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Posted on Sun Jan 23rd, 2022 @ 2:32am by Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall & Captain Fergus Williams

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Marine Deck Offices
Timeline: MD 3, 1100 hours
1030 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Troy stepped off the turbolift and was immediately challenged by the Marine guard on duty. He presented his credentials and waited patiently as his identity was confirmed. He walked to the Marine offices past another checkpoint manned by a corporal and repeated the identification process once again before being allowed to passed through to the orderly room. He was greeted by a crusty looking NCO who bade him to sit as the MarDet Commander was informed of his presence.

Inside his small office, Fergus was running his figure along a padd swiping off name after name. Who did command think he was a babysitting service? He'd be better off with the robots than some of these wet behind the ears kid. Seeing his acting NCO step in and inform him the veteran replied with a gruff " Send him in." As he lit up another cigar.

Troy entered Fergus' office and took a look around before settling his gaze on the man in the chair. He gave the Marine a single nod. "Allow me to dispense with the faux pleasantries and get straight to the point. Will the Marines and Security have the usual rivalries seen on many ships of the Imperial Starfleet or will we be able to work together to ensure success of our mission?"

" Straight to the point I see. " The veteran marine replied. Some honesty out front was rather unusual. Drawing one of the cigars from his belt he offered it to his counterpart. " Keep this up and I may start to like you kid. As to your question will you keep your boys out of my armoury and stop them bitching that the marines getting a higher share of any captured vessels loot we take?"

Troy took the cigar and pulled a lighter from his pocket to light the cigar. He took a deep draw and nodded with appreciation. He looked at the cigar. "Cuban, handhold, thank you for the expensive gift." He took a second draw before answering the Marines questions. Security will maintain its own armory and as for bitching about division of spoils. The Marines usually are the first to board hostile ships. They face the initial and greater danger, therefore the greater share of spoils should go to your men."

" Then as long as our departments don't start slitting each other's throats to please the captain we should get on fabulously." The marine commander replied taking another draft of his own cigar. " Have they told you what the mission is? Other than being told to prep for bear my departments been told nothing."

Troy sighed as he shook his head. "Starfleet Command has only seen fit to inform the Captain. We will be briefed on the mission at his discretion." He looked at the sword mounted on the wall.
"If you don't mind a personal question. Do you fence?"

A chuckle escaped the marines lips. " I'm afraid my blade training involves a far smaller and sharper blade."

Troy sighed, a slight melancholy expression. "Unfortunate, I do hope I can find a worthy opponent to fence with. Holodeck opponents predictable at times."

" Ain't that the truth. Same with the training programs or the robots. It lacks the sentient factor. " Fergus replied. " So many kids think if you slap them in armour, run them through a few programs and think they can conquer the universe. Then the Cardassian black ops beat them in under five minutes."

Troy nodded knowingly. His first combat away team had been a search and destroy mission on a Cardassian held world. "Never underestimate the enemy. It is the quickest way to a permanent dirt nap."

" You'd think some of the cadets they send us have never heard of self-preservation." He said drawing a padd and tossing it across the table. " Most of the marines they want to send us are straight out of boot camp. I think someone in the higher up wants this mission to fail."

Troy perused the information on the PADD for a minute before handing it back. He sighed as he shook his head once. "You could consider it a blessing in disguise. You and your senior enlisted advisor may now train the Troopers your way. Perhaps fewer bad habits you have to break."

A chuckle escaped the marines lips. " High command and blessing are two things I gave up on a long time ago. Still, the emperor's devil dogs will have to make do as we always do." He said nodding his head upwards at the M1903 Springfield framed on the wall. The marines were always last in line for the new equipment and their ability to make do with older gear was legendary. " Still I guess I'll have to start breaking some heads in. I'll need the holodeck to start putting them through their paces."

Troy pulled out a PADD and made a note to ensure holodeck two would be reserved for training drills throughout Alpha watch every day. "It may be conducive to include medical in the training from time to time. They may get called on for a mass casualty event and we wouldn't want them unprepared."

" I'd add everyone to the training regime if we could. The basics at very least. if we get boarded i'd like the alliance to get a bloody nose from every direction." the marine added.

Troy looked at his watch. Realizing the time he stood up. "Excuse my sudden departure. I have other appointments to make today." He stepped towards the door, but stopped before opening it. He glanced over his shoulder. "One last thing. Captain's and First Officers have a tendency to make...allies out of either security or marines in counterproductive power plays. I will not allow myself or department to end up as pawns in a power play."

"The last thing the empire needs is more power struggles." The commander added as he tossed the security chief another cigar.

Troy caught the cigar and hoisted it in a gesture that conveyed his gratitude. "It has been a privilege and honor to meet you Captain Williams. I wish you a good day." Troy departed the Marine's office to continue his walkabout.


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