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Family Time...

Posted on Sat Apr 22nd, 2023 @ 9:23am by

Mission: In-Between (S1:E4-S1:E5)
Location: ISS Vengeance, Robertson Family assigned quarters.
Timeline: Mission Day 1 at 2000
1276 words - 2.6 OF Standard Post Measure


Kaleigh looked around the cabin on the Vengeance and sighed. She missed spending evenings on the Alexandria at times.

Daphne was already asleep for the evening and Kae, nearly at 5 months pregnant was feeling hemmed in. She sat on the couch and pulled a pillow to her chest. And frowned even more.

A few moments later, Micheal returned to their assigned cabin (it had been agreed between the three of them that their ship was home), and he smiled warmly when his gaze landed on the woman he loved completely. Then, seeing her disposition, his smile faltered. "My love?" He said softly as he moved to her side. "What's wrong?"

"I am just feeling cooped up. And its not the same without Rebecca here with us." Kae said as she looked up at him. "Yes it's bigger here, but it's not home as you know."

Moving to sit on her left, so she could curl into his right side, Micheal nodded. "I know. The only access that Rebecca currently has, off our ship, is through my gauntlet." He was quiet for a moment, then silently cursed himself. "Why didn't I think of this sooner!" He brought the gauntlet, which was on his left wrist, closer to his lips. "Rebecca, are you online?"

A small avatar of their AI suddenly appeared over the gauntlet. "Yes, Master." She then turned her gaze to Kaleigh. "Good evening, Mistress. I miss seeing you and young Daphne. How are you feeling?"

"I am feeling well thank you Rebecca, " Kaleigh said as she smiled at the small avatar. "We miss you too. Daphne misses you reading her bedtime stories"

"As do I, Mistress. If only you were allowed to remain aboard. This is your true home!" If Rebecca were real, her words would have been seen as imploring.

Kae nodded. "I am going to work on something for you Rebecca. This ship's medical AI uses holographic tech that makes the hologram solid. And I think I can work it into your program and you might be able to join us in here."

Rebecca's eyes lit up at that news! "Oh, Mistress! That's wonderful! Thank you! I promise that I will never give you pause to regret this decision!"

"I know you never would," Kae said. "We are family and I will work to get you here with us. "

"And until that day arrives," Micheal spoke up, "Rebecca, I want you to design and build two devices, like my gauntlet, for both Kaleigh and Daphne, but along the lines that would fit easier with them both. This way, we all can stay connected to one another while we are separated."

Rebecca nodded. "I can do that Master. A bracelet for Miss Daphne and maybe similar for Mistress?"

"Sounds wonderful Becky," Kae said warmly.

Micheal nodded his approval. "Once you have them fabricated and programmed, beam them here, so we can bring our family back together."

Kae snuggled against Micheal as Rebecca nodded. "It will take 24 hours Master."

Micheal nodded. "Proceed. Notify me if you detect any threats to our family. For now, good night, Rebecca."

The AI nodded her head in receipt of her instructions. "Yes, Master. Sleep well." She then looked at Kaleigh. "Sleep well, Mistress."

"I will, thank you Rebecca." Kae replied softly. She was so going to find a way to bring that AI to live with them.

Rebecca smiled happily to them both, then her image disappeared as she got to work on designing and building the bracelets.

After she was gone, Micheal sighed softly. "It will be good to have us all together again, sweetheart. I'm sorry that I didn't think of it sooner." He seemed as if he had let them down for the mistake.

"Most think of Rebecca as an AI. She is family." Kae smiled at him. "And speaking of family, your wife has missed you today."

Looking down into her beautiful eyes, Micheal smiled. "Her husband has missed her as well." He leaned down and kissed her softly, the angle was such that he could do more.

Kae wrapped her arms around his neck. And slid into his lap. "I think we should lock the doors and go to bed, get some... alone time."

Smiling hungrily at his wife, Micheal slid his arms under her and stood up, lifting her effortlessly. "That sounds like the best idea I've heard all day!" He kissed her again, with more heat this time, now that their positions had changed.

Kae kissed him back just as deeply. She knew he would be careful with her and their child but she also wanted him. Her libido since falling pregnant had grown.

When they came up for air, he barked the commands to the computer to lock the door, turn down the lights in the livingroom and then stated that they were not to be disturbed unless it was an emergency. He then carried Kaleigh into the master bedroom of the family quarters they had been assigned. "Set the mood in here, baby," he whispered to Kaleigh as he started to nibble the side of her neck.

"Computer, lights to 25% illumination." Kae got out as she tugged at his clothes.

As the lights lowered, Micheal gently set Kaleigh down and started to remove her clothes as he told the computer to play some soft, sensual music.

Kaleigh unbuttoned his clothes and stepped clear of hers as he pulled them off of her. She then helped divest him of his clothes. "Hmmm one day, we should just take a day for the two of us." she said softly.

Once he was free of his clothing, Micheal stepped back up to Kaleigh and slid his arms around her. "I like that idea too!" He cooed softly as he smiled. "Like I always say, your are definitely the brains of our operation." He leaned in and started to resume kissing and nibbling on the side of her neck.

She moaned and shifted against him. "Hmm you are just as smart, love."

Hearing her moan and feeling her naked body move against his, Micheal was quickly and fully aroused. Moving them over to the bed, he turned her around and moved her to bend over at the waist.

Smiling Kae let him position her as he wanted. She was warming up beneath his touch.

Once Micheal had Kaleigh in position, he ran his right hand down her back, over her rounded backside and in-between her spread legs. He slowly rubbed her warm and inviting center gently, slipping his middle finger inside. "Mmmmm, someone feels extremely ready for some fun," he growled hungrily.

"For you? Always!" she moaned softly as she waited for him to continue. "Please darling!"

Moving his hand out of the way, Micheal moved a bit closer, then slowly slid his length inside of his wife, enjoying the feeling of her wrapping around him as he slid further inside of her.

Kae whimpered and moaned as she pushed back against him wanting more. She softly begged him to take her as he wanted.

And he did. For the next hour, he did what he wanted. Then, as they lay there, holding each other as they started to both come down from their euphoric highs, he managed to get out through gasps, "I...I enjoyed...that!"

"Always" she said with a sleepy smile as he had worn her out completely.

Micheal smiled happily. This woman was one of the most important things in his life. There was nothing that he wouldn't do for her.

After they disconnected his limbs, husband and wife snuggled in for a good night's sleep.



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