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As Requested

Posted on Thu Sep 1st, 2022 @ 8:29am by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov
Edited on on Thu Sep 1st, 2022 @ 4:34pm

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Cassiel’s Quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 12 at 0230
4433 words - 8.9 OF Standard Post Measure


Ivan’s “punishment” for her killing Ivers had not gone unnoticed by Lyra. Andrei had come near the end of her shift to ask his father about picking up the beta shift and had been immediately shot down in the name of “resting” even though Andrei had been able to take his rest after breakfast if he had so chosen. Sure, maybe it was a concerned father, but she wasn’t convinced it also wasn’t a bit of a punishment. She was terribly exhausted and felt it. Once she was back to her quarters, she found herself too tired to even eat and immediately just stripped down into her bra and panties and flung herself into bed, barely covering herself up and falling asleep near immediately while slightly curled up on her side.

Andrei had gone back to his temporary quarters after his sparring session with Revana. He was sorer than sore, having experienced the strike-heavy Orion martial art which required more limberness than he possessed for it was designed by women primarily. All the same, he knew a master practitioner and wanted to utilize that resource. They had flirted and teased each other but, as usual, that was as far as they went. She was too dangerous to be a pawn and too independent to be a partner.

After showering quickly and changing into black shorts and a grey wife beater, he left his quarters for Lyra’s. She had asked him over, after all, in a subtle way. When he got there, he thought better of himself concerning walking in. He tried his security code in the door and it worked. He entered quietly and, not seeing her in the living room, headed back to her bedroom. He noticed her there in underclothes, barely covered and admired her for a moment. Then he climbed into the bed next to her and pulled the covers over himself. He was, after all, intensely tired as well.

As the bed shifted with Andrei's weight, Lyra woke but remained still outside her hand slowly sliding up underneath her pillow a bit more and felt the hilt of the knife that lived between her mattress and headboard. She was waiting for a grab, a touch, something to retaliate against, but it never came. Her face scrunched slightly in confusion and she took a slow, deep breath. Since he had freshly showered, the scent hit her near immediately and she blinked, pulling her hand back and turning over to her other side so she was facing him.

"Can I help you, Andrei?" She asked, tired and mildly annoyed, but also not entirely displeased.

“Don’t mind me, I’m just being extremely presumptuous.” He said with a mild smile. He looked tired. “You asked me to check on you so here I am. Checking away. Now are you going to use that knife or tell me about your first day aboard as Lyra?”

He had laid on his back looking up at the ceiling.

"Not exactly what I had in mind as far as checking." Lyra noted and just watched him for a moment. What was he really doing here? Did he just want to be close to her? "Well, I think you know how it went since dear Papa told you no and I was stuck on the bridge for about sixteen hours." She sighed and shifted, adjusting the blanket a bit so she was actually underneath.

"Since we are hovering over a pleasure planet I spent most of the time adjusting the security roster and scheduling training exercises. I don't know what exactly happened, but over half the security force is terrible in one thing or another." She let her eyes close then. They were still so heavy. "I'll fix it."

"How was your lesson this evening?"

“Very painful. I didn’t know legs could bend that way.” He said, smiling distantly. “Mine certainly don’t.”

He noticed her uncertainty but he didn’t budge from his position. As to what he was about, none could be sure. Obviously he hadn’t engaged her when he laid down, so the idea that it might be sex was doubtful.

“You know the resort is 24/7 daytime sun? And the hotels are top notch.”

“No, I haven’t been down there yet. Depending on how long the captain decides he wants to keep me in purgatory I may not get the chance.” She shrugged then and shifted a little closer, placing her hand on his chest in an almost experimental way. “I’m sure you’ve been enjoying it though, no?”

“I’ve been down a few times.” He said, sliding his arm underneath her and pulling her closer to him slightly, a bit more than an experiment. He was less smooth after the Lovarr. More apt to take what he wanted directly rather than trying to charm it out of people. The difference was subtle, but it was there. “The Captain will have to get over himself sometime soon. I’m dead set on seeing you in a bikini on a real beach while I can.”

Did he just want to… cuddle? She didn’t resist as he pulled her closer, scooting so she was pressed lightly against his side while he was still on his back. She put her head on his shoulder as her other arm draped over him. “Mm… I do have a favorite of mine that I’d love a real excuse to wear. It would be nice to be out in the sun and fresh air.”

“I doubt my father is truly upset with you. Losing an experienced security officer isn’t his favorite thing, but he respects the order of things and the Emperor signed off on this.” Andrei said, his hand massaging her shoulder gently. “He’ll make you do another double or two and then you’ll be free as a bird. Have you put any thought into who you want to recommend for Assistant Chief?”

“While we are here, I’ll probably put Simmons in as acting assistant. He’s competent enough to stand on the bridge while we are sitting in orbit.” Lyra nuzzled into his skin and breathed him in softly. “I was going to wait until after some of these training exercises to make a final decision.” She paused, her fingers starting to trace along his chest. “Do you have any suggestions?”

"I suggest whomever likes me best." he said, smiling, but not giving any more input than that. It wasn't really clear if he was joking. His fingers found her hair and played there idly. "I might need the job at this point. I'm without prospects."

“Are you?” She asked and this time lifted her head to look down into his eyes. She was tired, but she wanted to look at him. Her hand now moved up, her fingertips tracing along his jaw in a familiar way. “I see a prospect for you.”

“Do you?” He asked, seeming strangely disinterested in what she had said. He looked her in the eyes and leaned into the touch in his face. He seemed to be examining her features with passive interest; completely relaxed. “Do tell.”

“Well, there is an empty chair at your father’s side and he didn’t see fit to put our boyish second officer in the position.” Lyra pointed out, her voice gentle and low as her fingers continued to trace his features. “I’d wager very good money that Papa would jump at the chance to have his beloved son by his side.”

“Hey, be careful what you say about Johnathan. He’s my blood brother.” Andrei said, serious, but then a smile broke out in his face. “But seriously, I was expecting him to give it to my mother before me.”

“If he was going to do that, he would have. He probably will if needed, but you do have more experience. You are his son, the natural heir.” She pointed out, leaning down to kiss his shoulder lightly. “You know he has an absolute mountain of paperwork in front of him all the time. Why not try offering to do some of that instead of running laps around the ship. Show Papa that your sorry was serious.”

“You’re starting to seem like my agent, Lovely Lyra.” He said, leaning down and kissing her. “Invested in my future.”

She returned his kiss easily and smirked slightly. “Maybe I am. Now, what was that about ‘blood brother’ with Johnathan?” Her brows lifted and she shook her head just a bit.

“He came to visit me when I was in Sickbay. He wanted to make sure neither of us ever stood alone again. We performed some disgusting ritual and now we are indebted to one another. Blood Brothers.” He said, smiling. His hand moved down shamelessly and grasped her impressive bottom, giving a gentle squeeze and holding her like that, not seeming to be moving in any particular direction but living in the moment.

“Oh gods.” Her head dropped and her forehead hit his shoulder as if she had just given up on the entire situation. “I’d ask if you were serious, but I don’t need to.” She lifted her head again and pressed a little closer. “Well I mean if Johnathan has your back… you’ll never have to worry about anything ever. Obviously.” She grinned and shook her head.

“He’s a…determined man. Very determined.” Andrei said. “I Can think of several situations in which he might be…useful.” He said, his hand still where he had left it on her. He grinned at their proximity. “Do you remember when he was stabbed by that slave in the Jeffries tube? He blamed me then; him and just about the entire senior staff.”

“I do.” Lyra’s hand moved down and she slid her fingers under his shirt, wanting to touch his skin. The whole incident had been the talk of the ship for quite a while. Her mind briefly wandered to Johnathan and how eager he seemed to learn. He still reminded her of her little brother.

“I’m surprised he would trust me to keep my word.” He said. “I suppose it might be on my honor as an imperial scout.”

“Were you a scout?” She asked with amusement in her voice while her fingers continued to just dance idly over his skin. “I could see a young you looking very cute in that uniform.”

“I was, and I earned every badge in the book.” Andrei said with a grin. “The heir to Russia must be a patriot, after all.”

Lyra laughed softly again and shook her head. She adjusted a bit and started to take his shirt off, though it wasn’t rushed or lusty as she did it. “A patriot and the best. It suits you.”

Andrei complied, silently pulling his white t-shirt over his head, pulling his hair into an upward position, then it draped over the headboard when he was done. Now there was nothing between her and his muscular form. He settled in again, his fingers finding the clasp of her bra. He played with it, but nothing more.

"I wasn't for a while. I only really cared for myself. My goals." he said, quietly, his eyes directed up and toward the window, the desert world looking before him, casting a golden glow on them and the room. "Now I can see that the galaxy needs us. It really does."

“Mm…” Lyra murmured her agreement as she settled back down. She lay her head on his chest just below his shoulder and her fingertips resumed meandering over his now bare skin. She enjoyed the feeling of his taut body against her, the warmth and smell of his skin. Her eyes closed halfway. “It does.”

He could tell she didn't have anything to say, but that she was merely enjoying their closeness. He fell silent too, his fingers now unclasping her bra and pulling at it to encourage her help getting it off. They could get closer still.

As she felt the back of her bra open, she shifted her head and body to slide it off. Without pressing for anything, she simply resumed her previous position though now the softness of her uncovered breasts pressed into his side. A few soft kisses trailed along his shoulder, then she put her head back down. “Stay.” The word was spoken softly, not a demand, but somewhere between a request and offer.

The signs of his arousal were immediate, but somewhat mild. He didn't seem to give them any attention or power; he was tired, but not so tired he was unwilling to act. He didn't give her an answer. He merely stayed.

"What do you suppose you'll do when we get back home?" he asked, his eyes dancing across the sand of Anorra. "Your brother will likely get a title. Will you stay in the Fleet?"

“I suppose that depends entirely on when we get back home.” Her shoulders lifted in a shrug. She stared out into a blank spot in the room, the planet too bright for her tired eyes. “I know what my family would have preferred me to do: I would be married off to some lord or lord’s son to secure an alliance near immediately. Imperial blood is a hard thing to resist.” She paused and smirked, a thought entering her head but she didn’t seem to share it with him.

"Or maybe you'll show your grandchildren Terra for the first time." he said with a grin. "Depending on how long it takes."

“Or that.” Lyra smirked and kissed his chest again. “I know I am in the vast minority, but I am really not in a rush to get home. I’d never hinder the effort in any way, of course, but I find being out here much more appealing. Especially with the company I keep.” She kissed him again and this time it lingered.

That statement was loaded. Neither of them were ones to wear their hearts on their sleeves or to reveal more than they needed to. Information could be power, after all, and they both loved power so. He looked down at her then, the planet's light reflecting off of her brown hair. His hand, conveniently placed on her bottom, allowed him to use it as a handle of sorts. He pulled her up with little effort so that she was now face to face with him. His eyes met hers, the bionic one making subtle and very quiet clicking sounds.

"You know, I was just thinking the same thing." he said simply, happily.

Lyra could hear the sounds, they could have been distracting but she was quite focused on him as a whole. She would get used to them eventually. She lay chest to chest with him, her dark brown eyes holding his gaze steadily. “I hoped you would say that.” With a smile, she leaned in to kiss him softly. The words were spoken easily, but internally she was guarded.

He kissed her back, his hands moving over the soft skin of her back gently. Her lips were soft against his, and he pulled her as close to him as he could, his tired kisses still retaining their passion despite his state. He found her tongue and played with it a bit, his hardness starting to press up against her leg. Whether he was guarded or not wasn't clear; he just seemed to be enjoying her in this moment.

His passion was returned quite happily. With her exhaustion seemed to come a gentleness that while unusual also seemed to be oddly fitting in the moment. As she felt his manhood against her leg, she shifted and moved one hand down to take hold of him. She positioned him against her, but didn’t slide him in nor move herself to do so. If he wanted, he could either ask or take. Or they would simply stay like this.

Without hesitation, his fingers took hold of her panties on either side and pulled them down to her thighs. He disappeared under the covers to remove them from her feet and then resurfaced a tired and playful look in his eyes. As she gripped his manhood through his shorts it grew harder. He kissed her again, and his hand found the meeting of her thighs. He played with the area without moving inside her, satisfying himself with teasing motions made to increase her desire.

Lyra smirked and batted his hand away, disappearing under the covers herself, but she took her time with it. Though his right eye provided him with the ability to see her, his natural eye would only see her shifting under the blanket. Her lips trailed kisses down his body slowly and her hands gripped his shorts and whatever was underneath them. She kissed his hips, pulling the fabric down and off of him completely so they were both naked. She moved back up, kissing up one thigh and then shifting to the other. She centered herself then, running her tongue up his length from bottom to top and then one to his crown, but she didn’t linger there. She kissed up his abdomen and chest and then finally poked her head back out from the blanket and grinned at him.


He followed every moment of her mouth with rapt attention. The nearer she got to the goal he had in mind, the more excited he became. When he felt her tongue on him, he started celebrating inwardly, but when she stopped and surfaced, leaning against his stomach, his smile fell.

"I've seen you do some messed up things, but that was downright evil." he said, making eye contact with her. His fingers found her head again, lingering near her grinning face.

“Was it?” She asked, her voice syrupy and her eyelashes batting at him, she couldn’t hold the expression for long though as she grinned and leaned up to kiss him again.

"Yes." he said, grabbing her arms with gentle fingers and pulling her up to him. "And I'm sure I can be worse."

He reached his hand down between her legs as she laid on top of him. He grappled her womanhood rather aggressively, like it was his and no one had a right to keep him from it, and he moved his hand back and forth quickly, grasping her and moving her lips with confident motions. It hadn't been gentle, but it was calculated not to give more pain than would have been acceptable. He continued the movement for around five seconds, watching her expression, before releasing her and sliding his hand up her stomach.

Lyra made a slight sound when he grabbed her, a shiver of pleasure running down her spine as he handled her rather rudely, but not in a way that was unwelcome. They’d both already established that little touches of measured pain only served to enhance their pleasure. As his hand slid back up, she grabbed him by the wrist and pulled his hand up to her mouth, kissing and lightly biting at his wrist while holding his gaze. Desire was starting to overrule her exhaustion and it showed in the heat of her body.

"That was pretty mean too, wasn't it?" he asked, laying back with a huge grin on his face, his wrist still up to her mouth. "Now, if you'll excuse me. I'm too sleepy to fuck you."

It was a joke. Very obviously, and he chuckled right after he said it.

“I mean, that’s fine. You take a nap.” She smirked and shifted to straddle him, grabbing his manhood firmly and sliding him up into her core. She planted her hands on his chest and started working her hips down onto him. “I’ll just amuse myself.”

He let out a short moan as he felt her wetness around him, the movement of her muscles, and her beautiful body taking position on top of him. He feigned a yawn, though he unconsciously started moving his hips. He spoke in a bored voice laced with something else.

"Well, whatever. We've both got to do what we've got to do." he said, his hands wandering up to her breasts. He moved his thumbs over her nipples slowly, teasingly, softly, as she began to move on top of him. "I might even help you out just a little bit if I'm feeling generous."

“Oh might you?” Lyra chuckled breathlessly. She grabbed him by the wrists, but didn’t pull him away nor stop him from teasing her. “I wouldn’t want you to over exert yourself, though.” Licking her lips, she continued to move with skill and purpose.

"Well, I'm thinking your the kind of girl who needs a bit of force to really get what you're after." he said, raising an eyebrow. He grabbed a nipple then, firm enough to get pain, but not enough to put her out. His lips turned up into a smirk, as if he had liked doing it. "And if I'm right about that, the best way for you to finish...."

He grabbed her by the hips, combining a move he learned from Sambo with a hold similar to this in the Orion martial art, and rolling her, seamlessly onto the bed herself. Now he was on top of her, the fingers of his left hand tangling around her hair and pining her down a bit. "..on your back."

He reached down and grabbed his member, guiding it inside her again, and beginning to pump at a moderate pace, pulling her hair at certain angles just to start a fight.

A moan finally escaped her lips as he handled her and put her on her back. She looked up to him, her eyes glittering and hot. She wrapped her legs around him in a possessive way, pulling him closer to her body. Lyra grabbed him by the throat, holding his gaze as he began to settle into his pace.

They didn’t last long this time. They had both been physically exhausted to begin with after all. That fact had not dimmed their passion in the slightest as they drove each other’s bodies expertly through pleasure and pain in one. Their voices sometimes rose in harmony and sometimes as counterpoints to each other. They were both sweating, shaking, but ignoring it. Skin was caressed by hands, lips and tongue, pricked by teeth, energized by passion. They had ended up sitting up chest to chest, Lyra in Andrei’s lap. He moved her with his hands, she ground her hips against him. Eventually, they found their finish, that white hot passion bursting through their bodies as one.

When it ebbed, Lyra was trembling almost violently in his arms, her body protesting her lack of sleep, lack of food, and now the drop after their shared passion. Without thinking about it, she wrapped her arms around Andrei, leaning against him, seeking the support and comfort of his body while her own struggled to come down.

Andrei, for his part, was sore for training and tired from being up late, but hand to had to work hard. He held her there as she sat on his lap, still inside her, though he was spent. He couldn’t have kept going if they both weren’t so damn tired. Holding her tightly, he scooted the two of them to the end he of the bed. He put her down like she was a child and then he stood up, his half-hard member glistening with their lovemaking he walked into the bathroom without another word.

Lyra sat on the bed, watching him go as her body continued to tremble, though it wasn’t as violent. She frowned slightly at his apparent abandonment but didn’t dwell on it. Instead she reached out to her nightstand for her bottle of water and sipped it until she could trust herself to get up and walk.

Andrei emerged from the bathroom having washed himself, and went to her. He wrapped his arms around her, standing behind her, and kissed her gently and slowly.. “That was fun.”

She smiled, though it wasn’t as warm as it might have been. Turning her head, she kissed him and nuzzled against him, though stepped out of his arms to head into the bathroom herself now that she trusted her legs enough. She took only a moment to return to him and slid her arms around his middle. “Stay.” She whispered softly to him. Again, it wasn’t a demand but lived in that strange ground between a request and offer.

Stay he did. After she went into the bathroom he went to the nearby closet and pulled a change of sheets and covers. Quickly, he worked the old off of her bed and into a pile on the floor and replaced it with the new. The pile he loaded into a dirty clothes bin which would be handed over to Ops slaves for cleaning. He climbed into the fresh bed and pulled the covers over him.

Lyra watched him work on changing the bed with a mild fascination in her dark eyes. She stayed out of his way and watched and then briefly left to get a couple glasses of water. He was just settling in as she returned and she placed one down on the nightstand on his side and then brought the other to her own. Pulling back the covers for herself, she climbed in with Andrei and immediately shifted close to him. She leaned down to him, giving him a single, short, but passionate kiss before settling down. Her head was on his chest, her arm draped loosely around his middle, and her body was lightly pressed against side. She didn’t say anything, merely closed her eyes and finally let her exhaustion claim her.

His arm around her and the subtle sound of their hearts beating and their breathing along with the tiredness which resulted from their love-making made his eyes heavy. He wasn’t a man who found himself in situations like this rarely. But somehow this was different. Somehow, with Lyra, even though he’d only learned who she really was 24 hours ago, he wasn’t acting; he wasn’t pretending or exaggerating. It wasn’t business. He lasted a few minutes more and then fell asleep.



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