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Never stop fighting

Posted on Fri Jul 15th, 2022 @ 12:04am by Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin & Lieutenant JG Melissa Jones

Mission: In-Between (S1:E2-S1:E3)
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Mission Day 10 at 1630
420 words - 0.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Melissa entered sickbay about approached Kassandra. "I am pleased you have survived, Lieutenant Kassandra Selin."

Kass was being assisted by a nurse as she did her daily 'rehab session' which entailed a short walk around the Medical bay before being put back to bed in her private room. She looked up and gave Melissa a smile. "Lieutenant Jones." She said as she leaned on a bio bed. The doctors were making sure she took her time."Thank you. I am pleased to have survived as well."

"You continue to prove your strength to me, and you continue to earn my respect. I made sure the Ocampa paid dearly for abducting you. Now even when they've tried to dissect you. You are not giving in. Never stop fighting, friend." Melissa noted. "You still have many allies here."

Kass nodded. "Thank you Lieutenant. I just wish I had been able to kill more than I did." She said calmly as the nurse helped her stand again to keep moving "And I will soon be out of medical." she would even if she had to claw her way out.

"Patience Lieutenant. Ensure you are completely operational before returning to duty. We are a long way from home, and survival requires perfection. Being wounded will not allow you to be at your best. There will be more to challenge you ahead. Don't think being strong is easy. Strength attracts the envy of weak people like Morrison, and we both know how they end. You simply have to make sure it is you that remains standing when all is said and done." Melissa concluded. "There will always be more Lionel Morrisons.. And they will fall before you."

"Gods one of them was enough." Kass said as she made it back to her private room, and sat on the bio bed. "Have a seat Lieutenant" she said to Melissa.

"I have meet their type before, Kassandra." She mentioned. "It is not easy being a cyborg in the Terran Empire. I have had to get creative in order to survive, I've had to learn to do certain things I am not proud of." She noted. "I will not speak too much of it, but I became too... useful to be dissected."

"I will say that being dissected is not fun." Kass said with a wry smile. "I am however, glad you survived that situation and serve here."

"Now then, Lieutenant. Rest, and then we will attend to the challenge of surviving in this 'Delta Quadrant.'



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