemed a long time for her to come down from her high, but when she did she turned her attention to helping Johnathan pleasure Kass.

Kass climaxed shortly after Callie and was bucking back against Johnathan as she rode the wave of pleasure.

As Kassandra tightened with her climax, Johnathan joined her with his own, grunting loudly as he did so.

Kass slumped forward and curled against Callie nuzzling her neck as she came down from the high.

Callie smiled as she ran her fingers along Kass’ skin, Kass had her turn now it was Callie’s turn to enjoy Johnathon as she pulled him down for a passionate, fiery kiss.

Johnathan pulled free of Kassandra as Callie reached out and pulled him to her. In moments, he was ready to go again. Positioning himself between her spread legs, he slid his length into her, enjoying the sensations immensely.

Kass smiled and curled on her side to watch.

Callie couldn’t help but make pleasured sounds as Johnathan made love to her, her moans and cries telling him how good he was making her feel. She turned her head towards Kassandra motioning her closer to kiss her.

Kass did so and pressed her lips to Callie's.

Callie returned the kiss, wanting Kass to feel still involved. Their trio was something pleasurably new but Callie was enjoying it.

As the two women kissed, Johnathan plowed into Callie, giving her everything he had.

Callie was fast approaching another climax, her hands grasped hold of Johnathan, her breathing increased and her back arched off the bed as the climax hit like a freight train. She cried out Johnathan’s name as she grasped him tightly.

As soon as Callie tightened on him, Johnathan was launched past the point of no return. His body stiffened and he grunted like a caveman. He then gave Callie what he had left.

Callie smiled as she came down off her high, breathing heavily as she rested back on the bed with Kass. “That...was amazing!!”

Johnathan collapsed onto the bed, between his two lovers, feeling content and happy with his place in the world. "You both are beyond amazing!" He exclaimed as he tried to slow his rapid breathing. "I hope we can continue to enjoy each other like this for a long time to come!"

Callie offered a smile but didn’t comment, she simply cuddled up to Johnathan enjoying the feel of being safe in his embrace.

Johnathan held Callie close to his right side, turning his head to give her a gently, loving kiss. He then pulled Kassandra against his left side, giving her a slightly more intense kiss. He then sighed happily. "Thank you both for choosing to be here, for choosing to be with me. I am truly a very lucky man. I love you both, so very much. He then laid his head back and smiled, happy and content.

“Thank you for letting me be your first” Callie smiled as she rested wearily. “I feel truly honoured.”

Kass didn't verbally reply she merely snuggled down and closed her eyes. "Wake me before 05h00" she muttered

Callie didn’t hear she was already asleep, relaxed and happy.

~ 0400 hrs ~

Callie had slept soundly until she awoke realising that there was a certain someone she needed to see. Slowly rising out of bed she gathered up and put on her clothes. She paused long enough to give Kassandra a nudge to wake her up before taking a longing look at Johnathan and heading out of the door.

Kassandra woke easily, she had not been sleeping well of late. She slid from Johnathan's embrace as Callie left the room, and dressed quickly and quietly. She then brushed her lips across his and headed for the door as well. Unlike Callie, she had the issue that she was a junior officer and could not be found here.

As she was about to reach the door, Johnathan called out to her. "Kass," he said sleep still in his voice as he sat up and looked at her.

Kass turned, shoes in her hands. She gave him a warm smile. "Go back to sleep," she said. "I'll try and catch up with you later on."

"Have dinner with me. The next time Morrison allows you time off. Even if I'm asleep. Please come here. I really want to get to know you better."

Kass nodded "Sure." She replied with a smile. "Sounds nice"

He gave her a very happy smile. "Try to have a good day. Be safe. I love you."

She blushed and nodded before slipping from his bedroom and heading for the door.



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