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Obsessive Maniacs R Us

Posted on Wed Feb 15th, 2023 @ 10:40pm by Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin
Edited on on Sat Feb 25th, 2023 @ 2:41am

Mission: In-Between (S1:E4-S1:E5)
Location: Holodeck 1, Deck 3
Timeline: Mission Day 2 at 0030
278 words - 0.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Kassandra once again was working overtime on her program that she had running. Now she had begun allocating areas of the ship for food production as best she could to see if that would help.

By condensing crew quarters they could open up areas for hydroponics. The plants the Robertsons had brought in were useful and already growing but it would be a while until they brought forth a harvest that could support the ship and its fellows. But condensing crew quarters would cause issues. That said, not every Lieutenant JG needed their own cabin.

As nice as it was to have a fleet, Kass knew they could conserve resources if they lost one or more of those ships. And with the possible fuel sources they were hoping to find.. maybe they could convert some of the rooms to engineering storage.

Every option had to be explored and she needed to make sure each option was checked for issues and solutions for the issues. It was taking too long, her frustrations were growing but she pushed them down. She knew better, she told herself. Knew better than to let her temper explode. Though it was getting harder and harder as the days went on.

"Computer download latest projections to my PADD." she said softly. [[ACKNOWLEDGED]]

She glanced at the chrono and sighed. She needed to get some sleep. Maybe, tomorrow she would be able to think a bit more and maybe, just maybe, be able to show the information to the Captain. She picked up the PADD and headed out of the holodeck.

What she didn't notice was her assistant chief monitoring her from down the hall way.


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