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The Bigger Stick II

Posted on Sat Dec 3rd, 2022 @ 3:57am by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov
Edited on on Sat Dec 3rd, 2022 @ 3:57am

Mission: S1 Episode 4: The Cloud
Location: Holodeck 1
Timeline: Mission Day 1 at 2015
4057 words - 8.1 OF Standard Post Measure


"Oh yes, we absolutely could." Lyra confirmed with a twisted smile, seeming unbothered by the potential. "But sometimes we must take our treasure with both hands... or embrace the bag of snakes with a smile." She referenced one of their earlier conversations back when they were hunting crystals on Zapara IV. Even then they had inklings, glances at the true face of the other. Their connection had been electric and it still was.

"How to spend the last moments though... hmm..." Her hand found his and her fingertips traced along the backs of his fingers and between his knuckles.

"Some people want to pray or say goodbye to their loved ones. Some want to eat their favorite food, and some just stand and wait for the sky to fall." he said, grabbing her hand then and placing it solidly on the table, pinning it there strongly, no hint of gentleness or sweetness. He turned to her and leaned in closely, his expression cool and unreadable, his lips parted. "I know what I want."

Lyra left her hand pinned underneath his and didn't fight it, but with her other hand she grabbed Andrei by the front of his jacket and pulled him closer to her with a firm yank. She looked into his eyes, her lips moving toward his but not touching. "And what is that?"

"I want to fuck your brains out on this table." he said, and then used his other arm to scoop her up and sit her down on the table, not waiting for permission or indicators of any kind, really. He kissed her lips hard, his open mouth meeting hers, and then pulled back. "And a good thing the Half Blood left, because if he stayed any longer I was going to make him watch."

"Well he would have enjoyed looking at one of us and it wasn't going to be me." Lyra smirked, leaning in to kiss Andrei again. The embrace was fiery, challenging in a way. Her hands moved to his jacket, pulling it open without preamble and then moving to the shirt. While she was a disciplined woman and could easily focus on other things, the truth was her blood had been running hot since the moment she had heard the word decalithium on the bridge hours ago.

Andrei responded to the challenge with a challenge of his own, grabbing her jacket in the same way and unzipping it. Then, with lightning fast hands, he reached for her dagger and pulled it out of its scabbard. Of course, she tensed, but his eye contact told her everything she needed to know. He grabbed her golden uniform shirt and slid the sharp blade up the fabric until it was completely separated. He then rested it on her jaw. A threat; a game of a very dangerous nature. These two had sweet, and then they had this.

"My eyes are only on you." he said in a low voice as he put a small amount of pressure on her skin.

She did tense, it was natural even if she knew the intent. She growled as he opened her shirt and lifted her head in response to her own dagger being put against her jaw. Her eyes remained on his, hot black coals full of desire. One hand still held his shirt, but the other snatched his dagger from his belt, but as she brought it up she twisted it in a way that cut through the leather and had it sliding from his waist with the momentum. Given he was holding her dagger, even the prick of the blade against her skin brought the smallest bead of blood up to the tip and rolling down it in a thin line.

The tip of his own dagger moved slowly up his body cutting into the uniform shirt he was wearing, but not hard enough down to the skin. She stopped it just under his ribs, angled upward toward his heart.

"I should hope so." She purred, her eyes lidding slightly.

He pushed her back onto the table, allowing her time to brace herself before he moved the dagger he was holding and cut the connecting fabric of her bra. Pushing the lacey fabric aside along with that of her shirt, he revealed her breasts, ended with two hard nipples. He traced the dagger slowly around her flesh, avoiding sensitive parts, and then quickly set it aside and got back to business. He started working from buttons and zipper of her pants.

She grit her teeth slightly as he danced the knife around her flesh though this time with enough care to not actually make her bleed - he could however see lines where he had brought blood up to the surface of the skin. For a moment, it seemed like she wasn't going to fight him and that she would submit like she had for him just the night before when she had gotten on her knees, but as soon as he abandoned the knife she brought her leg up and planted a boot in the center of his chest, shoving him back roughly away from her.

Lyra was agile and always had been, Andrei would know that full well. She was off the table and against him with an impressive speed that rivaled his. One hand snapped behind him, grabbing his mane of black hair and pulling back rudely. Her teeth went to his neck and she started to bite him there, leaving marks but not drawing blood. Her tongue joined her teeth, but there was no tenderness from her lips. His shirt was torn away by her other hand and while she still held him by the roots of his luscious hair, the hand that had torn the shirt went to his pants which she dexterously opened without any issue.

It was the most natural thing in the world, a man and a woman, but with them, there was something else. Something animal or demon. Lyra was without her top, near feral, and Andrei was still in tattered clothes. He let her unhook his pants and even stepped out of them and his boots, her hands wrapped around his ponytail. He reached down and dropped his boxers as well, freeing his rigid manhood with a spring-like fling. It was large, arching out from him at a noticeable bob, well-veined, like it had been hitting the gym as much as him. He reached down himself and finished ripping his own red shirt and undershirt, his teeth making contact with his bottom lip, and then he was left completely naked. Then he stood there, dominant and strong, her control over his ponytail no longer seeming as effective as before to his face.

He grabbed her wrist firmly with his hand and kissed it roughly, then he defied her control quickly enough that she wouldn’t be able to reestablish it and used his other strong arm to lift her and put her aggressively back on the table, using her wrist to pry her fingers off of his hair and turn her completely around. Her legs dangled for a bit before touching the floor and her tanned back arched as her pants stretched over her large Brazilian ass. Using a combination of his hands and feet, he knocked off her boots and grabbed the waistband of her uniform pants, pulling them and her underwear down in one go and letting them remain around her ankles. Then he grabbed her hair roughly from behind as she had, except he had wrapped his hands in for a tighter grip, and he approached her now with his manhood hover and just barely touching her soaking wet center. He knew she would fight back and she might even reverse their situation, but right now, he was all man.

There was never any real belief she could control or best Andrei. Could she do it in brief moments? Certainly. Enough perhaps that she could escape a conflict with him, but she would never best him in a "fair" fight and she wasn't one of those moronic women who insisted they could be the best and beat the men with ease. She had her own talents that they did not, it was the natural order of things. He handled her and she didn't fight it; in fact she assisted him in stripping her the rest of the way down. It was subtle, but she shifted her hips and legs and lifted her feet for him. When he worked her pants and underwear down to her ankles, she shifted them again to get them off and push them away from the area. He was so close to her, she could feel his throbbing manhood just barely brushing against her and the slight pain at the roots of her hair made it that much more delicious. For a moment, she was so tempted to leave it at that, to let him sate both himself and that desire that had been plaguing her for hours.

But they weren't quite done playing.

Her hands came back and grabbed tight the wrist of the hand in her hair. She pulled his hand toward her head and held it, tightening her core as she pulled herself up and then went under his arm as she stepped back. This wrenched his arm back at an awkward angle and as she worked her fingers under his and twisted herself out of his grip - it hurt briefly, but so would her handling of his arm. Everything, every moment between them though was measured; just enough pain to not spoil the pleasure. Free of his grasp and now behind him, she maneuvered his arm back to a more comfortable position for him and brought his hand up in front of his shoulder so she could kiss his wrist.

"Computer, seal holodeck doors, authorization Cassiel-Delta-One." Her hand released his as she spoke the words and the computer chimed acknowledgment as her hands slid around his sides and up his chest. It was a gentle gesture in contrast to what they had been doing thus far, but then her fingers curled, her nails dug into his chest, and she drug them down his skin with purpose. She raked him slowly, her nails threatening to catch his nipples but they adjusted their path just at the last moment to instead miss them with her fingers going just barely on either side; it threatened so much pain but gave so much pleasure. As she did this she placed her lips just under his ear and let out a soft, breathy moan while pressing herself against his back. Her fingers slid up and she caught his nipples between the bottoms of her fingers just above her palm, she pinched them between them, but given the location there wasn't enough strength to hurt at all and simply provided a pleasant pressure. Her teeth found the skin below his ear, she bit him again. She wanted him to burn for her.

That she would fight back was no mystery to him, but the suddenness of her movement coupled with the subtle pain in his arm, his chest, and even his ear set his blood to pumping testosterone through his entire body. Not only did he desire to conquer, but to take her specifically. He knew she was stoking that fire in him, pushing him toward his nearest breaking point, bringing frustration and promise all at once. He decided to do away with formality and with all semblance of gentleness, with care only that he didn't hurt her too much. The large man re-established his control of one of her wrists and grabbed her forearm on the opposite arm, and with his considerable strength, he maneuvered her over his own shoulder, into the air and then down onto the table, controlling her fall to make sure it wouldn't be a total shock. All in all, it was an impressive display of strength, newly acquired in the gym, but he wasn't done.

The heir to Russia grabbed her by the same arm and pulled her in front of him, propping her torso up on his body and causing her to open her legs as she sat on the table. Their situations were reversed now, but she was sitting down, and he put his mouth on her ear. He offered a breathy moan of his own, though his was much more resolute and masculine, then he sent forward his free hand, placed it quickly between her thigh, and invaded her sacred space with his large fingers. There was sufficient lubrication already that it wouldn't be uncomfortable, but there was no mistaking the alpha male statement he'd just issued.

"Computer, play the destruction of Qo'noS on loop." he instructed, his mouth still on her ear, and the viewscreen in front of them began to display the scene again.

When her feet started to leave the ground she did for an instant resist, but then realized at once that she wanted this and secondly even if she did want to resist it probably wouldn't have worked and would have only hurt both of them in the attempt. So she went with the motion, making it easy for him instead of difficult which also served to keep her landing more or less gentle. She wasn't seeing stars and she could breathe. When she found herself with her back against his chest and heard the moan into her ear, a pleasured sigh passed over her lips which turned into a moan as his fingers almost rudely slid into her.

One hand grabbed his offending hand by the wrist though she made no move to interfere. Her other hand went back over both of their shoulders and found his hair again. This time, she slid a finger into his ponytail to remove the tie and free his hair and then she grabbed hold of a handful by the roots and held it firmly. Her dark eyes moved up to the viewscreen and the scene that played out before them most definitely elicited the desired effect Andrei was likely searching for. Her hips bucked, she squirmed against his body, she turned her head to kiss and bite at his jaw where she could reach.

He grinned as she pulled his hair and responded with the pleasure he was seeking to give her. He set a steady rhythm with his fingers, responding masterfully to every hint she was giving him. He used his interface to read her and to mark when the signs of her enjoyment went up and when they went down. He turned and watched the screen himself, and the result was that his protrusion was pressing against the small of her back with insistent intensity.

There wasn't any reluctance as she released his wrist and instead twisted her arm back behind her so that she could take hold of his member and start stroking him; it wasn't the most finessed motion, but it was certainly more than serviceable. Her other hand remained in his hair, her lips still on his jaw while her eyes were on the screen. He played her body as masterfully as he had his violin for several minutes and finally at the end of the second loop his fingers had danced her to the edge and pushed her off of it. Her eyes closed, her mouth opened in a passionate cry while her teeth danced along the skin of his jaw, and her legs snapped shut around his hand to greedily trap him while she rode out her release. Her hips swayed and bucked, her thighs shifting to rub together and in turn move his hand about more. She whimpered, breathing hard, and finally let her head fall back to his shoulder.

For nearly the next hour, the two of them moved together on that table and then on the floor next to it, taking turns with command of the other person's body and switching with force of will. They used hands, tongues, and more obvious body parts to share their excitement about their newfound power. The loop on the screen had been changed several times based on their psychotic whims and, near the end of their passionate time together, the sound of explosions and screams were being replicated as Andrei held Lyra against the wall, entering her from the back and pounding her with impressive strength and stamina. He moaned loudly, his skin dotted with sweat and his hair clinging to his shoulders.

Lyra braced one hand against the wall and pressed her hips back to Andrei's forcefully, rolling them with finesse and grinding her body back onto his. There had not been a moment where either of them had been totally passive and she was not about to start now even being in the position she was. The discordant sounds of the destruction that they had added in at some point around them certainly enhanced their time, but it was Andrei's moans and other pleasured sounds that truly delighted her within it all. One hand snaked down between her own legs to enhance her own moment, not leaving it solely on Andrei. They were about done, she could tell he was flagging as his motions became less fluid but doubled in their determination. She moved to match and after just a moment more she let out one last cry of bliss and her womanhood clenched greedily around his invading length. "Andrei..."

They finished together in a flash of moans, which mixed with the sounds or chaos to make a cacophonous symphony of terror and pleasure. Andrei shivered as he emptied himself inside her womanhood, suddenly recognizing that he was cold as his pores opened and his flesh became prickly and sensitive. He ran his fingers over her back and hips, but didn't leave her yet. Instead, he breathed heavily, his mind starting to clear.

Pressing her forehead against the wall, Lyra worked to calm and control her breathing and by extent her slightly trembling body. In moments such as these, they demanded everything physically from each other. There were no half measures, no sloppy work, simply an imperative to bring the other to the heights of pleasure until there was nothing left but the purest of satisfaction. One of her hands moved back to rest over his when it was on her hip, still just wanting to touch him, to be close to him. She didn't move to pull away from him, he would either move himself or after a moment or so his body would do it for him which was a feeling that was both pleasurable and disappointing at the same time. Her head turned to the side and fell on the screen again, watching whatever scenario that was playing there with a much milder interest. Between their late date last night, early morning, early morning romp, and the long day of work Lyra was truly tired.

Andrei smiled and moved back out of her, pulling her close to him in a more intimate way and standing behind her. He kissed her neck.

"Computer, end video and audio." he said clearly, and kissed her neck again. "I'd say that's a good day's work. If you're satisfied, we can have the data sent to your department for processing and filtered up the chain. I'm sure we'll have a clear answer whether we can start construction tomorrow. And, hopefully, we'll have red matter too."

Lyra hummed a response and simply melted into him slightly, breathing in his scent which was now quite distinctly mingled with her own. Her eyes closed slowly and opened slower. She hadn't finished what she wanted, there was still the continent and city weapons to unlock the key to, but she knew how tired she was and she wouldn't be nearly as effective. Truthfully what sounded good to her right now was a shower and curling up in bed to cuddle with Andrei though neither of them particularly cared to admit they enjoyed that act as much as they did.

"I don't know." She said noncommittally and nuzzled into his neck. "Are you done for today?"

“I need to check in with the other teams before I sign off, but then I’m planning for a shower and to lay back to read a book or watch a holovid of some kind.” He answered.

Even with his answer she did remain torn for a moment before she finally gave a small sigh and kissed Andrei gently; the contrast was stark between the kiss and what they had just finished doing with each other.

“As much as I would like to unlock the last doors to total domination, it should probably best wait until the morning. Should I meet you in your quarters?” She asked, deciding to be polite and not just assume she was welcome. After she asked though, she looked him up and down and smirked slightly. His pale Russian hide was streaked and dotted with red from her nails and teeth.

“Or maybe we should go together now… you are down an undershirt after all.” She pointed out. “I’ll be good and won’t distract you from visiting the other teams… too much.” A teasing smirk appeared and she winked at him.

Andrei smiled in response, his hand finding her fantastic behind and squeezing absently.

“I’m down more than an undershirt.” He commented with a chuckle. “I’m going to site-to-site to my quarters, have a slave deliver me a replacement uniform, and then go check on the teams. You go ahead and get your shower in and show up to my quarters when you’re ready.”

It was a slightly subtle rejection of her coming with him, and certainly not explained in the moment. He didn’t give a sign he was thinking anything controversial, but merely stating how he wanted things to go.

The mild disappointment barely even registered for Lyra herself, lasting less than a half a second then clearing once more. Truthfully it was probably for the best given how much they did like to "distract" each other when given the opportunity - though they were good about it not interfering with their actual work. She simply gave him a quick kiss and then turned to gather up their discarded clothes. She didn't pay the rejection any mind past the brief blip, it was harmless in the name of work. Probably.

"I'll see you in a little while, then. Don't be long, darling." She looked over her shoulder and gave him a smile. Not a demand, simply a wish.

He grinned but didn't respond verbally, nor did he seem bothered by the request. He then gathered his tattered clothing from the floor and gave a simple command.

"Computer. site-to-site transport to the XO's quarters." he said clearly, and then gave Lyra a parting glance before he began to shimmer from existence.

Lyra watched him go and then looked around the room again just to take in all she had accomplished today. Ahira had helped with the grunt work which had been... well, only moderately helpful, and given Corvin's ideas had mostly matched her own there wasn't anything especially useful there. No, this had been mostly her dream and sink or swim it would be on her.

"Computer," she began and then hesitated, looking at the equations still running. It really probably wouldn't take that long to do the rest of what she needed to do. Maybe an hour or two. Andrei likely wouldn't really hurry, especially since she had made the comment to him. It had been innocuous and normal but likely something mildly offensive to him that he would make a concerted effort to not do because she had asked. It did get tiring at times.

She moved to one of the holographic consoles to transfer the running data to a PADD and then spoke again. "Computer, save program and end." The computer chimed and there was a brief moment before it disappeared. "Computer, site-to-site transport to chief of security's quarters." She watched as the light filled her vision in one room and then dissipated in the next.

It was time for that shower and then... who knew.



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