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Visit from Papa

Posted on Wed Oct 26th, 2022 @ 11:14am by Emperor Antonius VI & Princess Elana Orsini
Edited on on Thu Jul 13th, 2023 @ 10:17pm

Mission: Historiae Terrae Et Imperii
Location: China House
Timeline: Date 2371-07-10 at 2100
1530 words - 3.1 OF Standard Post Measure

The China Houses garden at night was lit by the solar lanterns that floated in the ponds, hung from the trees or were lining the paths. It was a favorite place for Elana and after her dinner she retreated often to the gardens gazebo to study or relax. She was cozily ensconced in the gazebo, books on the political treaties of Hoshi II at her side, working on an assignment that night, that she was all but oblivious to everything around her. Dressed down in baggy pants and an oversized tee shirt, she didn't look like an Imperial Princess, just another college student studying hard.

The military personnel on the estate were put on high alert and the transporter was cued up, but the reason wasn't communicated. Her guard would maintain line-of-sight on her but would do nothing more. When Emperor Antonius emerged from the house and into the gardens, the guards on duty immediately snapped to attention with Imperial salutes and "long live the emperor's", which he returned by continuing his walk and looking ahead. The Lord of the Terrans was dressed in simple brown dress pants and shoes and a blue dress shirt without a tie. His sleeves were rolled up. He set his eyes on his daughter in the gazebo as he walked, a page hastening at his side holding a large black folder. He said nothing to announce himself.

The footsteps was what alerted Elana to someone's presence and she looked up from the book she was reading and after a moment's shocked pause, put it down and got to her feet from the comfortable chaise she had occupied. She stepped out from behind the small desk which held her study materials and dropped the proper curtsey. "Father" she said politely taking in his more dressed down outfit. "I was not expecting you." it was true no one had alerted her. Which she gathered was the point.

"There's a benefit to being able to travel without being proceeded by the peel of a thousand trumpets." he said easily, stepping up into the gazebo with the rushing young man with the folder. "Put it on the desk, Francoise."

Francoise complied, placing the folder neatly on the desk and then bowed low, moving back off the gazebo to a safe distance outside of earshot.

"How are you, my dear? Attending to your studies?" he asked, looking at her with his probing eyes. He stood straight, and though he was a short man, he seemed somehow hulking and tall.

"Yes Father. I find it that at night is the best time for me to study." She replied and stepped back so he could have a seat.

Antonius sat in front of the paperwork, leaving the business end of the desk to her. He placed his hand on the folder but said nothing about it, focusing on her instead.

"What classes are you taking right now?"

"Currently I am enrolled in Political History 304, and Political Justice 305." She replied. "As part of a Political Bachelor degree." She stood awkwardly beside the desk.

He looked at her with a bit of confusion.

"Politics. You received excellent marks from your tutors in that area growing up. And you were raised at the Imperial Court. What could this class have to teach you that you didn't already have the chance to learn in practice." he asked, looking up at her with genuine curiosity. "The students in your class would kill for your access, I'm sure."

She glanced at her feet. "My access is not as high as say Giuseppe's was. And I want the degree, I enjoy learning and studying. Giana calls me a bookworm, maybe I am but i like learning and there are different points of view from many Terran scholars about our political history"

“Hmm. The views of scholars can be worth gold or…not worth a warm bucket of piss. It depends.” Antonius said, then he reached over and thumbed the folder open. “As for access, there is certainly something we can do. Paolo paid you a visit yesterday, did he not? Tell me about your conversation.”

She was pretty sure he already knew but she obliged. "He came to see where my loyalties lay. Either with him or with Giuseppe. Giuseppe has not got my loyalty, he has done little in my life to deserve it. I have given Paulo my support without strings or requests. We also discussed a few possibilities of the court and how he will go gaining their support, if you were to pass away suddenly for we know that 'Words are easy, like the wind. Faithful friends are hard to find.' Father."

"At court, there are no such friends. Only leeches...parasites. Those who have been paid off and those who haven't." Antonius said, looking up at her with a knowledgeable resignation. "Your brother may be naive enough to welcome your loyalty with no strings attached, but I'm afraid such an arrangement is far too tidy to stand the test of time. I've come with the carrott, my dear."

The Emperor slid the document toward her. He didn't look down, but placed a pen on the paper neatly. It looked just like the documents he had presented to Giuseppe.

"In the first document, you state that you recognize Paolo as the legitimate and lawful heir to the throne of the Terran Empire and pledge your undying support to his cause publicly. Not only will it make for some excellent press, but it is legally binding." Antonius said, his expression not giving away any tension or hesitation on his part. The second document is an appointment proclamation naming you to a regency council along with your mother. It will not become necessarily unless I should reach my end before Paolo reaches the age of majority, but if it does, you and your mother will rule in your brother's name until he comes of age."

He leaned forward then, reaching out and taking his daughter's hand gently in his.

"And, of course, once your allegiance is signed and sealed, you will be able to leave for New York or for the Summer Court in Rio without any further restrictions."

She had know this would be coming so she quietly reached for the pen. She did however read each document carefully. Unlike her older brother, she wanted to know what other strings there was attached. Finding none and content with the stipulations, Elana signed both documents. "I notice Giana is not listed on the Regency Council Father, has she refused to sign?"

"She hasn't been presented with the document." he said simply, his eyes on Elana's hand as she signed on the line. "She is still quite intent on doing whatever she can to cause me stress and pain. Including bending over for that empty-headed French Neanderthal. I grow weary of being her boogeyman. But I fear she is preparing to make the wrong decision all together."

Elana put the pen down as she finished signing her full name and title. She raised her eyes to her father. "I could speak with her if you like but Giana see's me as her annoying boring sister. I do not believe she would support Giuseppe Father. She hates him and would gladly see him dead. Maybe she needs to be brought into your confidence a bit more. Make her see she is not what she thinks she is?"

"How did it come to this?" he asked, but he muttered as he said it, under his breath. Clearly to himself. He looked out into the distance, blinking; thinking. Then, after several long moments, he looked over at Elana again. "No one can get through her thick head. I wouldn't have you waist your time."

Elana nodded slowly. "Of course Papa" She said softly. "Maybe Mother can bring her around." she said softly.

"I will talk to her." He said, and offered no further details. "But if you'd like to try first, I wouldn't stop you."

Standing, Antonius watched as the page that had come with him returned, grabbed the folder, and then waited for his Emperor. Antonius just looked at Elana again.

"Perhaps we what has been so long broken between us. I would like to get to know you better. The real you, that is. What do you say?"

Elana nodded. "That would be nice, Papa." She agreed with a small smile. She wondered if he would like her when he learned about her.

"Then we shall go out together soon. You, me, and a hundred armored guards." he said, a smile on his face. "For now, I must go."

She curtsied to him. "Of Course Papa. Give my love to Mother please." She said honestly. "I do hope you do not get home too late."

He stepped forward and gently kissed his daughter’s cheek. It had been so long since he’d had a daughter, really. And then, smiling, the Emperor turned and headed back the way he came out of the garden.

Elana watched him go then settled back onto the bench to study. She would consider her next moves in the morning.


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