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S Dnem ​​Rozhdeniya I

Posted on Tue Sep 26th, 2023 @ 11:15pm by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lottie & Captain Ivan Petrov & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Lieutenant Commander Yana Petrova & Ensign Mika Petrova & Ren
Edited on on Tue Sep 26th, 2023 @ 11:17pm

Mission: In-Between (S1:E5-S1:E6)
Location: Crew Quarters
Timeline: Date 2371-08-30 at 0600
3363 words - 6.7 OF Standard Post Measure

It was early morning when Lyra woke, 0600 exactly. She lay there for just a moment, letting wakefulness come to her and carefully reached to her water to take a few silent sips. Today was Andrei’s birthday and she had planned the day to be as full as it could so that he might not feel disappointed that he was not back on Terra where he would have one of his grand parties. It was a tall order and despite having recovered quite well from her ordeal with the Numiri, she felt a nervousness that was hard to immediately tame. Another sip of water and then she very carefully turned herself to look down at Andrei; she studied his face in the pale light of Banea and listened to the sound of his deep, rhythmic breathing. It wasn’t something she often did, but now and then she would take just a brief moment to watch him; when he was asleep, he was relaxed and that severity he carried himself with nearly all the time was gone. He simply looked peaceful.

But it was time to wake up.

She moved then using skill and grace to not disturb her lover as he slept on by her side. She slid under the blanket and very, very slowly shifted his legs apart enough that she could settle her body down between them. Now, Lyra wasn’t foolish, one didn’t just spring a man like Andrei awake with what she was planning to do - that was a recipe for everyone to get hurt and completely ruin the day. She began to touch and caress him with her hands; she made sure not to tickle him and alarm his senses, but worked him to wakefulness slowly. Once his breathing had changed and his body had made small shifts that signaled him coming around, her hands moved up his chest to tease his nipples. The result she was after was near instant and once she had it her hands slid down his chest and abdomen to the waistband of his boxers which she pulled down. He sprang free, hitting her in the cheek and she couldn’t help but grin. So eager even when he was still more than half asleep. She wasted no time in obliging him with her lips, tongue, mouth, and hands to give him the most pleasurable of wake ups for his birthday.

Andrei was in that middle point between wakefulness and sleep when dreams came to one half-real. He had always loved the twilight of sleep and the feeling of unreality it brought. To dream, but still to know where you were and with whom. When Lyra crested space between his legs, he knew what it meant and rejoiced silently. As her hands found his nipples, he was activated and felt her hands around his member, working him slowly. He moaned generously as she served him, allowing his eyes to flutter open as he played in her hair with his hands. As so often happened in the twilight moments, it didn’t take him long to come to his climactic end, and he tended and released at her direction.

As was her way, she stayed where she was as he rode out the wave of euphoria and continued to gently stimulate him through it, but never too much where it became unpleasant. Once he was done, she shifted under the blanket and began to trail kisses up his body; she started at his thighs first and worked her way up his abdomen and chest. Finally, she slid out from beneath the blanket and finished her line of kisses on his shoulder and neck. Her chest was pressed to his and his manhood was now settled between her welcoming thighs; only the soft silky red fabric of her camisole and black panties separated them. She lifted her head and smiled at him while allowing her fingers to run through his hair.

“S dnem ​​rozhdeniya, dorogoy.” Her voice was quiet, alluring, but she pressed nor hinted for anything more.

“So far it is.” He said in a relaxed voice that held a semblance of the moans it had just been making. She had caught him before his self-control was fully active and he had been more vocal than normal. He leaned over and placed a hand on her bottom, squeezing generously. “I’ll have to keep ‘glorious wake-up greetings’ in mind for your birthday, I think.”

“Mmm… I wouldn’t object.” She chuckled and kissed his forehead while playing with a lock of his dark hair. Leaning down, she whispered softly into his ear like she was telling him a secret to keep from everyone else despite the fact they were quite alone in the room.

“I love listening to you moan for me.” Again, her voice was intimate, husky with desire. Her weight became more present against his body and he could plainly feel the heat between her legs. Still, she didn’t press and continued to simply groom him affectionately. They had time before they had to leave for breakfast, she didn’t want to rush things.

He noticed the warmth there and knew exactly what she wanted. What’s more, he was confident he could give it to her perfectly, but he made no move to do so. Instead, he leaned in and kissed the nape of her neck gently. Then, with silver kisses, he moved up to nibble on her ear.

“You’re the only woman I want.” he said in a growl which was both confident and barely audible. From him, this was a statement which would be universally believed to be impossible.

Perhaps he was really being honest, but regardless in the moment Lyra allowed herself to believe it. Her eyes closed most of the way at his kiss and the feeling of his hands on her body. Then, she smiled, nipping the sensitive skin under his ear sharply enough to inflict pain, but not enough to kill the mood.

“Then take me.” She challenged.

“I don’t know, Lovely Lyra. I’m considering making you wait.” he said again, fighting her for access to her neck again. This time he kissed down to her collarbone and worked his way, slowly, to the top of her right breast. “Maybe it's a power play. Or maybe I just love how ready you are when you’ve been waiting for me all day long.”

“Mm… maybe.” Lyra replied but as she did so, she shifted her body down on him so she was out of direct reach of his questing lips. This also put his manhood flush up against her covered sex and she smirked as she began to move her hips just the tiniest amount to stimulate him there. “It is your birthday, darling. We will do whatever you like. I’m not the one who has to go to his parents’ and do an entire shift being rock hard, after all.”

“Let’s just say it wouldn’t be the first time.” he said with a broad smile as he leaned forward again, more aggressively, and continued kissing her breast, exploring only the skin around the nipple and not doing anything too intense. He ignored the fact he was pressed up against her sex, though his manhood did not as insatiable Andrei started to harden again, slowly.

“Oh I know.” Lyra smirked and brought a hand up to grab him by the jaw and tilt his head away, denying him, fighting him. She rolled her hips more pointedly then, looking down at his face. “One of my favorite states to see you off in.”

“It is a bit distracting for the Bridge crew. Especially the enlisted. Honestly, I don’t know where to hide it.” he said in a playful tone as he shifted and rolled on top of her, falling between her legs and proceeding to kiss her as he had been doing before. This time, he nudged her top down slightly and danced his tongue over her nipple gently and his hand found her wrist. The fabric of her clothing was the only thing holding him back from her physically, the intimacy of his kisses and the way he slid his nails down her arm, leaving tracks but not wounds, said everything. “I thought you were the jealous type.”

“Insanely.” She replied simply as if this were not any sort of big deal and then she grinned. “Though I know you also see right after they look at you, they look at me, and then they look away.”

Without warning, her hand found his manhood and she gripped him tightly. They were always so measured with each other, never hurting more than the other loved. “They know what’s mine.”

“I could say the same about your admirers.” he said, kissing up to her jaw now as she gripped him, his hand traveling between her thighs and finding her warmth through her clothing. He rubbed there slowly, but with energy, knowing what she liked. “Those men you have who pray daily for my death. They look away too.”

“You’d come back and slaughter them all, darling.” Lyra purred. As he touched her, her powerful thighs closed around his hand to restrict his movement while her hand on him began to tease and stroke him. Her free hand moved up his chest and neck, then she grabbed him under his jaw again with her nails pricking his skin.

“Just think though, at least one of them got to watch exactly what you do to me when you fuck me just how I like it.”

“I was a bit focused, but, if I remember correctly, Jasper had a hard time looking away.” he said, using his weight to force her legs back open again, fighting and only forcing as much as wouldn’t cause much pain. He worked his hand there again even as he was fully erect again in hers. He grunted like a wild man, but said nothing more. “It is a beautiful sight. I don’t blame him.”

“I wasn’t even counting Jasper. I was thinking about your favorite doctor.” She grinned wickedly but let out a breath at the same time that held something between a laugh and a pleasured sound as his hand began the attack again.

“Jasper just likes to catch us on purpose.”

“Doctor Brasken is jealous, I think.” Andrei said as he started to move his fingers up to her panty line. “He’s disrespectful of me. I’m currently playing nice, because I don’t think it’s a good idea to space him.”

“Is he?” Lyra asked and ran her nails down Andrei’s neck and shoulder, grabbing hold of his arm. Brasken was likely jealous, yes, but Andrei was too; and possessive. Like he seemed to with her own jealousy though, she found it endearing in a twisted way.

“He likes to show he’s not afraid of me.” he said, nipping at her fingers as she reached for him. “Which means he likes to show he’s a fool.”

“Mmm… that is unfortunate for him.” Lyra teased her fingertips along his lips while her hand began to more pointedly work him, her thumb swirling around his crown to bring his focus back to much more pressing matters and to drive home the point she shifted her legs to wrap them around his hips. They had time, but not all the time in the world.

“I should probably get up before I shred those underwear of yours to ribbons.” he commented, his hand moving to her side and starting to move quickly in a tikling motion. “Or I could just do this!”

“Hey!” She protested in surprise, her legs instantly releasing him as did her hand around his manhood. Squirming, she managed to shift herself enough that she could push him back and away from her and make a break for it to get off the bed.

“Fine, fine. The birthday boy doesn’t want to fuck me.” She gave a mock long suffering sigh and started to get up out of the bed, her backside moving in a tantalizing way underneath her panties.

He watched her, half mesmerized by the sight. He honestly couldn’t believe he was putting her off until later, but he felt like, for the first time in his adult life, he was becoming capable of something like that. Not just manipulation, but actual control over some of his most enslaving impulses. With the insane horniness the rejection brought, he also felt a small swell of pride. Standing, his tent extending in front of him, he turned and walked the opposite direction. He stripped off the rest of his clothing and started looking for a fresh replacement, doing everything he could to keep his eyes off of Lyra.

If she had said she wasn’t frustrated, she would have been lying. Lyra had hoped for a nice, relaxing morning for both of them, not just Andrei. Historically selfishness wasn’t his thing when it came to sex and pleasure and she wondered why it was now. He shut her down and gave no indication he had been playing around so she didn’t press for more, moving past him into the bathroom so that she could take a shower. Maybe it was just because it was his birthday and he wanted all the power and control. She’d deal with it. Turning on the water, she gave the settings a moment to come online and then stepped inside the stall.

Andrei had wanted a shower as well, but he wasn’t so sure he could maintain his self control when he was there with her. He entered the bathroom, however, and decided to busy himself by brushing his teeth and waiting for her to finish. He wasn’t shy about stealing glances at her foggy image through the glass, and leaned against the counter watching her. Gods, she was beautiful. All day was a long time to wait, and seemed to him to be getting longer by the second.

The door to the shower opened suddenly and he stepped under the water with her. As the door closed, he pressed himself against her back and kissed her neck.

“On second thought…” he said, as his hands moved down between her legs. There was no clothing to get in his way now.

Lyra didn’t turn to him when he entered. She was already hot and bothered enough and she didn’t want to make it worse in case he was toying with her. She didn’t reject him, and leaned her head back to his shoulder at the touch of his kiss on her neck, but she was certainly more passive than she had been in the bed. Her hands roamed over her own body, the smell of her soaps filling the small space and making it smell distinctly and strongly like her.

Andrei slipped a finger inside her, indicating to her that he was ready to take the next step in their morning’s intimacy. He felt her melt against him and listened to the rhythm of her breathing change. His other hand moved over her body, touching her wet skin and exploring other sensitive areas one at a time. He was well studied in the art, but in particular, he knew her body.

Even still she hadn’t responded for a moment, but when it became clear he wasn’t just going to torment her, she relaxed against him. Still facing away, she adjusted her legs to give him easier access to his prize. Her hand came up to the opposite cheek of where her head was still against his shoulder. She touched him there, turning his head toward her so she could kiss and nip at his jaw. He could feel her breath on his skin and her soft lips moving there when she gave her soft, pleased moans at his attention. They played each other like the instruments they so enjoyed - but they enjoyed each other more.

He responded to her motions, kissing her passionately and with increasing sexual energy as he brought her to a climax with his simple motions. When she was done, he kissed her deeply again, helping her to turn around and wrapping his muscular arms around her. Lifting her, he pressed her against the glass of the door and entered her slowly; teasingly, and began to move inside her in shallow practiced strokes.

“Water, glass, and the two of us.” he said in a moaning voice as he enjoyed every sensation involved in being near her. It reminded him of the rainy night when the Baneans had walked in on them making love passionately, impressively, on the rainy balcony of their hotel room.

Lyra’s strong legs wrapped around his hips again while one hand found his hair and the other reached up to grab the top of the shower stall to give her more stability so Andrei could focus more of his energy and attention on his movements rather than anything else. Her lips found his in a passionate kiss, and she surrendered to the moment with him; the confusion and frustration melted away.

They remained entwined just like that, playing out that little fantasy they had started on Banea before being so rudely interrupted. The water was also mercifully warmer and it provided a much more pleasant experience. What had started as slow and shallow ended in an intensity that was testing the durability of the glass door of the shower. When they ended, her arms were wrapped tightly around his shoulders and she was clinging to him for want of something solid. Her kisses against his neck were soft and punctuated with light nips of approval; they remained like that until he slid out of her and then proceeded to actually wash up and get dressed.

They didn’t want to be late to Yana’s breakfast after all.

Yana pulled out all the stops for birthdays, and the entire family knew it. She used to specialize in making the day very special for her children, but now that they were older, she had been relegated to the morning. She understood that adults had other priorities and relationships to consider, but she still missed having the entire day.

She’d asked Mila to come over early in the morning in order to get everything prepared according to a schedule that would allow it to still be hot by the time it made it to the table. The meal was varied and cooked to taste in even the smallest details. She made use of her resources and cooked with replicated foods rather than just having the machine make the whole thing. The breakfast would be for fewer people than might otherwise be the case as Kassandra apparently had a large influx of work to complete. With her gone, Johnathan stayed away as well.

“Get that sausage, Mika. Don’t overcook it.” Yana said, snapping her finger toward a skillet.

Lyra walked by Andrei’s side toward the Petrov’s quarters. In her arms she was carrying a smallish rectangular box that only had a few inches of depth and Andrei had immediately found that said box seemed to be rather impervious to scans from his eyepatch or even rudimentary heat signatures from his eye. It would be a surprise and she made sure of it. She was wearing a simple sleeveless a-line dress. The v-neck was low but only shadow hinted at her cleavage; the high waist cinched in and accentuated those fine Brazilian hips. It was a pale blush pink color and the delicate guipure lace accents at the waist and neckline provided a contrast to the large chevron pattern of the light fabric. It was very feminine, modest, and appropriate for the occasion. Still being on restricted duty allowed her to not be in uniform in the morning given she still wasn’t on her bridge shift, but she would do some work later.



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