Hot and Cold III
Posted on Fri Nov 4th, 2022 @ 6:27am by Princess Royal Giana Orsini & Lieutenant Colonel Sacha Lavigne
Edited on on Thu Jul 13th, 2023 @ 7:14pm
Historiae Terrae Et Imperii
Location: Rio de Jinero Palace
Timeline: Date 2371-07-08 at 2000
3590 words - 7.2 OF Standard Post Measure
For a moment Giana eyed him with a bit of wariness, but eventually did comply with his coaxing and down the rest of her drink. Her face scrunched in response to the burn.
He took the empty glass from her and placed it on the table next to his own. He then reached out and scooped her up into his arms like she was a baby and held her that way. Kissing her on the forehead, he even rocked her a bit, remembering a time this very thing had done much to comfort her. She was a bit like a baby sometimes, and he was careful not to forget this fact.
"I want to make you feel good." he said, knowing he couldn't get anything out of Giana he didn't put in first. He was careful not to say 'better', because she would resist any desire he expressed for her to feel better. But good; she liked feeling good.
Astoundingly, Giana actually gave no protest as Sacha lifted her into his arms and cradled her against him. She liked being held in this way, but that was not a fact she had shared with anyone but him and Edward. She briefly wondered how the man was doing, but the steady rocking of Sacha's arms and his desire to make her feel good brought her back to the moment. "Yeah, that would be nice."
He stood up then, using all of his focus to keep from stumbling with her, and walked clumsily into her grand bedroom. Stepping up to her bed, which was on a raised platform and certainly not made for drunk people, he successfully deposited her onto the mattress and then climbed in next to her. The mattress was miraculously comfortable, and Sacha felt he could go to sleep at any second, but he willed himself on. Leaning in, he started to kiss her and explore her body with his hand. Perhaps this would make her feel good.
“Gods you’re so beautiful, mon Cher. When I’m away from you at night, I dream of you.” He said quietly to her, and kissed her more deeply.
Had Giana been more sober while Sacha was not, she would have been quite impressed by him carrying her to the bedroom without toppling over. She would reach out and touch the wall now and then when he ventured too close, but otherwise had focused on remaining still so he could accomplish his goal. Even in her drunken haze, she considered Sacha and how he always did seem to want to make an effort to see her happy and feeling good. It made her happy. Was that what love was? When her rear end hit her comfortable bed, she was jostled out of her drunken musings and looked at Sacha as he climbed in with her. She automatically leaned into his attentions, one hand resting on his side so she could touch him but she didn’t interfere with his exploring hands.
Each of his kisses were returned, automatically at first, but each one growing more passionate. She pulled back and gave him a smile. “I dream of you too.” She kissed him again then, both hands now moving to his chest and gripping the fabric of his shirt.
After several minutes of intense making-out, Sacha reached to unbutton her pants, then he stood on his knees and pulled her pants down and off of her legs. He started kissing from her ankle and up her legs slowly. He alternated and didn’t take too much time to do his work.
Giana blinked a few times as he took off her pants, all of the drinks finally really getting to her. She wiggled her hips a bit, but otherwise didn't touch or interfere with him. When he was just up around her knees, she looked down to him and spoke suddenly. "You are a nice man."
“I feel like I’m in an alternate reality.” He said, chuckling as he continued to kiss up her legs, focusing on her thighs. He spread her legs gently and kissed all the way up to her panty line. He looked at her then and proceeded to kiss her sex gently through the thin fabric. “It’s been weeks, hasn’t it? A month, maybe?”
Giana didn’t really connect his comment about an alternate reality to anything and instead remained quite focused on where he was kissing. Eventually, she put her hands on his cheeks and looked down at him as he was nestled between her legs. “Umm… a couple weeks? I think? I don’t know. Does it matter? We are here now.”
“No, I guess it doesn’t.” He said, and lingered at the place where he was playing for several seconds. Eventually, though, he pulled at her panties and removed them gently, and then spent the next fifteen minutes giving her his direct attention.
At first, Giana was weirdly unresponsive to his attention almost as if she were completely distracted by something, but after a few moments, her brain seemed to catch on to the sensations and she fell back to the bed with a moan. Whatever was plaguing her was gone under his pointed attentions and her praise of them filled the room. When he pulled back, she lifted her head and looked at him with deeply flushed cheeks.
“Well… hi there.” She gave a breathless giggle.
“Hi.” He said, wiping his face and taking her in, for she was wearing only her pink top. “I could do that all night, you know? Maybe I will.”
He descended again, his mouth moving skillfully over her sensitive parts and giving more direct pleasure, no longer teasing or being modest, but going for an overwhelming experience. His love for her only fueled his passions and made them completely unhesitant.
"Hey but-" Whatever she had been about to say was cut off by him diving back down between her legs. She left him down there for at least a solid thirty minutes; he had brought her to the highest peaks of pleasure several times. After the last, she was breathing hard, her whole body slightly sweating and flushed. She finally reached down to push his face away from her.
"Enough. Enough, Sacha. No more." She demanded, her voice lacking the playfulness of her earlier demands that he stop.
Sacha chuckled and stood up next to the bed, the protrusion under his pants obvious. He excused himself to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth quickly; Giana had never been a fan of kissing him after he'd been down there, and that was more important to him than smooth transitions. Besides, he could tell she needed a rest. He was in the bathroom for a minute and then went back to the living room to pour them more of the drinks they were sharing. Returning, having been gone for no more than three minutes, he placed the drinks on the side table beside her bed and leaned in to kiss her again.
"I love making you blush, mon cher."
Giana had indeed taken the time to rest and her mind for once in the past few weeks was pleasantly blank outside of the sensation of pleasure. She didn't even register how pleasant it was, really. It was only the sound of glasses being set down on the bedside table that seemed to rouse her, and then she smiled just as he kissed her. Her arm went around his shoulders to hold him there for a moment, and then it slid so her hand was on his upper arm. "You should take off those pants. They look uncomfortable."
"They are a bit tight in certain areas." he said, sipping his refreshed drink and standing next to her. He hesitated for a while, opting to make it a bit unclear what he was ultimately going to do. Then, after a time, he reached for his belt and unbuckled it quickly, then he took another sip, not seeming in a tremendous rush. He placed the glass down then and unbuttoned the button on the front.
Giana reached for her glass and pulled the sheet up around her naked body. Though they weren’t done, she didn’t like to sit around completely nude. She watched Sacha take off his pants - or at least sort of start to. She frowned. “I mean if you don’t want to… it’s fine.” She had gotten enough anyways if he was going to act like that.
"Of course I want to." he said, smiling and pulling down his pants. Then he reached up, and in one quick motion took off the shirt too, leaving him standing in his boxers, a large tent poking at the front. He yanked them down quickly and let them fall to the floor, and then stepped out of them. He ignored his sore jaws; 45 minutes between her thighs had been murder on his face, but he kept it to himself. "There. Much more comfortable."
“I agree.” Giana said and ran her eyes up and down his body. He was very attractive. She licked her lips and then took another drink from her glass. “Well don’t just stand there, come up into the bed with me.”
Sometimes it was possible for Sacha to forget who he was dealing with in Giana. Many women would have gotten out of the bed, fallen to their knees, and returned the favor before he had even gotten his clothes off. Even in a drunken state, though, Giana had no instinct to serve. He wondered how that would affect their marriage. They were, after all, living in a traditional society, and the fact that she outranked him in the public sphere was certainly not lost on either of them. He climbed into bed, a feeling of slight annoyance and having to respond to instructions again. He kept it under control though, not wanting to let his own feelings affect the night.
“You should be wrapping those gorgeous lips around something else, Gigi.” He said, reaching and taking her glass from her. He placed it on the night stand and then moved back to her.
Giana blinked as he took her glass from her and then looked up at him, following his motion as he moved back into the bed with her. Once he was settled, she shifted close to him and pressed up against his side. She pulled him in for a kiss, letting it linger passionately as her hand moved down his body. She took hold of his manhood and began to tease him while she kissed him, but once she broke that, she began to kiss down his body. She didn't mind using her mouth on him, but she wasn't about to be uncomfortable while she was doing so by kneeling on the floor or anything else hard. Eventually, her lips found him, and she gave Sascha exactly what he had been hoping for.
Sacha laid back and enjoyed her work, watching her with interest as she gave him pleasure. Though not nearly as much of a trouper as he was, she did stick with it for about ten minutes before she came back up. He quickly climbed on top of her, and the two of them spent the next thirty minutes entwined with one another. He was very attentive and was sure to respond to each one of her sounds and to any indication of what she liked or disliked. Yet, at the end, he took a more aggressive return and was more out for his own enjoyment, trusting she would stay in the rhythm herself.
It was no secret that Giana was a selfish, demanding woman to those who actually knew her, yet in the bedroom she became moderately less so as long as she was made to feel good. Sacha's trust wasn't misplaced and Giana moved with him. One hand explored his body, the other on her own to keep her own sensations from faltering. Soon enough, they found that moment of bliss; Giana first, and then Sacha following soon after. For just a few moments, everything bothering her was gone from her mind and her focus was wholly consumed by the man her body was wrapped around in more senses than one. She lay back and covered her face with her hands while she caught her breath.
Sacha was tired and his jaw was still sore. He laid down next to her and didn’t worry about the mess, knowing the covers would be changed by some servant immediately. He placed a hand over her right breast and massaged the skin and played with the less sensitive parts gently. As his breathing steadied, he watched her father herself.
“Right, so I’m the throne next time?” He asked with a raised eyebrow, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth.
“Mmm… next time.” Giana agreed and turned to him with a slight smile on her face. With one hand she reached out to gently start caressing his jaw, but whether it was just because she wanted to or she was doing it because she was cognizant that it would have been aching after his efforts was unclear. Her smile faded then and she shifted closer to him so she could speak softly.
“Am I making a mistake, Sacha? Not… doing what my father wants…?”
“Probably.” Sacha said, looking at her. It was a surprising answer from daring Sacha, the one who professionally pushed buttons and limits. He would have never answered it that way for himself, but he gazed into her eyes now. This was the woman he loved, and he knew what she really wanted wasn’t to stick her middle finger up to the world. She wanted to be loved. “Unless you have some plan that will actually get you somewhere not doing as he says?”
If she did, he hadn’t been made aware of it. She had been playing things close to her chest. He reached up and casually played with that chest with his hand, looking down into her eyes.
“What do you want?”
On hearing his confirmation, Giana immediately sat up. She held the blanket around her and pulled her knees up to her chest under it. For just a moment she looked so normal, vulnerable. Absently she reached up and smoothed out her golden hair, running the strands through her fingers and looking at them. She had never really enjoyed having blonde hair, but it polled better and she had made peace with it many years ago. She didn’t look to Sacha, she didn’t really look anywhere, but there was hurt in her eyes. Exactly what the hurt was over though wasn’t easy to pin down.
“All I really want is for my father to stop treating me like some sort of pariah for what I do. I am exactly what he made me. I did everything he asked of me when I was younger. Everything. Even with what he let Giuseppe do to me for so many years, I still tried. I still obeyed. I didn’t reach above my station, I went to the finishing school he demanded; I played pretty princess and I embraced it and found joy in it. Serving my family in the way that was demanded of me after everything… and yet he sees me as nothing.”
She finally looked back to Sacha, tears in her eyes. “Why?”
Instinctively, he reached his arm around her and pulled himself close to her. He didn't think about his first response, but spoke from his heart immediately.
"Maybe he's just a cranky old bastard...or..." he paused, his mind catching a thread of genuine thought. Ever since he'd first met her, Giana had been afraid of her father, but she had always been more afraid of talking to him about things than she'd ever been with upsetting him. In fact, she often seemed to upset him deliberately for a second of the busy man's time and attention; he had helped with that. "Or maybe you should just ask him."
"You think he'd give me an honest answer?" Giana chuckled in disbelief, shaking her head. "No, he doesn't want to talk to me. Paolo and Elana are his world now. Paolo because well... It's Paolo. Elana because I imagine he actually feels guilty for killing her boyfriend." She looked to Sacha and gave a wry smirk. "Which is funny because he didn't give two shits when he broke my heart sending you away. Then again I'm not surprised by that at all."
“Look, Gigi. I don’t know what you should do. All I know is that you’ve been talking that way since I met you and you’ve been stuck in this…whatever it is.” He said, not displaying the most impressive wit at the moment. “It’s the one thing you haven’t tried. Maybe it’s crazy, but what else is there for you to do?”
“Coast along continuing to do the last few things that bring me joy in life until one of my brothers wins and I end up dead no matter which brother wins?” She retorted, paused a beat, and shook her head. “Fine. I’ll try. Not like anything will ever come of it; it never does. At the very least though I’ll be able to tell you people ‘I told you so’ and you can finally stop nagging me to talk to daddy. You know what happened last time I tried to sit and talk to daddy? He told me I was useless. So I’m sure this is going to go really well.” Giana pulled away from Sacha then and more or less body slammed herself back into the bed. She yanked the covers over her body, and shoved her head down onto the pillow while muttering something under her breath.
“I’m tired and I’m going to sleep.” She said more clearly and pointedly closed her eyes.
Sacha didn't respond, but just looked at her as she closed her eyes and put their evening out of her mind. What he was feeling wasn't clear, but there was a gentle sigh and she would hear him standing up, grabbing their glasses, and leaving for the living room with his clothes under his arm. There was still booze to be drunk and, almost certainly, the food he had ordered for Giana. If she was asleep, someone had to take care of it.
Giana just lay there stubbornly for a few minutes, her eyes tightly closed and her face becoming more and more sour until she finally sat up and sighed herself. Walking down the hallway to the living room while wrapped in just her sheet, she looked at Sacha.
"I didn't want you to leave..."
Sacha slid the plate of neatly decrusted sandwiches toward her, having ordered enough for the two of them. One was in his hand and he was enjoying it with military fervor. He extended a hand to her, welcoming her under his arm.
"Eat. You'll feel better." he said simply, taking another bite.
Giana frowned a bit more but did eventually shuffle over to the couch while holding the sheet around her body. She took a seat by Sacha and reached out to pick up one of the other sandwiches before she settled back under his arm and pulled her legs up onto the couch. She said nothing, merely took a bite of the sandwich and leaned into him.
Sacha continued to eat as well, and made no further attempt at conversation. Saying anything at this point only threatened to feed into his fiancé’s profound instinct for feeling sorry for herself. He merely ate, drank, and held her, letting her emotions ebb like a storm.
Eventually, once they had made their way through most of the food, Giana seemed to be in relatively better spirits. She turned Sacha’s face toward her and kissed him gently. “Thanks for getting the food brought up for us. That was nice.”
“That’s what I’m known for, after all.” He joked with a gentle smile, his fingers playing at her hair. “Being nice.”
"Well, you are to me." She noted, apparently at least having enough self awareness of that fact. "Do you want to stay the night?"
"Yeah, unless you don't mind me getting on that new bike drunk off my mind?" he asked, looking at her. He seemed pleased she understood he was good to her. He only hoped it would stick. He'd likely gotten the news before her about what had befallen Edward on the front lines, and he wanted to be her first choice, not the guy still left alive.
"No, I don't particularly want you doing that. Thanks." She replied and shook her head, pressing herself back into him and resting her head on his shoulder.
"Well, I guess I'll stay then." he said, finishing his bite and then leaning back on the couch, pulling her closer to him.
"Good." Once he finished his bite and he pulled her closer, she shifted to slide into his lap and let the sheet fall away. Her mouth found his and then she began to move lower. She wasn't always the most attentive, she didn't always take initiative but sometimes...
Sometimes even Giana could find a heart.