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Surprise Visitor ***CONTENT WARNING ⚠️ ***

Posted on Wed Mar 16th, 2022 @ 9:54pm by Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin & Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III
Edited on on Sun Mar 20th, 2022 @ 8:29pm

Mission: S1 Episode 2: Caretaker, Part II
Location: ISS VENGEANCE, Anderson's quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 2 at 2100
2034 words - 4.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Kassandra was worn out. She had taken over Intelligence without a word of complaint but she was beginning to run on fumes and had, had very little time to spend with others. That and she had been keeping things to herself since the news she had been given in medical.

But she wanted to check in on Johnathan so she headed for his cabin and pressed her hand to the sensor.

The door opened and Kass entered, noting that he had not revoked her full access to his cabin. She looked around as she did so and heard a noise from the bedroom.

"Johnathan?" She called out turning towards it a smile on her lips. The smile died when a slender vulcan exited the bedroom.

Kass noted the slave collar. She crossed her arms.

Mur'Trolla let her eyes sweep the terran female in Intelligence Grey who stood in the department chiefs cabin. But then she lowered her gaze. "Lieutenant, the Lieutenant is not here." She said in a respectful tone.

"And why are you here?" Kass asked, wondering if Johnathan was sleeping with the slave since Kass had been dealing with things.

"Cleaning as ordered. I do as ordered for the Master of Flight Control."

-oh I am sure you do- Kass thought but instead she said "I see. And when will the Lieutenant be back?"

"This one does not know Lieutenant. He may be very late." Mur'Trolla waved a hand towards the door, hinting that Kass should leave.

Kass noted this and chose to ignore it. Johnathan told her she was always welcome here so she moved passed the Slave and headed for the bedroom.

Mur'Trolla frowned. Would she get into trouble if the Woman stayed... and in his bedroom? She followed Kass.

Kass had sat on the bed and was taking off her boots. She glanced up as Mur'Trolla entered. "Yes Slave?" She queried. Intelligence had no slaves due to the sensitivity of their departments knowledge. And Kass had always had to do things for herself growing up, her stepmothers had made sure the Slaves only cleaned her room once a week and all her... siblings had been waited on hand and foot, so speaking with Slaves was not the norm for her.

"Master Anderson will not be happy to have someone invade his privacy." Mur'Trolla said. "I am to make sure his quarters are safe. You need to leave." She stated boldly.

"you obviously have not kept up with things," Kassandra said coolly. "Master Anderson and I are involved. And he has granted me full access to his cabin. And his belongings."

"Master Anderson did not inform this slave of your... access." Mur'Trolla was not impressed by this.

Kass all but yawned at her. "Why would he. Go finish your chores slave. Then you can wait for your Master. I highly doubt he will have any use for you." If this slave continued, Kass had no compunction about asking to punish her personally. And from the vibes she was getting, the Slave was after Johnathan.

Johnathan had had another rough day. Between his duty shift on the bridge, then trying to finish the clean up and repairs that the crossing had caused the shuttlebay, they were still down to only one starfighter and three shuttles. The rest were either waiting for repair parts to be manufactured, or are being stripped for parts for the rest.

As he entered his cabin, he moved over to his couch, unaware that he wasn't alone.

Mur'Trolla gave the Lieutenant a look and went out to the living area. "Master Anderson" She greeted him with a low bow. "This one is sorry, cleaning is almost done. There was an interruption."

Normally, Johnathan wouldn't be too strict. Afterall, Mur'Trolla had not done anything to disappoint him yet. However, as he was in a foul mood, he activated her agonizer. Though, not for the full thirty seconds. He turned it off at fifteen. "You give me excuses for not doing your job?!" He rose back up to his feet, and moved to stand over her. "Have I not treated you well? Have I not been lenient?! And you repay me with excuses?!" He activated her agonizer again. Again, for only fifteen seconds.

Mur'Trolla gritted her teeth but cries of pain still escaped the slave as she dropped to her knees.

A voice from the bedroom door said "This is why I don't have Slaves. They are so lax at times. But in this case, I was the interruption." Kass stood there barefoot and in her uniform. "That said I am sure they have their uses."

Hearing the voice that made his heart sing, Johnathan smiled and looked over at the woman who owned his heart and soul. "Well now, I was starting to wonder if you forgot how to get here." He walked confidently over to her, reached up and, after taking a handful of her thick, luscious hair in his hand, pulled her head back.

Leaning closer, he whispered hotly to her. "You better not be wearing any underwear under that skirt."

She took his hand and slid it down her skirt then up her thigh. "What do you think?" she asked innocently.

When he felt the warm, tender flesh of her center, Johnathan grinned hungrily at her. Without taking his eyes off of Kassandra's, he started to gently tease her area as he said aloud, "Slave, return to your quarters. You will not be needed any more today."

Mur'Trolla bowed and turned for the door. "Yes Master Anderson"

Kass smiled and moaned as he played with her centre. Her gaze watched the slave's shoulders tense as she did so.

"So," he began when they were alone. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't punish you for staying away so long." He smirked slightly as he continued to tease her center.

"Because it was not my fault. You know our current circumstances are not always the best." She whimpered. Then she said "That slave has crush on you."

"Don't try to change the subject," he growled as he slid his fingers deeper inside of her. "As for our current circumstances, fine, I will forgive your decision this one time." He pulled her head back a bit harder. "Do not test my patience again. Do I make myself clear?"

She smiled and whispered in his ear "Yes My Lord" and she clenched her inner muscles around his fingers.

A hungry look crossed his face. "If I were to release you, how would you show me that I am, in fact, your lord?"

"I will do anything you want My Lord" she whispered. "You can do what you want to me"

Johnathan grinned and growled softly at those words. He then pulled her to him and he kissed her fiercely. When they came back up for air, while he still teased her center, he commanded her, "Open my pants. Free me from them."

"With pleasure" She whispered and did as he told her, her fingers deftly undoing his pants and pushing them down.

Once he had stepped out of his pants, Johnathan pulled his hands clear of Kassandra, then stepped closer, moved his hands to her bare ass and lifted her up, spreading her legs around his waist. He then moved over to the nearest bulkhead and pressed her up against it as he slid his length inside of her.

Kass moaned as he took her and let her head fall onto his shoulder."Hmmm Johnathan" she whispered.

Encouraged by her tone, the young pilot dug in and started to drive hard and strong into her. "You feel so good!" He grunted loudly as they continued to move together.

Kass moved with him, his actions pushing all thoughts of why she had actually come to his cabin that evening out of her mind. She would wait until they had both sated their desires. Her nails dug into his shoulders as she whimpered and clenched around him.

For the next hour, both young lovers devoured each other, until finally, they were wrapped up together, in a large blanket, sitting on Johnathan's couch, Kassandra curled up against him, still astride his lap.

"Wow!" He exclaimed softly between ragged breaths. "We really do that very well, don't we, baby?" He gave her a drunk grin as he spoke.

"Hmmm" She whispered as she closed her eyes. "I.. need to tell you something, Johnathan"

He angled his head so he could look down at her face as best he could. "Tell me what, Kass?"

"Ah..." she took a breath. "I found something out when I was injured before we came to the Delta quadrant"

"What, honey?" He asked, his tone turning more serious. "Whatever it is, you can tell me. It won't change how I feel about you one iota."

"It might." Kass muttered. "When I was injured in the battle with the Alliance... the doctor ran some tests, something about needing to know blood type and such. One Test was a genetic test."

"Okay?" He replied, unsure where she was going with this.

"The Chief Medical officer found three genetic matches to me on the ship." Kass continued. "Captain Petrov, His son, Andrei, and his daughter Mika."

Johnathan took a moment to process this new information. After a few beats, he asked, "So...your actually the Captain?"

Kass nodded. "23 years ago, he had a one night with my mother. And she passed me off as the daughter of her husband. Looking back, it was not that well hidden as my Mother's Sister Wives hate my guts and my so called father barely spoke with me unless it to give me orders or to punish me for something my ... guess she is now a step sister, told him i did. I went from one Full blood brother, and five half siblings to three half siblings, five step siblings and no full blooded sibling." she took a breath "And now Yana Petrova is my step mother."

Johnathan took the massive amount of new information in excellent stride. "Okay," he finally replied. "As I said, it doesn't change how much I love you, Kassandra." He gently kissed the top of her head.

"I.. will have to tell the Captain about us" She said softly.

"I would be surprised if he hasn't already heard. But, okay. Do you want me there with you?"

Kass considered it. "Maybe." She said "If we tell him during duty hours..."

"Whenever you feel would be appropriate, my love." He considered something briefly, then said, "I just hope he doesn't disapprove of your choice."

"Well after 22 years he really does not get that much of a say" Kass muttered and then she kissed Johnathan lightly. "Andrei on the other hand..."

Johnathan took in a breath and exhaled sharply. "Though I grateful that he took care of you, during the battle, as far as whether he approves of us being together, he can go scratch for all I care."

Kass laughed softly. "At least my being his sister protects you a bit more."

He looked down at her. "Do I need protection from him?"

"one never knows" Kass smirked at him. "Or maybe he needs protection from you?"

Johnathan considered it for a moment. Then, he shook his head. "No. As I said, he took care of you during the battle, while I was still recovering in sickbay. For now, he has nothing to fear from me." He chuckled. "Besides, with the Captain being the father to both of you, if I did do something to Andrei, I would have your father's wrath on me, and you would be hurt in the process as well."

"Hmmm" She shrugged, the blanket falling off her shoulder. She kissed him gently. "So am I staying the night?"

He grinned softly. "I want you to stay forever, my love."

"Hmm we will start with the night." Kass smiled. "If we move in together, I am going to need a bigger wardrobe than what you have."

"Well, I'm sure that could be arranged," he said with a grin.

"I will ask Melissa once she finishes main repairs"

"Good idea," he replied with a kiss.


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