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Posted on Fri Jan 28th, 2022 @ 12:40am by Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III & Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Johnathan's cabin
Timeline: MD5 - 19h00
1757 words - 3.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Kassandra had slept all day. Aside from an irate voice message from the Chief of Intelligence calling her names for running to medical, it had been uninterrupted. She had woken at 17h15 and after a shower she considered her options. After a bit of thought she went to her closet and looked through her clothes. She selected a dark red mini skirt, a black lace top, and black leather knee high boots. She showered and dressed, choosing her skimpiest underwear. Then she brushed her hair down her back, and headed out the door.

10 minutes later she was standing outside Johnathan's cabin and hitting the chime.

Johnathan had just gotten out of the shower, when he heard his door chime ring. "Who could that be?" He wondered out loud. After grabbing his towel, he wrapped it around his waist and made his way towards the door. Activating the door controls, he unlocked and opened them. "Yes?" He asked as the slid open.

Kass entered his cabin with a smile and "Hello Lieutenant"

A broad grin crossed his face as he replied. "Well, helloooo Ensign." He closed and locked the door then turned towards her. "And to what do I owe this beautifully wonderful surprise?" He hoped she was about to say what he thought she said. He still thought about the view up her skirt the other day. It made him smile each time he did.

Kass smiled as her gaze wandered "So the Doctors have placed me on medical leave until tomorrow... I was wondering if you had time to finish our discussion from this morning in your office." as she spoke she began to unzip her skirt.

He was about to ask if everything was okay, but stopped. Seeing the look on her face told him that it was. He playfully acted like he was thinking, trying to remember. "Now what was it that we discussed earlier? Workload? Nooo...that's not it. Times at the Academy??? Nooo..that's not it either. Hmmm...." he grinned hungrily at her as he said, "I remember!" He let the towel around his waist fall to the deck, showing that he was already starting to become aroused. "We were going to see just how much we can make each other scream."

"Well third time's the charm or is it the 4th?" Kass asked with a smirk as she pretended not to notice he was naked. She let her skirt fall and stepped out of it, leaving her in her top, knee high boots and skimpy underwear.

Johnathan could feel his mouth starting to water as his eyes moved over Kassandra's perfect body. He stepped right up to her and leaned in to whisper hotly in her right ear. "I must say, you definitely dress for success, my love. Keep the boots on, for now. Everything else? Well, I have one question. Do I use my teeth or my hands?"

Kass shivered against him. "Hands are quicker" She got out. "And I mean it. I have been wanting sex for over 24 hours now and if you make me wait Johnathan.... I'll go find someone else" she turned in his arms and pressed her lips to his.

He had no more words. Quickly, his hands moved over her smooth skin, as he freed her from the rest of her clothing. He then reached down, grabbed her ass and lifted her up, forcing her legs to wrap around his waist.

Her hands pushed into his hair as her mouth was quickly occupied by his and she rubbed against his manhood as he held her there. The past 24 hours had been murder on her emotions and now all she wanted was to feel him against her, inside her. Breaking the kiss she gasped "Johnathan... hurry"

Nodding a reply, he kissed her again, sliding his tongue over hers as he moved to press her bare back against the closest bulkhead. He then used one hand to hold her, the other to guide his fully aroused manhood deep inside of her. He grunted and moaned into her mouth as they became one.

By the gods... her eyes rolled back as he took her. A low moan of pleasure escaped her. Not faked. Not with him, every moan and groan and whimper she made as they moved together against the wall was real. Her hands were braced on his shoulders and she clenched around him tightly.

He grunted through clenched teeth as he felt just how perfectly tight Kassandra was. As he continued to drive into her, he moved his hands to her breasts, squeezing them and pinching her nipples.

"Johnathan" Kass moaned as her back arched pushing her breasts further into his hands. She jerked her hips, mutely demanding he go faster, harder. "gods... please... " she mumbled.

The pilot did as she asked, digging down and finding a whole gear. He started to slam into her like demon threatening to consume her.

Her head lolled onto his shoulder as his actions caused her to climax hard. She cried out his name as her body clenched rhythmically around his.

As soon as Johnathan felt Kassandra climax, his body went rigid and he threw his head back, grunting like a feral beast, then exploded deep inside of her.

For several minutes, they stayed there, his body weight keeping her pinned to the bulkhead, as his head lay on her right shoulder. "Holy shit...Holy shit!!" He repeated breathlessly.

Kass gave a soft laugh in his ear "Thats one way of saying it. I hope I didn't wear you out Johnathan."

He lifted his head to gaze into her hypnotic eyes. As a respons, he flexed his manhood inside her. "Does that feel like I'm worn out, Sweetheart?" He lifted her off the bulkhead and carried her to his bed. "That was just round one." He then lowered her onto his bed and, when they were in a good position, started driving into her anew.

Kass moved with him even as her hands clenched in his sheets, her legs wrapped around his waist and she gasped and moaned his name and words of encouragement.

For the next several hours, the two lovers moved as one, building to crescendo after crescendo, blasting through one climax after another. Through it all, Johnathan proudly used every bit of his newfound knowledge to bring Kassandra to levels of ecstasy that he hoped she hadn’t even imagined yet.

In the wee hours of the morning, in the dark, they laid beside each other, sprawled in comfort touching and kissing lightly as they headed for slumber. "hmm thank you for being available tonight" Kass whispered as she pressed her lips to his shoulder.

He made a soft purring sound as she kissed him. "For you, my love, I will always be available." He paused for a beat. "In fact, Computer?" He called out softly.

"Online," stated the terse feminine voice.

"As of this stardate, I grant Ensign Kassandra Selin full access to my quarters. Add her biometric signature to the door reader. Authorization, Anderson Gamma Gamma Three Seven Alpha, execute."

The computer replied a second later. "Clearance settings changed. Ensign Kassandra Selin will now have full access to your quarters. Do you require anything else?"

"No thank you," he replied. He then looked at Kassandra and grinned. "See? Now you'll have no excuse in not being here on your off duty time."

"What off duty time?" she whispered. "I only got this time because the doctor insisted. I doubt Morrison will allow it to happen again." she snuggled against him. "You need sleep."

"Well," he said as he kissed the top of her head and held her closer. "Anytime you want an oasis from shit head, you can always come either here, or go to my office, down in the shuttlebay. My world is completely open to you, my love." He paused, feeling the need, no, the desire to say the next thing. Finally, he decided to be as honest and open with her as he just claimed to be. "Kass, I know that we haven't known each other long. However, in that time, you have found yourself a firm and secure place in my heart." He paused a few beats, then said it.

"I love you, Kassandra Selin."

She froze. "Johnathan." She whispered "You barely know me."

"I know!" He suddenly worried he had ruined everything. "I know that you and Callie are the only two women that I have ever been with, but,this isn't the sex talking. I have been alone, all my life until now. Aside from a kind slave, back at the orphanage, no one has ever cared about me. Until you two. I know what my heart is telling me. It's telling me that I love you. Now, you don't have to say it in return if you don't want to, or if you don't feel that way about me. That's not why I said it. I said it, because it's how I honestly feel."

"okay" she whispered. "I care for you. I would not be here if i didn't. I do not have wild jungle sex with just anyone." she smiled in the dark. "Now sleep." she whispered softly.

Smiling back at her, Johnathan suddenly yawned and nodded. "Sweet dreams, my love," he said softly. He then leaned in and kissed her gently, before laying his head back and closing his eyes. In less than five minutes, his breathing had changed and he was peacefully sleeping.

Kass watched him sleep and then soon joined him, though when he woke she was gone, a note was left beside his pillow. It read: Johnathan, It is not accepted by the command team that a junior officer spends a full night in an officers cabin, and if they see me leave in the morning, it would cause issues. I enjoyed our night together, and hope to have more. Kisses from Kass

At first, Johnathan was saddened by the fact that he awoke alone. Then, after reading the note, he smiled. The last thing he wanted to do, was to get Kassandra in trouble. He would follow her lead on how they proceeded. She was far too special and important to him, to rush in and screw things up.

Seeing that he had just enough time to take a full, relaxing shower, before he had to get ready for his shift on the bridge, he got out of bed and started his day, smiling happily the whole time.




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