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Trophy Hunting III

Posted on Wed Sep 7th, 2022 @ 7:46am by Ensign Ilan Ocara & Lieutenant Sovas Nyseth
Edited on on Wed Sep 7th, 2022 @ 7:47am

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Nyseth's Quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 7 at 2115
2629 words - 5.3 OF Standard Post Measure


"Mmmm, but there is plenty of time for that later," He purred appreciatively while he pressed himself close to her, drawing her into a passionate embrace as his hands began roaming over her body enjoy the inviting softness as he pulled back to tug on her lip as his hands moved away from her. He started to take off his pants, working his shoes off with his feet until he stood nude before her as he discarded his underwear as well.

There was little, if any fat on his tautly muscled form while between his legs his manhood was standing tall as he reached down to start peeling her lacy underwear free of her body. He paused to consider the garment for a moment before he let them drop to the floor before he reached out to pull the near-Human woman close to him, a moment later she would feel herself being easily lifted up as his manhood pressed teasingly against her sex as he moved to carry her into the bedroom of his quarters. As he laid her back on the bed she would feel the softness of a silky material of his comforter, it was quite soft and it could clash with the kind of individual that Sovas had been raised to be as he moved over her and he leaned in to embrace her, his body pressed firmly against hers.

Ilan made a slight sound of surprise as he easily lifted her up, but she didn’t fight it. He was strong; she liked that. As he put her back on the bed she looked up to him with a lusty smile. The talon necklace was still resting on her chest and glinted slightly in the light. “You like to be on top then?” She asked him conversationally.

He purred and licked his lips as he reached down to play with the necklace, using the tips to teasingly drag across her skin, just enough to create a pleasurable sensation as he looked down into her eyes. "I do, but I'm not opposed to having my partner take her turn."

“Good. I’ve been told I give a hell of a ride.” Ilan grinned devilishly and reached up to pull him down into another passionate kiss. Her hands moved over his body to explore him, touching with her fingertips and grazing with her nails to see the kinds of responses she elicited from him.

The touch of her fingers drew low moans of pleasure from the half-Vulcan while he began a bit more vocal as she began to drag her nails over his skin, pressing his manhood more firmly against her sex as he started to grind against her as he made out with her with an eager and lusty hunger, he didn't try to rush it though it was obviously that he was quite taken with her and wanted to enjoy the full experience that her body had to offer.

“Need to work something out, Sovas?” She asked him teasingly as she felt him pressing against her entrance. “Well, go ahead then. We have time for all sorts of things tonight, don’t we? Unless you’re planning on kicking me out once you’ve had your fun.”

"Mmmm, you aren't leaving here until I've done my best to completely satisfy you." He purred deeply, leaning in to tug on her lower lip as he began to more avidly press his manhood against her entrance before pulling back to look down into her eyes, she would be able to see the heated lust in his eyes as he finally began to press himself into her, working himself into her depths with a purpose until he'd hilted himself within her and took a moment to enjoy the feeling of her wrapped around him before he began to thrust into her with deep, powerful thrusts taking her in a way that made both her breasts and the talons resting on her chest to jump. "It's been a little while since I've indulged like this."

A moan escaped her lips as he worked himself into her body. She brought her legs up, wrapping them around Sovas’ hips. Her eyes remained on his, lusty and heated. Her hands were on his chest but she didn’t push him away. “Well then… indulge away then. I don’t mind one bit.” She laughed pleasantly though it quickly transformed into a pleasured coo.

Sovas did exactly that. He took her with force and vigor that he hadn't allowed himself in some time. His own desire was heightened by her pleasured moans and the feeling of her hands on his body. She was passionate and brought out the more feral side of him, though whether it was him or the entity in his mind that was expressing that particular facet was unclear. He didn't allow it to disrupt his goal though as he focused on the beauty below him. He moved with purpose, working to drive them both toward the heights of pleasure, though realized his was much more rapidly approaching. He growled as she nipped and bit at his neck, moaning out as her hands found the places he enjoyed being touched. He continued to move forcefully within her, breathing deeply and hard. He wanted to hold back to bring her to her peak but he also remembered that she said they had all night and with a beauty like this, he was most certainly willing to take advantage of the evening. With that in mind, he thrust himself deeply within her and held himself there as he let out a low groan, spending himself inside of her.

Ilan was enjoying herself quite thoroughly, taking pleasure from Sovas' "indulging" in the moment. She enjoyed his drive, passion, and even that slightly feral aura he was giving off. She met his passion with her own, her hands running over his body with special attention to the scars that fascinated her the most. Little nips and kisses were placed on his shoulders, teasing him, toying with him. Pleasure rolled through her body in steady waves, but never quite to that complete fulfillment, though as Sovas reached his, she did nothing but smile and pulled him down into a passionate kiss, giving a soft, pleased coo against his lips.

Ilan held him as he came down, kissing the side of his neck and then turning to make out with him slowly as she did so. Her fingers slid into his hair and she finally pulled back, smiling up at him. “Mm… that was very nice.”

"Mmm, yes it was though I do intend to make sure you are just as satisfied." Sovas purred softly, smiling back as he leaned in to nip and tug at her lower lip, he let one of his hands move over her body in a lusty manner as he enjoyed the feeling of her beneath him.

"Oh I had no doubt." She chuckled softly and embraced him again, passionately and slowly. "You don't seem the type to leave a lady unsatisfied."

"Definitely not." He half purred, half chuckled against her lips. He looked into her eyes as he began to gently rock and grind his hips against her, watching her lovely features to learn what it was that she liked. "I'll just have to learn how to do that in time."

"You sound like you might like to make this a more than a one time thing." She teased him harmlessly, her lovely face betraying nothing of her feelings on that particular fact.

"I wouldn't be opposed to it, you are quite lovely and engaging." He chuckled while giving her a warm grin as he looked down into her eyes. "Though I do hope I might be able to leave a lasting impression."

“Oh do you?” She grinned and shifted then, easily rolling with him in the bed and looking down into his eyes. “A noble goal. Do you think you’re up to the challenge?” She asked and looked down at him, her green eyes intense.

"Yes." Sovas replied easily. He looked up at her then, grabbing her hips and starting to move his hips once more.

After several hours of exploring each other's limits of stamina, Ilan and Sovas had finally found a satisfactory stopping point with each other. They were pleasantly but not fully spent, but it was getting late and they both had other things to see to. She sat up in the bed and stretched, smiling over her shoulder at Sovas as he lay tangled up in the blanket. "Mind if I use your bathroom?" She asked with a charming smile.

"Not at all." He returned her smile as a softly, appreciative sound escaped him while his eyes roamed over her luscious figure, making a mental note to see if he might be able to learn more about the people she had come from as Ilan had sparked a bit of curiosity within him. He shifted to lie on his side as he watched her, the blankets moving with him to fall away as he just basked in the afterglow and enjoying how good the evening had been, even his unwelcome passenger seemed to he worn out as it was conspicuously silent after having been urging him to keep going and having been feeding off of its host.

"Let me know if you need a hand with anything." He chuckled softly while sitting up slowly and letting out a rather satisfied sounding sigh, it was the first time since waking up from his coma that he hadn't felt like he was trying to crawl out of his own skin. He shifted to lean back against the headboard to just watch her and admire the loveliness of her form.

"Will do." Ilan said airily as she moved into his bathroom and found a washcloth to use to clean herself up. She hummed to herself, her voice pleasant. Her time spent with him was quite enlightening and enjoyable. She would have to return if he felt so inclined at some point, but she was perfectly happy to keep it as a one time thing if he preferred.

Eventually, she walked back out to the bedroom and smiled at him. "Well you look happy." She teased.

He smirked at her teasing but he certainly was happy this evening, though she would see that he was currently playing with the lacy blue panties she had previously been wearing at the start of the evening. He was feeling much more himself and he was quite thankful for that. Though he did notice that she was rather aglow herself and seemed quite pleased as he continued to toy with her underwear. "I think this was just what I was needing to throw off whatever was hovering over me since waking up in sickbay."

"Though I will counter and say that you look happy yourself," He gave her a warm smile while shifting his attention to her more fully. "It was getting to see the quarters of a senior officer wasn't it?"

He teased her a little, looking up into her eyes though he did so after letting his gaze run over her curvaceous figure again. "Sure I can't convince you to stay? I'm sure that I could make up a rather convincing excuse as to why I would need the services of a Science Division Warrant Officer, perhaps a interdepartmental liaison assignment or something like that."

Ilan laughed at that and shook her head, watching him toy with her panties. "No, no. I should go back to my quarters and get some rest. Besides, I don't even have my uniform and doing the walk of shame back to my quarters in the morning in a tight dress just doesn't sound fun tonight." Finally, she tilted her head and smirked. "Do you want to keep those?"

"Can't blame a guy for trying." He chuckled, rubbing the material between his fingers and returned to playing with them a little. "I would so that I can add them to my private trophy case, though if there's a different pair you'd prefer I have, I'm sure that we could reach an arrangement."

“I think you just want me to have an excuse to come back.” She stepped out of the room to pick up her dress and work it back on to her body. It wouldn’t be the first or last set of panties she had left behind. “You can keep those if you like them.” She wondered what that private trophy case looked like, but that was maybe for next time as well.

"Oh I most certainly want you to have an excuse to come back," He followed her out while she began to get dressed to make her way back to her quarters, moving to help her just as an excuse to run his hands over her luscious form once more as he remained close. His gaze moved down while his fingers moved up to the necklace of talons she was still wearing, lightly traced around them over the inviting softness of her generous breasts as he brought his gaze back up.

"Though I suppose saying that negates the need for you to leave here by accident with my necklace, tracking you down to bring you back to my quarters and other wouldn't you know it I would have to thoroughly examine you until I found them," He smiled at her, so very at ease that if anyone who had been seeing the aberrant behavior of the Lieutenant would have to wonder what exactly was going on with him. "Since I would quite like to do this again, if you're interested in seeing if you can wear me out completely next time."

“I might be.” She chuckled and gently pushed his hands away so she could get dressed. Reaching back, she zipped it up and then pulled the talon necklace off her neck. “And here I thought I was going to be able to sneak out with that for all manner of fun later.” She chuckled and winked at him.

"Mmmm," He purred while just admiring her in the dress before he pressed the necklace back into her hand, she was like the most difficult cliff faces he'd ever challenged. Exhilarating. Breathtaking. Beautiful. Quite pleasurably exhausting and most certainly deadly in her own right. She wasn't a Terran but that didn't matter to him he was quite taken with the woman and wanted another taste of her and even if it was a manufactured excuse he was willing to play it.

"Why don't we say I didn't notice you still had them on," He smirked and reached out to work the necklace back on for her, embracing her once more. "Give me all sorts of motivations to ask you some very probing questions about them."

“Oh is that so?” Ilan asked after returning his kiss. She grinned then and touched the talons now once again around her neck. “Well then, hopefully I don’t lose it.” For a half Vulcan, he was quite charming and she found she quite enjoyed his company. She would definitely pay him another visit some time. “I’ll say goodnight then, Sovas.”

"Goodnight it is Ilan." He smiled while stepping back to let her leave while he waited and watched her walk out the door. He let out a deep sigh as the door shut since she was so very easy on the eyes and was quite a bit of fun company, something that he had sorely been lacking lately. He'd definitely be making plans to see her again as he moved to add her panties to his trophy collection, deciding where he'd set them.



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