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Devil Red II

Posted on Sun Sep 4th, 2022 @ 6:37pm by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov
Edited on on Sun Sep 4th, 2022 @ 6:37pm

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Anorra
Timeline: Mission Day 15 at 1615
4003 words - 8 OF Standard Post Measure


“How fancy. Planning on moving in?” She asked with a smirk.

"I prefer to travel in style." he said, looking around himself. The only thing out of place were a few dishes in the sink from earlier. Besides that, everything else was neat and tidy. He had brought several belongings down and didn't truly realize how much it had been until she said something. "After all, maybe I'll give up on you people and stay here the rest of my life. I think the Vidiians could use a new ruler, don't you?"

He walked over to her and pulled her close to him immediately, though he didn't take any further initiative. As lovely as her old form was, he found her new look much more tempting. The smallness and sweetness was replaced with something more sultry and seductive. He was having a hard time hiding his strong feelings.

"They seem so... unimaginative for a bunch of scientists though." Lyra sighed at the idea and had simply continued looking around. When he came up and put his arms around her, her skin immediately alighted with sensation. She liked it. "What do you have to drink around here, darling?"

"They've got something green that I thought tasted nice." he said, gesturing to a box sitting on the kitchen counter. "I haven't enjoyed any. Only tried it."

His hands started to drift down slowly to her hips, and he didn't seem terribly eager to stop any time soon.

"Are you sure you want to sit and talk and drink? There are so many burning...curvaceous questions I'd rather answer."

She shook her head and leaned back into him. "You're hopeless, you know." She teased him but didn't stop his hands as they ran over her slightly but noticeably wider hips. Whatever modifications that had been undone had certainly resulted in Lyra leaning more into her Brazilian heritage from her father.

"Those who hope not, have not." he said, his hands finally sliding over her bottom. He squeezed several times and grinned. "And I have a lot."

He released her and stepped back, taking a deep breath and turning to walk toward the box himself, his beach shorts noticeably tenting as he went. He opened the box and pulled out a prism shaped bottle.

"Get in that cabinet over there. You should find the glasses."

Lyra moved over to the cabinet he had indicated and pulled out two glasses. She paused then and undid the sarong from around her waist, leaving it there and also un-obscuring the bikini she was wearing. She moved to the couch then, leaving the glasses on the small coffee table and opting to stretch out along the couch. Her body shifted sensually in a way that demanded attention and she was still watching him from behind her sunglasses.

He walked over to her then, passing the glass door that led to the balcony, and placed the bottle down on the table next to the glasses. Instead of pouring it, however, he lifted her legs and sat down on the couch, allowing them to fall again onto his lap. Then he started running his fingers slowly up one her feet, then her leg, lingering at her bikini line for a short time before moving up again over her stomach. He traced a circle around one of her nipples and then moved up her chest and neck with the hand, grabbing the glasses on her face and pulling them off. He placed them on the table and looked at her again, his erection sitting sideways in his shorts, nestled between her legs in a way that excited him.

"Now, let me see those eyes. That is why we're here, after all."

His touch made her skin tingle in a pleasurable way and truly, it had made the pain of her transformation worth it. Her mind tried to wander to that memory, but she yanked it back to the moment with Andrei - though his questing hands had also helped. The muscles were still there, somewhat more hidden in this physique. Her legs were longer - she was just slightly taller than she had been and she had already been tall for a woman. Andrei had one of his secret desires fulfilled in that her breasts were larger which was obvious through the bikini top she was wearing. Her collarbones were more defined, her neck longer and her face slightly thinner. Her cheekbones were higher. Her lips were mostly the same outside a marginally darker pink hue and the bottom being a bit thicker. The bridge of her nose was thinner and the tip had a slight upturn to it. Her brows were more defined, her forehead smaller.

Madeline was a lovely lady, there was no denying that, but Lyra looked every bit a queen that her bloodline would allow.

When he took off her glasses, her eyes were closed. It allowed him to see the marginally different shape in what had been simply upturned eyes were now almond shaped. Only on his request did she open them, and looking back at him now were the exact same eyes he had always known - the color, the intelligence, the intensity. It was her. It wasn't overly surprising though given even Christoph had finally been able to piece together her identity through her eyes just before his life came to an end.

"There you are. It's the eyes. They're different, and yet...I can tell." he said, caressing her face with his hand; this new face. "How do you feel in your new body?"

He asked, directing his attention to her face and finding the beauty there, willing himself to ignore the rest of her for now.

"Strange." Lyra replied with easy honesty. "Me, but not quite. I spent pretty much all of yesterday after the procedure and earlier today just... figuring everything out." She paused and then grinned. "Well, not everything." The suggestion hung in her voice, but she pressed on. "I don't think it will take long to be back to normal. The new normal." Lyra turned her face then, pressing her lips to his wrist and kissing him softly there.

"Oh, is that all I am to you? Just a walking penis you can use for one of your sick experiments?" he asked grinning, allowing her to kiss the wrist as presented.

"No, darling, you have hands and a tongue too. Those are also very useful for my experiments." She grinned up at him and nipped his wrist, finally releasing him and laying back. "Everything feels very new to me, because in a way it is. I could think of no one better than to indulge my curiosities with."

“If I were fifteenth in line, I’d gladly slaughter all fourteen men before me to be at the top of your list.” He said, moving his hands back to her legs which he massaged and played with with interest. “We should start a company. I’m sure there are many who would pay their weight in gold to spice up their marriage like this.”

Lyra let out a soft, pleasant sigh as he began to massage her legs. In truth, they were still slightly sore from her transformation and then the subsequent re-acquaintance of her body. She enjoyed the attention he gave her and while she knew it wasn't exclusive, she lived in the moment with him nonetheless. "I think I'd enjoy watching you slaughter other men just for my favor." She grinned up at him.

"Is that what we've done, spice up our marriage?"

“Amor, if we were married, it would never need spicing up.” He said, his hands skillfully moving up and dancing around her thighs, always coming near enough to increase desire but never to give satisfaction. He was quite good at that game. “And if you really like the idea, I’m sure your seductive skills are up to it…and I think they wouldn’t miss an alien or two, would they?”

Her brows lifted slightly and the grin became a darker smirk. "No, they likely wouldn't." She said and finally sat up so she was closer to him. With his hands on her thighs, she leaned in to kiss him. It was slow, experimental at first, then slowly added more passion as she figured out her lips against his. "Look at you offering me nice things."

“And opportunities to try out that new mouth of yours.” He said, kissing her back, his own hands experimenting with her womanhood over the fabric of her bikini bottom. His kisses got deeper as he felt her melt a bit at his touch, the sensations probably like new to her. Then he pulled back from the kiss, still moving his fingers in her special place. “My father wants me to scope out the local market tomorrow. We might find a handsome, strong, naive drooler for you to dazzle. Or perhaps I can try my charms with some woman. Either way, really. That’s not the point.”

Lyra's breath caught slightly as his hand moved between her legs. Even there she was different, slightly more pronounced. "I'm sure we can figure something out. See where the mood takes us, no?" She licked her lips, her body warming and her eyes lidding.

“I agree. For now, let’s just focus on us.” He said, his tone calm and optimistic, his fingers still working. “So, what’s the first experiment?”

Lyra grinned up at him deviously, her hand going up to his cheek and her thumb tracing his lips. “I know just the thing.” She shifted up toward him and pushed him onto his back, crawling up higher and trailing kisses up his body until she had nothing left to kiss. Off came her bikini bottoms and she looked down between her legs at him, smirking as she reached for his head and coaxed his head up.

They had ended up in his bed during their several hours of “experimenting” with Lyra’s new body as the focus. It hadn’t all been spent with their bodies interlocked in some way, but it had all been filled with the intent and passion that they both shared. It was slightly alarming how easily they could get lost in each other, not just physically but in words and shared looks. Their teasing and playfulness matched fiery lust and need. Touches of pain reminded each other of who the other was, the choice made to not inflict more than what pleasured the other. It was uniquely them. They pushed and pulled each other through several orgasms over the hours until finally they found themselves spent. At least for the moment.

Lyra lay on her back, though slightly shifted onto her side against Andrei. His arm was around the back of her shoulders and his fingers were idly running through her hair while her fingers traced his chest. They’d been quiet for a while, but it wasn’t awkward nor tense. Eventually, she turned and kissed his skin where a few marks from her nails digging in when she had been on top of him remained.

“So what is the verdict, darling?” She asked him quietly, her voice intimate.

“Your previous body had some charms,” he started, avoiding saying the word “old”, “but this one takes the cake.”

He had immensely enjoyed their experiment. Not only was Lyra good at what she did, the experience held all of the pleasure of familiarity with all of the excitement of a first time. He marveled at how often they spent together. His typical style was to fall into a woman’s bed every few days and leave them guessing the rest. She prompted him to more regular engagements.

“Or said more genuinely, I’m overjoyed.” He said, grinning, his fingers playing at her shoulder.

“I’m very happy to hear that.” The strange thing was, she meant it; and for some reason with Andrei, she always had. Their connection confused her, but it was not unwelcome in the slightest. To be seen and understood by another person was a rare thing for those who were like them. Her fingers trailed over the nail marks on his chest again. “Do you mind these?” She finally asked, curious about how he felt with a very physical mark from her so obvious on his body.

"That depends, did you do it for fun or to keep me out of other women's beds?" he asked with a chuckle, no tension in his expression. "Because it seems good for both."

“Both is fine by me.” She replied, not confirming either reason directly. Lyra kissed his chest again and allowed her eyes to close.

That was less than clear, but Andrei didn't linger on it. Holding her close was enough answer for him. He would have to stay out of many beds for the reason of the scratches, actually, not that he cared. Most women preferred to pretend he was all theirs when it was just the two of them; that he loved them. That was hard to do with another woman's scratch marks on his chest. He would have to make due. Or just spend more time with her.

Lyra thought about offering to be more careful, but the truth was she didn’t want to. If he wanted it, he could use his words, but the fact that he hadn’t seemed to indicate that perhaps he actually didn’t mind as much as she thought he might have. Eventually, she sat up and sighed, rubbing the back of her neck. The energy of someone getting ready to go lingered around her, but paired with it was the energy of someone who didn’t wish to leave.

“Stay.” He said, the same invitational word she had offered him the night after they had taken down Ivers. Then, without waiting to see what she would do, he slid out of bed, his firm and fit body stalking out of the room with a confident and injured stride.

Just as easily as he had accepted, so did Lyra. She watched him stalk from the room, her dark eyes so intent she almost missed the way her body relaxed from the slight tension it had been holding over the prospect of leaving him. She scooted back on the bed and relaxed against the padded headboard to wait for him to come back. Her body ached slightly, but it was a pleasant one born of satisfaction.

A few moments later, he returned with two glasses, topped with ice in his right hand, and the green bottle in his left.

Her eyes opened again as she heard his steps into the room. She smiled and reached out to take the glasses from him so he could handle the bottle. “An excellent idea.”

“As I said, I thought it was nice before. Kind of like a liquor made from one of their fruits. Soupy and sweet.” He said, pouring her half a glass and then the same for himself. Sitting the bottle down, he climbed into bed and sat next to her on top of the cover, naked as the day he was born. He lifted his glass.

“To the Empire. To Vengeance. And…to us…” he said it looking at her and watching her face as he said it.

Lyra had always been quick to think on her feet, a trait that had served her well for many years. This decision had to be instantaneous and confident. Guard or open. He’d tipped his hand, but was it a bluff? Trust was such a fickle thing. There was something implicit between the two of them, but it was not unquestioning.


“Saúde.” She replied with a pleased smile, her eyes closing slightly as she took a sip of the sweet drink. It was pleasant, but she wanted something sweeter. She leaned in to kiss him deeply.

"Vashe zdorov'ye." he said in response, but was caught by the kiss before he could sip his own drink. It lingered there, exactly where he wanted it to be. He kissed back, moving his lips somewhat rhythmically. They were like two teenagers, always kissing and staring into each other's eyes like they'd be together forever. It had the slight twinge of something too good to be true, and that made it all the sweeter. He pulled back from the kiss, this time giving her a look that was searching; skeptical. It only lasted a moment before he directed his attention to the glass again, sipping it and enjoying it for what it was.

She was capable of playing him and he was capable of playing her. How could either of them possibly be foolish enough to trust one another? Yet he did trust her, he found. He did. When he looked at her again, it was much warmer, and he kissed her to make up for his momentary internal dialogue of doubt.

"What do you fear the most, Ly?" he asked, trying out the nickname as smoothly as he could manage; trying to see if she liked it or hated it.

It was Lyra’s turn to watch his face. She saw the shadow of skepticism, but her expression did not change. She understood it, she had her own moments. How could they not with who they were? But even so… it always seemed to go away. It never lingered for more than a moment, and she watched it pass from his expression. She returned his kiss steadily and warmly when he gave it to her, letting it linger and then pulling back as he asked his question.

What a loaded and prying question. It could be used for ammo surely. Would he? Maybe. She knew she should be careful. What was interrupting that thought process was the nickname. Her face became pensive, but in a strangely bright way as she rolled it over a few times in her mind while taking another sip of the drink. She liked the taste, it was sweet but not cloying which was hard to pull off in an alcohol. She would have to make sure to acquire more before they left.

The nickname she was undecided on. It struck her as “lie”, but there was something about the way he said it, a strange gentleness, that brushed the potential underlying meaning aside and left it as what it was. A nickname spoken with a thread of affection. That wasn’t what he was most curious about though. What did she fear? More than she would care to admit and as she mulled it over, she was forced to acknowledge that losing him, their connection, was on that list of fears. But what did she fear the most?

“Fading into nothingness. No impact, no legacy. Forgotten to time.” She finally replied and brought her gaze up to his. The heat of her body was steady.

"Hmm.." he seemed to think, taking another sip. He was pleased she'd decided to answer. It was rare that people like them actually gave genuine answers to questions like that. He had grown up with a girl who always told the truth and a woman who always lied, but his was a path in the middle ground. He was like his father in that way. But, in every other way, Andrei Petrov was his mother's son. He decided to push his luck, watching her again. "And how do you hope to die?"

He hadn't sugar-coated the question or tried charm because he wasn't seducing her. He was asking her real questions that he really cared about the answers to. She would be able to see it in his face. And, though they were naked together with drinks in their hands, whether she would expose herself and trust him enough to answer a question like that still remained to be seen.

Lyra smirked, but not at the question itself. More at the fact he hadn’t given her a chance to ask the same. Still, she considered the second question while playing with a lock of her own hair with her free hand. It wasn’t something she had considered. Death hadn’t been an option on her radar. It wasn’t allowed to be. She smiled then her eyes intense.


"So, is that in battle...mid orgasm? Or perhaps a slip and fall down the stairs at a soccer game?" he inquired, grinning, folding his strong legs casually and sipping the drink again. Though sweet, it was strong, and he could already feel it working.

Lyra chuckled and shook her head. “So many ways to die in glory. I’d take any one. Except for the soccer game. That is just embarrassing,” This time, she didn’t allow him to charge on.

“What about you, Andrei Petrov? What do you fear the most, my darling?” She kissed his shoulder, nuzzled him there gently, then looked up into his eyes.

He watched her head moving around his shoulder and smiled. Didn’t have to think long to provide this answer.

“Irrelevance. Powerlessness. Going unnoticed and unremembered.” He said simply. “So, not too different from you.”

"And how would you like to die? Besides between the thighs of a woman." She smirked up at him, shifting her glass to her other hand so she could use the one closest to him to start running her cold fingertips up and down his spine.

He twitched at the cold of her touch, but quickly returned to a relaxed position. She loved to groom him and play with him. He found it very relaxing.

“Not just any old woman.” He said with a grin, but moved on before the statement could be analyzed. “On the Imperial Throne with a full glass of wine, a dagger in my chest, and seven strong sons to avenge me.”

"Seven? Oh dear." She tapped her lips as if this fact were quite concerning. "That's quite a few. Big dreams and expectations I see."

“Life is meant to be stretched, my dear.” He said, resting his head on his hand for a short while. “And Terran surgeons can do wonders with rejuvenating the body after children.”

He started laughing then and slapped his knee several times. His drink forgotten, he nearly spilled it on his body, but caught it at the last minute.

“You’re missing the point though.” He warned, still smiling.

"Am I?" She challenged, her voice becoming saccharine. Maddie hadn't been completely lost it seemed.

“Yes. The part about the throne and the knife.”he said. “That’s the interesting part.”

She giggled then, covering her mouth and shaking her head. "Darling, I didn't miss that." How could she? Of course she hadn't. "The mystery is... who stabbed you? Where does your little legion of sons turn?"

“Mika.” He said simply, his face straight for several pregnant seconds. And then they laughed together. He placed a hand on her leg and squeezed it, seeming to enjoy their time together.

She shook her head after their laughter had subsided, finishing her drink and reaching for the bottle to refill it and offered to do the same for him. "How would you name yourself as Emperor?" She asked curiously.

He paused and thought it over, not having ever thought of it before that moment. He considered it for several quiet seconds before he gave his answer.

“Antonius is done before and Alexander only lasted two months in the throne.” He said, his mind working as he trained half of the newly lured glass. “The latinized version of my name is Andreas.”

He looked at her then, leaned back and rested his head on her stomach. He sipped his drink carefully and looked up shamelessly at her bare breasts.

“What do you think I should call myself?” He asked, and waited for the answer, his mind now partially occupied by the fantastic view.



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