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There's a New Sheriff in Town

Posted on Fri Jan 21st, 2022 @ 12:18pm by Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall & Captain Ivan Petrov & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov
Edited on on Sun Jan 23rd, 2022 @ 12:08am

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Bridge and Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: MD 3, 0900 hours
1034 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Troy made his approach to the ISS Vengeance aboard the shuttlecraft Ceasar. He initiated a hail and got an immediate response from the bridge duty communications officer. He followed the flight instructions and brought the Ceasar around to the aft quarter of the Vengeance and cut power as the tractor beam cut in to actually land the small support craft.

Troy rose from the pilot's seat once the shuttlecraft came to a stop in the bay. He opened the side hatch and stepped down. He turned and gave the traditional salute to the Imperial ensign (flag) before turning to the approaching petty officer and saluting a second time. "Long live the Empire." The Boatswain's Mate of the watch returned the salute and greeting as well. "Lieutenant Marshall requesting permission to come aboard." The BM2 response with a nod. "Permission granted."

Troy made a quarter turn and gestured to the shuttlecraft as he kept eyes on the Boatswain's Mate Second Class. "Contact the security duty NCO to have a slave take my belongings to the Operations offices for quartering assignments. He then turned and purposely students off in the direction of the exit.

Two minutes later he stepped off the turbolift onto the bridge and looked at the bridge duty officer of the watch, a Lieutenant j.g. sitting in the center seat. "I am Lieutenant Marshall, the new Chief Tactical and Security Officer."

Andrei perked up from behind the tactical console in order to get a frost look at his new boss. At the command station in the center of the room, Captain Petrov turned to look at the man who had just arrived. He pursed his lips and ran his uniform leather gloves across his arm rest.

“Nice of you to join us, Lieutenant.” He said, his eyes studying the man.

Troy, upon seeing the Captain, immediately rendered the Terran Imperial Starfleet salute. "Long live the Empire Captain Petrov."

"Long live the Empire." the Captain responded, standing. "Join me in my Ready Room, Lieutenant. We can get acquainted with each other a bit and make sure you're properly prepared for your duties."

He then turned and walked toward the Ready Room without waiting for a response. Once he was in there, he sat down behind his desk and quickly logged in to his computer terminal, pulling up the Lieutenant's file.

"Let's see, a boy bread in Imperial Starfleet soil. Tactical Officer on the Imperator and then Commander of Admiral Ross's Protection Detail. An impressive start to a career, Mr. Marshall."

Troy stood at attention before the desk. He knew of Captain Petrov's history, though the specifics were not included on the file he had read up on regarding his new Captain. "My first duty is to the Empire. I simply do my best to accomplish the mission given to me."

“Yes of course, of course. All patriotism, no personality.” The Captain said, looking at the man with a half smile. “I doubt it.”

He cleared his throat and folded his arms across his large chest.

“At ease, Lieutenant. I understand that you’re loyal. My question is what is underneath the good soldier routine.”

Troy studied the man before him as he relaxed his stance. He allowed a half smile of his own to come to his face. "Do you play poker Captain?"

“Never have, but I know that patriotism is the grease of a successful military career in the Empire.” The Captain remarked with a curious expression. “That, and competence. At ease, soldier. Tell me what you expect to get out of this assignment if all goes well.”

Troy could appreciate the Captain's candor in asking direct questions. "A recommendation from you would go along way for my next assignment to be an XO tour. I will not lie. I am ambitious, but my ambitious should never exceed my ability."

“And what about loyalty,” the Captain said, leaning back and folding his arms over his chest. “Should a man’s ambition ever exceed his loyalty?”

Troy raised an eyebrow at the inquiry. "I swore an oath of service upon entering the Imperial Academy and once again when I was commissioned. If you are asking me for a personal oath of loyalty to you...let me say that I will conduct myself professionally. Your personal safety will be my priority, second to the integrity of the ship and the success of our mission. Do you feel you are under threat from someone aboard at the moment?"

Captain Petrov smiled but did not provide an answer to the question. He held his arms under his chest and seemed to consider the man for several seconds.

"In addition to your duties as Chief of Security aboard this ship, I am assigning you the role of Second Officer. As you know, that means you will be third in command of this ship and will serve as Executive Officer or even Captain if something should befall the rest of the chain of command."

Troy’s eyes widened in surprise. He had not expected this news. The additional duties of ship's Second Officer would put a target on his back by subordinates looking to advance. He was going to have to get a good feel for the other Department Heads to figure out who might be a threat and who would become an enemy. He decided to meet with as many of the Department Heads in the next day or two to evaluate them and formulate a threat assessment. "I will perform all my duties in every effort to bring honor to the ship and the Imperial Starfleet. That I promise."

“I’m sure you will, son.” Petrov said, standing up and giving the patriotic Terran salute. “Glory to the Empire. Dismissed.”

Troy rendered the salute in return. "All hail the Emperor!" He came to attention, executed an about face and departed the Ready Room. 'Second Officer,' he thought. He felt it best to keep that knowledge to himself until the Captain announced it to the other officers. It would draw attention to himself and he was to new to the ship for that to be safe. He would need to cultivate allies before word was announced.


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