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Suspicions over a Replicator

Posted on Sat Jan 29th, 2022 @ 10:18pm by Lieutenant Lionel Morrison & Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin & Lieutenant JG Melissa Jones

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Intelligence Center
Timeline: MD6 - 12h00
542 words - 1.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Melissa entered Intelligence with a repair kit and looked at a PADD. "Replicator S17-01" She said to herself. "Primary Energizer Coil integrity down to sixty percent."

She was stopped at the door to the office by an Ensign. "Ah excuse me Lieutenant?" Kassandra said rather bravely most would have thought. Kass was not supposed to be on duty until 16h00 but had been dragged into work at 11h00 because her boss wanted her there. And now until 16h00 she had to stand guard outside the Intelligence office. "I am sorry Ma'am, but I need to run your ID."

She looked at her for a moment. "Indeed, you may proceed." Melissa waited for Kassandra to finish.

Kass ran the lieutenant's id even though she was already aware of who Melissa was. "You are cleared. Lieutenant Morrison is in his office"

Melissa responded. "That will not be necessary. What I am interested in is right over here." She walked to a replicator and opened its access port.

Lionel came out of his office and looked around. The officers and enlisted all had their heads down. His gaze fixed on the freek from Engineering.

"Lieutenant Jones" his tone was icy. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

"My duty, This replicator is showing signs of an impending overload. That is unacceptable." Melissa noted.

"What is unacceptable, Lieutenant is your presence here. I do not recall summoning you here." Lionel snapped. "Ensign Selin you incompetent bitch, you should have known better than to let her in here!"

Kassandra looked up from where she stood. "Sir, She is the chief Engineer, She came to fix things."

"I do not care, you should have contacted me! We have sensitive material in here! You are on REPORT!"

Kass merely nodded.

Lionel turned, steam all but pumping from his ears. "As for you, leave this area Lieutenant. Now,"

"Now now, Lieutenant. This is a simple fix to keep the EPS main running through this wall from spiking during a fight... And if it where to happen to overload during battle... This room will be looded with more radiation than even your ego can withstand." She noted. "She handed Kassandra a PADD like he was not even there. "The numbers do not lie. Unit S17-01 was exhubiting random power spikes during a systems maintenance cycle at 0132 hours this morning. Meaningless right now, but catastrophic sould the captain order a power transfer to shields or weapons. And I am not interested in convincing you of anything in here because I do not answer to you. If you have objections, send it to the Captain. I shall send a maintenance report on the issue as well."

Morrison snatched the PADD off of Kassandra. "Fix it and get out of my department."

Melissa continued to work and then brought the replicator back online. She turned to leave and then spoke. "You were late for a Senior Staff Meeting, Lionel.... Captain Petrov will remember that..." She turned to leave, doing an acceptable job of frightening him.

"And you are a freak created to serve. Might want to remember that as well." Lionel replied even as he backhanded Kass for standing too close.

Kass took the hit and headed back to her guard post.


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