
Slake the Thirst

Posted on Tue Aug 1st, 2023 @ 7:34pm by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Cerron & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov

Mission: S1 Episode 5: Ex Post Facto
Location: Lovarr
Timeline: Date 2371-08-23 at 1745
2113 words - 4.2 OF Standard Post Measure


The Shadow Fleet sat in orbit above Banea. The smoldering lines of the destructive phaser fire still burned bright enough to be seen with the naked eye, and Lyra took great pleasure in dwelling on the suffering below her. Had it been solely up to her the universe would have had two new large black holes to put on the star charts though not before the planets had been painted in blood. It hadn’t been though, and while Ivan had allowed her to destroy the Numiri and she had watched the Banean population be decimated, it wasn’t enough. She wanted to hear the screams, feel the blood flowing over her hands, and watch the light go out in the eyes of the wretched creatures who dared touch her.

She would make them suffer what she had suffered a hundred times over until she felt better.

To spare the delicate sensibilities of the majority of the Vengeance crew, she once again stood on the deck of the Lovarr. She was in one of the large cargo bays that was currently empty of goods. In front of her, Dhas, three other Numiri, and two Baneans were bound on their knees on the floor. They were naked, and the fear shone in their eyes. Behind her stood eight of the ten Kazon century she and Andrei had created together - the other two awaited Andrei at the beam in point on the ship. Among those Kazon was the Banean doctor Feras Nals who looked absolutely terrified.

Andrei’s shift had ended and she had sent word inviting him to meet her on the Lovarr. When he had accepted, she was beyond delighted by the prospect of engaging in this play with him at her side. She was antsy and practically squirming with anticipation, but she was waiting as patiently as she could bear.

It was an offer Andrei couldn’t refuse. Once his shift was done, he went to his quarters to change quickly into an all black outfit with a black button up before making his way to the transporter pad. When he beamed in, he was greeted by his escort of Kazon Shadow Legionnaires. They knelt in his presence and we’re totally motionless. He passed them without acknowledging and they quickly caught up with him. After a few moments, he strode confidently into the cargo bay, his patch scanning the space even as he found Lyra with his eye. It smelled of fear in there.

In an absolute contrast to the unfortunate aliens who had been selected, when Lyra saw Andrei enter she looked practically joyful. She didn’t go to him, but when he came up to her she greeted him by turning into him and placing a hand on his hip. “Hello, darling.”

In front of these slaves especially, they could be themselves. The Kazon didn’t care anymore about anything they saw, and the others weren’t going to last very long. “I’m glad you could join me.”

“This is just the sort of thing you need, and I feel the same way.” He said, leaning in and kissing her. He looked at Dhas in particular. “A sweet lesson before death…or a new century in the legion?”

“I was thinking perhaps a new century.” Lyra replied, standing close to Andrei with one hand on his chest as they both looked to the cowed Numiri. “The once proud leader of the Numiri people bound in service to the Empire.” She looked back at Andrei and moved her hand from his chest to his cheek to coax him to look down at her. “To us.”

“I think that’s a wonderful idea.” Andrei responded. Though we might need to study Numiri anatomy.” He commented, making sure the men could hear him. “Castration is different for some species, after all.”

Lyra grinned a sadistic expression. “What do you think I’ve been doing since I left the bridge, darling?”

She turned from him then and took a step forward, now looking at the unfortunate souls before them. “I thought perhaps you might like to learn something new today. The Lovarr is desperately in need of new decoration. Kazon was so last season.” She waved a hand dramatically as if she were talking about the latest in fashion, her eyes sparkled with wicked delight. “Numiri and Banean are much more stylish now.”

With a smile, she looked over her shoulder to Andrei again. “Or, I can finally introduce you to Sekhmet.”

“Oh, I’ve been dying to meet Sekhmet.” Andrei said, stepping up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist.

The physical contact made her smile and while she wasn’t necessarily tense, he could feel her relax as his chest pressed against her back. “Good.”

With a motion of her hand, one of the Kazon slaves hurriedly moved forward holding a long, sturdy looking pole. It didn’t necessarily look like it was anything spectacular. In fact it was a rather nondescript shaft of grey, but as the Kazon moved closer with it the dark gunmetal sheen with flecks of bright silver gave interest and immediately made it identifiable as a tritanium weapon; much more valuable than the more typical duranium. A second Kazon behind the first was carrying a very plain black box himself.

“Sekhmet is not one to be used without purpose. She’s not the one you grab for a quick, fun time.” Lyra moved to the Kazon with the box and opened it while she spoke. “But what she makes is beautiful.”

From the box she pulled a pair of black gloves which she slid onto her hands, then followed that by picking up a long silver cylinder. She took the shaft of the spear from the Kazon, twisted it, and revealed an opening which she slid the cylinder into.

“Pick one of those for me, won’t you, darling?” She asked and waved toward their waiting victims.

Andrei turned and set his eyes on the Numiri and Baneans cowering on the ground. He stood still and silent as he considered them before pointing toward the strongest, tallest Numiri man.

“Him.” He said coldly. Two Kazon guards walked over to the designated victim and demonstrated their strength by lifting him to his feet and bringing him over by force.

“A wonderful choice.” She all but purred. “Take him over there.” She pointed to the far wall away from them and as the Kazon complied, she twisted the shaft of the spear and then suddenly it sprang to life. Golden bands began to glow at the ends of the spear shaft and several more in the middle; small bands around the tips of her fingers and a circle in her palm also began to glow the same color. It was however the low hum now coming from the shaft that was the most unusual thing.

“Good. Now return to your places.” Reaching back into the box, she finally withdrew a very thin spear tip that was barely thicker than the handle it was being attached to. “Darling, if you don’t want to get dirty you may want to stand well back.”

Furrowing his brows slightly as he tried to figure out what Lyra was up to, Andrei took several steps back until he was standing right next to her.

The Numiri stood where he had been placed for just a moment, but panic set in and despite having nowhere to go, he started to run. Lyra simply gave a sigh, hoisted the spear up and launched it with ease from her hand. It flew at an unnatural pace and as it soared through the air, that humming sound became a low roar. It struck the man with such force he fell back against the wall and he gave a grunt of surprise as he was struck in the middle. Lyra moved her fingers then, each individual one coming down in a wave to her palm starting with her little finger, and suddenly the spear let out a high pitched whine. The shaft abruptly broke away and with another gesture of her middle and forefinger, it flew back to Lyra’s hand. The Numiri suddenly began to scream and claw at his middle and then they watched as his body began to distort and swell, the screams getting louder and louder as he ballooned out. Then suddenly he popped, not unlike an overfilled water balloon. The sound was sickening, the explosion had been forceful; gore and black Numiri blood started to rain down all over them.

Lyra started to laugh gleefully and ran her free hand over the spear. “That’s my girl.”

Andrei shared her joy as well, his face dotted with the remains of the Numiri man, he spread his hands and began to laugh along with her. Laughter over evil; it was terrifying.

“Well, I must be honest. I wasn’t expecting that.” He said, clapping his hands together and causing the remains of the Numiri which were speckled there to pop and leap all over. “Where did you get that?”

“A gift from a mentor.” Lyra replied easily and smiled. “She would be much too fussy to take into a battle, but Sekhmet is very good at instilling terror. She’s my favorite spear.” Pausing, she grinned and corrected herself, “Second favorite.”

Andrei took her meaning, extending his arm and touching hers before looking to the crowd of slaves.

“Help Dhas to his feet and bring him to me.” He said, his light baritone ringing more sinister than usual. Two Kazon legionaries walked immediately toward the front line of slaves and carried out the order, brining the leader of the slaughtered Numiri people directly in front of him and Lyra. “Cerron got his role as Centurian after his betrayal of me. I vowed that he would pay dearly and would serve for the rest of his miserable life. He doubted me. He doubted us. You’re very sorry for that, aren’t you, Cerron?”

From his place, Cerron gave the affirmative sound that the Kazon soldiers had been trained to give. While they could speak awkwardly without their tongues, the sounds were good enough.

“Dhas, we will make you a leader of men, or Numiri anyway. And when you give up your last shred of will, when you’re totally broken, you will serve like him.”

Dhas struggled against the two Kazon holding him, glaring up at Andrei defiantly, but he also seemed to know he was powerless.

“Oh, darling.” Lyra chimed in, her hand finding Andrei’s arm. “I was thinking perhaps of turning the little bird over there into a physician for our centuries. He’s familiar with the Numiri, and the Kazon simply aren’t that complex to learn. What do you think?”

Andrei considered the question for only a split second before responding.

“Let’s do that. It will help us keep things close.” He said, somewhat cryptically before pointing to Dhas. “And how would you like to deal with this one? He’ll take more breaking than the Doctor.”

“Mmm?” Lyra almost lazily turned her attention toward Dhas who was also speckled with the remains of the other Numiri man then she looked to the Kazon holding Feras. “Bring him here.”

They complied immediately of course, and the already near hyperventilating man was carried with ease over to stand next to Dhas. Despite the two races having been at war for so long, the two men looked at each other in a moment of shared pain, the result of the poorest of choices made. Lyra noticed and smirked. “See? Peace between your peoples as promised.”

She let that sit there a moment and then finally answered Andrei. “They’ll watch every moment of what I am going to do to the rest of them, and if they try to look away or close their eyes, I will have their heads held and cut out their eyelids so they cannot.”

For just a moment, that dark mirth faded and she regarded the aliens with pure hatred and thirst for vengeance. Then even that softened and she looked at Andrei with a smile. “I think perhaps it’s time we practice your throwing technique, darling. You can’t wear the gloves, you’d break them, but that doesn’t mean you can’t throw her.”

Andrei grinned wickedly. Swordplay or spears, the two of them had many ways to kill and they did so enjoy doing it. He reached for Sekhmet and held her in his hands, observing the fine craftsmanship.

“Excellent idea.”



