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Bróðir Vegask Bróðir I

Posted on Wed Mar 15th, 2023 @ 6:52am by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov
Edited on on Wed Mar 15th, 2023 @ 6:52am

Mission: In-Between (S1:E4-S1:E5)
Location: Holodeck 1
Timeline: Mission Day 2 at 1830
5088 words - 10.2 OF Standard Post Measure

It had been a couple days since the Vengeance had left behind the sundered nebula and continued on their course home with their newfound power. Andrei and Lyra had both been reveling in it thoroughly and the thirst for more was real. Soon enough, they would be putting into action Andrei's plan for his Kazon disciples and she would be by his side to assist him as always.

But first it was time for a little fun of a different kind.

During the extravagantly planned date that Andrei had given her, Lyra had been surprised to learn that Andrei actually seemed to enjoy the aspect of escapism the holodeck offered from their current situation and craved immersion to accomplish that. Their first outing in this program, it had been hard to judge. Andrei was wounded both physically and mentally so of course he had wanted to do something that would distract from that. Now, though, he was whole again and still that desire remained. After some light questions and discussion, they decided to plan another date though this one decidedly less elegant and much more... their current pace.

Lyra had decided to keep the specifics a surprise this time and had finally settled on one of two options she had. The other she wanted to take more time on and perhaps even give him that particular experience as a birthday gift. Today, though, was for other things.

Lyra was inside of the holodeck, once again in the Viking settlement where Andrei had intruded on her privacy, though this time she was standing in the middle of a group of warriors who were sparring with each other while she observed and corrected. She was wearing a simple dark red tunic with a leather breastplate set over it with matching leather bracers; the pants she was wearing were a dark brown and hugged her legs down into the dirty boots on her feet. It was definitely cold, but she wore no cape to keep her warm this time, it would just get in the way. The area was muddy, wet from cold rain that had likely fallen during the night. Every building had plumes of smoke rising from their chimneys from fires inside to ward off the chill. There was a thick fog resting in the waters of the fjord. Truthfully it all looked rather dismal and grey, but there was a certain energetic excitement to the people moving around doing their daily routines. Something grand was about to happen.

Andrei was scheduled to meet her there when he wrapped up his meetings. Hopefully he was prompt, but sometimes his job didn't allow that and she accepted that particular fact.

"No. Not like that." She corrected one of the warriors and took hold of the spear in his hand. "Hold it like this, here and here. You'll get more power and control that way."

Andrei arrived a few minutes after they had planned as some technical duties had kept him. He was still in the realm of prompt, however. He stepped through the doors of the holodeck and onto the muddy ground in a pale green tunic with black pants and black boots. Over his shoulders was a well-designed cape that would keep out the chill. It moved with the wind as the arch disappeared behind him. He located Lyra standing amongst the warriors on the sparing pitch. He approached, his visible eye zeroed in on her.

"A good morning for some training." he said, his voice gruffer than normal. He was clearly in character with no signs of discomfort or hesitation.

"Better when warriors are on time." Lyra noted and turned to look at him, eyeing him up and down and then turning back to what she was doing. She wasn't really upset with him in the slightest and he would know that, but as he had been in character on entering, so too would she. The breeze picked up to a gust of cold wind and sent her long, luscious hair flying behind her, but she didn't try to tame it.

"This warrior was busy sharpening his blade. She was in need of a good care-taking." he responded in an easy tone. "Can you blame a man for tending to his first love?"

Her attention turned back to him and she looked at him skeptically, one brow lifted. "Well then," she turned to face him fully and held out her hands, "let's see it then and see how good you are at tending to your love, shall we?"

He turned his head to the side, looking her in the eyes with a resolute and unmovable air that was typical of the people in these programs. He'd noticed it before, their toughness. He pulled the sword out of the scabbard slowly at first and then, all at once quickly. It was polished well enough to shimmer back some of the gloomy grey light of the day. He placed it in her hands.

When he sped up the pull, there was only a slight tensing of her jaw in reaction but it immediately relaxed. What was not there, however, was any inkling of fear or concern with what he was doing. Instead there was simply quiet patience as she waited for him to place the sword in her waiting hands. Once he did, she adjusted to take it by the hilt and began to inspect it in silence with a critical eye. He'd taken great care in his work, and it was comparable to her own. Eventually, satisfied, she offered the blade back to Andrei.

"Well enough, though you should be careful. You may end up a lonely man if you focus on polishing your own sword too much." She looked away from him again and back to the few sparring couples that hadn't quite decided a victor yet.

"That sounds like an offer of help." he commented, turning his eyes to the sparring couples as she had and standing directly next to her. He watched their movements and form, his lips parting to say something loudly. "Harder! Watch it, your stance is weak!"

When his words seemed to have little effect on what was happening, Lyra leaned into him a bit. “Perhaps you should go and demonstrate the proper technique for waving one’s sword about, hm?”

It was teasing, though spoken with just a hint of it to not fully break character. He looked good in the period clothing and despite knowing full well what was under that tunic, she found herself wanting to see again.

He grinned subtly with an upward turn of his lips and stepped out before her sentence was finished. He reached up and unclasped the string that held his cloak to his body and tossed the gray fabric onto a nearby cart. His long hair blew in the breeze, but he paid it no attention. Instead, he stepped into the area where the fighting was happening and put his hand on the chest of the man who had been making the mistakes, giving him a light shove out of the way.

"No. If you fight like that in the field, you're going to get yourself killed." he said, and then turned to the other man, pulling out his own sword again. "Watch the placement of my feet. I know you learned this as a child, but all of us need reminding every now and then."

His eyes landed on the man opposite him, inviting him to strike first.

The man facing Andrei was young, probably just aged out of his teen years, but he already looked like a fierce warrior who was just in need of a bit of honing. Lyra meanwhile moved over to the cart and picked up Andrei’s abandoned cloak. She wrapped it around her and immediately gave a sigh as the residual warmth from his body enveloped her and the familiar scent touched her nose. She hopped up into the cart and sat down to watch given Andrei had more or less taken over for the moment.

The young man adjusted his grip, and then swung down from overhead at Andrei. It was obviously just a practice swing to give a bit of a test to what he was dealing with.

Andrei swung his sword fiercely in a counter motion, meanly rejecting the young man’s practice swing with the considerable strength he could muster. The rebuke had been so hard and swift, he almost lost his grip on his sword. Andrei didn’t advance, but instead got in his defensive stance again.

“Hold your damn sword tighter, boy. If you drop it, you’ll be wearing mine through your neck.” He said, and then he eyed the man he had replaced. “You see my feet? I’m ready to move if I need to, swiftly or slowly. Don’t let your opponent choose your pace for you.”

His opponent actually seemed startled at the strength with which Andrei had knocked the blade away from him. He held it tighter and took up a stance, waiting respectfully as Andrei gave his instructions - anything else would have been dishonorable. When Andrei was done, the young man swung again, this time in combination. It was rudimentary knowledge, but he was executing it well enough for a young warrior likely going to one of his first battles. He stepped then, continuing the sequence and moving his feet to do so.

Andrei blocked it again, but this time with more difficulty but, instead of following through, he showed the same weakness the other man had, exposing his right side with his sword nowhere near ready to defend him. He would see if this man caught it this time, having missed it so many times before.

For a moment, it didn't seem like the young man was going to catch it, but just at the end he did and adjusted his grip to take another swing to try and exploit the weakness. His dulled blade came into contact with Andrei's side, but it wasn't hard at all. He pulled back and grinned, seeming pleased with himself and looked at Andrei.

Andrei smiled as well, though more out of excitement than genuine happiness. He turned to the man he replaced and raised his brows in the air.

“What mistake did I make?” He asked, stepping up close to him.

Lyra continued to watch from her perch in the cart. Andrei was a good teacher, but she feared he would be the poorest of students. His pride would get in the way now more so than ever; though perhaps it had evolved to the point where he felt he didn't need to learn anything.

The warrior seemed to consider what he had seen for a moment. "You dropped your guard."

“I dropped my guard, that’s right. You did the same, yes? About seven times. If your opponent had been sharper…” he looked at the man he had just been fighting. “…if he had been reading you the way he should, you would be dead. Do you understand?”

The two men nodded in unison and picked up their weapons again to prepare to square off.

“Then try again.” He said, and then stepped back to observe them, falling in next to Lyra again.

“Sometimes, there’s nothing more entertaining than swinging one’s sword around.”

"Maybe, though I still prefer to handle spears. I'm very good at it, I've been told." Lyra replied, the innuendo obvious. She looked down to Andrei's blade again and then back up to him, her expression curious. "What kind of blade do you favor most? I don't think I've ever asked."

“The saber. Quick; effective; stylish without being gaudy.” He answered, looking at her. “We will have to trade lessons soon. What’s the point in fellow warriors not sharpening each other?”

"Yes, we will." She agreed and looked back out to the dueling men who were doing better after Andrei's instruction. "Any particular style of saber?"

He turned to her, knowing she was aware of his real life affinity for the Russian Shashka, a sword from his homeland. The memory of her running Ivers through with one of them and he smiled.

"Something I acquired from an eastern tradesman. A man who claims he traveled through German lands." he said, placing a hand on the pommel. "It kills quite nicely, and almost satisfies my love of silver...but not quite."

She hummed an acknowledgement and looked down to the saber. Her hand lifted and her fingers danced over his and then down the hilt and scabbard of the blade. “Almost?” She asked with a note of amusement.

"I prefer to take my silver from weak foreigners and their rich lords." he said, watching her play with his hand and the sword. "You should be careful. Playing with a man's sword in public might get people talking."

“Let their lips carry my name all the way to Odin’s ears, then.” She smirked and looked up into his eyes intensely. The moment didn’t last though as a horn sounded from another part of the settlement. She turned her head to look toward the origin of the sound as did the warriors who had been sparring. Immediately they moved to put their weapons and shield back into the racks and began to migrate back into the settlement.

“Time to go, then.” Lyra noted and pulled off his cloak. She settled it back around his shoulders again and gave him the same experience she had earlier with the cloak warm off her body to combat the chill. From the front of the cart she grabbed her own cloak, a dark brown fabric trimmed in thick white fur. She wrapped it around her shoulders and began to walk slowly after the warriors. The rest of the settlement seemed to be converging on the same place too.

Andrei watched her movements as she wrapped the cloak around his shoulders, his eyes finding the front of her tunic and imagining the familiar form underneath. Playing pretend had increased his curiosity about her again, but he followed the crowd all the same, directing his attention to the direction they were all traveling toward.

Lyra didn't look back at him, her attention kept forward toward the large great hall they were approaching - the jarl's abode. The warriors went to the doors before them and they swung open. From inside there was a sudden blast of light, music, heat, the smell of food, and the sound of laughter on top of it all. They walked inside the fine wooden building, the roof tall and the exposed wooden beams and pillars quite finely wrought with decorative nordic designs carved into them. In the middle of the room was a stone fire pit with a carefully controlled fire burning. Long tables and benches were set up all around. Candles sat on the tables to provide more light though the main sources were the hanging braziers from nearly all of the pillars in the room. At the far side of the room from the door was another long table set up for the jarl, his family, and honored guests. It was extremely lively and everyone was having fun in their own ways; dancing, arm wrestling, or even the occasional headbutting contest.

Lyra removed her cloak and tossed it into the pile that was by the door. Obviously she wasn't too worried about it going missing under the circumstances. As a slave walked up, she took two cups of mead from the tray and turned to hand one to Andrei when he was ready for it. "The jarl has called his warriors together to make an announcement. Rumor is we are going to war."

Andrei accepted the drink readily and, having heard what Lyra had told him, nodded his understanding. Whatever it was to be, it would be interesting. He started moving closer to the center of the room, grabbing hold of her hand and wading through the crowd of bodies with her connected to him. He gave some less-than polite shoves to get some of the others out of the way, paying little attention to their reactions until he reached a clearer area near the front. He turned to her and placed his drink to his lips.

"It's about time the Jarl decides on something exciting. We've been sitting still for far too long." he commented, loud enough to be heard over the din of the conversation of others.

No one seemed to react poorly when they were shoved aside, it was simply the nature of the rowdy gathering going on. In fact no one seemed to pay Andrei any mind until he spoke. Not everyone had heard him, but those nearby turned to face him and the jarl himself stood up from the table. He was an older man for the time, likely in his forties and was an impressive man. He was broad, tall, built with the strength of a warrior and had the scars on his face and arms to prove it. His dark brown but graying black hair was down around his shoulders and his long beard was braided and adorned with a gold clasp at the end. He stood, his deep sea blue eyes settling on Andrei for a moment as if he were angry, and then he simply grinned in a jovial way.

"Ah! Little brother, you are far too serious but you are right." He then slammed his golden goblet down on the table a few times to call for attention and sent mead sloshing everywhere. "Hear me! HEAR ME!" He demanded and the room quieted down immediately.

"In two weeks' time, we sail for England. When we arrive, we will join with the armies of Cnut, the rightful king of Denmark and England to crush the Englanders and restore Viking power where it should be in the name of the gods!" He lifted his goblet and there was much cheering, yelling, clapping, and other expressions of ecstatic support for what they had just been told.

"Tonight, we feast, tomorrow, we prepare!" He grinned and then looked down to Andrei directly. "So tonight drink, eat, fight," the men cheered, "fuck your woman well," the women cheered, "and tomorrow we look toward Valhalla!"

Again there were cheers of approval for the jarl and the music picked back up with more fervor than before.

Andrei laughed and cheered with the rest, especially at the “fuck your woman well” part, and when the speech was over, he lifted his glass to the man and took a drink. It was a sign of respect. Whether he felt it or not was irrelevant. When the music picked back up, he turned to Lyra and grabbed her arm.

“You heard my brother, woman. I have a duty to uphold and I’m a man who does his duty with great energy and excitement.” He smiled more cheekily. “So much, in fact, you might not notice my lack of skill..”

Andrei had been practicing self-deprecating humor. He didn’t like it, but he knew others tended to, and he wanted to see if she thought it funny.

Lyra looked at him. That was new. She simply smirked and took a sip of her mead as she stepped closer to him. "Mmm... you and I both know if you lacked the skill you would not be able to call this shieldmaiden your woman." Her tone was light, teasing, but she had not reacted with the typical amusement or outright laughter that most would have.

"Come, let's go talk to your brother Torsten and see if he has any plans for you, hm?" She took his hand but didn't tug on him, waiting to see if he was amenable to doing as she suggested.

He went with her and held her up enough so that they’d be walking together. They stopped directly in front of the Jarl’s table. He stepped forward, his hand still in hers.

“Brother. Thyra likes the first part of your plan, but I’m eager to hear the second.” He said with a smile. “What are your plans, particularly those that involve me?”

Torsten laughed and stood. "Eager as ever, Andvari." He looked to Lyra, his gaze less than chaste, but respectful of the fact that she was his brother's woman. "Though not so eager to further your line still, I see." He pointed almost accusingly to Lyra's flat stomach. "Poor Thyra will have to find a proper man before long, I fear."

The teasing was good natured and Torsten grinned. He extended his arm and gestured to Andrei. "Come, come. Let us talk then." He began to walk toward the end of the table so Andrei could join him and they weren't separated so far.

“That sounds exactly what I told your wife several moons ago about you before she was with child. She grew tired of waiting and we decided to..tip you over the edge.” Andrei retorted with a broad smile. The two of them went to join Torsten wherever it was he was choosing to go with them.

"Ah well maybe I'll have to return the favor then. What do you say, Thyra?" Torsten grinned and looked to Lyra.

Lyra rolled her eyes and shook her head. "I don't particularly feel the need to be saddled with children."

He laughed at that and reached out to slap Andrei on the shoulder. "Ah I'm sure you'll have plenty in time. If you survive long enough. Now come, yes. Let's talk a bit because I know you won't relax until we do." He guided Andrei away from the party and back behind where the main table and chairs were and to the private living quarters of the jarl himself.

“In two weeks we will sail for England to join up with Cnut’s army in Northumbria. It is likely the battle will take place in Essex. When we arrive in England, I would have you gather your best warriors and would present you as a flanking force for the battle to come.”

"A flanking force? Why not the vanguard, brother?" Andrei asked, very much in character. He frowned. "Is that left to you or Cnut himself?"

"Likely myself. You know Cnut rarely takes the field himself - he prefers to strategize." Torsten shook his head and scowled slightly at the notion and then looked back to Andrei. "You are strong and fierce, little brother. Perfect for leading the flank and decimating our enemies while their focus is drawn to the main force."

“Strong enough to lead the vanguard, but never mind. I’ll make a legend of the flank and put the rest of my energy into your first assignment.” He responded, looking at Lyra and winking. He returned his glance to his brother then and raised a brow. “So tell me, is it only gold you’re after, and English women? Or do you mean to carve out something more out there?”

Lyra returned his wink with a smirk of her own but remained silent and let the men talk. Her arm slid loosely around Andrei's middle and her hand rested on his side.

"Hah! English women. I'd rather take their cows and sheep, more valuable and they smell better too." He shook his head. "Gold, jewels, other riches of course, but giving Cnut assistance will also guarantee us the wealth of good land to work and establish our presence on." He paused and looked into Andrei's eye. "I thought perhaps that prospect might interest you, little brother. It could be yours."

“Yes, amongst the cows, and sheep, and smelly English women.” Andrei said with a gleam in his visible eye. “I could be talked into some land and a chance to make my own way.” He turned to Lyra then. “Thyra, how would you like to be the Jarl’s wife? Lord over a bunch of English cows?”

"Better than the women, apparently." Lyra quipped in return and leaned into him, now wrapping her other arm around him. "What Torsten doesn't mention is how many settlements have failed due to the English attacking them and slaughtering all the residents." She pointed out.

"Not something you would much have to worry about as Cnut will be in power." Torsten retorted.

"If Cnut remains in power."

Torsten just looked at Lyra then back to Andrei, grinning. "Sometimes I do envy you, Andvari. She has fire."

“That’s the second time you’ve dreamed about being with my woman today, Thorsten. Do it again, I might start to worry you’ve got some sort of secret design.” Andrei said, wrapping his own arm around her and pulling her close to him. “If Cnut cannot hold power, then he shall have to be replaced by someone who can. To protect our way of life.”

"Then how fortunate it might be to have my fierce, strong little brother there should he fail." Torsten replied pointedly and looked between Andrei and Lyra. "Something to think about, Andvari. Now go, both of you. Enjoy the feast. We will speak more tomorrow."

“Brother.” Andrei said with a slight nod, then he turned with Lyra and headed out to the hall again and to the noise of the gathered citizens. Since Lyra was in his embrace, they paused together next to a slave carrying cups. They each grabbed one. “Do you think that was all bullshit or half bullshit, Thyra?”

"Mostly bullshit." She replied, one arm still around him while she turned her body to look out at the party and sipped her drink. "He doesn't want you in the vanguard because you are stronger, and he's worried that you may try and take his power away here sooner rather than later. The offer of land in England is likely genuine. It could be an interesting prospect, a chance to build what we would want it to be."

“As opposed to taking his land here.” He stated, looking toward his brother as he returned to the table at the dais. His look was curious and bold, but not threatening. “I'm not going to risk a knife in the back with my brother. I know how jealous he is, and how angry he’s always been for my skill in battle. I want to make sure whatever challenges he throws at us, I’m ready for them.”

"You will be. We will be." She assured him and kissed his shoulder. "He does love you, I think, but he can't ignore that you are a threat. The only thing that has stayed his hand thus far is the fact you don't have children or a wife proper and now he has his boy. That solidifies his power but it does not guarantee it."

“Perhaps we need an ocean between us then. Mother wouldn’t have wanted us fighting.” He responded, looking across the crown introspectively. Then, after a few seconds, he perked up and looked at her again. “But, for now, my brother is Jarl, and his orders matter. You know the way to my house, do you not?”

Lyra laughed at that, shaking her head and finishing her drink. “I do at that. Though there were several orders given… you seem to be focusing on one.” She grinned at him again and kissed his shoulder. She was quite obviously teasing him, but by the way her hand moved up to start rubbing his back showed her inclination to what rule to follow as well.

"The others can wait." he said with an unapologetic flare, starting toward the door. "Then, after I've satisfied you completely, we will poach the best men for our flanking force and show my dear brother what true warfare looks like."

There was only a brief pause by the door so that Lyra could grab her cloak and then she led the way out of the great hall. Andvari’s home was not far; it was a larger home for the time, noting his status as the jarl’s brother. When they walked in, they were immediately greeted with respect by his few slaves. It was, for all purposes, a well appointed home that was neat, tidy, and well crafted. A black bearskin sat in front of the fire with a few chairs around it, there was a table for eating and a kitchen area where his slaves would prepare his food; connected to it was another door that was likely for a storage space. Lyra continued walking, brushing the dark green fabric curtain that separated the rest of the house from the common area. There were three doors, one that was shut and undoubtedly led to a bathroom of some sort, one door was partially open but the room was empty outside of some boxes and barrels, and the other was where Lyra was heading.

She pushed open the door to a comparatively grand bedroom. The frame of the bed was carved with a depiction of a bear and many runes surrounded it. Another small fire kept the room well warmed. Around the room were beautiful pieces of silver looted from raids and taken from their lessers and put on display for his pleasure. They were fine ornaments, mostly jewelry or goblets or the like, but there was one longsword on display that was clearly some sort of ceremonial blade given it was inlaid with jewels of all sorts.

Lyra had removed the few pieces of armor she was wearing and set them aside, leaving her in just the pants and tunic she had been wearing. She turned to Andrei and looked at him to see what he thought.

Andrei removed his cloak and tunic right away, letting them fall to the floor. He picked off his boots as well and stood only in his pants before her. He looked at her hungrily and smiled. He approached her and grabbed the woman warrior in his arms. His brother was right about one thing: she had fire. He intended to stoke that fire, so his first move was aggressive. He picked her up and lifted her onto the tall bed, covered in a black bear fur. It was warm, which was good, because the coolness of the season wasn't perfectly warded off by the walls and the fire. He kissed her passionately, His hands working to remove her boots from her feet.



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