Departments & Positions
Command (ISS Vengeance
Command is the department containing the ships most senior officers. They are responsible for controlling the ship, commanding the crew, and carrying out the orders of Imperial Starfleet Command. It is comprised of a command element, which exercises command over the whole ship, and an administrative element, which supports the work of the command staff.
Commanding Officer Ultimately responsible for the ship and crew, the Commanding Officer is the most senior officer aboard a vessel. S/he is responsible for carrying out the orders of Starfleet, and for representing both Starfleet and the Empire. Commander This is the Terran Officer selected by the Captain to command this vessel and all the soldiers, slaves, and citizens aboard. Executive Officer The liaison between captain and crew, the Executive Officer acts as the disciplinarian, personnel manager, advisor to the captain, and much more. S/he is also one of only two officers, along with the Chief Medical Officer, that can remove a Commanding Officer from duty. Second Officer At times the XO must assume command of a Starship or base, when this happens the XO needs the help of another officer to assume his/her role as XO. The second officer is not a stand alone position, but a role given to the highest ranked and trusted officer aboard. When required the Second Officer will assume the role of XO, or if needed CO, and performs their duties as listed, for as long as required. Chief of the Boat The seniormost Chief Petty Officer (including Senior and Master Chiefs), regardless of rating, is designated by the Commanding Officer as the Chief of the Boat (for vessels) or Command Chief (for starbases). In addition to his or her departmental responsibilities, the COB/CC performs the following duties: serves as a liaison between the Commanding Officer (or Executive Officer) and the enlisted crewmen; ensures enlisted crews understand Command policies; advises the Commanding Officer and Executive Officer regarding enlisted morale, and evaluates the quality of noncommissioned officer leadership, management, and supervisory training.
The COB/CC works with the other department heads, Chiefs, supervisors, and crewmen to insure discipline is equitably maintained, and the welfare, morale, and health needs of the enlisted personnel are met. The COB/CC is qualified to temporarily act as Commanding or Executive Officer if so ordered.Mission Advisor Advises the Commanding Officer and Executive Officer on mission-specific areas of importance. Many times, the Mission Advisor knows just as much about the mission as the CO and XO do, if not even more. He or she also performs mission-specific tasks, and can take on any roles that a mission requires him or her to do. Concurrently holds another position, except in rare circumstances. Command Yeoman The Captain's Yeoman is for Petty Officers who wish to continue as administrators. It is technically a non-Mate position. Use of this position is completely at the discretion of the Commanding Officer. File work, and sensitive message transport are but two examples of the Yeoman's possible duties. The Yeoman assists the CO in day-to-day duties that the CO would otherwise not have the time to do. Captain's Bodyguard -
Flight Control (ISS Vengeance
The Flight Control Department is responsible for navigation and flight control of the ship and its auxiliary craft. The department includes the piloting element made of pilots trained in both starship and auxiliary craft piloting, and a shuttlebay element composed of technicians who care for auxiliary craft, the shuttlebay, and the shuttle repair facilities.
Chief Flight Control Officer Originally known as helm, or Flight Control Officer, CONN incorporates two job, Navigation and flight control. A Flight Control Officer must always be present on the bridge of a starship. S/he plots courses, supervises the computers piloting, corrects any flight deviations and pilots the ship manually when needed. The Chief Flight Control Officer is the senior most CONN Officer aboard, serving as a Senior Officer, and chief of the personnel under him/her. Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer Originally known as helm, or Flight Control Officer, CONN incorporates two job, Navigation and flight control. A Flight Control Officer must always be present on the bridge of a starship. S/he plots courses, supervises the computers piloting, corrects any flight deviations and pilots the ship manually when needed. The Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer is the second senior most CONN Officer aboard and reports directly to the Chief Flight Control Officer. Flight Control Officer Originally know as helm, or Flight Control Officer, CONN incorporates two job, navigation and flight control. A Flight Control Officer must always be present on the bridge of a starship, and every vessel has a number of Flight Control Officers to allow shift rotations. S/he plots courses, supervises the computers piloting, corrects any flight deviations and pilots the ship manually when needed. Flight Control Officers report to the Chief Flight Control Officer. Shuttlebay Manager The Shuttlebay Manager is responsible for pre and post flight checks of all support craft involved in away missions. Once a support craft has been brought to the flight line, it is his/her duty to ensure that it is mission capable. Upon returning from a mission, he/she must inspect the support craft and prepare a report on any maintenance that is required.
He/she is also responsible for the placement of support craft in order to allow for maximum efficiency of the shuttlebay.Support Craft Pilot All small spacecrafts aboard a starship, starbase or a facility (Shuttles, Runabouts, Transports, Captain's yacht, Patrol Vessels etc.) but excluding fighters are flown by Support Craft Pilots. This is often the proving ground for pilots until they earn a berth on a starship as a Flight Control Officer. They report to the Chief Support Craft Pilot. -
Operations (ISS Vengeance
The Operations Department is a catch all department responsible for maintaining ship systems, particularly those not ostensibly involved with propulsion, navigation, or combat. They are responsible for programming computer systems, rerouting power, bypassing relays, ensuring the cleanliness of the ship, assigning quarters, scheduling holodeck times, and doing whatever else is necessary to keep the ship operating at peak efficiency. There exist three elements within the department, the first of which is concerned with scheduling maintenance on related systems, the second which is involved with the maintaining of the ship's physical appearance and the assigning of quarters under the Quartermaster, and the third which works largely in the cargo bays inventorying and moving items which is lead by the Logistics Specialist.
Chief Operations Officer The Chief Operations Officer has the primary responsibility of ensuring that ship functions, such as the use of the lateral sensor array, do not interfere with one and another. S/he must prioritize resource allocations, so that the most critical activities can have every chance of success. If so required, s/he can curtail shipboard functions if s/he thinks they will interfere with the ship's current mission or routine operations.
The Chief Operations Officer oversees the Operations department, and is a member of the senior staff.Assistant Chief Operations Officer The Chief Operations Officer cannot man the bridge at all times. Extra personnel are needed to relive and maintain ship operations. The Operations Officers are thus assistants to the Chief, fulfilling his/her duties when required, and assuming the Operations consoles if required at any time.
The Assistant Chief Operations Officer is the second-in-command of the Operations Department, and can assume the role of Chief Operations Officer on a temporary or permanent basis if so needed.Operations Officer The Chief Operations Officer cannot man the bridge at all times. Extra personnel are needed to relive and maintain ship operations. The Operations Officers are thus assistants to the Chief, fulfilling his/her duties when required, and assuming the Operations consoles if required at any time.
The Operations Officer reports to the Chief Operations Officer.Quartermaster The Quartermaster specializes in distributing supplies and provisions to personnel aboard the vessel. In addition, the Quartermaster controls all physical assignments to quarters throughout the vessel. Logistics Specialist Assists the Quartermaster with their duties and the managing of ship stores and cargo bays Transporter Specialist The Transporter Chief is responsible for all transports to and from other ships and any planetary bodies. When transporting is not going on, the Transporter Chief is responsible for keeping the transporters running at peak efficiency.
The team assigned to the Transporter Chief is made up from NCO personnel, assigned by the Assistant and Chief Engineer. The Transporter Chief reports to the Assistant and Chief Engineer.Operations Specialist Ship Intelligence -
Security (ISS Vengeance
The Security Department is the department primarily responsible for combat systems aboard the ship as well as ship security. The department is comprised of two sections, tactical which is responsible for ship-to-ship combat and weapons systems, and security which is responsible for personal combat, the security of the vessel, her commanding officer, and her crew.
Chief of Security The Chief Security Officer is called Chief of Security. Her/his duty is to ensure the safety of ship and crew. Some take it as their personal duty to protect the Commanding Officer/Executive Officer on away teams. She/he is also responsible for people under arrest and the safety of guests, liked or not. S/he also is a department head and a member of the senior staff, responsible for all the crew members in her/his department and duty rosters. Security could be called the 24th century police force.
The Chief of Security role can also be combined with the Chief Tactical Officer position.Assistant Chief of Security The Assistant Chief Security Officer is sometimes called Deputy of Security. S/he assists the Chief of Security in the daily work; in issues regarding Security and any administrative matters. If required the Deputy must be able to take command of the Security department. Security Officer There are several Security Officers aboard each vessel. They are assigned to their duties by the Chief of Security and his/her Deputy and mostly guard sensitive areas, protect people, patrol, and handle other threats to the Federation. Master-at-Arms The Master-at-Arms trains and supervises Security crewmen in departmental operations, repairs, and protocols; maintains duty assignments for all Security personnel; supervises weapons locker access and firearm deployment; and is qualified to temporarily act as Chief of Security if so ordered. The Master-at-Arms reports to the Chief of Security. Security Guard Tactical Specialist The Tactical Officers are the vessels gunmen. They assist the Chief Tactical Officer by running and maintaining the numerous weapons systems aboard the ship/starbase, and analysis and tactical planning of current missions. Very often Tactical Officers are also trained in ground combat and small unit tactics. Security Investigator The Security Investigations Officer is an Enlisted Officer. S/He fulfills the role of a special investigator or detective when dealing with Starfleet matters aboard ship or on a planet. Coordinates with the Chief Security Officer on all investigations as needed. The Security Investigations Officer reports to the Chief of Security. Brig Guard The Brig Officer is a Security Officer who has chosen to specialize in a specific role. S/he guards the brig and its cells. But there are other duties associated with this post as well. S/he is responsible for any prisoner transport, and the questioning of prisoners. Often Brig Officers have a good knowledge of forcefield technology, and are experts in escaping such confinements. -
The Intelligence department is responsible for gathering and providing intelligence as it becomes possible during a mission; during covert missions, the intelligence department also takes a more active role, providing the necessary classified and other information.
Chief Intelligence Officer Responsible for managing the intelligence department in its various facets, the Chief Intelligence officer often assists the Strategic Operations officer with information gathering and analysis, and then acts as a channel of information to the CO and bridge crew during combat situations. Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer Intelligence Officer Agent The Infiltration Specialist is trained the arts of covert operations and infiltration. They are trained to get into and out of enemy instillations, territory, etc. Once in, they can gather intel, or if needed plant explosives, and even in times of war capture of enemy personnel. The Infiltration Specialist reports to the Chief Intelligence Officer. Analyst This NCO takes submitted Intelligence reports and runs them through algorithms, checking for keywords that denote mistyped classification and then puts the report into crypto form and sends them through the proper channels of communication to either on board ship consoles or off board to who ever needs to receive it. The Encryption Specialist reports to the Chief Intelligence Officer. -
Shadow Squad
This elite group of Starfleet and Marine enlisted is a seven man force designed for specialized combat, reconnaissance, black ops, and planned extractions. They bunk together, eat together, and train together constantly and maintain top physical condition as the dagger of the Shadow Fleet.
Squad Leader Squad Deputy Leader Squad Engineer Squad Sniper Squad Munitions Expert Squad Medic
Engineering (ISS Vengeance
The engineering department has the enormous task of keeping the ship working; they are responsible for making repairs, fixing problems, and making sure that the ship is ready for anything.
Chief Engineering Officer The Chief Engineer is responsible for the condition of all systems and equipment on board a Starfleet ship or facility. S/he oversees maintenance, repairs and upgrades of all equipment. S/he is also responsible for the many repair teams during crisis situations.
The Chief Engineer is not only the department head but also a senior officer, responsible for all the crew members in her/his department and maintenance of the duty rosters.Assistant Chief Engineering Officer The Assistant Chief Engineer assists the Chief Engineer in the daily work; in issues regarding mechanical, administrative matters and coordinating repairs with other departments.
If so required, the Assistant Chief Engineer must be able to take over as Chief Engineer, and thus must be versed in current information regarding the ship or facility.Engineering Officer Engineers are the backbone of the Engineering Corps and are responsible for, under the guidance of the Chief Engineer, maintaining and repairing the vessel. Cloaking Device Officer Engineer's Mate Communications Specialist The Communications Specialist is a specialized engineer. Communication aboard a ship or facility takes two basic forms, voice and data. Both are handled by the onboard computer system and dedicated hardware. The vastness and complexity of this system requires a dedicated team to maintain the system.
The Communications Specialist is the officer in charge of this team, which is made up from NCO personnel, assigned to the team by the Assistant and Chief Engineer. The Communications Specialist reports to the Asst. and Chief Engineer.Computer Systems Specialist The Computer Systems Specialist is a specialized Engineer. The new generation of Computer systems are highly developed. This system needs much maintenance and the Computer Systems Specialist was introduced to relieve the Science Officer, whose duty this was in the very early days.
A small team is assigned to the Computer Systems Specialist, which is made up from NCO personnel assigned by the Assistant and Chief Engineer. The Computer Systems Specialist reports to the Assistant and Chief Engineer.Damage Control Specialist The Damage Control Specialist is a specialized Engineer. The Damage Control Specialist controls all damage control aboard the ship when it gets damaged in battle. S/he oversees all damage repair aboard the ship, and coordinates repair teams on the smaller jobs so the Chief Engineer can worry about other matters.
A small team is assigned to the Damage Control Specialist which is made up from NCO personnel assigned by the Assistant and Chief Engineer. The Damage Control Specialist reports to the Assistant and Chief Engineer.Matter/Energy Systems Specialist The Matter / Energy Systems Specialist is a specialized Engineer. All aspect of matter energy transfers with the sole exception of the warp drive systems are handled by the Matter/Energy Systems Specialist. Such areas involved are transporter and replicator systems. The Matter/Energy Systems Specialist is the Officer in charge of a small team, which is made up from NCO personnel, assigned by the Assistant and Chief Engineer. The Matter/Energy Systems Specialist reports to the Assistant and Chief Engineer. Propulsion Specialist Specializing in impulse and warp propulsion, these specialists are often specific to even a single class of ship due to the complexity of warp and impulse systems. Structural/Environmental Specialist The Structural and Environmental Systems Specialist is a specialized Engineer. From a small ship/facility to a large one, all requires constant monitoring. The hull, bulkheads, walls, Jeffrey's tubes, turbolifts, structural integrity field, internal dampening field, and environmental systems are all monitored and maintained by this officer and his/her team.
The team assigned to the Structural and Environmental Systems Specialist is made up from NCO personnel, assigned by the Assistant and Chief Engineer. The Structural and Environmental Systems Specialist reports to the Asst and Chief Engineer.Engineer -
Science (ISS Vengeance
From sensor readings to figuring out a way to enter the strange spacial anomaly, the science department is responsible for recording data, testing new ideas out, and making discoveries.
Chief Science Officer The Chief Science Officer is responsible for all the scientific data the ship/facility collects, and the distribution of such data to specific section within the department for analysis. S/he is also responsible with providing the ship's captain with scientific information needed for command decisions.
S/he also is a department head and a member of the Senior Staff and responsible for all the crew members in her/his department and duty rosters.Assistant Chief Science Officer Technician -
Medical (ISS Vengeance
The medical department is responsible for the physical health of the crew, from running annual physicals to combatting a strange plague that is afflicting the crew, to delivering a baby..
Chief Medical Officer The Chief Medical Officer is responsible for the physical health of the entire crew, but does more than patch up injured crew members. His/her function is to ensure that they do not get sick or injured to begin with, and to this end monitors their health and conditioning with regular check ups. If necessary, the Chief Medical Officer can remove anyone from duty, even a Commanding Officer. Besides this s/he is available to provide medical advice to any individual who requests it.
Additionally the Chief is also responsible for all aspect of the medical deck, such as the Medical labs, Surgical suites and Dentistry labs.
S/he also is a department head and a member of the Senior Staff and responsible for all the crew members in her/his department and duty rosters.Assistant Chief Medical Officer A starship or facility has numerous personnel aboard, and thus the Chief Medical Officer cannot be expect to do all the work required. The Asst. Chief Medical Officer assists Chief in all areas, such as administration, and application of medical care. Medical Officer Medical Officer undertake the majority of the work aboard the ship/facility, examining the crew, and administering medical care under the instruction of the Chief Medical Officer and Assistant Chief Medical Officer also run the other Medical areas not directly overseen by the Chief Medical Officer. Surgeon Doctors of the federation still specialize and mostly, the Chief Medical Officer position is usually held by a general practitioner. While simple surgery is part of their training, some doctors on larger vessels and starbases prefer to have a surgeon on staff. Dentist Head Nurse The Head Nurse oversees all the Nurses currently aboard, ensuring they are assigned to tasks and working as required in their area. Additionally the Head nurse performs the normal duties of the nurse, assisting the Duty Medical Officer in sickbay. Nurse Nurses are trained in basic medical care, and are capable of dealing with less serious medical cases. In more serious matters the nurse assists the medical officer in the examination and administration of medical care, be this injecting required drugs, or simply assuring the injured party that they will be ok. The Nurses also maintain the medical wards, overseeing the patients and ensuring they are receiving medication and care as instructed by the Medical Officer. -
Discipline Inspection (ISS Vengeance
The Discipline Inspection Department is the department that is concerned with the mental state of the crew, tasked with ensuring crew mental fitness and loyalty to the captain and the Emperor. This department is often considered to have one foot in the medical department and the other in intelligence.
Chief Inspector Because of their training in psychology, technically the ship's/facility's Counselor is considered part of Starfleet medical. The Counselor is responsible both for advising the Commanding Officer in dealing with other people and races, and in helping crew members with personal, psychological, and emotional problems.
The Chief Counselor is considered a member of the Senior Staff. S/he is responsible for the crew in his/her department. The Chief Counselor is the Counselor with the highest rank and most experience.Inspector Because of their training in psychology, technically the ship's/facility's Counselor is considered part of Starfleet medical. The Counselor is responsible both for advising the Commanding Officer in dealing with other people and races, and in helping crew members with personal, psychological, and emotional problems. Clinical Psychologist Inspector's Aide The Counselor's Aide helps keep all the matters of the Counseling Department in order. S/he assigns appointments for anyone needing them, and assists the Counselors with anything that they may need. -
Imperial Marine Platoon
When the standard security detail is not enough, marines come in and clean up. They are used heavily in boarding parties, landing parties, and sometimes with special internal security. If the Captain wants a planetary leader assassinated, this is who he calls.
Platoon Commander The Marine CO is responsible for all the Marine personnel assigned to the ship/facility. S/he is in required to take command of any special ground operations and lease such actions with security. The Marines could be called the 24th century commandos.
The CO can range from a Second Lieutenant on a small ship to a Lieutenant Colonel on a large facility or colony. Charged with the training, condition and tactical leadership of the Marine compliment, they are a member of the senior staff.
Answers to the Commanding Officer of the ship/facility.First Sergeant The First Sergeant is the highest ranked Enlisted marine. S/He is in charge of all of the marine enlisted affairs in the detachment. They assist the Company or Detachment Commander as their Executive Officer would. They act as a bridge, closing the gap between the NCO\'s and the Officers.
Answers To Marine Commanding Officer.Platoon Guide Serving within a squad, the marine is trained in a variety of means of combat, from melee to ranged projectile to sniping. -
Fireteam A
Team Leader Marine -
Fireteam B
Team Leader Marine -
Fireteam C
Team Leader Marine -
Fireteam D
Team Leader Marine
Civilian Affairs (ISS Vengeance
Civilians play an important role in Imperial Starfleet. Many civilian specialists across a number of fields work on occasion with Starfleet personnel as a Mission Specialist. In other cases, extra ship and station duties, such as running the ship's lounge, are outsourced to a civilian contract.
Captain's Wife Chef Responsible for preparing all meals served in the Mess Hall and for the food during any diplomatic functions that may be held onboard. Bartender Passenger -
Vengeance Slaves (ISS Vengeance
Slave Mistress This officer is tasked with managing the slaves of Vengeance and of the Fleet at-Large. They approve transfers from position to position and ship to ship and they arrange performance evaluations for promotions and demotions. This officer is either the Deputy Fleet Commander or reports directly to them. Command Slave 1 Command Slave 2 Science Slave Flight Control Slave Service/Sanitation Slave Engineering Slave -
Shadow Fleet Command (Shadow Fleet
These are the officers responsible for commanding the Terran Shadow Fleet. Fleet Headquarters is currently located aboard ISS Vengeance, on Deck 14.
Commander, Shadow Fleet Ultimately responsible for the ships of the Shadow Fleet, Commander is the most senior officer and, therefore, the senior official of the Terran Empire in the Quadrant. S/he is responsible for carrying out the orders of Starfleet, and for representing both Starfleet and the Empire. Deputy Commander, Shadow Fleet The Deputy Commander is second in command of Shadow Fleet and is also, generally, in command of all the slaves in the fleet. -
ISS Gladius (Shadow Fleet
A saber class Imperial Starship under the command off Lt. Cmdr Annalise Faulkner. Joined the Shadow Fleet during Episode 6: Joy and Ashes.
Commanding Officer Executive Officer/Chief of Security Chief Flight Control Officer Chief Engineer Chief Science Officer -
ISS Lovarr (Kazon) (Shadow Fleet
A predator class ship taken from the Kazon Federation at the Caretaker Array in Episode 2 along with the ISS Klandell.
Commander This is the Terran Officer selected by the Captain to command this vessel and all the soldiers, slaves, and citizens aboard. Yeoman Lovarr Slave -
ISS Rynall (Vidiian) (Shadow Fleet
A ship taken from the Vidiian Sodality after intentionally infecting the Shadow Fleet with a terrible disease in S1 Episode 3.
Commander Yeoman Passenger -
ISS Kez'Ron (Numiri) (Shadow Fleet
A ship conscripted from the Numiri before their world was destroyed as payment for their actions against a Terran officer during S1 Episode 5: Ex Post Facto.
Commander Crew Passenger -
ISS Jorran (Banean) (Shadow Fleet
A ship conscripted from the Baneans as payment for their actions against a Terran officer during S1 Episode 5: Ex Post Facto.
Terran Imperial Court (Terran Empire
The Center of Imperial Life, the Imperial Court is the group of royalty, nobility, and ministers who constantly surround the Emperor.
Council of Regents
Empress Regent Princess Regent Regent -
Imperial Family
Emperor Empress Consort Crown Prince Prince Princess Royal Princess Prince (Disinherited) Extended Family -
Imperial Secretariat
The Imperial Secretariat is the body at the head of the imperial bureaucracy and carries out the laws and policies of the Emperor and the Imperial Senate. It is established and regulated by statute and managed directly by the Emperor. Lords and royals are not permitted to serve in the Secretariat. This body is the effective Cabinet of the Empire.
Imperial Chancellor Head of Government and Head of the Imperial Secretariat, the Chancellor serves as a senior advisor to the Emperor and serves at his pleasure. Imperial Vice Chancellor The senior assistant to the Imperial Chancellor who assists him in running the Imperial government. This role focuses on government function and policy, assisting to run the Secretariat and push forth the agenda of the Chancellor. Appointed by the Emperor on the advice of the Imperial Chancellor. Imperial Treasurer The member of the Imperial Secretariat responsible for the Empire's budget and financial institutions, the Imperial Treasurer works to ensure that the Empire remains solvent and the government has enough money to fund its initiatives. This position is responsible for managing several departments and agencies, including the Ministry for Finance & Administration, the Imperial Central Bank, the Imperial Tax Service, the Imperial Mint, and the Imperial Customs Service. Appointed by the Emperor on the advice of the Imperial Chancellor. Imperial Secretary for Foreign Affairs The member of the Imperial Secretariat responsible for the Empire's relations with other states and intergalactic organizations, the Foreign Affairs Secretary conducts the Empire's Foreign Policy, manages ambassadors, credentials foreign dignitaries, negotiates treaties and agreements, and communicates the will of the Emperor to foreign powers. This position is responsible for managing several departments and agencies, including the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Ministry for Intergalactic Issues, the Imperial Diplomatic Service, and the Foreign Intelligence Service. Appointed by the Emperor on the advice of the Imperial Chancellor. Imperial Secretary for Defense The member of the Imperial Secretariat responsible for the administration of the Empire's military forces as well as exercising oversight over their training, supply, and battle readiness. Through his position as Vice Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, the Defense Secretary exercises command and control of all forces under the direct authority of the Emperor. This position is responsible for managing several departments and agencies, including the Ministry of the Imperial Starfleet, the Ministry of the Imperial Army, the Ministry of the Imperial Marines, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, and the Fleetyards Directorate. Appointed by the Emperor on the advice of the Imperial Chancellor. Imperial Secretary for Internal Affairs The member of the Imperial Secretariat responsible for the Empire's domestic policy, the Internal Affairs Secretary conducts the Empire's policies for food, agriculture, natural resource management, energy, education, and health. While most of these societal functions are effectively controlled at the local level, this position is responsible for gathering data, formulating policy, and ensuring laws are being followed. This position is responsible for managing several departments and agencies, including the Ministry for Health, the Ministry for Resources & Land, the Ministry for Energy, and the Ministry for Education & Patriotism. Appointed by the Emperor on the advice of the Imperial Chancellor. Imperial Secretary for Trade The member of the Imperial Secretariat responsible for the Empire's trade policy, the Trade Secretary leads the influential Imperial Trade Secretariat, an organization without subordinate government ministries that runs trade missions with all major intergalactic states in relation with the Empire. They also work closely with the Imperial Treasury, the Secretariat for Internal Affairs and the Secretariat for Economic Development to form and coordinate trade policy within the Empire. Appointed by the Emperor on the advice of the Imperial Chancellor. Imperial Secretary for Economic Development The member of the Imperial Secretariat responsible for the Empire's business and labor policies, the Economic Development Secretary works to ensure that Terran businesses are flourishing and that Terran labor practices are being followed appropriately. They also enforce the laws related to slavery in the Empire. This position is responsible for managing several departments and agencies, including the Ministry for Business, the Ministry for Labor, and the Ministry for Slave Affairs. Appointed by the Emperor on the advice of the Imperial Chancellor. Imperial Secretary for the Glory of the Fatherland The member of the Imperial Secretariat responsible for the Empire's propaganda apparatus, the Secretary works to guide the Empire's media corporations, culture leaders, tourism industries, and any individual organization which affects the thoughts, actions, and cultural experience of the Terran people. This position is responsible for managing several departments and agencies, including the Ministry for the Media, the Ministry for the Culture, the Ministry for the Family, and the Ministry for Tourism. Appointed by the Emperor on the advice of the Imperial Chancellor. -
Security Aparatus
The Security Apparatus is a group of independent agencies that report directly to the Emperor on matters of internal security, external intelligence, and corruption in the government and in business. These organizations are an source of awesome power for the Emperor, giving him information and control over the Imperial Court, the population at large, and even foreign governments.
Director of the Imperial Intelligence Service The Imperial Intelligence Service (IIS) is a clandestine organization both an external and internal mission. A powerful organization as capable of gathering information that could ruin ones life as they are killing without leaving a trail, the IIS is a three letter organization that strikes fear into the hearts of the Empire's enemies and friends at home and abroad. The operations and personnel of ISS is highly secretive, preventing even high-level government officials from knowing what they are doing. Director of Internal Terran Security Internal Terran Security (ITS) is another three-letter organization which deals with issues of security and public danger within the Empire. It is the official police force of the Imperial government, and often serves as the personal political police of the Emperor. While Imperial Intelligence is designed be used as a dagger in the dark, ITS is meant to be used as a hammer. When they come knocking at your door, it might already be too late. People who run afoul of ITS often find themselves arrested and charged, but often they just disappear instead. Director of the Compliance Authority The Compliance Authority is an investigative agency which does with paperwork, audits, and investigations what the others do with knives, phasers, and bombs. Completely investigative in its nature, the Compliance Authority is designed to be the police of the powerful, rooting out corruptions and bringing it into the light, especially when it concerns those who aren't fanatically loyal to the Emperor. A Compliance Authority investigation is generally swift and terribly inconvenient, and often turns up facts that ruin lives or get wealthy men arrested. This organization doesn't kill with weapons, but with ledgers and questions. -
Court Nobles
Lord Lady Noble
Foreign Government Officials (Terran Empire
First Consul of the Romulan Republic The head of government of the Romulan Republic. The First Consul leads a government that must retain the support of the Senate and is appointed by the Praetor. Though Romulan society is highly hierarchical, there is still a prevailing democratic spirit which keeps the Praetor and First Consul's power from becoming monarchic despite political coups and intrigue. -
Fallen Heroes (The Fallen)
Fallen Hero -
Dishonored Dead (The Fallen)
Dishonored Dead -
Writers (Writing Team)
Game Manager Assistant Game Manager Writer