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A Night In

Posted on Mon Aug 22nd, 2022 @ 10:58pm by Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin
Edited on on Mon Aug 22nd, 2022 @ 11:29pm

Mission: S1 Episode 3: Phage
Location: ISS Vengence, Finley's Quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 1 at 1700
2225 words - 4.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Mur'Trolla worked hard, she did all her chores and didn't complain or show any outward sign of complaint. Now as the day ended, She finished making dinner for her master and set up his bedroom how he liked it. She never wore clothes in Chief Petty Officer Finley's quarters, it was against his rules. And she was ok with that.

A few minutes after his shift ended, Chuck walked into his quarters. He started to open his uniform coat as he strode through the door, sighing heavily from finally being done with his shift.

As soon as he entered his cabin, his nose picked up the pleasant smells of dinner. It instantly brought a smile to his face. "Trolla?"

"Yes Master?" she stepped out of the kitchen and knelt by the table.

A happy smile filled his face as he stepped over and offered his hand to help her stand back up.

She stood and kept her eyes down as her training was still so ingrained. "Dinner is ready for you Master" she said softly.

"Did you make enough for you to join me?" He asked as he reached up and gently lifted her chin so he could look into her eyes.

She had and nodded. She knew his expectations. "Yes Master I did as instructed"

"Computer, lock the door to my cabin and activate the do not disturb setting."

The computer replied with a soft beep, then Chuck addressed Mur'Trolla again.

"We are alone, for once tonight, call me by my name. Just once, please?" He asked softly, longing to hear his name come out of her perfect mouth.

She smiled. "Chuck" she purred it as she knew he liked hearing it.

A soft moan rumbled in his throat. "I love that way my name sounds when you say it." He leaned in kissed her deeply.

Muri kissed him back and slid her arms around his neck as they kissed with growing passion. She knew now how to please this man and she slid her foot up his leg.

A growl rumbled in his chest when he felt her attentions increase. When they finally ended the kiss, he caught his breath and said, "If we jump to desert first...this delicious-smelling dinner will be ruined."

"I can put it in the warmer.." she tempted but drew back to head to the kitchen to begin serving.

He suddenly reached out, grabbed her right wrist and spun her back into his arms. "Put it in the warmer. I need you!"

"Then please let me go so I can" she whispered running a hand down his face.

The look of desire on his face was clear. Reluctantly, he did release her and moved over to his bar to pour them both a drink. Hundred year old Kentucky Bourbon for himself, Two hundred year old Romulan Ale for her.

Muri finished putting their meal in the warmer and then walked out to him at the bar. "All Done." she said softly. "Did you have a busy day?"

He turned and handed her drink over to her, then raised his in a toast. "To beautiful company."

She smiled and raised her glass to his "To handsome company."

He nodded once, then they drank. When he lowered his glass, he answered her question. "Yes. We finally finished stripping down the last destroyed shuttle and recycled the parts for future use. Then, I got that new Runabout ready for an apparent scouting mission it's crew is about to head out on. How was your day?" He started to slowly unstuck his undershirt from his uniform pants, to start and get more comfortable.

"I completed all tasks assigned to me within the required timeframes" Muri said as she placed her glass down on the bar and moved to help him.

Chuck put his glass down as well and lifted his shirt off over his head, realizing his scarred torso. "And no one gave you any difficulties while you were moving through the ship?"

"No I am a slave and i only go where I am allowed"She replied as she undid his pants.

Smiling as he reached up to gently caress the right side of her face. "Well, you will always be allowed in my heart."

She tilted her head to rest her cheek in his hand. "Thank you Chuck" she said, knowing that her voice would warm him when she said his name. Her fingers pushed his pants down off of his hips.

His breathing increased in anticipation. "You are so beautiful, my love."

"oh?" she asked softly. "thank you Sir" And she sank to her knees, knowing that she could make him sweat, by using her skills. She used her hands and mouth to please him.

Chuck gasped as Mur'Trolla began to pleasure him. His eyes rolled back and he moaned as she quickly started to make his cares about the outside world go away.

Her skills were vast and she used them expertly to keep him pleased and yet on the edge of climax.

For several minutes, the pair stayed there, Mur'Trolla pleasuring her master, Chuck finding the stipulations mind-blowingly wonderful.

Finally, Chuck reached down to Mur'Trolla and halted her movements. "Wait..wait! Not yet!" He panted to steady his breathing. "I want to look into your eyes, feel our bodies wrapped around one another, as we both climax!"

Gracefully she rose to her feet, "And where do you want to take me?"

Growling softly, he reached down and lifted Mur'Trolla, guiding her legs around his hips, as he carried her to his bed.

As he carried her she shifted her hips, rubbing her centre against him. She watched his face and her lips curved in a smile.

Chuck moaned and grunted as he felt Mur'Trolla move against him. When they reached his bed, he carefully lowered her down atop it, with him atop her. Then, after releasing his hold on her, he started to kiss her body, working his way down, until he was in position to watch her as he began to devour her.

Even after all this time with him Muri was not used to being pleasured. Her role was to please and take whatever punishment was dealt. She knew that. Had been raised at that. But now she lay there whimpering his name softly as he put his mouth on her and drove her nuts.

Enjoying the show, Chuck continued his ministrations, his goal to drive this woman, who had known only pain her whole life to date, to the highest highs she could reach.

Muri's hands clenched in the sheets and her hips bucked. Her vulcan blood was starting to boil and her skin was getting that green tinge from the pleasure.

Chuck saw the reaction he was causing. He had heard that it could be dangerous, physically, to sleep with a Vulcan, especially a woman. However, at that moment, he didn't care. He just wanted her to feel the pleasure that she had brought back into his life.

"Chuck!" Muri cried out as the pleasure began to swamp her. "Please.... hurry.."

Seeing that she was so close to exploding, Chuck doubled down and gave her everything he had, in order to push her over the top.

Muri's body bucked as the climax hit and she whimpered his name. Her fingers clenched in the sheets all but ripping them.

Satisfied with himself and how he had made his lover feel, Chuck started to kiss his way back up her body, enjoying how her body tasted on his tongue, until he braced his weight atop of her. "I love you, Mur'Trolla."

She smiled and raised her hands to his head gently stroking his face "Love you" she whispered "A-are you going to take me now Chuck or do I take you?"

A slow grin started to cross his face. "Teach Vulcans make love?" His words were not a demand or an order, but a longing request.

"We.. our mating is like Terrans. Though if you are mated you are mind melded and your sexual highs are...extreme"

After laying down atop of Mur'Trolla, Chuck carefully rolled them over, putting himself on the bottom, and have her straddle him. "I trust you, my love. Show me."

Muri smiled faintly and pressed her fingers to his head. "A partial meld, still aware yet, feel everything..." she whispered as she enabled the meld. Then she raised her hips and took him into her body.

Chuck moaned softly as both his body and mind were flooded with pleasure from Mur'Trolla's actions. As they started to move together, he felt a level of stimulation never before experienced.

Muri's mind sang with the pleasure as she began to move, riding him expertly as she had been trained to do since her childhood.

Slowly, Chuck started to feel his mind and Mur'Trolla's starting to coalesce in the pleasure of the lovemaking. The new sensations caused him to gasp and smile.

Muri's movements began to increase as she took cues from the mind meld as to what made him moan with pleasure.

Through their growing connection, Chuck felt what Mur'Trolla was doing. "Please...don't just please me! Find equal pleasure ...with me!!"

Muri kept her movements going as she smiled. She was feeling pleasure and she did what he liked because it gave her pleasure.

Chuck continued to moan softly as he moved his hands to Mur'Trolla's wonderfully shapely hips. His thoughts seemed to mix with hers as they continued to make love.

Muri leaned down and pressed her lips to his and slid her tongue against his. ~Love you Master~ her thought filtered into his mind.

Hearing her words inside his own mind caused Chuck to moan with pleasure again. He would do anything for this woman, he knew. Love her and protect her with his very last breath. ~I love you too!~

He started to have thoughts of their life together, after he freed her from her servitude. He even had passing flash of what their children might look like.

Muri slowly upped the pace of her movements wanting to give him the best climax she could.

And she did. Between the very hot passion of their lovemaking, added to the sensations of sharing their minds during, Chuck did not last much longer. Afew moments later, his body tensed up and he indeed did have the most power climax that he could ever remember having. It lasted for nearly a full minute, then he collapsed back onto the bed, drenched in his and her sweat.

Muri held herself up braced on her arms, which trembled but she didn't collapse. She closed her eyes and struggled to steady her breathing. Then she slowly lifted herself off of him and curled up beside him.

Panting heavily, Chuck held onto Mur'Trolla as he started to slowly come down from the breathtaking high he was feeling. " it always...always so...wonderful?!"

"I am unaware" Muri replied softly.

Chuck chuckled softly, a few happy tears falling from the corners of his eyes as he stared blankly at the ceiling. "I..I have never felt so alive!"

Muri lay there for a moment then she glanced at the Chrono. "I need to get back to the slave quarters."

Chuck felt a pang of disappointment, however, he didn't want Mur'Trolla to suffer because of his desires to keep her by his side.

He turned his head towards her and gently kissed her forehead. "I know, my love. Take a quick sonic shower, so you can be clean while you rest."

She nodded and slid from the bed and headed to the sonic shower.

After she moved to his bathroom, Chuck slowly got out of bed and pulled on the robe that Mur'Trolla had set aside for him. He then went into the living area and stopped at the replicator to order two chilled glasses of sparkling Altair water. He then took the glasses back inside his bedroom, just as Mur'Trolla exited the shower and was getting dressed. "Here, my love. While I understand that Vulcan's don't need to drink as much as Terrans, I still think you should drink it." He extended his arm out towards her, as he moved closer.

She took the glass gingerly. "At one stage we drank. But that changed of course." she sipped the beverage.

"I imagine so, living on an arid world. Your bodies had to evolve to survive with less fluids." He took another drink from his glass.

She nodded. She sipped slowly. "I really should get going" She said softly.

Giving her a soft, sad smile, Chuck nodded. "I know," he sighed. He then took her glass and walked her over to his door. "I'll see you in the morning, my love." He then leaned in and gently kissed her lips.

Muri smiled and kissed him back. "I shall be here tomorrow night." She promised.

Chuck nodded and smiled, his eyes showing that he was feeling deep love for this woman. He then opened the door, and allowed her to leave, his eyes on her retreating form until she entered to nearby turbolift. He then went back into his cabin, got cleaned up and went to bed.

For the first time, in a very long time, his dreams were not filled with nightmares of war.



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