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Race for the Cure

Posted on Thu Aug 18th, 2022 @ 12:49pm by Captain Ivan Petrov & Lieutenant Sovas Nyseth & Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant JG Taina M'Tras & Lieutenant JG Melissa Jones & Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin

Mission: S1 Episode 3: Phage
Location: Various Locations
Timeline: Mission Day 7 at 2100
1703 words - 3.4 OF Standard Post Measure

The Captain was recently up from Sickbay after he had been knocked unconscious by the exploding of the tactical console. It had sense gotten some attention from Engineering, Operations, and the Security Department and was now operational. He, on the other hand opted for excruciating pain over taking pain medication powerful enough to render him completely incomeptent. He sat in the command chair, not even turning his head to call orders.

It was far after Alpha shift and most of ship was still hard at work either covering for those who were sick or preparing for their boarding action.

"Lieutenant Selin. Since you are able bodied, you will lead the boarding action. You will take the Bridge with Lieutenant Cassiel. Collect their command staff and execute them on the spot." Ivan said, "Lieutenants Nyseth and M'Tras, you will take their engine room. Lieutenant Jones, you will take Nurse Monroe to their medical bay and gather whatever materials you need for the medical department to prepare their vaccine for Terran use.

"Always wanted a new chair" Kass said as she stifled a cough. She was doing well at faking it.

Dana was fairing pretty well thanks to her Borg nanites, the ones she had kept her implants in functioning condition as such they were helping to fight the phage infection, although mostly around her implants rather than anywhere else. Dana nodded to Melissa as she heard Ivan’s orders.

"Yes, captain," Taina acknowledged, making eye contact with the operations chief.

Madeline leaned on the security console and listened to the orders being given. She glanced over to Kassandra and gave a nod. It seemed like an odd choice, but one should never question nepotism. It was just a recipe for disaster and pain. She rolled her neck and rubbed at her shoulder, her body was tired but she would press on while Christoph was crippled by the phage.

Sovas nodded as he was given his orders, he was eager to bring the Vidiians to heel since their attack on the ship as he looked to his partner for this mission, giving her nod of acknowledgement. The alien ship would be a gold mine for not only the cure for the Phage but what other information might be contained within their computer systems. Though the cure was the most imperative part, anything else could come later.

Dana looked to Melissa. “All I need to grab is my bag, everything I need is already in it.”

Melissa nodded. "I have already begun research to develop a cure with the Medical Division. However I will require some of these Vidians alive for that effort."

Ivan balled a fist, looking at his science officer with anger in his eyes.

“Damnit, Lieutenant. I said we would get the cure from the Vidiians. Stop wasting time and resources developing one and follow orders!”

Twenty Minutes Later
Vidiian Ship Rynall

On the Bridge of the Vidiian ship Rynall, the female Captain sat in her chair with most of her senior staff around her. It had been enough that the Terrans had defeated their Shock Teams, but they seem to have completely eliminated their wave of Unfortunates. She sighed, her brow furrowed.

“We must consider if they are worth the additional loss of life and resources, Captain.”

“That’s not yet clear to me.” The woman said. “Their ship could be very useful for-“

She was interrupted by the shimmering of six transporter beams across the Bridge.

Kass didn't hesitate, as soon as she and her team beamed in, she began stunning Vidiian's.

As the light cleared from her eyes, Madeline and the other security officers they had brought with them also immediately opened fire on the Vidiians. They spread out just as the Vidiians began to return fire. Madeline had started to move, but out of the corner of her eye saw one of the aliens level their weapon at Kassandra's back. She grabbed Kassandra around her middle and spun both of their bodies back behind one of the nearby consoles just as the energy discharge shot through the air of where Kass had been only moments before. They landed with Kass half in Madeline's lap, but Maddie was quick to move and resume firing.

"Sorry about that." She gave in a quick, offhanded apology, another one of the Vidiians falling until none were left conscious. "Did they just not think we'd retaliate?" Madeline sighed, that had been so... boring.

"Maybe they hoped we would be too sick" Kass muttered as she scrambled to her feet once the firing had stopped. She moved to the consoles.

"Maybe." Madeline agreed with a nod and then looked to her men. "Drag them all up front here so we can keep an eye on them." As she commanded, the officers began to roughly drag the Vidiians into place while Kass and Madeline secured the bridge consoles.

Engine Room
Down in the Engine Room, things were business as usual. Some crew worked at their warp core while others completed tasks related to their impressive computer terminal. No one at all expected the transport of six Imperial Officers into their midst. Most of them weren’t even armed.

Sovas had his phaser rifle raised, weapon set to heavy stun, as he materialized into the engine room to the rather stunned faces of the Vidiian crew. For the aliens it very much must have been a deer in the headlights moment for them as the Terrans appeared in their midst. The half-Vulcan felt his internal passenger stoking his feral passion as he took aim and opened fire on the first Vidiian, which seemed to have broken the stunned spell on the others as the more fire from the Terrans took down more. A couple were armed and feebly attempted to return fire and repel M'Tras and Sovas' team.

"On your left M'Tras!" Sovas warned his companion as one of the larger Vidiian crew members was charging at the Chief Engineer with a tool that appeared to be a version of a Terran firefighter's Halligan prybar tool. He tried to draw a bead on the man before a burst of disruptor fire pressed the half-Vulcan back into cover, causing him to growl and focus on his own issues for the moment.

Taina was just watching a Vidiian fall to her phaser blast when Sovas called out his warning. "Thanks!" she said appreciatively. She towards the attacker. Dispatching a Vidiian with a prybar was easy work with her phaser. The disruptors were a different matter. She dove behind cover and tried to draw a bead on the one firing at Sovas. She grinned as her phaser beam struck down the target. She fired again as one of the unarmed Vidiians dived for the disruptor.

One final Vidiian emerged from cover and made to reach one of the fallen weapons before he found himself facing down the barrel of Sovas' phaser rifle. The half-Vulcan felt that feral anger overcome him again as he motioned for the man to get on his feet before the Terran officer tossed his rifle to one of the officers with them. The Vidiian was confused but he took the chance to attack his unarmed opponent, thinking that it would be easy to overpower him and take a hostage.

Sovas felt the anger in his blood as he viciously struck the alien, toying with him it seemed as he sent the alien man reeling back several times, leaving his bloodied while kicking him to get back up. Eventually the man refused as Sovas dragged the man to his feet as he placed him in a choke hold and proceeded to choke him out. It wasn't pretty but it seemed to sate the bloodlust that the half-Vulcan was feeling as he pushed the man off and retrieve his weapon while a couple of the officers secured their prisoners.

He approached on of the consoles as he looked to M'Tras while starting to work at the station, inserting a isolinear rod to run a translation algorithm so that the could read it instead of trying to figure out what the Vidiian hen scratches meant. "It appears we've caught them completely by surprise as the systems aren't locked out, though I still think it would have been an educational experience for our new helpers to have experienced what it felt like to be stunned by an agonizer grenade."

"If any of them live, I'm sure they'll learn soon enough," Taina said conversationally as she slid her own isolinear rod into another of the consoles and began working on bringing their unfamiliar systems under control. "Surprisingly ill-prepared for a fight for people who go around starting them." Not that Terrans didn't go around starting them too, but they were prepared to finish them.

Medical Sciences Bay
In their Medbay, a handful of crew worked and cycled around. The crew of Rynall were healthy and the hour was late, so very little was happening. When six Starfleet Officers beamed in, the nurses began to panic.

Dana was quick to grab the nearest nurse, pointing a phaser at her neck as she used her as a body shield incase of company. “The cure! Where is it!? Take me to it and you just might survive today!”

Melissa walked up and slapped Dana. "There is no need for hostages, we do not have that kind of time. And stop overreacting or I will activate your agonizer, Ms. Monroe." She turned her attention back to the Nurses. "Now then.. Forgive my overeager companion, but as you can see, we are in need of a certain item. If you would so kindly hand over the treatment to your phage. We shall spare you lives. Understand we will have the Phage treatments. Cooperation will ensure I do not have you lined up and shot." Melissa emphasized the word shot. "Yes.. Cooperation is in your best interests."

Dana had stepped aside, she hadn’t appreciated the slap Melissa had given her but complaining about it wasn’t going to get her anywhere. Instead she left Melissa to deal with the medical staff.



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