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Informing the XO

Posted on Tue Dec 6th, 2022 @ 1:36pm by Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov
Edited on on Tue Dec 6th, 2022 @ 5:26pm

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: XO’s Officr
Timeline: Mission Day 28 at 1600
692 words - 1.4 OF Standard Post Measure

Ensign Jonas Mattison had been watching his superior for the past few weeks. Something was different about her behaviour of late. She worked long hours, not just her shift. She stayed late, went to dinner then came back and locked herself in her office or on the holodeck. She was looking more tired and worn out lately so he watched her closely. If she screwed up, he might get a chance at the chief spot. He should have been assistant chief under Morrison but the Captain had not allowed Selin to be moved despite her obvious incompetence. Jonas assumed she was using the extra hours to do her paperwork. He didn't know what she was actually doing but he chose to inform the Executive Officer.

He caught up with Lt. Commander Petrov as he was leaving the bridge.

"Commander Petrov?" He spoke up as he caught up to the XO in the turbolift. "My apologies sir, but I need to speak with you as a matter of urgency."

“Fine.” Andrei said, looking to the ACIO as the doors to the turbolift closed behind them. “Deck two.” He ordered, and then turned to the other man, his voice tired. “What do you need, Ensign?”

"Sir, I am concerned about Lieutenant Selin. She has not been herself these past few weeks. She is working odd hours and I do not believe that she is sleeping Sir." Jonas laid it out carefully.

“Her reports have been timely and she has been on time to her shifts.” Andrei said, sounding bored with the problem as the turbolift doors opened. He stepped out confidently, assuming the Ensign would follow suit, then he turned in the direction of his quarters and started to walk. “So, are you concerned for her personally or professionally, Ensign?”

"Professionally Sir. She is working long hours. I believe Commander that if you were to check out the Holodeck during night shift you will find the Lieutenant there."

“I work long hours too.” Andrei commented somewhat cooly. “She’s a senior staff member. We all work long hours. You don’t know what that’s like, of course, but it’s true.” Andrei said and paused in front of his quarters crossing his strong arms over his chest and looking down at the Ensign. “Is this all you came to tell me? That Lieutenant Selin is working hard?”

Jonas studied the XO. "Sir, there is a reason, the late Chief of Intelligence was so .... hard on the Lieutenant. Her work is sloppy and she is incompetent and he knew it. He tried normal ways to get her to shape up. But due to interference from people she was sleeping with, it was covered up and the Late chief was vilified. And now she is awake for 22 hours out of each 24 and this whole crew will find out to our detriment what happens when the chief is an incompetent." He knew he was out of line but really people needed to wake up and see.

“So you’re saying Morrison should have beat my sister more severely then?” Andrei asked, his eyes focused on the slightly younger man. The visible one boring into him.

Jonas didn't flinch. "Sir, if she was not your sister, would you even care? The fleet has rules. And they are to be followed or else the consequences are well known. And the Late chief followed the rules. Lieutenant Selin, she skirts them."

Andrei sighed at that. This little man was annoying him. There was something about him he really didn't like, though he couldn't exactly put it into words.

"I'll speak with Lieutenant Selin." he said somewhat tersely. "Beyond that, I would need proof. And all you have is words."

"Sir, you just need to check the security holos" Jonas said, and saluted and walked away.

Andrei watched the Ensign walk away, his eyes boring into the back of his head until he turned a corner. He sighed then, and went into his quarters. He would look into this issue when he had time in a few days. Until then, the man would just have to suffer his boss.



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