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Hostile Takeover

Posted on Wed Aug 10th, 2022 @ 4:01am by Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Cerron
Edited on on Wed Aug 10th, 2022 @ 8:36am

Mission: S1 Episode 3: Phage
Location: ISS Lovarr
Timeline: Mission Day 5 at 0300
2248 words - 4.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Just a few hours after his return to Lovarr after his vengeful adventure with Maddie. He had tried to get to sleep, but he was so electric he couldn’t sleep. He tired working out, but that didn’t work. He would have tried a visit with Eritrea, but he had her transfered back to the Vengeance in light of all the things he had heard about her. He decided, after much consideration, to take a walk to the Bridge to check up on his crew. He walked through the door walking slowly, and put the bridge crew at ease with a wave of his hand.

His Deputy Commander was aboard Vengeance, so he was officially the only non-Kazon aboard. He questioned them on ship status even though he knew there was nothing to report. Sighing, he settled into the command chair. Back to normal life was quite boring, it seemed.

All of the Kazon currently on the bridge were quite dutifully seeing to their tasks, all giving immediate and undivided attention to Andrei when he entered. Their subservience was immediate just as Andrei demanded, but so was their response when he motioned for them to return to their work. He had certainly done a good job with them. One of the Kazon stepped forward, bowing his head toward Andrei. He had been one of the first to submit to the might of the Terran and therefore had a place of honor.

"Welcome back, Master." His name was Cerron and while he was not the largest or strongest of the bunch, he was certainly one of the most intelligent. "What is your command?"

“Do the Kazon sing songs, Cerron?” Andrei asked, draping his arm casually over the back of the chair. “Are there any songs you all know?”

Cerron was surprised by the question and it showed on his face. "Songs?" He blinked and regained himself, clearing his throat. "Yes, Master. We sing songs... what kind of song would please you? We have songs of war and battle, home, family, women..." He looked to Andrei, seeming quite eager to please.

Andrei smiled then, leaning back a bit.

“Teach me a song of yours…about women.” Andrei said.

"Women. Yes, master." Cerron thought a moment and shifted a bit with the next question. "Do you want something more... romantic... or bawdy?"

“Surprise me, Cerron.”he said simply, dismissing the prospect of public questions and giving the decision to the slave what they might sing.”

"Yes, Master." The Kazon man thought it over for a moment and then began to sing, the others quickly joining in. It was what one might have expected from a song meant to build camaraderie rather than being musically elegant. It was probably even better when they were drunk. Judging by the grins that started to appear, they had most definitely taken the bawdy route, and after singing through it once, Cerron turned to Andrei to teach him the song as the man had asked.

Andrei didn't know the Kazon language, but the universal translator had given him a decent breakdown when he was listening. He learned the simple-syllabled song with a bit of trial and, within a few minutes, was singing the song confidently with the whole bridge crew. He looked around and, despite the hour and the working context, he could see smiles on their faces. Many of them had abandoned their consoles to smack their fists in rhythm or to sway or pump their fists passionately into the air; they were just planeside after all. Andrei stayed in his seat, but sang just as fervently.

Cerron eventually broke away from Andrei, moving around the room and becoming more animated with the song and the other Kazon. It turned the song into something more narrative and with the look on Cerron’s face and the gestures he was making with his hands, certainly more vulgar. After finishing one final run through of the song, all of the Kazon burst out laughing and for just a moment seemed to forget the collars around their neck and the fact that sitting in the middle of them all was the man who they called Master.

Andrei laughed right long with them. He was made for this. Command suited him, he thought, and he had grown close to these men despite their difference in status and race. While laughing, he waved them down.

"Alright, men. Back to work then." he said. His chuckles slowly subsided. "What fun."

They quieted near instantly, a few shoulders still shaking now and then as they worked to control themselves, but the laughter was at least kept silent. Cerron moved back to Andrei’s side and bowed his head. “I am glad you enjoyed the song, Master.” He paused and then slowly asked. “Your trip to the Vengeance was an entertaining one?” Cerron questioned in a way that a slave would who was simply wanting to make sure their master was enjoying themselves.

“It was fine.” Andrei said. “I’ve gone a lot as of late, and people are used to seeing me again.”

“Is that… good?” The Kazon asked, seeming unsure and also somewhat skeptical. Andrei had never asked to learn one of their songs before and while he was usually affable with them, he seemed to be even more so than the norm.

“What?” Andrei asked, looking over at the man with an equally skeptical expression. “I guess I’m just in a better mood than normal. It’s none of your concern.”

“No, of course not, Master. I apologize.” Cerron bowed subserviently, his voice apologetic. “It’s simply good to see you in this mood and we are happy that you are happy.”

“Yes, well.” Andrei said, and turned his attentions away from the slave. When, after a few seconds, he found the man still there, he looked back and furrowed his brow, showing signs of annoyance. “What is it, Cerron?”

Cerron was looking at the door leading to the bridge and then down to Andrei. "Forgive me, Master. I thought I heard something outside. He stepped closer to Andrei as if moving into a more protective position and continued to look at the door. A few others now turned to do the same, but most remained focused on their work. Andrei wouldn't really be able to hear anything, but Cerron seemed convinced.

Andrei sighed, annoyed by the situation at hand. After singing he was actually starting to get pretty tired and was ready to turn in for the evening. With Eritrea gone, his cabin was now a lonely place again, but he would live with that for as long as he had to. He looked over at the door, half interested. Waiting for it to become clear if something really was happening in the other side.

A few moments passed and it seemed that nothing would come of it. Most everyone had returned to what they were doing by the time the door did suddenly open and a group of four Kazon walked onto the bridge. This wasn't something scheduled by the confused look Cerron gave which was mirrored on the faces of some of the other Kazon. The door closed and they still just stood there as if waiting for something. Not one of them spoke.

“What’s the matter then?” Andrei asked, his hand on his forehead. He looked tiredly at them, but, the more he looked at them, the more he saw something there in their eyes. They were angry; steeling themselves for something which would take nerve. “Answer me, now. What business have you up here, slaves?”

When the group at the door finally had Andrei's complete attention, Cerron grabbed his "master" up from his chair and immediately went for Andrei's hands. It all happened quickly. Three Kazon who had already been stationed on the bridge moved to assist Cerron in divesting Andrei of the control he had on his person that would activate the agonizers on the collars of any and all the Kazon on the ship. Andrei would be able to hear a couple of the Kazon actually call to him as if they were about to come and assist, only for the sound of weapons fire to put them down. The four men attacking Andrei used their fists, their feet, grabbed him and pulled him, always keeping his hands under their control and they weren't going to be shy about breaking anything if needed.

Andrei had suffered several impacts, all of which hurt but none of which were serious enough to keep him out of the fight. He struggled against their control of his arms, but wasn't shy about using his feet either. He kicked low, at first, but only succeeded in getting the Kazon to move back and forth, trying to avoid his mild shots. He breathed heavily, a look of highest anger on his face, but to no avail. Then he calmed and relaxed his muscles.

"You're making the biggest mistake of your lives. When my father finds out what you've done, he will use your intestines to decorate the walls of this ship." Andrei said. "But it isn't too late. Release me, and he need never find out. Sure, I'll kill your leader," he said, his angry eyes finding Cerron; taunting him, but the rest of you can get off with three days in the agonizer."

Cerron didn’t balk at Andrei’s threats and looked to his men. He gave a nod and they were on Andrei again. The four that had come onto the bridge were dealing with the few loyalists still putting up a fight, but that was a battle that was going to be lost quickly. “You’ll know the might of the Nistrim yet, Terran!” Cerron growled, throwing a punch at Andrei’s nose. They Kazon would never be defeated by such a weak species. They had been caught off guard, but no more.

Andrei wondered if the man remembered what happened to the Ocampa. ALL of the Ocampa. With one powerful jerk, he freed one of his arms and used his elbow to knock the Kazon who had held it captive hard in the nose, breaking it with a sickening crunch. He used his free hand to grab at his knife and free it from his waist. Looking to the man who held his other hand, he sped the knife fast into his eye, causing a spurt of blood and a shocked gasp. Pulling it out, he ditched the knife to his dominant hand since they were now both free, and turned without hesitation to the Kazon whose nose he had just broken.

He descended on the man with lightening speed, deflecting a raged punch, jabbing him in the chin to drive his head up, and sliding the blade smoothly into the man’s neck. A river of blood poured forth from the opening, soupy red, but Andrei had turned again before then man had hit the floor. He looked to see who was next, the same animal-like energy he had displayed a few hours before showing.

Andrei's sudden burst of violence gave the Kazon pause, those who hadn't been wounded moved to regroup. Those who had come onto the bridge late moved to join them as the door opened and more armed Kazon walked into the room. Andrei was a skilled fighter, but the Kazon just kept massing more numbers in the bridge, and unfortunately for Andrei, he was missing one thing from earlier that night. The partner. The one who had been at his back every step of the way, never interfering, only assisting. The Kazon lunged for him again. Obviously they didn't want to kill him or they would have just shot him. He was going to pay for what he had done.

Andrei dodged one of them with a hop to the left, but another one got him with strong hands on his collar. He responded with a strong headbut to the man’s chin, stunning the Kazon and halting his advance. Andrei stabbed him quickly in the stomach and twisted the knife. Then, after yanking it out, kicked the man solidly in the chest, knocking him back.

While he was kicking the man over, several Kazon hands found his clothing and he felt a sharp pain on the back of his skull. He reeled, dizzy, and stumbled around to see what had hit him. A Kazon stood with a piece of black sheet which was being used to refurbish the bridge bulkheads.

His eyes locked on Cerron, full of hate.

“I will keep you alive, I think. Death is too much of a mercy for the likes of you. You will beg for it.” Andrei said, and then he charged.

As Andrei charged, the piece of metal swung at him and hit him squarely in the side of the head, finally knocking him down to the floor. Cerron's chest was heaving with the effort and he lifted it again, holding it above Andrei to make sure he would stay down and swinging down again if he didn't. He cursed in his native tongue and looked around at the others. "Don't just stand there!" He shouted. "Lock down the bridge and bring the others."

Andrei slowly drifted from conscience, his head going from hazy to dull and his vision getting blurry. The last thing he saw was they silver of the metal deck plating before losing consciousness.



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