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Becoming Closer...**CONTENT WARNING**

Posted on Sun Feb 20th, 2022 @ 11:41pm by

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Delta Quadrant, SS Alexandria II
Timeline: MD 08 / 2205 hours
2951 words - 5.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Micheal was in the cockpit, looking over the scans of their newest hiding place to use while they slept. Satisfied that they were safe, he powered down the systems. Then handed them over to Rebecca.

He then stood and started to make his way aft. He paused briefly, to listen at the door to Kaleigh’s and Daphne's room. It seemed quiet. He assumed they were asleep, so he moved to his cabin and started to get ready for a shower.

As he passed the door, it slid open and Kaleigh tip toed out backwards, closing the door behind her, almost running into him. "Oh sorry" she whispered.

Micheal turned when he heard the door open. "She's asleep?" He whispered in reply.

Kae nodded "Yes, I know its strange but now I have the opportunity to leave the cabin while she sleeps, i am taking it. Never been able to do that before."

He grinned softly. "Well, I'm glad to give you that new freedom." He paused briefly before asking, "I was about to get in the shower but, would you care for a drink first?"

"You have the shower, I will wait in the bridge." Kae said with a smile.

Micheal grinned. "Cockpit " He corrected gently. "Starhips have bridges. For smaller craft, it's a cockpit." He gave her a friendly wink with his right eye. "I'll be there in little bit." He then turned and entered his cabin, removing his shirt as the door closed behind him.

Kae watched him go then headed to the cockpit. She found a seat and sat down looking out the viewports.

A short while later, Micheal entered the cockpit, freshly scrubbed and wearing a pair of athletic shorts and a tank top, which did nothing to hide how well built he was. "Hey," he said softly.

Kae smiled as she looked towards him. "Hey."

He slowly moved up next to her and gently placed his right hand on her left shoulder. In a quiet voice, he asked, "How are you doing?"

"Am going well. Torn between a few things. Terra, finding a way home, or staying far from there. Daphne is not mine to keep. She has family on Terra ...." she sighed.

"While we are in the Delta," he stated softly, "we are her family now." He took in a breath, suddenly worried that he had said something wrong. "I mean.." he stuttered. "I know I'm not her father, but, I will care for and protect her as if I were. That is, with your permission."

Kaleigh nodded after a moments thought."Yes, that would be good." she said honestly.

He smiled warmly at that. Then, "Well! Um...would for a drink?"

"Sure, something other than water would be good"

Micheal grinned and tipped his head back towards his cabin. "I got just the thing."

Kae watched him go considering the next steps. The man intrigued her and she and he had plans to make their time here easier. Maybe with enough power in this quadrant, they would be able to get home somehow.

As he reached his cabin, Micheal realized that he was alone. Turning back, he called out, "Kae? Did you want that drink?"

"Oh sorry thought you were bringing it here" She scrambled up and followed him.

Grinning slightly, he waved towards the large, plush chair. "Make yourself comfortable. I'll make us a couple drinks." He moved to the small wetbar.

Kae took the seat and looked around. She had not looked around the last time she had been in his cabin.

Micheal finished making their drinks and moved back to stand by Kaleigh, handing her hers. "I hope it's not too strong."

"Thank you." She took a sip "perfect" she said as she sipped again.

This made him smile happily. "I'm glad! It's been too long since I've made a drink for a beautiful woman." His right eye widened in surprise. "I mean...I...uh..."

"Micheal, stop okay, i do not mind being called beautiful. And I think you are handsome."

He swallowed hard. "You do? Even with..." using his right hand, he waved at all of the artificial parts of his body.

"So?" Kae asked as she put down her glass and stood. "You are still you, artificial limbs or not." Kae placed a hand on his chest. "I look for other things. And I am sure you are an expert at pleasuring women."

His heart skipped a beat when she touched him. Then, a hungry grin started to cross his face. "I've never had any complaints so far." He put his drink down as well. Then, using his right hand, he tipped up her chin, leaned down, and kissed her deeply, taking his time to make sure she was kissed correctly, on every level.

Kae moaned into his mouth. She pressed against him quite happily.

As soon as she pressed against him, Micheal slid his arms around Kaleigh and pulled her to him even closer. He started to move his hands all over every part of her that he could reach.

Kae slid her hands down his form lightly, teasing.

Micheal growled softly. Moving his hands back up, he slid them under the hem of her shirt and started to lift it up off of her body.

Kae stepped back and helped him pull her tee-shirt off, leaving her in a bra. She then undid her jeans and slid them down her legs.

As she did so, Micheal reached up, reached behind his head with his right hand, grabbed the collar of his tank top and pulled it off, over his head.

Kaleigh stepped closer again now and ran her hands down his chest, gently, slowly, watching his face as she did so.

Feeling her soft, warm hands moving along his skin, Micheal growled again. He reached his right hand up, sliding it into her hair. He then took a firm hold and pulled her head back as he leaned in and started to kiss the right side of her neck.

A soft groan escaped Kae's lips as she arched against him and all but purred at his touch.

As Micheal continued to nuzzle Kaleigh’s neck, he pivoted them to his left and walked her backwards to his large bed.

She wrapped her arms around his neck as she moved with him. She was sure she wanted this.

As they reached the edge of the bed, he moved his hands down to firmly grasp her firm ass and lifted her up off her feet, causing her legs around his waist.

Kae moaned and shifted her hips against him, rubbing against the bulge growing in his pants.

Micheal growled into Kaleigh’s mouth as he felt her rub against his growing member. After kneeling onto his bed, Micheal lowered them down, positioning himself over her.

Kae smiled up at him. "Want this Micheal?" she asked. "Do you want to take me?"

Looking down into her hypnotic eyes, he nodded. "I want to take you, I want you to want me to take you just as much." He paused briefly. "Do you want me?"

"yes." She replied honestly. "I want you."

He lowered himself down and renewed his attentions on the side of her neck.

As he did so, she arched up against him wanting to press closer to him.

Slowly, he started to move lower , kissing her flesh as he did so. Reaching her bra-covered breasts, he kissed and sucked on them through the thin fabric

It had been ages since someone had touched her in such a way. The rebel males had been all about their own pleasure and she had hated the very thought of sex with them, but Micheal, made those memories vanish with a touch.

Slowly, Micheal unhooked Kaleigh’s legs from his waist and gently moved himself to roll he onto her side away from him. He then lowered himself back down behind her. As he did so, he placed gentle kisses on her left shoulder, as he reached down and carefully undid her bra.

She turned her head back to watch his face as her bra fell away. "Micheal?" she asked softly.

Lifting his head to look into her eyes with his right eye. "Yes?"

She reached back and touched his face gently. "You are wearing too many clothes" she teased.

He grinned at her, then rolled away, onto his back, and started to remove his shorts and underwater, revealing just how well endowed he was.

Kae watched with a smile and while he was on his back, she rolled and straddled him and began to kiss his chest.

Micheal gasped slightly, from both Kaleigh’s sudden movement and feeling her lips on his chest.

She smiled and continued kissing and flicking her tongue across his chest even as her centre brushed his manhood.

Feeling just how ready she was, Micheal reached down and gently pushed her onto him, burying his member deep inside of her.

Kae moaned and her eyes closed as she sank down and took him. Then slowly she began to move, drawing it out with each movement.

Micheal moaned and gasped, feeling how perfectly tight Kaleigh felt on him. Locking his eye on hers, he first held onto her hips, then moved his hands up to her breasts, gently squeezing them both in his large hands.

She let their gazes hold as she began to move a bit faster, rocking her hips as she did so. He filled her very well.And she was enjoying it.

He hissed in ecstasy as she started to pick up her pace of movement. He spurred her on by gently pinching her nipples.

That made her whimper and her head fall back as he pulled on them. Kae shifted her hips, brushing him against her clit as she moved faster.

Micheal growled hungrily. "Yes," he hissed through clenched teeth. "Ride me like our lives depend on it!"

Kae gave a soft laugh and slowly began to up her pace, letting the sensations dictate her movements as she shifted, and soon her speed was varying, sometimes she moved faster, others she slowed down drawing each up and down movement out.

Micheal moaned and growled as Kaleigh alternated her speed back and forth. As she started to slow again, he moved his left hand to her center. Then, as he started to digitally stimulate her with his thumb, he activated a program in his mind, which caused his hand to start vibrating rapidly.

She gasped and her body shook as she struggled to maintain her rhythm and keep moving but his hand was driving her crazy.

He grinned a satisfied grin, seeing how he was making Kaleigh feel. "You like that, don't you? I bet you've never been with a man who can do this for you." He thought a command and the rapid vibration coming from inside his artificial hand changed to a slow, rhythmic pulsing.

Kae whimpered and moaned "Micheal" as her body tensed as she continued to move. Her peak was right.. there.. oh gods!

Micheal smiled. With his left eye, he could see Kaleigh’s body temperature rising and her heartbeat increasing. He knew she was close. He kept the stimulation at its current level, so as not to ruin her climax. He could feel his own rapidly approaching, mere beats away.

Kaleigh's body spasmed as her climax rippled through her, and she whimpered his name as she spasmed around his.

Micheal grunted loudly as exploded deep inside of Kaleigh’s center. After a few moments, he was completely spent. Lying his head back, he panted heavily. Only then did he realize that he was still stimulating Kaleigh.

She was slumped on his chest, her body shaking as climaxes rippled through her, soft whimpers of pleasure escaping her lips, her eyes were closed.

"Do you want me to stop, my love?" He softly whispered to her as she continued to moan and twitch atop him.

She couldn't speak, her brain was fogged all she responded with was soft moans of pleasure.

Micheal slowly, reduced the speed an power of the thumbing, until the gears in his hand were still. He then carefully pulled his hand free of her center. "Did you enjoy that, my love?"

She raised her head, her eyes opening, they were glazed with pleasure. "y-yes" she whispered. "it.. was... amazing."

He smiled softly. His heart soared at seeing how happy he had caused her to be. Moving his arms apart, he asked, would you like to sleep here, tonight?" He hoped she would. Desperately, he hoped she would.

Kae thought about it but was already nodding. "if its ok.."

A happy grin filled his face. "So long as I have a vote, I'd want to here with me every night. I want my cabin to be our cabin, my bed, our bed. Daphne can have the other quarters as her own, I'll even redesign it to her specifications, if it's what you both want?"

"hmm" She whispered "I think it is an idea" she nuzzled his neck. "Thank you Micheal."

He sighed happily as Kaleigh moved against him. "Wha..what you thanking me for?"

"The... climax... never had it that big before" She admitted.

He grinned broadly. Lifting his left hand, he explained. "I just activated a few micromotors in my hand, causing then to bibraye at different frequencies." Lowering his hand back down, he leaned in and gently kissed her forehead. "I'm glad it worked. I've done anything like that before."

"hmm oh it worked" Kae whispered "i enjoyed it a lot."

Hugging her closer to his right side, Micheal smiled softly. "I sm very glad to hear it." He then got a little quiet, afraid to disturb Kaleigh as she snuggled next to him. Unfortunately, after about twenty minutes or so, he started to seem like he was getting uncomfortable.

Kae noticed him shifting. "Micheal.. do you need to take the attachments off?" she asked softly.

"I'm sorry," he said softly. "Yes. While they're attached, the cpu in my brain gets continuous reading from them. After a long day, it starts to give me a headache."

"Do not apologize, lets get started on that." Kae whispered.

Micheal opened his right arm, to allow Kaleigh to move. "If you want to learn how, I'll tell you?"

"Yes" She said softly,"Tell me how"

Nodding, Micheal indicated his right leg. "The were designed to be removed externally, in the event I was unconscious and trapped by them." He rotated the leg outward slightly. "Do you see a small blue diamond-shaped icon?"

"uh huh, press it?" she asked.

He nodded. "When you hear a click, grab the limb, on both sides of the knee, and rotate forty-five degrees to my right, then pull it clear."

Kae did as he instructed and soon had the limb clear of him.

Smiling warmly, he told her to repeat the process, but to go in the opposite direction, with his left leg.

Kae followed his instructions carefully and placed each limb in the proper spot so he could rest.

"And now, my left arm," he said softly. "This one is a bit different, as the joint is different."

"ok.." Kass did as he asked. "Which way?"

"On the inside of the upper arm, feel for a slightly recessed circle, between the muscle groups."

She found it and looked at him. "Have it. Now what?"

"Gently press it, then release, so it can pop out." He looked over her progress. "Once it pops out, press the arm into the joint, wait for the three soft clicks, then, when the arm goes rigid, pull it clear. It'll have a little bit of suction, so you'll need to jerk it clear a little."

"okay" Kae said softly and did as he told her to. Soon enough she had pulled the arm clear.

Once he was, literally, disarmed, Micheal let out a relieved sigh. "Thank you, he said softly. "My head is already starting to feel better."

"I am glad" Kae whispered. "One day, maybe we will find a solution for this"

He nodded. "For now, I just want to hold you in my real arm, my love."

Kae nodded and slid into the bed beside him, "ok" She said softly.

When she was in position, He curled his tight arm around her, holding her to him. "Kae...." he started softly as he gazed down at her. "I...I love you."

She raised up and brushed her lips across his. "I know its been a short time" she whispered. "I love you too."

If grins could be used as a power source, the one that crossed Micheal's face at that moment could have powered their ship from several months. He returned the kiss happily then wrapped his arm around Kaleigh after she snuggled back down against him.

Kae drifted off to sleep for once feeling safe and secure.

Even without using his enhanced senses, Micheal could tell that Kaleigh had fallen asleep. Leaning his head closer to hers, he gently kissed her forehead. Then, laying back, for the first time in a long time, he was missing his former limbs. While he could hold her like this, he couldn't place his hand upon hers, which was laying over his heart. Though, we knew that he was extremely fortunate to, not only no longer be alone but, to have found someone special to be with.

He vowed, then and there, to never take what they were starting to have for granted. Nor would he lament on what he didn't have. This woman loved him for who he was, not how he looked.


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