S1 Episode 9: Annihilation Protocol
Post Count: 0
After the Away Team is rescued from their long exile on Gamma Eridine II, newly reinstated Captain Ivan Petrov invokes the Annihilation Protocol against the Vidiians at the behest of his senior staff. The ISS Vengeance and the Shadow Fleet set about showing the Delta Quadrant what happens when Terrans are pushed too far. A stranger in the form of Dr. Ma'Bor Jetrel offers assistance to the Vengeance, but the results test the resolve of deep bonds.
February 14, 2372 -
Part of Season 1
Adventures of the ISS Terror
Post Count: 10
The ISS Terror, a refit Galaxy Class Dreadnaught, has been pulled into the Delta Quadrant by an entity known as the Caretaker. These are the stories of that ship and crew as they try to return home.
Historiae Terrae Et Imperii
Post Count: 248
The stories of Terra and the Empire.
S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Post Count: 336
The ISS Vengeance, fresh off of its shakedown cruise, receives her full crew under the command of a formerly exiled Vice Admiral newly returned to the graces of the Emperor. That man, now known as Captain Ivan Petrov, the Butcher of Rakal V, and his new crew have been charged to bring terror to the Klingon/Cardassian Alliance after an internal rebellion has distracted them. They will rain down poison from heaven and drop a bio-weapon over the Cardassian world of Quonor, killing all of its inhabitants. The quadrant shall feel the power of the Terran Empire once again. An unexpected phenomenon in the Badlands, however, alters their course drastically…
Launched April 12, 2371
Part of Season 1
S1 Episode 2: Caretaker, Part II
Post Count: 235
A mere hour and a half after entering the Badlands, the ISS Vengeance is caught in a powerful displacement wave that transports them instantaneously across the galaxy. Now at the far end of the Delta Quadrant, the crew of Vengeance licks their wounds and assesses the situation. An entity known as the Caretaker has brought them and various ships from other parts of the galaxy under the orders of a race known as the Ocampa in order to assist them in their goal of extending their lifespans and restoring their tattered empire. Stranded and alone, the Vengeance crew must use all the resources at their disposal to find a way home.
Pulled into Delta Quadrant on May 16, 2371.
Part of Season 1
In-Between (S1:E2-S1:E3)
Post Count: 121
For posts between episodes 2 and 3 of season 1. Days 1-31, starting on May 26, 2371
Delta Quadrant Days: 10-41
Part of Season 1
S1 Episode 3: Phage
Post Count: 185
A month after being transported into the Delta Quadrant against their will, the ISS Vengeance travels back toward the Alpha Quadrant at a snails pace. With a mind for building their Shadow Fleet and establishing Imperial influence in the Quadrant, they begin plundering freighters they encounter for supplies and slaves. When they find an interesting and valuable gem aboard a Talaxian Freighter, they decide to search for more on the surface of a nearby planet, Zapara IV. Little do they know: they will have company.
Part of Season 1
The Talaxian Run
Post Count: 18
While the Vengeance lands on Zapara IV, the Alexandria II has been assigned to gain as much information as they can about the Talaxians and then, in the end, to make an impression of what the Terran Empire truly is.
Part of Season 1
In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Post Count: 258
For posts between episodes 3 and 4 of season 1.
Delta Quadrant Days: 52-79 (Since May 17, 2371)
Days 1-28, starting on July 6, 2371 and ending August 2, 2371
Part of Season 1
S1 Episode 4: The Cloud
Post Count: 66
A month after their encounter with the Vidiians on Zapara IV, the Shadow Fleet approaches a nebula in their path which they decide to travel through to shave several weeks off of their trip. When they discover that the nebula has trace amounts of decalithium in their systems, the crew of Vengeance decides to mine those resources in order to make a very dangerous weapon. Unbeknownst to them, they have stumbled into the living body of a life form, and their mining efforts, by their very nature, require them to kill the creature.
Delta Quadrant Days: 80-83 (Since May 17, 2371)
Days 1-3 starting August 3, 2371 and ending August 5, 2371
Part of Season 1
In-Between (S1:E4-S1:E5)
Post Count: 55
For posts between episodes 4 and 5 of season 1.
Delta Quadrant Days: 84-90 (Since May 17, 2371)
Days 1-8, starting on August 6, 2371 and ending August 13, 2371
Part of Season 1
S1 Episode 5: Ex Post Facto
Post Count: 126
Just a week after the incident in The Cloud, the Shadow Fleet arrives at an impressive station owned by the friendly Sikarans just in time to celebrate the birthday of the Terran Emperor. While they trade and relax, two of the crew members travel to a world known as Banea to lay the foundations of a political and military alliance. When one of the crew members returns without the other, the race against the clock starts to find the missing crew member before it's too late and to settle the score with the people responsible.
August 14 - August 23, 2371
Part of Season 1
In-Between (S1:E5-S1:E6)
Post Count: 46
For posts between episodes 5 and 6 of season 1.
August 24 - September 3, 2371
Part of Season 1
S1 Episode 6: Joy and Ashes
Post Count: 93
Two weeks after they settled the score and recovered their arrested officer in the Banean System, the ISS Vengeance is en route to the pleasure-planet Sikaris when they receive a signal from an Imperial vessel, the ISS Gladius. Taking a detour, Vengeance finds out that this meeting isn’t as spontaneous as they expected.
September 4 - September 9, 2371
S1 Episode 7: Prime Factors
Post Count: 75
Following the ambush in the nebula, the growing Terran Fleet finally reaches the pleasure planet of Sikaris. With a welcoming leader, extremely friendly people, and a stress free and fun-seeking philosophy, this planet seems to suggest that the Delta Quadrant can be just as enjoyable as home. When the crew discovers a Sikaran technology with the power to send them home, they have to try and get their hands on it before the Sikaran’s use their powerful alliances to stop them.
September 10 - 20 2371
In-Between (S1:E7-S1:E8)
Post Count: 33
For posts between episodes 7 and 8 of season 1.
September 21 - October 12 2371
S1 Episode 8: Resolutions
Post Count: 95
Just two weeks after their departure from Sikaris, an away team contracts a terminal illness while exploring an uninhabited, but otherwise idyllic world. When it is discovered the disease will only become terminal if they leave the planet, they are put in stasis until a cure can be found. 17 days later, they are woken up on the planet and told that no cure can be found. The Shadow Fleet must leave them behind and continue their journey back to the Alpha Quadrant without them.
October 13, 2371 - February 12, 2372
Part of Season 1