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A Late Night Workout

Posted on Thu Jun 30th, 2022 @ 3:52am by Lieutenant Christoph Ivers & Lieutenant JG Revana Nazar

Mission: S1 Episode 3: Phage
Location: Rec Room
Timeline: Mission Day 1 at 2200
5497 words - 11 OF Standard Post Measure

The hour was late and the Rec Room gym was empty, save a crewman who had left five minutes ago. Revana had switched shifts with the gamma shift lead in Engineering in order to finish a mountain of projects she had elsewhere. After working efficiently in the engineering lab, she finished early and decided to hit the gym before her shift. Entering the room in a pair of black yoga pants and a sports bra, the shapely Orion stretched on a mat for several minutes and then moved over to the weight machine. After a quick program, she started a pre-game workout with some arm curls.

It had been a whirlwind of a day. Christoph was of course ecstatic for his new position on the ship and the shift in his status that would come with it, but as he had been thinking about it for a few hours, he had decided that in the end he was actually feeling guilty for cutting Madeline down as he had. The realization he felt guilty perturbed him, but not as much as the fact he was concerned she might remain upset at him. He was in his own head and decided the best thing to do was to try and work it off. He walked into the rec room and immediately his green eyes jumped to Revana on the weight machine. He gave her a very appreciative once over before he moved over to one of the treadmills, stepping on and adjusting the settings. "Evening, Revana." He greeted as he set up his desired incline.

Since the rec room had been empty except for her, she looked in the direction of the door when the man entered. She smiled at him, her green features and healthy complexion making a distinctive impression. He was handsome, and she had always appreciated that about him. Not to mention clean and quite considerate, unlike many people. She was concerned he was too nice, however, and so she had played a bit hard to get with him in the past.

"Hi, Christoph." she said, her voice like a growl, her toned arms moving steadily with the weights. "A little bird told me you heard some great news today. Is that right?"

Christoph just chuckled to himself as he mused about the speed and efficiency of the rumor mill. "Yeah, I did." He replied and turned to face her. He was dressed in black sweatpants and a tank top that sat snugly on his impressive physique. "Made the new Chief of Security. At your service." He gave her a flirtatious smirk.

Revana flashed him a grin, her dark eyes flitting over his chest and arms as she did. She finished her rep and sat the weights down. Taking a few steps toward him, she angled her hips so that she was standing somewhat sideways, quite feminine, and placed a hand on his arm. It was strong.

"Congrats, Chief." she said, and then put her hand down. "And you didn't have to kill anybody to get it either. In charge of an entire department on the most cutting-edge vessel in the fleet. I'm impressed."

"Flattery will definitely get you some places." Christoph replied, his eyes more pointedly running up and down her gorgeous figure now that she was closer. "The not killing anyone was definitely a bonus. So much effort and not the preferred type of mess I like to make."

"What kind of messes do you like to make, Lieutenant?" she asked, her smile turning asymmetrical and flirtatious. Her hand inadvertently moved up and her fingers twirled delicately around one of the greenish-black pigtails she'd put in for her workout. Promotion definitely looked good on him in her opinion. "Besides the normal gym-rat sweat, that is."

"Only the most enjoyable kind." His hand drifted to her hip, holding her lightly so she could pull away if she wanted. He wasn't a fool and could very easily connect the direct interest that she had never shown him before to his shiny new promotion, but he also didn't care.

She placed a hand on his and held his palm to her hip for a few seconds longer before she aggressively pushed it away from her. She shifted her hips, the same smile still on her face. She shook her head.

"You think, because you're on the senior staff now, you can just take what you want?" she asked, rhetorically, turning and walking slowly back to the weights, her hips swaying as she traveled. Bending over in an extremely dramatic fashion, she picked up the mechanical weights while giving him a front row look at her incredible ass. Standing up straight, she faced him and began lifting the weights over her head. "Maybe its just the pheromones, Christoph. The medication they put me on tends to start wearing off this late at night. Wouldn't want things getting too messy in her."

She strained with the weight she was lifting and began to breath slightly heavier and make some gentle grunts. She looked at him, her eyes unreadable beyond the look of interest she learned when she was young, when her mother taught her everything she knew.

"I heard it was a close call between you and someone else." she said, grunting a bit louder now. "Tell the truth, you gave the old man a little buff and wax to..tip you over the edge, didn't you?"

As she asked the question, she barely restrained a giggle as she moved one of the heavy weights in an up and down motion to match what she was saying.

“If I was the taking type, I would have taken long ago.” He teased though obviously he wasn’t serious. He had morals with free women. Usually. Giving up on his exercise, he opted to openly watch the show she was most generously giving him though didn’t trust for a moment that she wouldn’t scamper away with her hard to get act she was notorious for. Really no surprise there given she was an Orion.

“If I had needed to, I would have. Though that would probably get me murdered by someone. No I simply pointed out the failings of the other candidate that clearly made them a lesser choice and the captain agreed with me.”

A twinge of pain was the result of that comment, followed by a deeper twinge of irritation. Her smile faded, and she lowered the weights to her sides. Talking faster than she thought, she frowned at him.

"Well, what made you so much better, hotshot?" she asked, probably thinking more of her own unspoken situation than his.

Christoph quirked a brow at her sudden shift in demeanor toward him but seemed to take it in stride. The amused and flirtatious expression faded and he crossed his arms over his chest. "Experience for one thing. The fact that the people in the department like me for another. I've proven I am a competent officer with the ambition and drive to do the job. She draws the line at competent officer alone and is lacking the many of the key factors to be an effective leader."

"Yeah, experience, great." she said, turning away from him and placing the weights down unceremoniously this time. "Well good for you then."

Her tone was dismissive and emotional, but she gave no clue what it was about. Instead, she moved over to the bench and laid down on it. Programing the weight of the bar, she lifted it off of its holders and began to bench press with practiced form, unaided by a spotter. She let her air out in bursts of air from her full green lips.

"Is there something bothering you, Revana?" Christoph asked with a mix of curiosity and annoyance and moved closer to her on the weights. He closely watched her bench press since she didn't exactly seem to be overly focused on being safe at the moment. He was also pretty sure he was no longer even remotely going to get laid, but he still wouldn't just walk out for being shot down.

"No..." she said, lifting the bar consistently until she reached the desired number and then lowered it down onto the housing again. She looked up at him from her position laying on her back. "Don't worry about it. It's nothing. I just...I was up for Chief Engineer and I got beat out by M'Tras. I mean, she's not even an officer. It's fucking embarrassing, but I don't need to be mad at you for being successful."

"No, you don't, but I get the anger." He said as he looked down at her on the bench and seemed to relax a bit. "Do you know why you were passed over? Experience, I'm guessing with that reaction?"

“Experience.” She said, feeling a wave a disappointment now that she realized she had let her emotions ruin the mood. She reached for the bar again, and started pumping away, her skin beginning to glisten with sweat as she worked.

Christoph gave a hum of understanding, moving to the head of the bench to spot her though did not try and interfere in any way with her lifting. "Unfortunately with our current predicament, it is understandable that experience would win out over everything else. It did in my case... that and her bringing up how sexist the security department is - which she isn't wrong, just no one wants to hear that." He shrugged.

“Try being a green girl with bit tits.” She said, laughing enough that she had a hard time lifting the bar again and needed his help to guide it back to the holder. “Sexism doesn’t even begin to describe it. But my mother taught me how to embrace it…how to use it as a tool; maybe even a weapon.”

Christoph reached down to help her put the bar back, his hands close enough to brush against hers but nothing more. "I believe you, but again, no one wants to hear about it." He reminded her with a slight shrug. "Do you have a plan to show that you're not just the typical Orion woman using sex and appeal to get what she wants? Or are you just going to run with that and see where it gets you?" His words weren't spoken with an accusing tone, in fact he seemed genuinely curious what she would do with herself now. She could attempt to attach to a higher ranked officer but if the rumor mill had been anything to go by, that was a rather... messy and complicated situation.

“On the contrary, people are generally willing to listen to anything I say when there’s the remote possibility I will show them my naked body.” She said, giggling and sitting up. She stood and looked at him, her irritation from earlier gone. “I’m only half Orion. My father is Nolan Nazar, Director of Imperial Intelligence. He thought Starfleet was a waste of my talents, but I disagree. In life, people will think whatever they will about you. The trick is what you think about yourself. All image questions aside, when it comes to career advancement in the Empire for people like me, sometimes it comes down to riding the right dick at the right time, and riding it well.”

Her eyes glimmered again. “I should have gone for a ride earlier, and if I had, I doubt I’d be taking orders from a glorified cat I used to outrank right now. I don’t intend to make that mistake again.”

He couldn't help but chuckle hearing her conclusion. Mostly because she was right, but the humor she spoke with was also catching. "Well I'm glad to hear this has been a learning experience of sorts. Besides, out here all sorts of accidents happen and it would be prudent to be prepared for such an eventuality, don't you think?" Christoph smirked, drawing closer to her but not quite close enough to invade her personal space.

“It might be good to have the protection of someone strong and powerful.” She said, slowly closing the distance between him and her until she was very much in his personal space. She looked up at him, placing a hand on his chest and squeezing the muscles there and feeling their prominence. She looked up at him with a look she’d learned long ago. One of desire, lust and, somehow, innocence. “Do you know of any candidates?”

"Flattery will definitely get you some places." He repeated, still smirking. He placed her hand over his, his fingers closing firmly around her own before he lifted her hand higher, leaning in to kiss her wrist in a surprisingly tender fashion. His dark green eyes held her gaze and he tilted his head just slightly in a rather charming way. "I most definitely have someone in mind."

“Oh, well.” She said, placing her other hand in his hip and pressing her body up against the front of his. She could feel his warmth and the bounding of his heart as she drew closer. The pheromones blocker was definitely wearing off. “I’d be very grateful for any protection and help he could offer.” She said, and then lowered her voice distinctly, her lips drawing nearer to the part of his chest exposed above his top. “Very grateful…”

Orion females, such tantalizing creatures really, but still a lesser being. He chuckled again and watched her draw closer, feeling her breath playing over his chest and his arousal building being so close to her. She likely would need protection especially now that her father was thousands of light years away. Her green skin and those luscious curves might have ended up being too much of a temptation for some. He lifted her hand to kiss her palm. “I imagine you would be. Though there may be other ways you’d be asked to show your gratitude.”

“You’ll find I’m…very flexible and multi-talented.” She said, turning her eyes down for a moment slowly before reestablishing eye contact with him. “I learned from daddy and mommy alike.”

She didn’t mention, of course, how she’d helped Andrei with his scheme, and she likely never would. She was very talented in desceparían, good with computers and mechanics, and knew how to keep a secret, all for the right price. Her long term goal was to inherit her father’s job someday, but her plan had gotten her stuck in the Delta Quadrant instead. It was time to improvise.

"I'm sure you did." Christoph placed his thumb on her chin and a finger under it, holding her so he could look into her eyes. He appeared to be considering his options - whether she was worth as much trouble as she would inevitably be. Probably not, if he were truly honest with himself, but Madeline had him thoroughly hot and bothered and didn't seem inclined to do anything about it. "How about you show me what your mother taught you first and we'll go from there."

Her lips caught the tip of his thumb with surprising quickness, and before he knew what was happening, she had let the tip slip past the opening of her mouth, letting out subtle moans as she slid it slowly into her mouth, until his palm was flat against her chin. She looked up at him then, her brilliant green eyes widening as she made eye contact with him. Her throat twitched with a well-simulated series of small gags which ended in a loud one. She pulled his thumb out of her mouth and then began drawing it in and out of her mouth with the power of her sucking motions, making her tongue dance along the bottom side of it like a ballerina. All the while she looked at him. Then she released his thumb, kissed it, and plunged her hands into the pockets of his sweat pants.

“Mommy was a slave, so I don’t work for free.” She said with a gorgeous and sinful smile. Her hands drawing closer inside his pockets as she began to massage the front of his thighs. “Rule Number One: Always get the goods up front. Rule Number Two: if given the option to sit on a dick and eat a cake or to sit on a cake and eat a dick, always choose the later; it’s more fun for everyone.”

Christoph thoroughly enjoyed the little teasing preview she had given him with her mouth, his arousal now much more pronounced and reaching into his eyes as he looked at her. When her hands went into his pockets, he let out a slight growl and he smirked. "I'd never expect you to work for free, Revana." He said simply and reached down to fish out her hands from his sweatpants and lace their fingers together. He moved one hand quickly to spin her around, his fingers still laced with her own as he pulled her back against his chest. His body had very little softness to it which wasn't surprising given Christoph was known for his strength and figure. His erection pressed into her lower back; he brought his head down, nuzzling into her neck and speaking in a low, smooth voice into her ear. "But I do expect you to work."

Revana’s heart was starting to beat faster as she felt the firmness of his body and his erection against her back. His taking change and spinning her around had turned her on, and she felt the familiar pressure and warmth at the meeting of her thighs that would suggest her yoga pants were starting to get quite wet. She grinned her hips with extraordinary grace, performing the beginning of a dance she had been taught even before puberty, known to drive men wild. She closed her eyes and turned her head to the side as he spoke into her ear, causing tingles to creep up and down her spine. Despite all this, she managed to keep her wits about her.

“I expect you to work too, sir.” She said through a strained voice of pleasure. “There’s something in particular I want…and if you can help me with it..” she paused, grabbing his hair roughly and pulling his ear down to her lips with surprising strength. “I’ll let you do whatever you want to me.”

A low, pleased sound hummed through his throat as she began to move her hips against his. He held her in place against his body and quite enjoyed the feeling of her soft curves against him. He was rather distracted by her, so when she pulled his hair and pulled him forward, he briefly clenched his teeth before relaxing into a gravelly chuckle. "We'll see how we can help each other, shall we?" He finally loosened one of his hands from hers so he could brush her dark hair away from her neck. Leaning in, he kissed the point of her jaw and spoke softly. "Come with me to my quarters." He offered and shifted to kiss and lightly nibble at the sensitive skin just under her ear on her neck.

“Oh, fuck.” She said, her mind moving over how long it had been since she had actually been with a man. She was unashamed in her love of sex, but she intended to make it very expensive. She believed she had the potential to go far in the Empire, so she couldn’t let anything distract her that didn’t actually get her closer to her goals. She couldn’t ensure he wouldn’t Back out of their unspecified deal if she gave him the release he so craved. The problem was, she craved release as well. She moved her hips with slightly more aggression, feeling his length moving up and down her bottom. “Oh, Christoph. It’s so big..”

With the hand that wasn’t being held down by him, she roamed down to the meeting of her thighs and started to circle her fingers around her clit with practiced precision, her body lighting up with the intensity of the pleasure. Not only were Orion women more skilled at giving pleasure, they were more skilled at receiving it, and she had forty percent more nerve endings than a human female. If her yoga pants were wet before, they were downright damp now, and the pheromonal aroma which drove men literally mad was becoming subtly detectable to smell; it was sweet and deep, like a flower. Her moans began in a subtly way, but were gradually increasing in volume as she ground against him faster and faster.

"Ah ah...." Christoph tutted her slightly, reaching down to grab the wrist of her hand that had snaked down between her legs. He pulled it back up and away, how firmly holding her wrists while also taking just a step back from her (as much as it pained him to do so) so she couldn't grind herself against him anymore. He wanted her. She was driving him mad. Not just her, but other thoughts playing in the back of his mind... but she was here, so she would suffice. "My quarters." This time it was less of a request.

Revana made a face that was animalistic in nature, freeing her wrists in one skilled yank and shoving him back onto the bench that war right behind his legs. As he fell into a seated position, she gave another surprise shove, forcing him onto his back. With swift motion, she hopped on top of him and started grinding ferociously. Her nails dug gently into his skin as she moved her hips like a pro.

“Here.” She said, reaching for one of her breasts with a hand and tugging at the fabric along her nipple. “I negotiate better with a clear mind, after all.”

He was stronger than her, of course, but she was a master of a particular brand of martial arts that was designed to be used by women with strong thighs. She held him in place firmly and dislodging her would take a rather unsexy wedging action or something worse. She bet he wouldn’t give her a bloody nose and rode him like a prize horse, moving with such swiftness and energy that the bench started to buck on the floor.

He most definitely was not on his game in this situation. His blood was running hot and there was still lingering irritation from earlier. He let out a rather displeased growl as she pushed him back to the bench and then it became frustration - and not just entirely sexual. He squirmed under her and moaned out as she moved; he didn't trust her not to just hop off and at this point he wasn't going to be happy with just being teased. He grabbed her by the hips harder this time to force her to stop moving and looked up into her eyes. "If you want to keep those yoga pants nice, I suggest you take them off."

If his intentions were to stop her from her climax with those words, he seriously didn’t understand the situation. The force of those words sent her over the edge. She leaned into him, her hips still bucking subtly despite the force of his hands stoping most of the motion. She threw her head back and moaned without any reserve, bracing her hands on him and rolling her eyes back into her head like something in a teenager’s fantasy. She was gone, not thinking about his threats, his frustrations, or even them tension between them. When she came down from her high, her mind cleared a bit more and she looked at him in his irritated face. She placed her hands on his cheeks and smile.

“Nice one, tiger.” She said with a smile as she leaned in and kissed him on the lips for several seconds. “I think we should throw a party in your quarters. I can be there in fifteen minutes.”

The woman pulled herself off of her lap, not bothering to address the yoga pants which had gotten wet all the way down to the middle of her thighs.

“And you’d better have a cake for me when I get there.” She said, grinning, her eyes somehow hungrier than his. She wanted him to want her; it was in her blood to want such things from devotion. She rarely caved unless she felt it could be there.

Christoph was very quiet as he stood, straightening his pants a bit as he stepped to grab his towel and water. He trailed after Revana then and came up behind her, pressing his body against her's but otherwise not touching her. He leaned in and whispered into his ear. "Don't bother." His tone was that of disappointment, but not the dejected kind, no it was a disappointment of a person not satisfied - a man who didn't want her. He pulled away from her without another word or giving her a chance to speak and left the rec room, his head high despite his raging erection. It was a common enough sight on ships anyways. He'd just have to figure out a way to work it off.

Revana turned her head to the side and folded her arms as he left. She was one part frustrated and three parts confused. Did he think she was leading him on? Part of her, the Orion part, felt a sort of entitlement to being wanted in that way, and he had just offended it. Moving quickly, she went out into the empty corridor in the rec section and called out to him, her brow furrowed.

"Where in all the hells do you think you're going?" she asked, sounding more confused than she wanted; sounding more desperate than she wanted.

On hearing that note of desperation in Revana's voice, Christoph couldn't help but smirk while he was turned away from her. Just as he had thought, she was not a woman used to being denied by men, especially not when the offer of her body was standing. The expression cleared to one of much less keen interest as he turned to face her and shrugged. "Home."

Revana stood there, speechless. She didn't know what to say. All of the questions that flowed into her mind sounded far too self conscious for her to state out loud. So she just looked at him for several seconds, a dumbfounded look on her face.

"Either you misunderstood my intentions don't like me as much as I thought." he said, looking at him with a furrowed brow now, trying to read him. "Was it because I pushed you over? Do you not like being told what to do?"

"I didn't misunderstand you and being told what to do is just fine, however," He said and looked down into her eyes, none of that interest or desire returning at this point, "I am not yours to use and I'm not actually sure that you are okay with being told what to do in any situation. That doesn't work for me."

"That's why I wanted to talk, Christoph. But you were just trying to get me to your quarters." she said, her arms still crossed. She wasn't particularly angry, but she stood firm in what she was saying. "I tried to get you out an arrangement, but all you were thinking about was me servicing you as some show of submission. Do you think I'm a stupid fucking 19 year old on spring break? Do you think I don't know how fast a man of your status can...just drop me like a bad habit once you get what you want? I have ambitions and sex is my main weapon; I can't afford to be stupid, Christoph. I have more to lose than you."

Her statement was completely rational, all traces of anything she might have been feeling before gone save her moist yoga pants and a flushed expression. Her expression communicated an emotional emphasis, the sort one heard when someone was really trying to level with them.

"I wanted to attach myself to you.." she said, offering a light grin. "But I need to know you have more to bring than another erection. I can get that anywhere. I need a soldier...and you need a tinker and spy. But if you just want a release, then forget it. Make friends with your hand tonight. Or, I hear the holodeck has good options."

"You're a known tease and you've teased me on more than one occasion, Revana. Exactly how am I to trust that this wasn't the exact same scenario just you going a little farther than usual thanks to my shiny new rank?" He asked her and shrugged. "I know how fast a man can drop you just as much as I know how much a woman like you can do the same. I don't need someone who feels that their main weapon is sex. That's the Orion in you speaking. Its a tool." He shook his head. "And frankly I don't buy that last bit for a moment. You wouldn't try to attach yourself to me if you didn't already know I was capable of giving you what you want. If I just wanted a release, trust me, there are a plethora of options on the ship. So what exactly was that about, Revana? You threw yourself at me, I invited you to my quarters. You denied me twice and I was still here willing to meet you halfway, but then you got yourself off and decided we have to do everything your way."

"I was flirting with you, Christoph. I liked you." she said, turning her face into one of questioning. "But I don't just fuck every guy I like. I can't stay respected doing that like you."

She frowned and shook her head, her somber mood finally being consumated in a low tone of voice.

"I don't like it when I tell them the truth." she said, looking past him for a moment. "They want a fantasy. 'No one wants to hear it', as you said. Even at this point, I allowed myself to forget that lesson. And if I had gone with you to your quarters when you insisted, I would have allowed myself to forget another. Giving you everything you want from me, with only the vague promises of a satisfied man to reassure me. You might not want me to be the way I am, but that isn't for you to decide."

She grimaced now, looking at him more squarely. Her once lust-filled eyes growing large with a child-like pain.

"All due respect, Christoph, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. You are Terran, you are tall, you are strong, you have real power, and you get the benefit of the doubt. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. And this conversation isn't sexy anymore. Just find yourself a partner more to your liking. I won't be 'throwing myself' at you again. I've got a work shift in an hour and a half. I need to get going..."

Having said her piece, it was her turn to walk away. The conversation had revealed to her that he didn't really like her, he just liked what he saw. How typical. She turned and starting walking away more sad than anything else. She felt unloved, like she always had. It was like it was with dear old dad: no matter how clever she got, no matter how capable she became, she was never quite what he wanted her to be, and he always got what he wanted. She was expected to embrace the parts of her Orion heritage that were useful and discard the rest, while never being permitted to be fully Terran. What people wanted from her was a contradiction; an animal, an object, and a woman, and she couldn't seem to get the combination right for Christoph Ivers. She was always servant, never partner. Now seemed to be no different.

Christoph just shook his head and watched her go. Apparently he had struck a nerve, but all she had done was simply shown him that he was very much correct in her being much more trouble than she was worth. Someone with a giant chip on their shoulder and something to prove was never a good ally. He needed a partner, not whatever scheming nonsense she was trying to pull. He briefly looked up to the ceiling and let out a long sigh, heading off to find himself a compliant slave. Uniformed women were far too much of a hassle today.



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