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Dinner and Dessert Pt 2

Posted on Sat May 13th, 2023 @ 10:21pm by Lieutenant JG Taina M'Tras

Mission: In-Between (S1:E4-S1:E5)
Location: ISS Vengeance, Holodeck 3
Timeline: Mission Day 1 at 1900
1225 words - 2.5 OF Standard Post Measure

After they finished eating their dinner, and were enjoying their dessert of angel food cake with sliced strawberries and whipped cream, Samuel asked, "Where do you see your career going, sweetheart? Where would you like to be in...ten years?'

"The Alpha Quadrant," Taina said, rather to the point, "although that might be a forlorn hope."

Samuel grinned and nodded. "I would say that that is a given by everyone on this ship. However, more specifically, what do you hope you are doing in ten years, my love?"

"Maybe still be in the fleet," she answered. "And we'd be married?"

The smile on Samuel's face grew even brighter. "That sounds perfect to me! So long as we are together, the rest isn't important." The look of love and adoration that he was giving Taina was honest and powerful.

"I's a little important," she said, trying to imagine it now. "My career won't be what I thought. I never would have become an officer if it weren't for our...unique...situation out here."

He thought about it briefly, then nodded in agreement. "You're right. Hells, maybe you stay in long enough to become an Admiral in engineering. Or would you want your own ship?"

"I don't know," she said. "I wonder what's happening back home."

Samuel picked up his glass and took a drink before replying. "I wouldn't be surprised if we've just been listed as missing. Of course, there probably isn't much evidence for the search parties to go on. We were yanked here by a being that no one back home even knows existed, let alone where we were sent to." He sighed softly. "If we don't return soon, they might change our status to simply lost and presumed dead."

"They might," she agreed. "I'm sorry. Your family must be..." She didn't finish the thought, but she did reach for his hand. "They must be afraid for you."

Interlocking his fingers with hers, Samuel brought Taina's hand up to his lips and gently kissed her knuckles. "I try not to think about it. I focus more on how happy they will be when I introduce their future daughter-in-law to them." He smiled softly as his eyes met hers over the candlelight.

Taina smiled at him but then she paused. She glanced to the side. "Will they be?"

"My love," he said as he stood up, still holding her hand, and pulled Taina up out of her chair and into his loving embrace. "Of course they will! When they see how happy and completely in love we are with each other!" He gently nuzzled the side of her face.

"I hope so," Taina said. She didn't want to cast doubt on him or his family. He had told her how they were different about some things. But being kind to former slaves and wanting one to marry their son were very different things. Especially one who couldn't remotely pass for human.

Samuel could see that Taina wasn't really convinced. Leaning back so he could look into her eyes, he gently lifted her chin so she would look back at him. "Taina, at the end of the day, regardless of what anyone else in creation thinks. You are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. Your happiness is more important to me than the acceptance of others. I love you."

Taina paused for a moment, her brow furrowing. Then she leaned forward and kissed him. Gently at first, then more fiercely. When she finally pulled back, she smiled. "I love you too. I just don't want to mess anything up for you."

After catching his breath from the powerful kiss, Samuel grinned at Taina. "So long as we are together, nothing will get messed up." He pulled her back in for a loving embrace, holding Taina against his chest.

"Ok," she says softly, wrapping her arms around him tightly.

For several moments, the pair simply held on to one another, as if nothing else existed. Finally, Samuel whispered, "Let's get married now! Who knows what tomorrow will bring. I don't want to waste another moment starting our family, my love."

He slowly released his hold on Taina, then took her left hand and knelt before her. "Taina M'Tras, the time we have spent together has convinced me that I don't want to be with anyone else. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

"Yes," she answered simply and without hesitation.

The smile that burst across Samuel's face was beyond brilliant. He quickly got back up to his feet and wrapped Taina in a huge hug, lifting her up off her feet and spinning her a bit, before putting her back down. He kissed her deeply and happily.

She hugged him back tight. She kissed him passionately and deeply as he spun her around. She was grinning when he finally set her down. "When shall we do it?"

Gently placing his forehead against hers, Samuel replied breathlessly. "We could either go find the Captain now, or enjoy the rest of our evening and go ask him first thing in the morning?"

"Let's take the time to do it right," Taina said. "I'm not going anywhere. You and I are officially engaged."

As far as he could remember, Samuel had never smiled so much before in his life. He nodded happily. "Yes..yes, of course you're right, sweetheart. I want this experience to be as perfect for both of us as it can be." He kissed Taina again, then held her close as he added, "How would you like the wedding to go? In what tradition, I mean."

"Is there a particular tradition your family adheres to?" Taina asked as she leaned into him, her body warm and soft.

Chuckling softly, Samuel held Taina against him. "Nothing special really, normal stuff I guess. A bride, a groom, an officiate to perform the ceremony. Then a party afterwards."

"Then let's do that," Taina agreed. "The classics."

Samuel nodded as he continued to smile. "The classics it shall be then. So, we need to go over some details, like the setting of the ceremony, same with the party. Guest list also, as well as menu options." He took a breath, then continued. "And you need to pick a dress." He winked at her as he finished speaking.

"We don't need to go over the details right now, Samuel," she said gently. "You just asked me seconds ago. Take a moment to bask."

Smiling bashfully, Samuel's cheeks turned red. "Sorry my love. I got a bit excited there." He chuckled softly as he spoke.

She laughed and kissed him. "It's what I love about you. But take me home, Samuel?"

His eyes lit up at her request. "Of course! Just one sec..." he moved over to the holodeck interface and instructed the computer to refund the rest of their requested time back into their accounts. Once that was done, he turned back to Taina and offered her his left elbow. "Shall we?"

She rested her hand in the crook of his elbow and smiled. "We shall, my love. We shall."

Smiling brightly at his new fiancé, Samuel led Taina out of the holodeck and back to her quarters, to enjoy the rest of their evening.



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