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Posted on Tue Mar 15th, 2022 @ 11:09pm by Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Tactical Operations Center
Timeline: MD2, 0915 hours
505 words - 1 OF Standard Post Measure

Troy sat at his desk in the small office reviewing repair logs and supplemental reports from the DO/LOS regarding repair progress over the last 24 hours. Shields were functional, but currently at only 50%. The main phaser arrays would be back online by the end of watch and torpedo launch systems by midnight that night. He sighed and rose to grab a tea from the replicator when the chime to his office door sounded. "Enter."

Andrei walked into the office, PADD in hand. Working around the clock had become normal for most people on the ship since the difficulties of the day before and he was no exception. He extended the device. “The new repair results, systems diagnostics, and updated repair schedule.”

Troy took the PADD and tapped it to the screen of his work station and uploaded the report. He handed the PADD back to Andrei. He gestured at the replicator. "May I get you something Lieutenant?" His tone bore no animosity as some of their earlier encounters. "Good work on the repair efforts. I am recommending you for a Letter of Commendation for your work over the last 24 hours."

“It was nothing, sir. Just some hard work when it was needed.” Andrei said with a slight grin as he looked at the indicated replicator. “Raktijino for me, if you could.”

Troy returned to the replicator and procured Andrei's drink. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly as he handed the cup to the man. "I...I have treated you unfairly and for that I apologize. My first thought was you were an overly ambitious officer who would stop at nothing to ascended to power. It is clear, since the whole incident with the late Overseer, that I was mistaken. I hope we can improve our working relationship going forward. I am truly sorry."

“I understand, sir.” Andrei said with a somber nod. “You we’re protecting your position, and I didn’t have the best reputation at the time.”

Troy struck out his right hand to Andrei. "I hope we can have a better working relationship in the future. We are in a situation that not just warrants it, but requires it if we are going to survive."

Andrei looked at the hand for a moment in which it was not clear whether or not he would shake it. Then, with a confident motion, he grabbed Troy’s hand and shook it firmly.

“I hope so too. I think we can start by getting this ship in fighting shape and making sure security is properly drilled to face any threat.

"I concur." Troy grinned. "Time to show the denizens of the Delta Quadrant what Terrans are capable of."

“If there’s nothing else, sir, I’ve got a date with a phaser strip.” Andrei said, indicating the door and the to-do list in his PADD.”

Troy nodded. He had a number of repair logs to review before updating Captain Petrov on the progress of repairs. "Carry on then Lieutenant Petrov." Oh


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