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Making Up for Lost Time ** Adult Content **

Posted on Mon Feb 21st, 2022 @ 11:32am by Callie Marshall & Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Troy’s Quarters
Timeline: MD 35, 1800 hours
2395 words - 4.8 OF Standard Post Measure



Troy had watched the proceedings in Security regarding Overseer Gubar and Slave Cassio. He couldn't say he was sorry for what fate they had received for the assassination attempt. He was mostly thankful for the cloud of uncertainty to be gone.

Callie was relieved that Troy had been cleared of wrong doing. Her fears aside she could now enjoy their time together without worry.

Troy pulled her passed the door to her quarters and into his next door. He double locked the door as he pressed her against the door and kissed her with a hunger. He had no intention of allowing even one second of alone time to be wasted.

Callie wrapped her arms around Troy as she returned his kiss with just as much hunger and passion. She’d been separated from him for too long for her liking and she was going to make up for it.

Troy kept kissing Callie as his hands roved up and down her body. One hand came back up and deftly unbuttoned her top and unhooked the front clasp of her bra as the other rubbed the front fabric of her skirt. He slid off her top and bra as his mouth and tongue descended to her ample cleavage and bosom.

Callie sighed a contented sigh, her breathing increasing as she encouraged Troy. Her hands moving to unzip what she could reach of his jacket.

Troy hungrily pleasured her bosom as both hands quickly loosened her skirt. Thumbs hooked her skirt and panties and tugged down until they fell down to bunch up at her boots. He rubbed her center for a minute, just enough to get her moist, before dropping to his knees to pleasure her with tongue and fingers as he held her against the door.

Callie couldn’t help but moan as Troy pleasured her. Her fingers trailing through his hair as she encouraged him ever more. “Ohhh Troy!!” Her head leant back against the door as Troy pushed her rapidly towards a climax.

Her moans were music to his ears as he worked to bring her to a quick climax. Her fingers felt wonderful combing through his hair. He doubled up on the tempo of his tongue and fingers as she writhed against the door. He slowed just at the edge of sending her over and teased her for a full minute before resuming his ferocious tongue lashing that took her over the edge.

“Troy Please!!” Callie looked down at Troy. “I want you! ... please!!”

Troy stood and tossed his jacket onto the table by the replicator. He hoisted Callie up and carried her to the table before setting her down. He quickly removed his clothes until he stood over her as he as naked as she. He wrapped her legs about his hips and slowly teased touched her. Minutes passed as he went back to teasing her.

Callie was writhing with pleasure and passion, she couldn’t wait to feel Troy inside her again. They’d only been apart a short time but it had felt oh so much longer. She wanted him and she wanted him now!

Troy knew when she was primed and ready for her next climax. He slid his manhood into her love canal ever so slowly until he filled her completely. Then he flexed his hips and vigorously. He was a jackhammer that drilled into her at a pace they had never achieved before. His breathing came in ragged gasps as he rammed into her at a hundred stokes a minute. "Don't plan on being able to walk my love. Because tonight is going to be very long and I have have no intention of stopping until you pass out from exhaustion."

Callie was crying out with enjoyment as her hands held onto Troy encouraging every thrust he made. She was purposely extra vocal letting him know just how much enjoyment he was giving her. “I don’t... care! All I want... is you!!” She pulled him down for a passionate kiss.

Troy kissed her back just as passionately as he thrust powerfully in and out of her. He felt her love spasms as he swelled inside her. "Take it my love! Take all of it!" He gave one more earth moving thrust as he climaxed with her. He felt her squeeze every last drop of him.

Callie closed her eyes crying out Troy’s name as they climaxed together, holding tightly onto Troy as the waves of passion washed over them both.

Troy slid his hands under her buttocks and hoisted her up from the table. He back stepped to the couch to sink onto the middle cushion, still filling her. "Ride me hard my Goddess! Show me how much you have missed me!" His fingers trailed up her flanks as he looked into her hungry eyes. He fondled her bosom as she took over the pace. He initiated a lingering kiss at first, one he had no intention of breaking until the climaxed together again.

Callie kissed Troy with fire and passion, picking up her pace she started riding, letting herself go she rode him as fast and hard as her legs would allow but with a modicum of caution in her movements given her pregnancy. Her cries and moans of passion were muffled as she remained lip locked with Troy.

Troy had remained hard after their first joint climax and her wild ride had taken her through several climaxes. Their kisses had been only briefly interrupted by the occasional nipple nibble when she slowed unexpectedly.

Callie paused her movements her legs aching, gently moving off she teased as she moved to kneel on the sofa beside Troy. “Take me Troy! Take me and don’t stop!!”

Troy smiled at her. "Gladly." He got to his feet and stood behind her. He rubbed his fingers along the opening of her love canal for a few moments before slowly inserting his manhood. He filled her love cavity fully and remained still for a ten count. He pulled out just as slowly until he barely parted her opening. He thrust powerfully, his hips rocking forward and back. He pounded her without mercy or respite for the next hour.

Troy was pushing every button Callie had, her body seemed to be in a constant state of climax after climax, her cries and moans were filling the air of Troy’s Quarters and could probably be heard out in the corridor too.

Troy had listened to her constant moans of pleasure and very vocal screaming during each climax. The intervals between her orgasms shortened each time. She seemed to be in a state of constant climax during the last five minutes of the hour. He had been holding back his own for just this moment. His roar joined her screaming as he finally erupted with a massive thrust. He held rock still as she squeezed him dry with her climax spasms.

Callie finally collapsed onto the sofa, totally exhausted from the constant lovemaking she and Troy were doing. Her body was covered in perspiration, her hair sticking to her skin. “Ohhh Wow!!” She offered a very tired smile. “How do you do it? Keep me... going like that?”

Troy took a deep breath and let it out slowly as he rested on the couch for a moment. He was just as spent as she was. "You fill me with such desire for you. You are a Goddess in my eyes. Good thing we're both blessed with incredible stamina." He found a little bit of strength and used it to pull her from the couch and shakily make it to the bedroom door.

Callie giggled as they both stumbled into the bedroom before falling onto the bed together. “I’ve missed you so much!” She kissed him lovingly. “We should be less rough... as much as I enjoy it, we have to think of the baby!”

Troy nodded. It probably wasn't going to be an issue for quite a few months, but they had already proven that even a leisurely pace of lovemaking could provide intense climaxes for both of them. "You are right my love. Perhaps Doctor Lamont could give us a more...suitable recommendation as the pregnancy progresses." He was content to just holding her close at the moment.

Callie nodded. “I just want to be sure that our rough fun won’t do any harm, you did have me promise to protect our Son no matter what.” She smiled as she held Troy close.

Troy nodded as he got to his feet. He helped Callie up and they made it to the fresher. He started the shower as she pulled towels from the cabinet. He watched her hang the towels on the rack. He couldn't help a smile as she turned to him.

“I love the way you smile” Callie grinned as she looked at the smile on Troy’s face. “Just seeing you makes my day, that smile keeps me going all day long!”

Troy breathed deeply. His eyes locked on Callie's. She was without a doubt the most beautiful woman he had ever met. "I feel the same way my love.”

“I still can’t believe that you asked me to marry you.” Callie looked into Troy’s eyes, “I feel like I’m the luckiest woman in the entire universe!”

"You are only half as lucky as I am." He opened the shower door and helped her in before stepping in behind her. He pressed against her back as his arms wrapped about her. "You are the Goddess that said yes to my proposal."

Callie grinned. “You are my knight in shining armour! Taking me away from my loneliness, and making my life what I’ve always wanted it to be.”

Troy brushed her cheek softly before giving her a kiss as warm water cascaded over their bodies. "Whatever happens in the future. We will face it together." He gave her another kiss. "Now let me get you clean."

“Who am I to say no to that?” Callie nodded and grinned.

Troy took time to lather and scrub every inch of Callie's body. He gently massaged her scalp as he washed her hair. He didn't consciously try to make it overtly sexual, but he could tell that she had become somewhat aroused.

Callie smiled. “How’s about I wash you?” She slowly and gently washed every inch enjoying the feel of Troy’s body as she washed him. She couldn’t help but pay extra attention to Troy’s arousal as she touched him to clean him.

Troy couldn't help but murmur softly as she reciprocated by washing him. His arousal became quite evident as she washed the last part of his body she had carefully avoided until the end of their shower. "I get the feeling someone wants more of what happened earlier, just at a more gentle pace."

“Mmmm I wonder what gave you that idea?” Callie smiled as she stepped closer wrapping her arms around Troy’s neck and kissing him passionately. “Let’s make it gentle, slow and make it last.”

Troy nodded after the kiss. He slipped a hand down her body and gently rested it on her bottom before leading her out of the fresher and back to the bed. He pulled back the covers.

Callie smiled as she slid underneath the bed covers.

Troy slipped into the bed with her and just started kissing her long, slow and gentle as they lay on their side facing one another.

Callie returned Troy’s kisses, she enjoyed the romance of slow lovemaking, the enjoyment of taking time to explore each other. Knowing what Troy liked she gently pushed him back as she slowly ran kisses down his neck, to his chest. Taking her time to trail kisses down his body before pausing. “You want me to pleasure you, don’t you?”

Troy felt her fingers lightly dancing on his manhood. He spoke in a aroused tone. "Oh God's yes! You have to allow me to reciprocate though.

Callie playfully trailed her fingers along his length, followed by slow kisses before taking his length in his mouth and pleasuring him slowly and seductively. She loved to hear his moans and sighs as she made him feel as pleasured as he made her feel.

Troy gently stroked Callie's hair as she expertly ministered to his desires. He shifted his body to begin to pleasure her in the same manner she was for him.

Callie couldn’t help but let out pleasured moans that reverberated as she pleasured Troy. She’d never had anyone pleasure her the way Troy did, he had a magic way of making her feel like she was in heaven.

Troy was quite practiced in what would bring Callie to climax, he was also aware of what to do that could hold her on the cusp for several minutes. He expertly toyed with her with tactile and oral stimulation before pulling his head back and looking up her body. "How do you want to?"

“How? I want you on top...” Callie smiled as she moved to allow Troy to move.

Troy rolled Callie onto her back and repositioned himself. He slid the length of his manhood along her wet center before drawing back and slowly plunging into about two inches and holding there. He pulled out slowly and repeated the process going slightly deeper each time. He looked down at her with desire, not just to feel his own release, but to see her expression when they climaxed together. "Slow and gentle, just like you wanted."

“Ooohhh now that... feels good.” She smiled. “Let’s just enjoy this, I want to pleasure you all night long!!”

The couple made love in a leisurely manner until nearly midnight. Though thoroughly spent, neither was going to suffer the soreness of their more rigorous nights together.

Troy held Callie in his arms after their final bout of lovemaking. "I hope we can complete this mission soon. Waiting to marry is starting to feel like torture."

Callie nodded. “I know it does Imzadi, hopefully it won’t be too long.” Cuddling up with a drifting off Troy, she was soon drifting off to sleep safe in the knowledge that she didn’t have to worry anymore.



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