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An Unexpected Acquaintance

Posted on Tue Apr 26th, 2022 @ 4:46am by Captain Ivan Petrov & Commander Cyrus Cain & Sergeant David Novak & Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall & Lieutenant Cael Maz & Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III & Callie Marshall & Lieutenant JG Melissa Jones & Lieutenant JG Andrea Carrington

Mission: S1 Episode 2: Caretaker, Part II
Location: Bridge - Deck 1
Timeline: Mission Day 6 at 2300
1927 words - 3.9 OF Standard Post Measure

The ISS Vengeance thundered through space at maximum warp like a missile, her nacelles raised to lower her damage on subspace. The sleekness of the original design was disrupted by an arenol of powerful weapons which dotted the hull front to back, making her the most capable class of warship in the Empire. Stars streamed by like projectiles as the Vengeance raced toward the planet which the strange entity on the array called Ocampa. As they flew, a rush of energy from that same array moved past them in a great stream of white, hurling toward the same destination.

In the command center, those bridge crew who were still present on the ship worked away at their consoles. Considering the late hour, the senior staff might have been tired if it hadn't been for the long sleep they were forced to enjoy for three days. At the command area, Captain Petrov and Commander Cain both sat on the edges of their seats like watchful warriors, ready for whatever happened next.

At the forward helm/conn station, Johnathan was doing everything he could to coax out a few more light minutes of speed gr the engines. He was feeling anxious and worried. He would kill every last Ocampa if even one hair on either woman's head was hurt.

Ensign Andrea Monroe stood at Ops, a sudden alert made her look curiously at the readouts. “Captain sensors have detected a fleet of 3 ships, configuration unknown.”

"Do they appear hostile?" Asked Commander Cain, looking toward tactical. "What are their armaments?"

Troy studied his tactical display as the analysis of the alien ships completed. "There's one capital ship and what appears to be two smaller vessels. Their weapons appear to be disruptors and photonic torpedoes. Minimal threat to the Vengeance."

"Ensign Mattison, Lieutenant Maz, did Intelligence and Science uncover any information about ships of this configuration?"

Ensign Mattison shook his head. "We have only rudimentary scans." He replied. "Caught on the edge of sensors. I am currently running the scans again to get the weapons and such."

Cael looked over the information coming in as well as the view screen, "Looks vastly low powered compared to our loadout, at least in size comparison. No way they have a singularity core like the Romulans do...or did." he added.

"The question is, should we ignore them or stop and have a chat?" Cain asked, turning his eyes back to the streaming stars of the viewer.

"We need to focus on the primary objective; the recovery of our crewmembers. Contact with these ships may hinder our progress." Melissa noted. "That being said, we also do not have time for contact."

Andrea looked towards Petrov. “Captain, Perhaps the crew aboard these ships might know more about why our people were taken.”

Johnathan wanted to say that they should wring all the information they needed from those ships, but, kept quiet. He didn't want to trouble the Captain with his own desires to rescue Kass at all costs.

Troy was a bit wary. It was unclear if these vessels were Ocampa or not. He doubted it considering the enslavement of the being on the technologically superior array.

"I would advise communications with them," Cael said offering up his opinion. "I will also provide what I know of the vessels here to tactical as the results come in."

Petrov thought about it for a few moments, his arm resting by the center console between Cain and him.

"Johnathan, drop us out of warp near their position." he said finally, then he turned to the Ops Console. "Ensign, hail the largest vessel and put them on screen."

"Aye, Captain," the young pilot replied energetically. After manipulating his controls surfaces, the warship dropped out of warp roughly thirty kilometers away, centered on the larger vessel, while allowing all three opposing vessels to be within the weapons ranges of the Vengeance.

Andrea nodded and tapped her panel. “Hailing now Captain.”

After a brief pause, the screen transitioned from the three ships before them to a wild-looking orange man with a complicated ridged forehead and extraordinarily dynamic and almost leaf-like thick brown hair. The Captain stood up from his chair and squared up with the viewscreen, his leather-gloved hands at his sides.

"Alien vessel, this is Captain Ivan Petrov in command of the ISS Vengeance. Identify yourself immediately."

"I am Culluh, commander of this task group of the Kazon Federation. I would imagine you have been brought here by the Caretaker?" the man asked.

"I assume you mean the entity that resides on the Array?" the Captain asked.

"Yes. The Ocampa call him the Caretaker, and you are hardly the first ship to be...escorted to our part of space by him. He has been a thorn in our side for a very long time, and the Ocampa have done terrible things with him behind them."

"That's very interesting, Culluh, but I don't care about the politics or the history, unless they help me recover two of my crew who have been stolen by this...Caretaker." Ivan said, subconsciously balling up his fists. "So I would suggest you either point us in the right direction, or kindly get out of our way."

Johnathan silently watched to viewscreen as he started to work in several evasive and combat flight maneuvers, anticipating his Captain’s orders to attack.

Troy was set to unleash destructive force if any of the ships so much as charged a single weapons bank.

Culluh pursed his lips and gave an approving smile.

"I see you have more fight in you than most of the others he has brought here. The rest are more desperate to get away from the Array than to find their people. Most unfortunate." he said, clearing his throat. "You have an impressive vessel, if our scans have anything to say about it, and the Ocampa have been an oppressive, though much diminished force in this area for quite a while. You see, their Caretaker is dying, and so has the Empire they once led."

"He told us he was dying." Ivan said, looking a mix of disinterested and quite serious. "What do you care?"

"My group has been tasked with policing this sector; the Ocampa and the poor souls they've pulled in have been a constant pain in our side." Culluh said.

"Well, perhaps you would be interested in helping us...knock down some of their defenses? A weak enemy is always better than a strong one, after all." Ivan said, his voice rising now.

Culluh seemed to ponder for a few moments and then turned to one of his officers. They spoke for a brief time with the volume muted before her returned to the screen.

"We can have reinforcements at Ocampa in the next few minutes. With our combined strength, their home fleet will fall."

"Why would you be willing to risk your men for all that?" Ivan asked immediately, a skeptical look on his face. "What do you gain?"

Culluh smiled then. "You are suspicious, and politically astute. Why, Captain...we get the chance to assert ourselves against an old enemy."

Ivan looked at the screen without motion for a space, before lifting his bearded head and speaking again.

"Stand by. We'll let you know." he said, and then gave the signal to cut the channel. Once Culluh's image was gone, he turned to the rest of the Bridge. "If they stand with us like he says, it will increase our chances of getting our people back. But...I suspect there's more to what he's saying than he's letting on."

Andrea looked towards Petrov. “He did seem to be pretty interested in the ship Captain, he may turn against us in an effort to take it from us.”

Johnathan turned his chair around to face the bridge. "Like Hell he will!" He turned his gaze to Ivan. "Captain, while I don't know what their ships are capable of, one thing is certain. Thanks to plain old physics, looking at their ships, there is no way any of them are even a close match for Vengeance! If I may be so bold, Sir. I think we should eliminate those ships, take what we want from them, then go get our people!"

"What we want is information....though we could find it in their computer banks." Commander Cain said in response.

Melissa spoke. "He is being vague in his reasons for choosing to fight the Ocampa, Captain. I agree with the Commander. We've known this Culluh for all of five minutes, and already he throws himself to our cause and at the same time; promises reinforcements 'in a few minutes.' I believe he takes us for fools."

"Do you believe it to be a trap, Lieutenant?" Ivan asked his Chief Engineer.

"People only smile when there's stimulus. Then he compliments us for being 'politically astute' If the Ocampa are such a thorn in his side, he would have dealt with them already. A wiser man would be cautious about going to war on a whim. But he is an arrogant, opportunistic, manipulator. Even now he's looking for a way to use us. Do not fall for it, Captain. If necessary, I can piggyback a surprise for him across the signal, It will allow me to eventually take control of his ship's computers. Their technological skills, according to my standards... Insufficient... It's making me feel a combination of pity and humor..."

A smile tugged at the corners of Ivan's mouth, but he fought it back. Now was the time to be quite serious. As was so often the case for them so far, lives were at stake. He didn't know these people very well yet, but he knew he had to get them home. That means they didn't have time for mistakes.

"I appreciate your spirit, Melissa....but we outmatch them by leaps and bounds, if our scans have anything to say about it. There's no need to spend too much time and energy on them. I want to know what is in that man's head, but I agree with you all that we have little time." He turned to the Ops Console. "Monroe, get him back on the line."

Andrea nodded. “Yes, Sir.” She tapped her console raising the other ship. “Onscreen Sir”

"Culluh." Ivan said with a loud and authoritative tone. "We thank you for your offer but it is rejected. We will handle this on our own."

"What? Captain, don't be a fool. You've never been to Ocampa before and I doubt you have any idea what you will find there. Your ship is powerful, beyond our technology, but it is possible you will lose much trying to take them on yourself. Let us help you." the Kazon responded, his brow knitted.

"The truth is, we don't trust you." Ivan responded. "We prefer to keep our distance from uncertainties. That means you should think twice before you get in our way."

"Captain, wait. Don't-"

The comm link was closed and the viewscreen returned to a view of the three ships in front of them. They didn't seem to be making any aggressive moves, but activated their engines and slowly coasted away in the opposite direction. Ivan sighed. He hoped he had made the right call.

"Lieutenant Anderson, resume course, full speed ahead." Ivan said, and then made his way back to his chair.

Johnathan nodded as he activated his flight controls. "Aye, Captain. We will be at the edge of the Ocampa system in three minutes!"


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