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Unexpected news

Posted on Sun Feb 6th, 2022 @ 9:33pm by Callie Marshall & Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall & Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Callie’s quarters
Timeline: MD30 1600 hrs
1437 words - 2.9 OF Standard Post Measure


Callie paced back and forth across the living area carpet in her quarters awaiting the arrival of the three men she’d bern with since her arrival aboard the ship. It seemed her contraception slip had indeed cost her, she was pregnant. The only problem was she didn’t know who was the baby”s father...yet!

Having called all three to her quarters she nervously awaited their arrival. Knowing now how she felt about Troy she hoped this wouldn’t scare him away.

Johnathan was the first to arrive. Callie’s message was vague at best. All it had said was she needed him to stop to discuss something important. So, there he was, still in his uniform. He had just finished conducting an overhaul of several lift systems down in the shuttle bay.

Troy was next to arrive about a minute after Johnathan. He still wore his uniform what with Alpha watch just ending.

When Andrei walking into the quarters and saw Callie standing with Troy and Jonathan, he furrowed his brow. "What the fuck is going on here?" he asked, rhetorically.

Once Andrei, Troy and Johnathan had settled, Callie turned to look at them.

“Okay, this...isn’t easy so I’m just going to come out and say it. I’m pregnant, the problem being is I don’t know which one of you is my baby’s father.”

Johnathan’s eyes grew a bit larger. He couldn't help the slight grin that crossed his face at the prospect of becoming a father. "How long have you known?" He asked softly. He decided, then and there, whomever the father was, he would still stand by Callie, love her just as much as before.

Callie offered Johnathan a smile. “Not long, Ill be’s my fault, I thought I was still covered by my contraceptive implant when I wasn’t. I had a new one implanted but it seems fate has chosen for me to be a mother.”

Troy looked at the other two men for a moment before gazing at Callie. "How long have you suspected though?"

Callie looked towards Troy. “Doctor Lamont told me that I could have conceived when I had my boarding medical late, the day after we spent our first night together. I was given a new implant at the same time. She said to come back in three weeks so here I did, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier. Chances are if I had that I wouldn’t have been pregnant.”

Andrei smiled subtly, amused at the situation. "You've got to be kidding me right now." he said quietly, then he chuckled. "Sorry...but this is hilarious."

Callie glared at Andrei. “I’ve no doubt to you it would be!” She looked back towards Troy waiting for his response.

Johnathan saw how Callie looked at Troy. A part of him felt hurt by it. If he wasn't wrong, he'd swear that she hoped the baby was Troy's. " you have a feeling as to which one of us the father might be? Or at the very least who it might not be?"

Callie looked towards Johnathan offering a warmer smile. “The two people I was with the most during those days were you, Johnathan and Troy.” She gazed towards Andrei not bothering to comment knowing he’d find it amusing.

Finding some comfort in the possibility that the child could be Troy's, and not Andrei's, if it wasn't his, Johnathan smiled a soft smile. "Okay. So, what happens now?"

Troy looked at Callie. "We need to go to see Doctor Lamont. Perhaps she can perform a DNA analysis of the baby and cross check it against our DNA?"

Johnathan nodded in agreement.

Callie smiled. “That’s what I was hoping you’d...all say” She looked towards Andrei. “Are you willing to allow the Doctor to sample your dna?”

Johnathan nodded. "I am. And Callie," he stepped closer to her, gently holding her upper arms and lightly touching her forehead with his. "If it shows that I'm not the father, nothing will change between us. I promise." He tried to think to her that she found tell he was being one hundred percent truthful.

"Good Lord." Andrei said, biting his knuckle, his head angled down. "This is a complete mess. Gents, maybe it belongs to all of us, yes? A three-fathered monster child. And that's assuming it really is a tossup between just us three. Are there other's Callie?" he asked, still smiling, "Are there six or seven other potential fathers?"

Without warning, Johnathan spun and punched Andrei straight in the center of his face, hard.

Andrei reeled back for a second, his head jerking back with the force of the punch. This wasn’t the first time he’d been punched before in his life and he knew, in that moment, he could kill that man. He felt a rage build within himself, quick and quiet. He smiled at Jonathan.

“Oh, you are going to regret that, you twat.” He said, and then turned his back to walk out.

Johnathan seemed unfazed by the threat. He said nothing as he watched Andrei scurry away. When he was gone, the pilot sighed softly. He then turned and faced Troy, raising his arms in front of him, wrists together. "Sir, as Head of Security, it is your duty to arrest me, as I just struck a fellow officer in your presence."

Troy nodded towards the door. He would arrest Johnathan if and when Andrei decided to press charges. "Consider yourself confined to quarters except for duty watches. If you have to leave your quarters then contact me. I or a trusted member of the crew will escort you. Dismissed Lieutenant."

“Johnathan...wait!” Callie looked towards Troy then back at Johnathan. “You didn’t have to do that, not for me.”

Johnathan paused, and turned to face Callie. "You aren't a whore, Callie. And I will not stand for anyone who tries to claim you are. I love you and will always defend you." He then turned and left, Troy ordered.

Troy looked at the door Johnathan had departed out of. He raised a hand and rubbed just above his eyelids.

“Troy I’m sorry” Callie offered an apologetic glance. “I love you, you know I do, but I wouldn’t blame you if you walked away from this.”

Troy stopped rubbing his own temple and sighed. He stepped over to Callie and pulled her into a close hug, her head on resting on his shoulder. "I'm not going anywhere." He gently stroked her hair.

Callie smiled as she nodded and hugged Troy tightly. “I’m not afraid to admit, I’m scared!” She looked up at him before giving him a loving kiss.

Troy kissed her back briefly. "Tomorrow morning we will go see the doctor. I can leave the conn to the JOOD for a little while as we get this sorted out." He paused, a look of uncertainty on his face. "Unless you would prefer someone else to go with you?"

Callie shook her head. “No, I want you there with me. I’d like Johnathan there too...if that’s alright with you?”

Troy wasn't sure if he would be comfortable with John there, but he knew Callie would want the support of whomever the father was. He nodded his head. "Of course."

“Troy, do you think Andrei will try and take revenge on Johnathan?” She looked concerned. “I don’t love Johnathan but I do care, he threw that punch for me. I don’t want him getting hurt because of it.”

Troy sighed as he shook his head. "I don't know Callie. There's too much at stake right now to be flying off half cocked the way John did."

Callie nodded. “That’s what worries me, once this pregnancy starts to show it’ll be seen as a weakness. I guess I have to prove that I’m not someone to be messed with.” She sighed.

Troy was unsure what tomorrow would bring. These were difficult times to say the least. "Get some sleep my love. We'll find out more tomorrow and figure out what to do next."

Callie nodded. “Okay Imzadi, I guess I could do with the rest.” She offered a smile.

Troy turned to leave. He just wanted to take a shower and relax. Things were getting tense on the ship since their transition into Alliance Space.

Callie headed towards the bedroom, she couldn’t help but wonder just what tomorrow would bring.



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