“Terror Must Be Maintained”
The history of the Terran Empire is decorated with effective rule, conquest, and discovery at the skillful hands of the warriors of the Imperial Starfleet. Once Earth was the master of hundreds of star systems and the Godlike arbiters of the quadrant Those days are now gone. Their slaves have instead enslaved them. The Kingon/Cardassian Alliance has taken everything but the Sol System from the Empire after Spock's democratic reforms weakened her. The Empire has long since returned to the old ways, but The Imperial Starfleet has made little progress in pushing out of the system despite new advances in technology inspired by the Prime Universe Starfleet. What is worse, the majority of humanity has been captured and taken off world to serve as slaves to the Klingons, Cardassians, and their lapdogs. To think, Terran citizens serving the scum of the galaxy like dogs..
While on a classified mission deep into Alliance Territory, a Terran Warship called the ISS Vengeance is dragged into the Delta Quadrant by a mysterious entity known as the Caretaker. Far from home and isolated, they must stake a claim as representatives of the great Terran Empire, subdue any enemy they might encounter, and find a way back to Earth. The Delta Quadrant has not yet felt the lash of the Terran Whip!
The Premise
We all know and love Star Trek: Voyager, a show about a Federation ship stranded in the Delta Quadrant and trying to get home, looking for short-cuts and allies along the way. This sim asks the question: what would have happened if a mirror universe ship had been transported instead? How might a war-like Voyager have dealt with the conflicts they faced? What if the Prime Directive had been "Terror Must Be Maintained”?
If you’re a creative and active writer who would like to embark with us on a new adventure, apply today and write the story of the legendary ISS Vengeance!

This Sim contains violent themes, strong language, and sexually explicit moments. You must be 18+ to apply.
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