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I have a secret

Posted on Sun Jun 19th, 2022 @ 8:40am by

Mission: In-Between (S1:E2-S1:E3)
Location: Robertson Quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 14 at 1730
1495 words - 3 OF Standard Post Measure

Kaleigh and Micheal had been granted quarters on deck 6, so after Kae had gone to medical, she returned to their new cabin. They kept the majority of their things on the shuttle, but Kae had made sure the had enough in the cabin to make it look like they were moving in. She entered the cabin and found Daphne reading on the couch. "Micheal?" she called out as she brushed a kiss on their 'daughter's' head and moved towards the master bedroom.

Micheal was finishing up decorating their bedroom with a few extra torpedo cat furs, both on the floor as a rug, and on the bed as a blanket. "In here, my love!" He called out, his back to the door as he continued to do what he was doing.

Kae smiled as she watched him. "Hey looks good there Love" she said softly.

He turned to his right, his right eye seeing her as he smiled. "How did your checkup go? I guess I'll need to get down there myself at some point."

"Oh it went well" Kae said with a smile as she moved towards the bed. "I am cleared for active duty With a caveat"

He arched an eyebrow. "What kind of caveat?"

"That I come back every 2 weeks for check ups"

He turned fully to face her. "Why every two weeks?" He was starting to grow concerned.

"Because I am expecting." She smiled at him.

It took him a few beats for his brain to catch up to what she had said. Then, his furrowed brow and dark features melted away into a broad, happy smile. "You mean...we..." his right eye grew wide in excitement.

Kae reached out and took his hand and placed it on her abdomen. "Yes." She said softly. "in about 7 months."

Micheal looked down at where Kaleigh placed his hand. Kneeling down on front of her, he peered at her abdomen with his artificial eye. He used a few different settings until he jerked happily. "I can see it!" He leaned his face closer. "It's barely visible by my systems, but, Kae..." he looked up at her, tears starting to fill his right eye. "It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!"

She placed her free hand on his cheek. "You have a child Love. One we will raise together."

"Daphne is also our child, my love. Though she did not come from us, she will be treated with the same love and dedication as our new child."

"I know" She leaned down and kissed him gently. "I was thinking after dinner we can celebrate"

He smiled warmly. "That sounds like a wonderful idea, my beautiful wife." He kissed her back, then slowly stood, pulling her into a loving embrace.

She snuggled into his arms and rested her head on his shoulder. Despite everything, things were going well.

After a few moments, his gauntlet started to beep softly, indicating that Rebecca had something to say.

Kass sighed as she stepped back and indicated him to answer their AI.

Micheal sighed as well. He then nodded and raised his left arm parallel to the ground. "Yes, Rebecca?"

The small representation of Rebecca's avatar appeared above the emitter crystal in his gauntlet. "Master, Mistress, I just discovered the wonderful news! Congratulations on your new union! I have already begun adjustments to my protection algorithms, and am adding additional reaction speed code lines to the protection of Mistress!"

"Becca love, thank you." Kae said with a warm smile for the AI.

Rebecca beamed with simulated pride. "It is a part of programming to protect my family. I could no sooner go against that programing than you could instantly start to live in the vacuum of space without any protective gear."

"Still," Kae said "I thank you."

Rebecca smiled warmly and nodded. "You are very welcome, Mistress." Her image then faded away, leaving the two of them alone again.

When the AI had disconnected, Kae looked up at him. "I am going to look into getting her a body soon."

Micheal nodded and grinned. "She would love that, Kae!" He moved over and hugged her warmly.

"I am sure she would," Kae said with a smile. "Come, dinner then we can celebrate. Oh and no telling Daphne just yet."

Micheal nodded. "Okay, our little secret, for now." He then asked, "How do you think she will react to the news?"

"I am not sure. Happy I hope. " Kae said with a smile.

Micheal pulled Kaleigh back into another embrace, easily lifting her off of her feet. "If you think this will change're wrong! I will still treat you like the Goddess that I know you are, my love!"

She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him gently "I know."

Micheal was so very happy. Sure, his life had had more than enough pain in it. However, the bliss that he felt now, more than made up for it. "This baby is going to be so loved!" He whispered softly.

Kae rested her head on his shoulder. "I love you Husband"

"I love you, Wife," he replied happily. He then slowly lowered her back down to her feet. "What should we have for dinner to celebrate?"

"Hmmm not sure" Kae smiled. "Lets see what the replicator can do."

Putting his right arm around Kaleigh’s shoulders, Micheal smiled softly. "That sounds like a great idea! I imagine an Imperial warship would have more selections than our runabout."

"Indeed" Kae replied and leaned into him as they exited the bedroom.

Moving to the living area of their guest quarters, Micheal led Kaleigh to the plush couch. "Why don't you sit and rest, I'll take care of dinner, sweetheart."

Kae gave him a look and whispered "I am capable of doing stuff Micheal"

He smiled warmly at his beautiful, resourceful wife. "I know you can, my love. And right now, you are doing the most important job there is. You're protecting and growing our child. The least I can do, is prepare dinner for our family."

Kae rolled her eyes at him. "Fine, Go ahead. I will make breakfast then in the morning"

Micheal grinned and winked at his wife. "That is certainly fair, my love." He then turned away and started to get the table set for dinner. "Are you craving anything in particular, sweetheart?"

"no why don't you surprise us?" She called after him as she moved to sit closer to Daphne to read with her.

Nodding, Micheal grinned and then busied himself with setting the table. Once that was done, he moved to the replicator and started to peruse the menu options. To say it was extensive would put it mildly.

Finally, though, he found one that would work. "Go ahead and get washed up, ladies. Dinner will be served in a few moments."

Kae smiled and shooed Daphne off to wash for dinner before following her lead. They both came to the table a few minutes later. "May I help?" Kaleigh asked.

"Nope," he replied with a smile as he carried over a covered casserole dish. After placing it on the table, he looked at the women of his life. "What would my lovelies like to drink?"

"Water please" Daphne said with a smile as she took her seat.

"I will have an orange juice please" Kaleigh said softly.

He nodded to both of them, then returned to the replicator to get the drinks. When he came back to the table, he handed out the drinks, Kaleigh first. "One glass of chilled orange juice, with just a little bit of pulp." He then served Daphne. "And one glass of chilled, sparkling Altair water." Finally, he placed his lemon-lime seltzer at his place.

"I hope you two are hungry!" He said, as he lifted the lid off of the casserole dish. Inside was a perfectly made shepherds pie. He picked up Kaleigh’s dish first and scooped out a nice-sized portion. He repeated the action for both Daphne and himself, then finally sat down with his family.

They ate together, speaking of their day and just spending time as a family. After Dinner, Kae did the washing up and left Micheal and Daphne to read together.

Micheal had pulled up one of Daphne's favorite stories and, as she curled up against his right side with her favorite blanket over her lap, he put his right arm around her and held the PADD with his left hand. He then began to read aloud to her, changing his voice for the various characters in the story.

After she finished cleaning up, Kae stood in the shadows watching with a smile. Then she silently walked to the couch and curled into Micheals other side.

Micheal smiled, raising his left arm, to allow Kaleigh to snuggle in closer. Then, after putting his left arm around her, he continued to read, his voice quiet and full of love and contentment.



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