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His Name Was Christoph III

Posted on Thu Sep 1st, 2022 @ 8:27am by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov
Edited on on Wed Sep 7th, 2022 @ 8:02am

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Ivers' Quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 11 at 0005
2007 words - 4 OF Standard Post Measure


“My father doesn’t usually like to know who I’m on the job with.” Andrei said with a joking smile. “How do you intend to explain the death of his Chief of Security to him?”

“I want my face and my name. I’ll tell him the truth.” Lyra shrugged slightly and finally stepped away from Andrei. She walked over to Christoph and lifted his hand, twisting the signet ring off his finger and putting it on her thumb temporarily. For just a moment she let herself look down at him with contempt, but quickly shifted her attention back to Andrei and smiled at him as she wandered back over.

Andrei watched her as she moved, following the curves of her lightly curved body to her charming behind. If he hadn’t been spent, he would be ready again. She was beautiful. He walked over and picked up his Shashka. Looking at the dried blood on it.

“Keep this. As a trophy.” He said. “I can help you mount it on your wall.”

“I’d rather do a different kind of wall mounting with you.” She grinned at him deviously and watched him with the sword. Gentling, her grin turned into an appreciative smile and she nodded. “I’ll keep it then.”

“And I’ll teach you how to use it.” He said, walking up and lifting her chin. “Now, do you think Christoph would mind us using his shower?”

“Christoph, dear, do you mind if we use your shower?” She asked in mock consideration. Met by obvious silence, she looked back to Andrei and shrugged. “Seems like no, don’t you think?” Lyra took his hand and moved with him toward the bedroom, leaving the sword on the dresser as they walked in.

“Maybe you should go and have breakfast with dear ole dad in the morning, Andrei. I’ll swing by before the senior staff meeting.”

"Wait, I just remembered." Andrei said. "Computer, lock the door to this cabin. Authorization Petrov-Beta-88-Delta"

The computer chirped the reply as he stepped up to the mirror and looked at himself. His emerald eye was still obvious to him and he could see little else at first. After a while, though, his eyes moved to his body. He was noticeably more vascular than before and he could see veins defined in his arms more than before. The physical activity had been working. He felt a wave of pride at having achieved something after what he had been through. He looked to her as well, feeling a tug up at the corners of his lips.

"You'd like some moral support want to make sure your accomplice is present?" he asked.

Lyra smirked at that comment as she activated the shower. It hadn’t occurred to her before, but he certainly was an accomplice. His sword. His dagger. Her hands. She stepped up to him and placed her hands on his hips. “I’d like you to play nice with Papa.” She grinned and kissed the hard plane of his chest. She had of course mentioned it to him three days ago, but did so again now. “Though the moral support would be nice… and perhaps you making sure your father doesn’t treat me too unkindly for killing one of his officers.”

"A lesser man would suspect you were wooing me for this very purpose." he said, raising a brow. "But I'm incredibly handsome and charming, so I'm going to go with that."

He grinned then as he reached behind her, slapping her butt shamelessly and stepping into the shower. She seemed to have vested interest in his relationship with his father, but he knew it was for the sake of his career. For better or worse, they were accomplices. They were linked together and knew things about each other that could prove damaging if revealed. He'd never met someone he'd rather be tied in with more.

"I'll tell Papa I'm sorry. That always surprises people when I hand them out for some reason." he said, grabbing Christoph's body wash and taking a look at it.

“Ew. No. Absolutely not.” She snatched the body wash from his hand and tossed it over her shoulder where it landed randomly in the bathroom. Christoph didn’t smell bad, but there were simply certain wires she didn’t want crossed. “Is yours saved in the replicator?” Since she hadn’t stepped into the shower yet, she would just go get it. She began to meander her way back out to the living room.

“Yes, I have one for work and one for play. Same with my colognes and lotions. They’re all saved in the computer.” He said, chuckling. He supposed that would have been a weird experience for her, him smelling like Christoph.

Madeline brought up the menu and scrolled through it until she found the options Andrei had saved. Picking one at random, she grabbed it once it shimmered into existence. When she turned, her eyes lingered briefly on Christoph and the pool of blood around him momentarily. The pained, betrayed look in his eyes crystallized in her mind and she smirked as she walked back to the bathroom to join Andrei.

"No idea which one I picked, but here you go." She tossed it to him when his attention was drawn and then immediately hopped into the shower to let the steaming hot water run over her body.

He accepted what she offered, not thinking about it too much. As he started to wash himself, he watched her, admiring her body as the water dripped from it. Already, he was starting to become aroused again, the five minutes since they'd last finished being enough time for him to come around. Nevertheless, he washed himself quickly and then, when he was done, watched her more, ignoring his erection.

"So what's your plan with Christoph?" He asked, trying to distract himself and think about the situation at hand. It was difficult. She was so beautiful to him.

"I'll clean up the mess, put him in his bed." Lyra replied and put a hand on his arm, turning him around and taking up the body wash so she could wash his back for him without thinking much about it. Her hands worked over him, massaging him slightly as they moved down. "Mostly so people don't walk in and see a bloody scene. Terrans or not, it's shocking the amount of people that just don't understand sometimes it needs to be brutal." She kissed the back of his neck.

"And you'd like people to think you're one of them, of course." he said, closing his eyes at the touching and her kiss at his back. "Not whatever we are. They get so anxious and judgmental when they suspect."

"Well, to be fair, I think my antics on the Lovarr may have tipped me into the 'slightly less disturbed than one should normally be' category." She grinned at the thought and kissed him again as her hands moved down to his rear and she squeezed firmly. "I just couldn't resist."

"Watch those hands, Lyra. Actions have consequences." he said, turning around in an instant and using soap to wash her back too. He stopped at her hips and held them firmly, stepping forward and letting his manhood reach her bottom. "And you did such a good job. Your art will be sealed into the minds of all the slaves in this Fleet forever. When you pass, they'll finch."

He moved his hands to her front, resting them on her toned stomach before moving them up slowly and cupping her breasts, his mind going blank to the details of their conversation.

"I have heard they are terrified." She chuckled at that and pressed back into him. "As they should be." They really, really should be.

"It's extremely sexy." he said with a smile as he began to massage her breasts. His manhood moved sideways along the small of her back. He felt her warmth and the pleasing movement of the water and closed his eyes. "Showers are lovely, Lovely Lyra, but...the bed in there seemed a bit too made for my taste. They'll never believe someone was murdered in it unless we...mess it up a bit."

Lyra laughed at that, the sound charming in its own way as she turned around in his arms to face him. "Of course you're the type who wants to go and get dirty again." She grinned up at him and tapped the panel to stop the water. "I like it." While she wasn't going to claim Christoph was murdered in his bed... she wasn't going to bring that up. Messing up the bed sounded like fun. She grabbed him by the shoulders and began quickly backing him out of the shower and the bathroom, not bothering to dry off.

He appreciated her drive, though he thought getting into bed wet sounded awful. Once she'd pushed him down onto the bed and he hit the neatly-made covers with his back, he didn't care anymore.

"Clean is for romance. At least at first." Andrei said, looking up at her with those same hungry eyes. "But I like this part best."

"Yes. Yes you do." Lyra grinned again as she crawled on top of him, holding his gaze as her hand moved lower and lower.

Despite both of them having been tired already, they managed another half an hour of rolling around in Christoph's bed. Lips, tongues, teeth, nails, pushing and pulling and eventually ending up on the floor tangled in the sheets. She still managed to be on top at the end and looked down at Andrei just to simply watch the pleasure play on his handsome face. She licked her lips and drew in a steady breath in an effort to regulate her own panting.

"Mission mess up the bed... very successful." She smirked down at him.

He had held her hips as she finished on top, but now that he was done, the energy had been sapped from him. His hands rested on her thighs. He was still inside her; it was already his favorite location.

"A very productive evening." he said, his own breathing quick and heavy. "I wonder if we're ever going to manage to do anything else."

"You did promise to teach me sambo." She reminded him and stretched on top of him, lifting her arms above her head and reaching out toward the ceiling. It was a moment that pointed out the definition in her figure, now covered in sweat again and still some residual water that miraculously hadn't quite dried off even with all their tussling. "Though I would not be surprised if that lands us in the exact same spot."

"Well, obviously, we'll need to shower again." he said, shrugging. "Eventually we might be in too much pain to continue. Then I can help you get this place cleaned up."

Lyra smiled at the offer and leaned down to kiss him, this time tenderly. "I'd appreciate that. Thank you." Finally she shifted off of him, doing so carefully and standing up. "Though really it should probably be clean and then shower." She extended her hand down to help him up, curious if he would take it.

“Probably right.” He said, extending his hand and grabbing hers, although he got off the bed on his own power anyway.

As they moved out of the room to start cleaning up, Madeline couldn't help but feel a sense of power and freedom coursing through her body. It was done. After so long, it was finally done and she was free in this moment. More free here than she could have been at home. She knew what would be in store for her there. She didn't want it. No, being stranded in the Delta Quadrant was truly probably one of the best things that could have happened to her. As long as they could survive.

She had won.



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